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Does Evelyn detest cheaters?
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Stephanie Burton sat across from Evelyn Page in a pleasant conference room with good ventilation and lighting even if the lighting was from LEDs rather than natural sunlight because there were no windows. Stephanie smiled and said "I want you to write down your most significant sexual experiences over the last ten years. Try not to leave anything out."

"Why do you want me to do that?" Evelyn asked.

"Because it is an important step in you achieving your goals -- the goals we talked about yesterday," Stephanie responded. "Here is some paper and a pen."

"We're not in the Middle Ages -- can't I use a computer?" Evelyn inquired.

"Trust my expertise when I say that using a pen and paper will be more effective in achieving your goals, Evelyn."

Thumbing through the paper and looking at the pen Evelyn continued "Do I have to do it on this letterhead; I'd rather have some plain, college ruled, paper. And this pen has engraving on it -- I'd rather have a plain one."

Stephanie smiled. "Sorry, but that's the only paper we have but let me find another pen for you." Stephanie searched her purse, pulled out an almost new $45 Sheaffer Prelude Ballpoint Pen and with a smile handed it to Evelyn. "Will this do?"

Evelyn smiled. "That's more like it; I love the cobalt blue and gold color and," scribbling on one of the sheets of letterhead, "it moves so smoothly over the page. Maybe I'll just keep it," she smiled.

"We'll see about that," Stephanie laughed. "Just get to work; I'll have my assistant Beth come in to keep you company and to get you a beverage or snack if you would like. I hope that you can complete it within three hours."

"No problem," Evelyn replied. "Please ask Beth to bring me a Pepsi Zero if you have one."

"I will," Stephanie replied, pushed her thumb against the plate on the wall next to the door, and then walked out.

As soon as the door closed Evelyn started writing, barely looking up when Beth brought in the Pepsi Zero and took a seat opposite Evelyn as Beth started reading one of several trashy magazines that she brought with her.


Evelyn's handwriting was very neat and easily readable:

"It was December, 2014. I was sitting by myself at a table in a Hyatt hotel bar with a drink in my left hand, admiring as I always did the large emerald cut diamond with ruby baguettes engagement ring, and platinum wedding band, on the ring finger of my left hand. I wasn't particularly fond of Des Moines, but I did have a good reason for being there. I hoped that my skirt wasn't too short so that it drew unwelcome attention. It didn't look too short when I was getting dressed for the evening. I had considered just staying in my hotel room, which was a block away, and watching TV, but I had worked hard that day and needed some release -- without having to get a taxi or rental car.

I was minding my own business when a decent looking guy -- with a prominent gold ring on his left hand ringer finger -- approached me. "Hi, I'm Charles. I'm just travelling through, leaving to go back to New York tomorrow. I've had a hard day and would love for some good conversation to relax me. Would you mind if I sit with you?"

"I guess not if it's only conversation you're looking for," I smiled, turning my left hand so that he couldn't miss my rings.

He was a good conversationalist; however he was a little obvious in his "politeness" in offering to get me drinks. He probably didn't know that there was a potted Philodendron under the table, within my reach, that I poured most of my drinks into. I hoped that it wouldn't kill the plant -- it was nice and green -- but that was up to Charles. If the drinks he was buying for me were doubles, and there were a multiplicity of them, I'm afraid that the poor 'dendron was doomed. I really hoped that he wasn't a plant killer -- that might piss me off.

I was sorry to hear that Charles' wife "Doesn't understand me."

After a hour or so of conversation Charles changed tactics. He started complimenting me on my appearance -- not my personality or intelligence, or some other "deep" characteristic of mine -- but my appearance. How "shallow" of him. I mean I do look good. I have big boobs, a nice face that doesn't need makeup to glow, a bubble butt, and legs that are sculptured, but what trivial compliments they were for someone who seemed to pride himself on his ability to intelligently converse.

I sighed when he held my hand -- even touching my engagement and wedding rings -- and proposed that we retire to his room at the Hyatt -- 439 I believe it was -- for a more private drink.

I had hoped that he wouldn't proposition me, but he had and I was dismayed that I felt obligated to accompany him. Off to his room we went, but I insisted that it be separately. "How do I know that you'll come up to my room in ten minutes?" he asked with a leer.

"Here's my wedding ring," I said as I removed it from my finger and gave it to him. "Put it back on my finger when I arrive."

He really liked that and went to the elevator with a spring in his step.

When I got to room 439 Charles' leer was even more dramatic. I required that he return my ring to my finger before we had any contact -- he graciously did so.

As Charles clumsily removed my top it was clear that he was very excited by the lack of a bra covering my D cup east-west tits with prominent nipples. Actually it felt fairly good when he sucked them, although his mauling was a little intense. He also seemed pleased that when my skirt was removed that I had no panties on.

Charles was a little crude in the remarks he made about my "sweet cunt" (I hate that word -- not "sweet" but "cunt") as he was licking it while fingering my clitoris. I guess that I wasn't bummed enough not to have an orgasm. He was also a little forceful when he inserted his rather large cock into my vagina without even having taken his pants and boxers completely off. His seminal fluid was pleasantly hot when it spewed into my cooch -- why he didn't have the decency to put a condom on I don't know -- but I didn't really have another orgasm when he did that.

I did have another orgasm, however, when after he removed his slimy cock from my vagina I slipped off the bed and went over to my bulky purse. I then returned to the bed. Shortly after I returned to the bed that I wiped off his now limp cock with a washcloth, put it in a plastic bag, got dressed, and took the plastic bag with me. He didn't say how much he had enjoyed himself before I left; that was a little disappointing.

I was surprised by the hubbub in front of the Hyatt when my taxi drove by there from my hotel on the way to the airport at about 10 a. m. the next day. I never did inquire about why there were police cars almost blocking the road in front of the Hyatt."


Evelyn's writing had even more flourish in her second story:

"It was April, 2016. I was sitting by myself at a table in the Marriott North hotel bar with a drink in my left hand, admiring as I always did the large emerald cut diamond with ruby baguettes engagement ring, and platinum wedding band on the ring finger of my left hand. I wasn't particularly fond of Cincinnati, but I did have a good reason for being there. I hoped that my skirt wasn't too short so that it drew unwelcome attention. It didn't look too short when I was getting dressed for the evening. I had considered just staying in my room in the hotel next door and watching TV, but I had worked hard that day and needed some release -- without having to get a taxi or rental car.

A half dozen guys approached me -- they had that "Want to hit that piece of ass" look -- but they were deterred when I made sure to display my prominent rings on my left hand ring finger.

Devin, however, who "subtly" put a ring from his left hand into his pants pocket before he approached me clearly wasn't deterred by what happened to the others. He used a line right from "Best Forty Pickup Lines" on the Internet: "Did your license get suspended for driving all those guys who approached you crazy?"

"Whatever do you mean?" I coyly replied.

"I couldn't help but watch you shoot down six guys -- that I counted -- who approached you. Must mean a suspended license," he cackled apparently proud of his cleverness. When I didn't tell him to get lost -- although I did once again prominently display my rings -- he continued. "My name's Devin, what are you doing in Cincinnati; you don't look like a local," he said as he sat at my table without an invitation.

Unlike Charles, Devin didn't try to ply me with drinks. He was either more confident -- he was much better looking than Charles -- or cheaper; maybe both. He didn't take as long as Charles to proposition me. When he invited me to his hotel room for a drink he made a point of mentioning that it was a luxury suite.

He was trying so hard that I decided to accommodate him. Just like with Charles I sent him up to his suite with my wedding ring, and I followed ten minutes later. He did smilingly return my wedding band to my left hand ring finger when I entered his suite.

Devin was very gentle when he disrobed me. He was also very complimentary about the size and shape of my ta-tas, the firmness of my butt, and my shaved crotch and prominent clitoris. He was able to skillfully maneuver me into my hands and knees on the king size bed in the bedroom portion of his suite. He very enthusiastically reciprocated his cock -- which had a large mushroom head -- in-and-out of my vagina while squeezing an ass cheek with one hand and a boobie with the other. He grunted like a pen full of hogs as he ejaculated in me. I did have a mild orgasm, but clearly not as earth-shattering as his was. I was disappointed that he didn't have the grace to put a condom on, but did admit that his hot spunk felt good in my vagina.

Devin must have expended lots of energy in doggy fucking me because after pulling out he flopped down on the bed next to me. I smiled at him, pushed myself up, went to my bulky purse, and not too long after that I had a very intense orgasm, one that left me weak in the knees.

I cleaned Devin's now limp cock off with a washcloth, put it in a plastic bag in my purse, got dressed, and went to my hotel room next door. As I exited he didn't rave about how much fun that I had been, but I knew from the smile on his face after the doggy fuck that he had had a great time.

When I got home the next day I went on line and there was a photograph of the front of the Cincinnati Marriott North and a five paragraph article."


Evelyn wrote other very similar stories about Miami in January, 2017; Atlanta, March, 2018; New Orleans, February,, 2019; St. Paul, March, 2020; Chicago, June, 2021; and Philadelphia, July, 2022.


By the time Evelyn had finished writing about her eight memorable sexual experiences Beth had read all of her trashy magazines and was anxious to get out of there. Evelyn put the pen down and smiled at Beth and said "All done!"

Beth smiled back, thinking "Just in time," got out her cellphone and called Stephanie. Within five minutes Stephanie had entered the room, briefly looked over the eight stories covering sixteen pages, smiled and asked "Would you like to have dinner with me and Professor Stallman, Evelyn?"

"That would be nice," Evelyn replied.

At dinner neither Stephanie nor the professor questioned Evelyn about her stories, although they did inquire about her fascination with wedding and engagement rings and her views on extramarital affairs. When they parted for the evening Stephanie said "Shall we meet tomorrow in the main conference room to talk about your stories, Evelyn?"

"That would be great," Evelyn replied.


The next morning in the main conference room, with big picture windows looking out at the manicured lawn of Green Acres, Evelyn sat opposite Stephanie, Professor Stallman, Dr. Pingree, and Dr. Matteson, with Attorney Walker off to the side and not in Evelyn's field of vision unless she turned her head ninety degrees. After a few preliminaries Dr. Stephanie Burton started the discussion.

"I notice that in your stories it is unclear exactly how you came upon your more intense second orgasm after you got off the bed and accessed your purse. What caused the second orgasm?" Dr. Burton asked.

Evelyn turned her head and looked at Attorney Walker. He had no expression nor did he give any signal to Evelyn. "Well...I guess that I didn't want to write that down."

"Are you ashamed of it?" Stephanie persisted.

"No; they were cheating on their wives and with a married woman no less; I'm certainly not ashamed," Evelyn snapped.

"Yet you didn't write about it; again, I ask why not, Evelyn?"

Evelyn just fidgeted and didn't seem likely to answer, so Stephanie continued. "Was it as a result of you stabbing them with a ten inch knife blade penetrating their rib cages and going directly into their hearts?"

At that statement Evelyn squirmed in her chair, closed her eyes, and seemed to move her hands down to her crotch. Stephanie yelled "Evelyn stop that!" as she pounded the table.

Evelyn moved her hands back up to the table, stared at Stephanie, sighed, and then said "Yes -- that was a real rush; my vagina spasmed when I did that."

The professor and the other doctors had raised eyebrows and made notes on pads in front of them.

Stephanie continued "Now in your stories you aren't very clear what was in the plastic bags you left the rooms with. You seem to imply that it was a washcloth in each case, but was that the only thing in the plastic bag?"

Evelyn got a smile on her face. "Well, no; actually in each case the cheater's penis was in the plastic bag too."

"Why did you do that, Evelyn?"

"They had defiled their marriage vows and I wanted to make sure that they didn't do that again," Evelyn chuckled.

"But they were dead!" Stephanie remarked.

"I didn't want to take a chance," Evelyn grinned.

The interview proceeded for another half hour before Evelyn was returned to her room at Green Acres.


A week after the interview Dr. Stephanie Burton, holding a report signed not only by her but by Professor Stallman, Dr. Pingree, and Dr. Matteson, was sitting in Judge Harlow's chamber along with the District Attorney, Attorney Walker representing Evelyn, and a court reporter. After a brief discussion Judge Harlow asked "Do you have your psychologists' report on Evelyn Page?"

"Yes, your honor, I do. The unanimous opinion of the professor and three psychologists, Dr. Pingree representing the defense, Dr. Matteson representing the District Attorney's office, and myself and the professor who were appointed by the Court, is -- using a technical medical term," Stephanie continued with a chuckle, "that she is crazier than a March Hare!"

After chuckles all around the situation was discussed for the next forty five minutes at which time Judge Harlow said "Well it's nice to have agreement. Both the defense and prosecution agree that Mrs. Page will be institutionalized for the rest of her natural life unless an assessment, after she had been institutionalized for at least ten years, made by five psychologists, is unanimous that she is no longer a threat to society. Agreed?"

After the D. A. and defense attorney agreed Stephanie spoke again. "There needs to be one proviso, your Honor; she can never have rings on her fingers, or in her possession, ever again."

Two days later the Philadelphia Inquirer had as the lead article on the front page "Serial Killer Evelyn Page Institutionalized." One of the key paragraphs in the story read "Although actual statistics are hard to come by from interviews of married male residents it appears that cheating in Philly, Cincinnati, Des Moines, and five other cities where Evelyn plied her trade, has decreased significantly since 2015."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
OlgreyfoxOlgreyfox12 months ago

Dear Amy, very good! Really nice twist at the end of story!

teedeedubteedeedubover 1 year ago

eyes wide shut.............

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Wasn’t difficult to figure out her game, but still another great, wicked Amy story. This one was a *5.

inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

Agreed with the last comment. The hints were a bit too transparent, but the story was VERY entertaining and well written otherwise. Easy 5 stars.

I feel bad that she was institutionalized, in all honesty - i mean, yes, justice and all that, but who's going to now do her job and punish the cheating cheaters? Seems like a large net loss to society.

Wavedave45Wavedave45over 1 year ago

I like this lady. Maybe we're the crazy ones.

Well...no that wanting to masturbate part was pretty crazy actually.

BSreaderBSreaderover 1 year ago
A good

Story, I kinda like you done its.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Well that was different and welcome. I’m not exactly a fan of yours Amyyum but this was good. A different perspective on infidelity stories is always welcome in my book. The story was well crafted and jelled well. You executed well.

I score this 5/5, this is definitely one of your better stories, your Muse served you well here. More stories like this please, good plots and excellent writing

Thank you.

jezzazjezzazover 1 year ago

It’s great. Just missing some reasoning for why she did it, where the rings came from, what pushed her over the edge.

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 1 year ago

Was this a standalone or a continuation of another story?

AardieAardieover 1 year ago

Was she even married?

njlaurennjlaurenover 1 year ago

Definitely different,that is for sure, have it high marks for that and being somewhat of a satire.

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