Rob, Harry, Suellen and Mellissa


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"Why are you afraid of me?"

"What makes you think I'm afraid of you?"

"You stay away from me and you don't talk to me."

"I stay away from you because I have no interest in you and I don't talk to you because I have nothing to say to you."

"No interest in me? None at all?"

"Don't play games with me Mellissa. You know how attractive you are, but you also know that you are off limits to me."

"Why? Are you afraid of Harry?"

"The day I'll be afraid of Harry is the day whale shit turns into gold and deep sea diving for whale shit becomes the national pastime."

She gave me a look that I couldn't read and then asked me to add twenty pounds to the bar.


It was two months after I made the decision to go after Mellissa and a week after I pulled back until I could figure out what she was doing when fate took a hand in it. When Mellissa stopped at "ye Olde" it was usually on a Tuesday or Thursday evening, but I never knew which it would be so I made sure to be there both nights.

It was a Thursday night and for some reason the bar was busier than usual. When I got there the place was packed and I had to take a table instead of a seat at the bar. Mellissa and three of her friends came in about twenty minutes after I did and when they walked in there wasn't an empty seat in the house except for the other chairs at my table. Mellissa spotted me and naturally headed straight for me

"Hi Rob. Hey, the place is packed and you have some empty seats. Can we join you?"

I was tempted to say no, that I had some people coming, but of course I didn't. I was being offered a chance to tweak her nose and so I had to take it. She introduced me to Robin, Karen and Bea and I got up and went looking for an extra chair, found one and came back. Five sitting at a table for four can be a little crowded. Mellissa was on my left and her leg was touching mine. I could have moved it a little, but I didn't and it didn't seem to make her uncomfortable.

Music was playing and Robin, a cute little redhead, was looking at the dance floor, squirming on her seat and her fingers were keeping time with the song so I asked her to dance. We stayed out for two numbers and then I asked Bea. I did two numbers with her and then the band took a break. As soon as I sat down Mellissa's leg pressed into mine and I knew it was deliberate because when I sat down I kept my leg away from hers.

I made conversation with the girls, concentrating on Mellissa's three friends and when the band came back and the music started Mellissa was keeping time with her foot which had her leg moving against mine. I looked at her and her facial expression was saying "I want to dance. Ask me to dance" so naturally I asked Karen. Halfway through the number Karen said:

"What's with you and Mellissa?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"Something is there. You are ignoring her and she doesn't want you to."

"She's married."

"Bullshit! All four of us are married, but that hasn't stopped you from dancing with Robin, Bea and me. Dance with her. It won't kill you and you might just get lucky."


"Trust me on this one honey. Play your cards right and you will be home free."

"Not happily married?"

"Don't know, but her husband is an asshole."

"An asshole?"

"At the last company Christmas party he tried to get something going with Robin and when she shot him down he tried me. He's an asshole and it wouldn't hurt Mellissa to spend some time with a nice guy."

"Aren't you overlooking something?"


"Wouldn't going after a married woman take away my nice guy status and put me in the asshole category?"

"Well, maybe, I guess, but you would be a nice asshole."

"Maybe I'd rather lose my nice guy status with you."

"Sorry, but my hubby isn't a dirt bag so I'll do my best to keep him. That means that I have to be a good girl."

The number ended and I walked her back to the table and we got there just as the next song started. Before I could sit down Karen said, "Your turn Melly" and Mellissa was off of her chair like a shot and took my hand. I looked at Karen and she gave me an evil grin. As she moved into my arms Mellissa said:

"If Karen hadn't done that would you have asked me to dance?"


"Why not? What's wrong with me?"

"You know damned well why Mellissa."

"No I don't. Tell me."

"You are a fine looking woman Mellissa and I am attracted, but you are married to that dickhead Harry."


"So I have to keep you at arms length."

She just looked at me and then said, "I still don't understand."

"Eventually Mellissa I would end up making a move on you and you would think that the only reason I was doing it was to get back at your dirt bag husband for what he did to me and you would laugh it off. I would be humiliated because I'd been shot down and then Harry would get a good laugh at my expense when you told him about it."

"I guess you are half right."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that one of the two things you just mentioned is right and one of them is wrong."

"You've lost me."

"You are right in that I would tell Harry, but you are wrong in that I would shoot you down."

The music stopped and I stepped back and looked at her.

"You think I don't know that Harry is an asshole? I have good friends Rob and I know all about what he pulled at the last company party because my friends let me know immediately. That made me take a closer look at him and I found out that he was cheating on me with at least two other women."

Just then the music started again and she moved back into my arms.

"When I found that out I decided that I would get even with him. After I found out about the relationship between the two of you I decided that you were the one I wanted to get back at him with. I just didn't know how to manage it since you kept avoiding me."

"You are serious?"

"I am. I still have some strong feelings for him and I'm hoping I can go to him and say, "Now we are even. You want to make this marriage work or not."

"And you really think that will work?"

"I don't really know, but at least I will have had the satisfaction of letting him know that he didn't get away with anything."

"When do you want to start?"

"How about five minutes ago?"

I saw a huge smile on Karen's face as Mellissa and I left "ye Olde" together. Just as I got to the door I looked back at the table and all three women – Karen, Bea and Robin – gave me a 'thumbs up.'

Harry was an idiot! Unless Mellissa was putting on an act for my benefit and the way she was that night wasn't the way she usually behaved in bed he was out fucking around on one of the finest pieces of ass that I had ever had. She sucked cock like her life depended on doing a good job. She was so active that she almost bucked me off of her twice. She asked me to take her ass and she screamed and begged me to make her cum. And cum I did. Four times that night and she sucked me hard again after each one of them.

. When she finally called it quits because she had to get home I watched her dress and then said:

"Now I suppose you will go home and spill the beans."

"Don't be silly. Assuming that he was already cheating on me when he made his moves on Karen and Robin I have months and months and months of catching up to do. Unless of course you don't want to help me for months and months and months."

"When you put it that way I have to ask myself how many months and months and months he played with my ex so I guess I have some catching up to do also."


Mellissa and I played together for just a little over five months. We got together on the average of twice a week and there was one week when Harry was out of town that I stayed all night with his wife in his house and on his bed for four nights running. On three of those nights I had the pleasure of fucking his wife while she took his nightly phone call.

The time finally came when she said she was ready to confront Harry. I asked her if she was sure and suggested we give it a little more time say maybe another fifteen or twenty years.

"I've already gone three months longer than I meant to, but if I'm going to have any chance at getting my marriage back it is time to bite the bullet and face him. I'm not going to tell him how long it has been going on, just that I've used you to get even with him."

"What happens if he doesn't take it well?"

"Then like I said in the beginning; I'll at least have had the satisfaction of knowing that he knows he didn't get away with anything."

"Keep me up to date, okay?"

"Okay. We have time for one last hurrah if you want."

"I want."

It's funny how perverse life can be. I wanted to seduce Harry's wife and then rub his nose in it to get back at him for what he did to me and then damned if I didn't fall in love with her and then have to watch her go back to him and to try and get her marriage back.

That was on a Tuesday and Thursday Mellissa called me. "I confronted him with things last night and he went crazy on me. Called me every name he could think of, said he wasn't going to live with a whore and he stomped out of the house. His bad. He left so he won't be coming back. The locksmith is here changing the locks as we speak."

"I'm sorry that it didn't work out for you Melly."

"Sorry enough to comfort me?"

"In a heartbeat."

"Thanks Rob, I needed to hear that, but I'm going to behave myself at least until the divorce is over and done with."

"I have something for you."


When we first started this I put some private detectives on Harry. He has been seeing two different women and I've got audio and video and reports that you can use in your divorce. All he has on you is what you told him and you can always say that it wasn't true and that you just told him that to rile him after you found out about his cheating on you. Just tell me where you want it sent."

"To my office at work. I don't want to chance him getting it if it comes to the house. And thank you baby; I really appreciate it."


I didn't have long to wait before finding out how Harry felt about his wife's confession. He came into "ye Olde" Thursday night and stormed up to me.

"You bastard! Kicking my ass and ruining our friendship wasn't enough for you. You just had to go after my wife. Well fuck you asshole."

And he swung at me.

I'd kicked Harry's ass once before and he had to know that I could do it again so his assertion that I had ruined our friendship and then his attack caught me completely off guard and he got in two shots before I got my shit together. In a way it was good that he got those two shots in because everyone saw it and they were all telling the cops that Harry had attacked me and that I had only been defending myself when I mopped the floor with him.

The cops asked me if I wanted to press charges and I told them no. I told them I'd rather have him out of jail so we could do it again as many times as he wanted until I ended up crippling him. When the police left I called Mellissa and filled her in and told her that Harry was on his way to the ER at County General.

"What do you expect me to do" she asked, "Send flowers?"

"Just thought you should know."

"He walked out lover. I offered to talk it out and then try and put things back together, but all he did was call me an unfaithful whore and walk so we are history. The locks have been changed and he won't be getting back in here without a court order. I'd love to run over to your place and have you comfort me, but now that we are on the divorce trail I've got to behave and act as pure as the driven snow. Don't forget me lover. Maybe when the divorce is final you can help me celebrate."

"Count on it."

I still stopped in at "ye Olde" and I saw Robin, Bea and Karen, but Mellissa stopped coming in with them. Karen told me that she had stopped coming because she expected Harry would have her watched to try and get something on her to use to counter her claims in the divorce.

"She's afraid that if she even dances with a guy Harry will try to blow it all out of proportion. She feels she can sit at home, read books and watch TV for the six months it will take to get rid of him."


I had just finished a business dinner at La Flammbe and George and Tom had gone. I was sitting at the table shuffling through some papers when Henri, the Maitre de, approached me and asked me if I could see my way clear to move to the bar and told me that the drinks would be on the house if I did. I looked and saw the line waiting for a table so I gathered my paperwork and apologized for not seeing for myself that I needed to leave.

I took a seat at the bar intending to have one drink and then head on home. I wasn't paying attention when someone took the seat next to me, but then a voice I recognized said:

"Buy a girl a drink?"

I turned and saw Suellen sitting there. She looked good, but then she always had. I sat there looking at her not knowing what to say and she said:

"I gambled that there is enough water under the bridge by now that I can get away with approaching you."

I waved the bartender over and pointed at Suellen and then at my nearly empty glass. He took her order and moved away.

"How have you been Rob?"

"Not bad. I have my ups and downs. You?"

"About the same although I have a lot more downs than ups."

"Your career going that bad?"

"The career is going fine,"

There was a long silence and then she said, "I miss you."

I'm sure that my face clouded up or maybe there was a quick flash of anger; whatever it was Suellen saw it and put out a hand to touch me.

"Please Rob; you never gave me a chance to explain."

I just sat there and looked at her

"I'm not looking for forgiveness Rob. God knows I don't think you could ever do that, but it has been killing me all these years that you have been thinking that I couldn't have loved you if I was doing what I was doing. You never let me explain. I loved you Rob. I've always loved you. I still love you. I can't get over losing you. I see you around town and it hurts to know that I'm not with you. Jesus does it ever hurt."

"What's to explain Suellen? What I saw was self explanatory."

"No it wasn't Rob. There was a lot more to it than you thought and I needed to explain it to you. You wouldn't have taken me back after the explanation and I wouldn't have expected you to, but I needed to let you know how it happened and that it was nothing that you did that caused it. I needed to let you know that it wasn't because I didn't love you anymore."

She stopped for a moment and then said, "No, that isn't totally true. The part about nothing you did. I guess it is what you did that played a part in it."

"Something that I did caused it?"

"In a way."

"This I just have to hear."

"Can we go some place a little more private? I can't help but feel that everyone sitting around us is listening."

I glanced at my watch. "ye Olde" should be quiet and un-crowded at six-thirty on a Monday so I told her I would meet her there. As soon as we sat down I went right at it.

"All right Suellen, tell me how I caused it."

"I didn't say that you caused it just that something you did played a major part."

"Go on."

"You remember how I didn't even want Harry to be part of our wedding and you told me that Harry was a part of your life and always would be and that I had better get used to it?"

"I remember."

"Harry was – still is – a piece of shit. Girls talk Rob and I knew all about Harry's penchant for screwing the wives and girlfriends of guys he knew. You never saw it or if you did you never took notice of it because he was this super best friend of yours since you were in the crib together. He even tried to hustle me after you proposed. I didn't bother to tell you because I wasn't all that sure that you wouldn't side with Harry when he denied it. You remember Brian Feldman?"

I nodded a yes.

"Brian was a super nice guy and I liked him. Brian was in London on business the week of our wedding and Harry was screwing his wife the whole time he was gone. I despised Harry and I made no secret of it, but he was your best friend so I was told to learn to live with it. Harry knew that I hated him and he knew why and every time he was at the house, which seemed like all the time, when your back was to us he would smirk at me, lick his lips, stick out his tongue and wiggle it suggestively.

"What happened probably wouldn't have happened if you had said, "My wife doesn't like him. Maybe I shouldn't have him over to the house so much" or maybe "My wife doesn't like him so maybe I should spend a little less time with him." What you did Rob was bring him in constant contact with me and I made no secret of the fact that I couldn't stand him when he was around. He knew it and it pissed him off."

"I never knew why you didn't like him and of course after I caught the two of you I thought you had probably been doing him all along and were using your visible dislike for camouflage to keep me from suspecting."

"Oh no Rob, my dislike for him was total."

"That being the case how did the two of you end up on my bed?"

"He raped me."

"Oh come on Suellen. I was already in the house when you came in that day. You don't laugh with your rapist. You don't tell your rapist that he feels good in you."

"That was then Rob. The rape took place six month earlier. You were on that six day trip to Denver. Your second day gone Harry came to the house. He had been drinking. I told him that you weren't there and he told me that he didn't come to see you. His exact words were:

"I didn't come to see him bitch. I came to see you Little Miss My Shit Don't Stink. Always looking down your nose at me. Well cunt, that stops tonight" and then he raped me."

"If he raped you why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't."

"Why not?"

"Because you might not have believed me. When he was done I told him that he had better start running because you would kill him when I told you what he had done. He laughed at me. He said he would tell you that I was lying. He would admit he screwed me, but only after I came after him. He would tell you the only reason he screwed me was to show you what a piece of trash I was. He story was that I had tried to seduce him so I could run to you and tell you that he raped me and that I did it so you would finally get rid of him as a friend. I told him that you would never believe a bullshit story like that and he laughed and said:

"Sure he will; especially after I play him this."

"He took a cassette recorder out of his shirt pocket and played the tape. I laughed at him and told him he was even dumber than I'd always thought. If he played you the tape it would prove that he raped me. He told me that you wouldn't hear that part of the tape because he would edit it. What you would hear he said, "Is this" and he played a part of the tape where I was screaming at him to fuck me harder. I honestly didn't remember doing it, but somewhere along the line my mind and body betrayed me and I must have gotten into it. I sounded like an absolute slut. Then he said:

"I play him this and who is he going to believe; the guy who has had his back for the last twenty years or a piece of pussy he has only known for a couple and who he knows doesn't like me."

"Then he took me again. He took me four times that night and the operative word there is "took." After the first two times I stopped fighting him. My five one one hundred and ten pound body had no chance against his six two two hundred and twenty pounds and all four times even though I started out calling him all kinds of mother fucker and son of a bitch I ended up begging for it to be harder and faster.

"He left and I spent hours in the tub trying to make myself feel clean, but I had a problem. I liked it. I liked being taken. It was a turn on being forced and having no say in the matter. I actually got myself off with my fingers as I sat in the tub and thought about what had happened.