Rock and Water Ch. 04


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Before I know it, Patrick turns me around, leans me over the side of it and gives me two HARD smacks on my ass cheeks. I shriek and reach behind me to rub the sting out, but he quickly grabs my hands, holding them snug on my lower back, leaning over me. I'm panting hard. I've experienced playful spankings at the hands of college boyfriends, and even took a paddle to my own ass at Robert's orders on more than one occasion, but the spanks Patrick just gave me took sting to a new level.

He speaks quietly in to my ear. "The first was for being a tease back in the truck. The second was because it felt so damn good to smack your ass the first time that I couldn't stop at one." He pulls me up off the couch, turns me around, and before I know it his lips are on me in and our tongues begin a slow and sexy dance with each other.

I know Addie is going to be home shortly, so reluctantly I pull back from the kiss. "I think I'm going to have to kick you out now before Addie sees more than she needs to...."

"Ok... I am a little bummed that I won't get to meet her before she leaves, but I understand. Is that her?" He points to a series of pictures of her that range in age from around four years old until just recently, and I nod. "She looks just like you, except for her lighter hair."

"She's a good kid. "

We walk towards the door. "I hope you have a great week with Addie. You have no idea how much I look forward to seeing you Saturday night." I think I do. "Would it be ok to call you during the week?"

"I'd love to hear from you..." I get up on my toes and Patrick leans down for a final kiss before he steps out of the house and I close the door behind him. I plop down on the couch, followed by Griffin who curls up next to me. I give him a hug and tell him to stop teaching Guinness bad habits.


Addie comes home and we make our plans for the week, including lots of summer shopping and bad movies. I spend a good deal of time on Sunday evening on the phone with the airlines. I'm a little worried about her flying to London by herself, but have been assured by them that she will have escorts at every gate, and that Frank will be allowed to meet her as soon as she walks off of the airplane at Heathrow. She just rolls her eyes at me, telling me to not be such a worrier.

It was one thing last summer when I was traveling for work while she was with her father, it's a completely other thing to be here alone in the house for a little over two months. I'll get to see her in late-July when I fly to London for a four day visit, but other than that I don't have any travel plans. Hopefully the kitchen project, along with some interior painting I plan to do through the house, will keep me too busy from missing her so much.

I walk in to the gym on Monday morning and the first thing that I see is Patrick speaking with one of the female personal trainers. As soon as he sees me though, a sly smile spreads across his face and he excuses himself, walking towards me.

He pulls me in to a warm embraces and laughs a little. "How'd we not realize at our goodbye yesterday that we'd be seeing each other at the gym all week?" I can see the trainer watching us with her eyes narrowed a little. In the back of my mind I remind myself to ask him later if she's the one he'd hooked up with.

I whisper in his ear with a little giggle, "I might have been a little distracted by my stinging ass."

"Laugh now, but you may not find the next spanking quite as amusing...." His voice is calm and steady, but his eyes are lethal, causing a delicious chill to run through my body.

"Oh," I reply cautiously. "I suppose I'll just have to behave then."

He gives me a cocky smile. "You're assuming spankings are only for punishment; I can assure you that's not the case."

My cheeks grow warm as I look around to see if anyone can hear us. My body is all of a sudden aching and on edge.

Patrick once again leans in to me, whispering in my ear. "Mmmmm.... I love when you're just on the cusp of arousal. I know I could just push a little harder and you'd deny me nothing. Sadly, despite all of the suggestive equipment scattered through the gym, this isn't the time or place." He lets out a deep sigh and moves to the water fountain to refill his bottle, leaving me standing there stunned, and yes, aroused.

I follow him over and fill up my bottle too. He asks if I've had a chance to see his portfolio yet and I tell him I haven't, but plan to later. It turns out he's had a cancellation, and could get started on my cabinets at the end of the month if I'd like him too. I'm warming to the idea, but still have some reservations.

We split up to start our work outs, but whereas before I never noticed him watching me, today I catch him more than once. Each time creates a slow burn inside of me. Eventually I move to the cardio room to use the elliptical, and fifteen minutes in to it I see him come in. He walks past numerous vacant treadmills only to pick the one directly in front of me. With a smile, he jumps on and starts his run; leaving me to stare at his ass for the next 25 minutes. Now who's the tease?

Not wanting to interrupt him during his run, I give him a wave and he nods back as I leave the gym. In the past, I might have felt bummed that he didn't stop his run to say goodbye, but things feel so easy and understood between us that I'm not feeling any insecurity. It's a perk of being in our forties, I suppose.


My last week of work, along with my time with Addie, goes too fast. Patrick and I run in to each other one more time at the gym, but outside of a kisses hello and goodbye, our interaction was sparse. I did get a chance to look at Patrick's portfolio and was blown away by his craftsmanship. His skills range from cabinets and furniture, to handmade wood canoes.

He has an ability to match the period and style of each house, but also adds something that makes each piece uniquely his. I even go to the trouble of calling some of his references and they were all glowing, of course. It sounds like he has a good work ethic and finishes projects on time. I can't deny that I'm very tempted. If we don't let the money be a big issue, and do our best not to crowd each other, I think this could work. I double check with Pete, my contractor, and he is thrilled. It turns he knows Patrick pretty well, and feels he'd be a good match for the project.

When Patrick calls on Friday evening after Addie is in bed, I tell him that I'd like to hire him for the job. He's genuinely excited and plans to take some measurements and pictures of my kitchen while over this weekend. We briefly discuss the money which turned out to be easier than I thought it would. I request that we not share with Pete that we're dating. I just feel like this will help keep safer boundaries in place, along with preventing Pete from feeling uncomfortable if any conflicts arise.

When we're done talking about the job, Patrick pauses and is silent for a moment before he speaks again. "Are you in bed?"

"Um.... Not really. I'm sitting on it, but still dressed in the clothes I wore today."

"Get your toys and get naked." His tone has shifted, and it's as if a switch goes off in me.

Obediently I strip my clothes off with little grace, and walk to the closet for my bag of toys. As I'm walking back to the bed he adds, "....and Corrine, for this phone call I'd like you to call me Sir."

This stops me dead in my tracks. I can feel my heart beating wildly in my chest. I feel like I'm about to jump in to a big void; that calling him Sir will change everything that we've started, and it's been so good. I continue to just breathe shallowly in to the phone. He's waiting for my answer and I can't speak.

His voice continues to be calm and steady. "You do realize that up until now we've mostly just engaged in rough sex, don't you?" I think about this, and it's true. There certainly has been a bit of "mind fuck" going on, but no outright verbal submission on my part. Isn't this what I've been waiting for?


He takes a slow, deep breath and lets it out. "Good."

His approval sends a wave of longing through every nerve.

I hear some shuffling on his side of the phone, then the sound of his boots hitting the floor. "Pull down your covers, lie down, and get comfortable. Hold on a sec..." I can hear more shuffling, including the sound of a zipper. He's getting naked too and this excites me even more. He gets back on the phone. "You should know ahead of time that I'm not letting you come tonight."


I ask quietly, "will I get to hear you come?'

"I haven't decided yet."

We lay there in silence, but I can hear his even, steady breathing. Just knowing he's on the other side of the phone, naked, is enough for me to start squirming. I don't dare talk first. The silence feels very deliberate on his part and I don't want to disappoint him. I'm noticing a trend that he gets quiet before he takes charge.

He starts. "Tell me how you're lying there."

I'm a little thrown by the question. "Um... I'm lying on my back, my, uh...shoulders and head are propped on two pillows." I stop my description to see if this is enough. He remains silent. I let out a deep breath. "My legs are right foot is on the bed, knee bent and a little, uh...spread. My left leg is bent, lying flat on the bed."

"So your cunt is exposed."

"Yes," I whisper

His only reply is silence.

"Yes Sir."

"Better. Ok, tell me what you've got there. In detail."

I feel my cheeks start to burn; my heart flutters a bit. Humiliation starts to choke me as I look at my collection and I don't know how I'm going to do this. How can I just rattle off my toys to him like it was a grocery list? But he knows this... He knows that the shame is a part of what gets me off.

"I've, uh...collected these over the past year...some at Robert's direction. I've got two vibrators, one that's a standard size, and one that's pretty....large. Two butt plugs; again, one that's average sized, the other larger." This is getting a little easier. I feel like I'm almost in a trance as I list off my secret collection. "I've got anal beads, Ben Wa balls, clothespins, and, um....a paddle."

"Describe the clothespins and the paddle.... How many clothespins? Are they wood? Plastic? Is the paddle wood? Leather? Does it have holes?

His voice is so even keel I feel like I'm being interviewed by an insurance adjustor, not a man who intends to for me to sexually submit to him. "The clips are standard wood clothespins. They came in a box of fifty and....they're all there." I hear a little chuckle on the other side of the phone and I cringe. "The paddle is simple. It's covered in leather. No holes."

"What's the most clothespins you've had on your body at once?" His breathing is getting rough; his voice a bit deeper.

My mind and body are spinning. I want to tell him but I don't. Like the word "Sir", once I tell him how far I've gone, there's no going back. Robert pushed me hard sometimes, and I'm not sure I'm ready to go there yet with Patrick.

As if sensing my fear and trepidation, his voice returns to almost normal, and I hear concern. "I have no plans to use them on you tonight... I just want to know. I want you to always be honest with me about your sexuality; about what arouses you. Just hearing you describe your toys to me made my cock so hard for you. I have to admit though, hearing the embarrassment in your voice only made it more so. Submission despite shame is a huge turn on for me...." He pauses before adding, "...and if I'm not mistaken, does a little shame turn you on?"

This seems like a good window to broach this topic of shame. " does. I can't deny that, but...I don't want anything too degrading. Nothing, um... in the bathroom please." I quickly add on "...or in public."

"I can promise you no bathroom games; not my thing either. As far as public goes, I can promise you I'll never push for anything that anyone else would be aware of besides us. Can you live with that?'

I let out a deep sigh, feeling relief course through me. "Yes. I can live with that."

"OK then... What's the most clothespins you've had on your body at one time?"

Oh. He's not going to let that one slip after all. "Twenty-nine."

"That's an odd number...Usually clothespins are used symmetrically on the body. Why the extra pin?"

"My, um... my clit." Once again my face is on fire.

"Huh...You don't say." I can't believe he's so casual about this while I'm having an internal freak out on my end. He chuckles a little again. "Robert was a bit of a sadist then, wasn't he?"

I appreciate that he doesn't seem to carry any resentment or jealousy towards Robert. If anything, I suspect they'd get along quite well.

As uncomfortable as this conversation has been for me, there's no denying the physical effect it's had on my body. It is taking all the will power I have not to run my fingers over my wet and swollen pussy. I can feel a growing wet spot on the sheet below me.

"Alright then, time for some fun. Grab that smaller butt plug, lube it up and go ahead and put it in when you're ready. Just make sure you describe everything to me."

While the words themselves sound almost like a suggestion, his tone is anything but. I pick up the cloth bag and dump the contents on to my bed. Finding the smaller of my two plugs, I grab it, apply a little lube, then pick up the phone again.

"I'm lying on my right side, and I have the plug in my left hand; holding it just against my, uh...ring."

"That's perfect sweetie, just like that."

His endearment warms me up and encourages me forward. "I'm pushing.... Oh! I'm pushing it past the ring, pulling it in and out a little as I go." My breath is coming in short pants now; my pussy aching to be touched. Describing this to him is turning me on like crazy. "I'm also....I'm twisting it side to side a little to help work it in. It's almost there...." I pause to feel the sensation of my ass getting filled. My tight hole is stretched by the widest part of the plug and I let out a little gasp before it slips in and my ring closes over the small neck. Just the flared handle the base of the plug is nestled between my cheeks. "It's in...."

"That was beautiful sweetheart, just beautiful.... Relax a moment and feel the plug filling you. Imagine if it was my hand that had pushed it in. One day soon it will be as I prepare you to take my cock inside that sweet, tight ass of yours."

His voice was thick with lust, causing me to shudder both with need and a little fear. My husband never played with my ass at all, and before him only one or two boyfriends ever used their fingers in me. Robert helped me learn how to accommodate larger and larger plugs over the year, and even had me use my small vibrator at times to fuck my ass with.


"Yes Corrine?"

"Can I... Can I touch myself? My p... My cunt is so very wet. Please?"

"Thank you for asking, but no, not yet." His denial turns me on even more, and I'm sure he knows this. Patrick pauses to see if I protest, then continues. "Play with your breasts and nipples. Gentle or hard is fine; whatever feels good to you. Just again, describe what you're doing."

I'm holding the phone in my right hand, so can only use my left to play with myself. "I'm fondling my left breast; just, ahhh....cupping it from the underside and giving gentle squeezes. Now I'm using my thumb to rub circles over my nipple which is...getting very hard."

"Suck on your thumb for a sec and get it wet, then use it on your nipple again."

At his direction I do so, and my wet nipple contracts even more as the cool night air comes in contact with it. "Ahhh.... That feels so good Sir. Thank you, Sir." My hand moves to my right breasts and repeats the actions as on the left. Both of my nipples are now almost painfully contracted and tight, sending electric currents straight to my core and clit. I'm finding it hard to lay still and I'm squirming my bottom against the bed in an attempt to push the plug even deeper in to my ass.

"Talk to me.... What are you doing?"

My breath is now irregular pants and I'm finding it harder to talk. All of my focus is on the sensations and aching coming from my lower belly and pussy. "I'm so close....Please. Please Sir, let me fill my cunt for you. Please let me touch myself." My eyes, that I hadn't even realized were clenched tight, shoot open as I realize I'm begging.

"I like this side of you... so wet and needy for me. Grab your larger vibrator but don't turn it on. Just hold it against your tight, moist slit and rub the head slowly up and down. Imagine I'm there and I'm holding my cock doing just that. Teasing you but not entering that beautiful, greedy cunt."

This is almost too much. The feel of the large head of my vibrator rubbing up and down, dragging against my clit is going to push me over the edge. I can hear Patrick's breath getting faster and raspier. I can almost hear the rapid, wet sounds of him stroking his cock, and he's letting out the sexiest short grunts. He almost screams in to the phone, "Push it in, NOW!"

I push the large vibrator in to my tight, wet pussy and immediately feel the pressure of being stuffed by the two toys. I'm working it in and out rapidly but it's not enough to push me over. If only he'd let me play with my clit...

"Feel it Corrine.... Feel me using your holes. It's going to happen. It's going to happen very soon. His last words are choked off. "Ahhhhhh...." He screams out his release in a succession of pants and grunts that go on and on. I continue to work the vibrator in and out, getting so close.

As he recovers his breath, he says, "ok sweetie. Take out the vibrator and plug." WHAT???

"No!!! No, Sir.... Please!!!

"NOW!" He growls.

Chagrined, I do as I'm told; but I'm not happy about it. My body is screaming with need still and my head is telling me to hang up and finish what I started. It takes a few minutes for my body to calm down. We're both quiet on the line, until my breathing returns to normal.

He quietly asks, "Did you forget you weren't allowed to come tonight?"

"Yes," I reply grumpily.

Again, silence from him.

"Yes, Sir."

Still silence.


"I'm here. Those words...from your mouth. It's been so long. It's beautiful." His voice is warm; filled with emotion.

A sense of satisfaction and contentment wash over me. All thoughts of my deprived orgasm have vanished. I've pleased him. That's all that matters.

"You did good, Corrine. I know that was hard for you and I appreciate that you indulged me. With each conversation we have, each small act of submission on your part, we're learning about one another. I've said it before, this is just the beginning. I'm getting a sense of when your walls go up; when you start questioning me. It's important for me to figure out what breaks down those walls, until there are none at all and I have your complete and total sexual submission."

A small wave of panic goes through me at those words. I know this is what I want, but the prospect of giving my body and my will to him still scares me.

Patrick pauses, then goes on, "Don't worry though, I'm not talking about every moment we spend together, even in the bedroom. No doubt there'll be times we just want to fool around, or be tender with each other. I want all of that too."

"I do too.... I'm trying Patrick, I'm really trying. I do trust you. Honestly, it amazes me that I do in such a short time span. It's just so much to take in. I don't want to... I don't want to disappoint you with my lack of real, um, in person experience."

Patrick laughs, and I'm not sure how I should take it. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You are so beautifully and naturally submissive that you couldn't possibly disappoint me. I just don't want to push too hard too soon and send you running for the hills. I really hope that you'd tell me if I was because this is too important to fuck up."