Review: The Marine's Wife

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I'm going to start this review off with the simple truth. The story that you've just read is mostly true and to a large extent is my story. I believe that I have a right to tell my story in whatever fashion I choose. As I will mention several times through out this review. Thank you to everybody who read this or any of my works. Thank you to anybody who left comments that I couldn't reply to because you didn't leave a name. Thank you to everybody who votes and to everybody who sends anonymous or not anonymous feedback. Thank you all!

This story was written primarily as a way for me to deal with all of the feelings that I had about the situation. For me to deal with my own life and meant to be judged by others purely on its ability to convey a story, emotions, situations. With that said I will explain each of the major characters and what I meant for them to represent.

I understand that there is a crowd of fanatics on this site who completely abhor anything having to do with extramarital sex. It has become something of a joke amongst the authors that this genre will get a lot of negative feedback. I think we as authors should be proud of that. Stop telling your fans that they shouldn't read things they find disgusting. The fact is that you have them and they can't turn away. I had a comment on this very story about somebody who was so disgusted with my story that they went and read all the rest of my work. I need to disgust more people. My only wish is that more people who leave emails so that I can respond, I appreciate everybody who take the time to write me so I hate not being able to show my appreciation.

Trina. She is meant to represent every woman in the world. That isn't to say you are all whores or would all cheat. Trina, especially at the beginning of the story is meant to represent the way (I imagine) all women feel when they have to deal with long periods of absence of their lovers. She is lonely, she is frustrated, she is in need of attention. How she chooses to deal with this feelings is wrong. It's wrong because she hurt somebody and it's wrong because she felt it was wrong.

In my personal opinion it is really unfair to expect these ladies to remain faithful while we are away. Most of them do but that doesn't make it a fair request to put upon them. The most mature military men I know separated from their significant others when they went overseas. Not to end the relationship but so that she was free to do as she pleased while he was away with no consequences. As bad as it is for men who go over seas we often forget about the women who are overseas and have the same problem only worse. I don't view Trina's actions as evil. They are wrong but I don't meant for her to come across as an inhuman beast.

Kevin. He was meant to represent every man. He is seen as being blameless throughout the story mostly because he isn't in the story. It isn't about him and that was the way that it was meant to be. His actions good, bad or indifferent aren't seen and for good reason. Cheating isn't about what the other person is doing, its about what you are doing. If you're lover is having an affair that doesn't make it ok for you to do it. It makes them a piece of shit, if both of you are scum then maybe you are made for each other. It doesn't make you better people. This doesn't apply to swingers as honesty means it isn't cheating.

Jeremy. Another universal character meant to be anybody. How many of you would pass up a lovely lady? He doesn't know she's married, I keep that quite clear that he is unaware of what he's doing. There isn't much to blame him for. He wasn't meant to be a fully rounded character, he was just supposed to represent what Trina was doing.

Trey. In a lot of ways was my concession to the normal cuckold stories. They always have the white wife with the black man. I've never been really sure what the lure of this pairing was but it is the way things are done around here. He was also supposed to be Karma. He was the first of a line of bad things that happen to Trina because of her poor decisions in her life. He mistreats and abuses her and was supposed to make the reader feel a bit of Trina's pain and pity her. He is also a "friend" of Kevin's so he's put there as a betrayer. He gets his in the end as all truly bad people do.

The story itself was supposed convey my individual feelings and as a result I'm incapable of apologizing for the way I made many of you feel. To me it means that I did something well because art should be disturbing. I have accomplished the goal of any writer to get a strong emotional response from the reader and I'm not sorry. The fact that I got so much feedback, negative or otherwise is proof that I had your full attention. What more can I ask for?

So thank you to everybody who took the time to write me a response from the people who wish me death to the people who enjoyed it to the very end. Thank you for reading my story and for all the feelings you had connected to it. Please email me and post your individual feelings about this series as they are what drive me to improve as a writer.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

You're a great writer. Let no self-respecting men(in your words, Fanatics) make you think otherwise. However, you could've done a few more things to make this story even better. These are-

1. Make Kevin eat rhe freshly made creampie from Trina's cunt after he saw her having sex with his lover #1 in their bed.

2. Make Kevin thank Jeremy and Trey personally for taking care of his wife. After all you can't expect her to go without sex for six months and fidelity is such a patriarchal construct that doesn't sound sexy at all, right?

3. Make Kevin propose a menage trois with him being the third wheel, as he must respect the emotional bonding that's been growing between Trina and Jeremy.

4. Make Kevin ask for Trina's forgiveness as he has committed a grave crime by leaving her at home and going to serve his country at abroad. Leaving your wife at home and hoping she'll remain loyal to you is such a 20th century patriarchal idea that reeks of misogyny. Trina did what any sexually liberated woman of today would do. Men should never let their self-esteem a d backbone prevent them from taking their cheating wives back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Was there a story here?

Was there a story that I missed?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A great story

I bet most of the posters of comments were male. Here is a woman's perspective. I can see how woth a long distance relationship a person can get lonely. A man would have done the same thing. Long distance relationships only work for a small percentage of people. I know I would have left at that point, but I guess when you are married, it's a little harder. Loneliness affects people in the most odd of ways. I have been in this sinilar situation before and I know how it feels to have a birthday and they are not here. Don't get me wrong, I am all for the troops, but the troops need to understand that they just can't have relationships when they leave. Unless there is a child involved to keep the woman busy.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Racist pond scum

While I dont agree with cheating, I have to say you're a pond scum for posting this:

"And again it it provides another example of how low a nigger will go to fuck a white woman. It's time the white men paid them back."

Please, get out of the southern state and move into the 21's century, you piece of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
ben there

was in for 12 yrs and i know it happens. it was a good story just brought back some bad memories keep writting and i will keep reading


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Such is life!

Your comments are so true, I wish you the best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
More power to you

Don't listen to the Fuckheads who flame you. You are a brilliantly reasoned man. If that causes pain and anguish to those with narrow minds, that's a fantastic thing. Make them think. Make them hurt. Make them deal with the world. Even if they don't get it, they are at least stuck with ideas that will make them squirm and realize that the world is not the candy assed place they envision. Think of it this way... the more flames you get, the better job you've done. Now stop apologizing and get on with it damn it. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Other comments nonwithstanding....

This 'review' is not a review in any sense, it is an apology. You seek to win sympathy for your viscious attach on soldiers and their families. You wnot get any.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Dearest Pained writer

Regretably since a primary segment of credibility is respect, which due to this stories tone, you haven't any to spend - this story's end report isn't plausible.

It does seem to be an effort to patch up the dike, which is a step in the right direction but it isn't credible - every poison represents everything to everyone ----- spread the jello - keep the blame away - look just do another story - this one was screwwed up whether it was personal or not.

You can do better can't you???? We think you can or we wouldn't spend these words and time on you - got it???

In your next effort show some respect, regard and concern for at least one of the characters - some lifelike decisions by them would also be good. Your choice tho.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
IF thhis is a true story about a woman who cheated

I feel sorry for that marine. Knowing how it feels to be away from the ones you love for a long time I feel I can and do have a right to provide my own remarks. The poor woman felt lonily, that's BS. Man she should feel what the men and women who are fight feel, if she thinks she is lonily. She would love to be just be lonily again after a month af fighting! She at least had local frineds and a support group of otyher women on base. And,if things got worst I'm sure she could have gone home to her family some way or the other. But she just turned into a whore. Why let a black man have her anyway? Why not another white man, another false part about this tory being ture. When you're overseas and fighting to stay alive you can't do anything but fight and kill or be killed, then there's the lonilness at the end of the day. It's much more painful for the service people than the cilvilans believe me! There is no comparison. This woman was a slut a bitch and finally a whore for the black men. She could have stopped but had no intensions of doing it. The cheating was bad enough but the whoring and what she wanted and liked was even more dreadful. She liked it!!! Let's face it she loved it and enjoyed being a whore. I have no sadness for her at all, I do feel very bad for the serviceman if in fact this story is true which I feel it isn't. The marines i know would have ended this much differently. The marine I know would have kill the SOB and all of his frineds as wel as his whore wife when he found out. He was much to soft to be real and to make this story that real. Men who kill for a living and just returend from that killing would have continued to kill all of those who destroyed his life at home and cheated on him and that includes his wife and the niggers. And again it it provides another example of how low a nigger will go to fuck a white woman. It's time the white men paid them back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
You are terribly confused!

Your knowledge of the military married life is not informed. Even with most all enlisted posting being off base there is still the complete voluntary wife support system. When you marry into the military there is indoctrination for the wives and most make friends with other dependent wives. Many marriages force the husband into separating from the service to keep the wife or of course divorce. There are some busted marriages as in any life of long separation. The tours of duty are just in the last year getting as long as when Nam was in full mode.

don87654 is a fabricator as already noted by other commentators. He could have during Nam had a chance at Warrant Officer from enlisted to fly helicopter (not in the Air Force) but he is pretend.

You seem to have a real problem with women. I would say hatred or a dread of women. It appears you need to find some help with your self worth and sexuality.

Your writing really needs work. Keep trying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

You are not an author!

Just because you write piss-poor stories and post them on this site does not make you an "author".

You should refrain from posting any others if the rest of your stories are as lousy as this one.

The only thing you accomplished by posting this story was to reinforce my thinking that even monkeys can write.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
having served myself, I find that the story

and a lot of the comments are disgusting and disturbing. First of all, Don, people serving in the military are not deserting anyone. They are serving their country, protecting our rights and the rights of those, such as you, to be perverted with a semi-illiterate understanding of what it's like to be human. Because these wonderful people who are standing over there, or over here, protecting our rights, our freedoms, our honors, are gone from their loved ones does not give them a moral or legal right to cheat.

As in any of these cheating wives/husbands tales, it's all about the moral obligations and bearing that these people have. I have seen married couples, together for years, faithful and happy. And I've seen others who couldn't be together for two months because one of the other couldn't keep their pants on.

I have no right to judge the author, this page gives me the right to criticize his story and to speak my piece. It's a hard thing to think of, that all of this happens so often, that our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, serving away from their loved ones also have to wonder about the faithfulness of those left behind. It's too bad faithfulness, respect, honesty and love are not taught in schools and that the church is also banned from being taught to our children. Maybe if morality was a bigger issue, our world wouldn't be in the straits it's in today.

Your write well and chose a topic that stirred up a hornets nest. I can only wonder what you'll do next to top this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
USAF 25 yr Vet

What a joke. The basics of officer personnel management are set by congress. The time you claimed to have served, 7 commissioned years and retiring as a 1st LT does not track. You would have been bounced out at 20 years. I have not heard one of the stories of the old overseas whores with incurable clap so that the receiptants were sent to a mysterious island off the Philippines since I was in Vietnam. What a hoot, he would have been infected too and the Air Force would have bounced him (them) out tothe VA system, 12 years you kept track. I think your disability was probably mental.

Sean, I have always felt that authors who get the eat shit and die letters, should be proud that their writing has provolked comments from your readers. I would hate to think of the number of authors who receive no responses and quit writing due to a feeling they might not be read at all. I do not agree that going overseas is a blanket permission for the spouse to be unfaithful. Being seperated for a temporary duty period is not a reason for unfaithfulness. Volunteer military or not, I am sure that enlistment contracts signed years ago have sent people overseas. I know that some stateside DOD employees (Civilian) who had no intention of going overseas with the unit have been taken to Iraq etc, against their wishes. Everyone that goes overseas to a combat zone or a tour in Japan does not necessarily cheat on their mate and do not give their blessing to their mate cheating by being away. If the need for sex is so great, divorce your spouse, do let them come back to new kids or STDs because you are too morally bankrupt to stay and wait for the return of the spouse.

don87654don87654over 18 years ago

You are to be admired for your honesty.

I only have this to say.....if a husband is sent overseas on a military duty mission and leaves his wife at home, he has IN FACT deserted her, whether it be for patriotic purposes, or for his own desires. In todays age, there is no such thing as a military draft in the USA, so therefore he has joined the military of his own free will. Any duties he incurs from that employment he has already volunteered for, in reality, because he joined of that own free will. And if the wifey gets horny while he has "deserted" her, she should be free to fuck the same way she would be getting fucked if he were home. Chances are that he is engaged in some extra-marital affairs while he is away, either with some indigenous women in the country he has been sent to whether they be street prostitutes, or maybe his acquiring a "steady" to live with him while he is in that country. OR he could possibly be engaged in an affair with another woman that is also serving in the military and in uniform, even possibly having deserted her husband here in the States to go on her military assignment. I am a 25-year retired Air Force Veteran, First Lieutenant, and a Disabled Veteran at that. I spent 18 years as an Enlisted Man in the Air Force, and 7 years as an Officer in the Air Force, and both NCOs and Airmen, and Officers were involved in this type of behavior. In fact, one of my squadron commanders, a Major, divorced his Stateside wife, fell in love with his "steady" in Korea, married her, and brought her to the USA. When they arrived at Travis AFB, she was so full of STDs that the hospital quarantine people would not let her off base, and they had to stay on base with her in the hospital as a resident, until she eventually died some 12 years later.

When it comes right down to it, the old "addage" seems to apply...."what is good for the goose, is good for the gander".

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Q>"mostly true and to a large extent is my story"<Q

how was it true? was xxx unfaithful, or did xxx fuckover as many guys as trina? i suspect it was NOT "mostly true" in details......

trina Q>"represent every woman in the world"<Q is what you claim, then you admit she doesn't! you admit most women are faithful! face it, trina as written is an abnormal example.

Q>"I don't view Trina's actions as evil. They are wrong but I don't meant for her to come across as an inhuman beast."<Q

so you don't view someone who hurts others, is is doing wrong as evil. what does it take, a mass murderer like ted bundy? pull you head out! the way you wrote her was evil. sure you made her have "feelings", "needs" and "vunerablitys" - but so did jeff dalhmer! lets face it, the way you wrote her was evil!!!

you more or less admit it yourself! Q>"It makes them a piece of shit, if both of you are scum then maybe you are made for each other. It doesn't make you better people."<Q

Q>"I've never been really sure what the lure of this pairing was but it is the way things are done around here."<Q

that is caving.

we may disagree and think you write scum - but not having the courage to stand up and do it your way, that lowers respect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Bull Hockey

So now you explain yourself? BULL hockey. I don't believe nor does anyone else that you were really in this situation. So just accept that your a loser and be done with it.

I also love how every white boy that writes on here HAS to put a black man in the story. Jesus get over it.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Enjoyed your comments. I hope the entire exercise of writing the story was cathartic for you if that was your intention.


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