Room Wanted Ch. 02

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It just gets better, and the plan is put on hold.
21.9k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/02/2017
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WOW!! NEVER had a response to a story like that, thank you all for your support and encouragement; no pressure then...

To ag2507, way ahead of you, but thanks for checking in anyway. To the USAF Vet, as Austin Powers puts it, 'It's English English', not American English, sorry for any confusion but we were here first.

And the requests for better editing, yeeeeeeeah I get it and I apologise profusely but there is a method to my madness, honest.



She's just woken up after her first night with Rob, his daughter has just arrived...

"Hello Carolyn!" said Naomi, hiding her initial confusion.

"Nomes!" said Carolyn with a big smile. "How did you get on? It must have been late, as I didn't hear you get in."

Naomi gave an inward sigh of relief that Carolyn hadn't picked up on two pairs of feet ascending both staircases.

"Get my bag," said Naomi sitting up and looking around, initially checking to make sure her dress wasn't in a heap on the floor where she had shrugged it off the night prior to jumping into bed with the girl's Dad. Carolyn found the clutch bag and Naomi had a small fear that Rob might have put the box of condoms back in it. Evidently not. "I had another of your fan club taking pictures for me." She retrieved her phone, and with some relief she saw that the dress was nicely laid across the back of the sofa, Rob must have picked up Carolyn's fantastic creation when he left!


"Yep, and Sue Darnell, they were both wearing dresses you made... didn't look as good as mine though."

"Yeah, but then Barbara must have twenty five years on you, and Sue ten. It's about what's beneath like I said," Carolyn grinned.

Naomi opened the gallery on her phone, and showed her the pictures Barbara had taken of her and Rob sat together, her and Rob dancing, including a sneaky one of them both cheek to cheek with Naomi with her eyes closed.

"That one," said Naomi tapping a picture in the gallery, "three of your dresses, all looking fantastic, picture by your Dad I might add."

The picture was of Naomi, Barbara the shortest in the middle and Sue at the other end. Both Naomi and Sue had posed one foot forward towards Barbara with a hand on the other hip, looking straight into the camera and exuding smiling, confidant, sexy, pouting hot female, while the beaming smile of Barbara in the middle added a more mature but still glamorous aspect to the whole thing. It could easily have come from the pages of a Sunday supplement glossy.

Carolyn grinned, and shook her head slightly.

"That picture is going front page of my dissertation," she said with a proud smile. She messed around with Naomi's phone and emailed the great picture to her own inbox. "Fuck, but I am SOOOOO good at this..." she breathed.

"You are darling; best of all I think Jen the principal thought I was a prostitute that your Dad had hired for the night."

"What?" Carolyn screeched.

"Yep, Straight up, she reckoned I was an escort. She listened to what your Dad said, looked me up and down, basically said she was going to speak to my boss about me. He backed me up so then she growled at me for the rest of the night. It was wonderful."

Naomi affected a high-pitched North of England accented voice, "what I want to know is, how can a fookin' TEACHER afford a fookin' dress like that. No History teacher I ever met looked half way between a fookin' porn star and a fookin' fashion model straight out'a fookin' Uni," she finished the statement with a loud hiccup.

Carolyn laughed and clapped.

"Did she say that?"

"Pretty much," said Naomi, "Sue was in the powder room right at the end and she, Jenny, was shitfaced by that stage; I get the feeling that Mrs Darnell doesn't like her either."

She sipped her tea, as Carolyn went through the photos from the night before. Naomi felt she needed the bathroom, but she was naked and tried to remember whether she had any marks on her body; Steve the ex had a thing about love bites in the most intimate of places and she went back through the last nights love making and convinced herself that there weren't any. Her T-shirt nightdress was still on her chair across the room; ah fuck it, Carolyn was only fourteen or fifteen years younger than her and they were all girls together.

She slid her long legs out from under the duvet, and hoped that there wasn't any tell-tale smell. They'd made love and gone straight to sleep, she didn't even remember them sorting out the condom, or him getting up for that matter.

She walked to the bathroom and did what she needed, coming out and putting on her T-shirt.

"So how were things with Dad? You looked like you were getting on well!"

She figured that she wouldn't talk to Carolyn about how she spent the last part of her date, instead confirming what she could see on the photos.

"We had a late meal at Frenchies," she said, "it was really nice. Your Dad's a great dancer."

"I have danced with him before," said Carolyn with a grin, "but not like you did. I hoped there might be more to talk about."

Naomi took Carolyn's hand.

"I get the feeling it's on the cards," she grinned. "When it is Darling, you'll be the first to know." Naomi took her towel from the radiator and headed into the shower.

By the time she'd had another cup of tea, she was ready to meet the world, Rob especially.

In the kitchen, the whole family was assembled and by that stage making mountains of toast and the work surface had jam, marmalade, honey and chocolate spread jars at various distances. She tried not to beam her happiness across the room, especially as Carolyn, Chrissie the babysitter and possibly even Matt and Lizzie would read between the smiles and know just how successful their evening had been. Naomi reached over Lizzie's shoulder and pinched a slice from the pile she had next to her.

"Hey!" she said, then turned and looked up into Naomi's face, "Oh, it's you Nomes, you can have some," and moved the plate closer to her. Naomi gave her a squeeze and a peck on the cheek.

A few feet across Carla was straining to reach across the work top to make her own elevenses. Naomi came along next to her and watched as she tried to spin extremely runny, clear honey onto her toast.

"No'mee!" she cried seeing her hero and turning to squeeze her around the waist.

"Good morning baby girl!" She said lifting the tiny girl up into a hug. She let her down again, "you trying to work out the honey, honey?"

"Yes," she said indicating the various dribbles of sticky clear preserve that had altogether failed to land on her toast. Naomi lifted her and plonked her on the only clear and non-sticky piece of work top and grabbed a dishcloth and wiped around the area Carla had so liberally spattered. She took the plate, tipped the honey straight from the jar onto the two slices of bread and spread it evenly across each. Next she reached across the work top to where a bunch of bananas hung from a wire frame and split one off.

Next she sliced the banana thickly and dropped each tiny yellow circle evenly across the bread. She raised the plate and handed it across the Carla, who looked at it suspiciously.

"Try some."

Carla nibbled at the edge as if avoiding the banana, Naomi grinned and folded her arms. Carla giggled and committed to a larger bite, took one and chewed, the wonderful mix of flavour doing its thing on her taste buds. Finally satisfied, Naomi lifted her down so she could potter back to the table proudly displaying her new brunch snack.

Naomi poured herself some tea, and Rob came and stood next to her.

"Sorry I left when I did," he whispered, "I came downstairs to make us tea, and Carolyn appeared. I only just managed to get shot of the condom in time."

"Don't worry," she whispered back, "It could have been worse, she could have come in to see me, and found you in there. Mind you I don't think..."

"Did you have a lovely evening, No'mee?" There was little Carla, one non-sticky arm around Naomi's waist.

She dropped down.

"Why yes Darling, here look;" she held her phone so Carla could flick through the pictures of the previous night.

"Cooooool!" she called and Lizzie came to see what was going on.

"Cheek to Cheek Daddy!" said Lizzie at her father.

"It was just to annoy that bloody woman at the college," said Carolyn.

"Awwww!" said Carla looking just a bit annoyed and disappointed.

That day, Carla confused Naomi's name and pronounced it 'Mo'mee'. There were a few giggles and some gentle ribbing but the name, for Carla at least, stuck.

The thought that she would come out on the delayed shopping trip was taken as read, and she did. This time she had Lizzie and Carla holding her hand and pushing her trolley. She hardly needed anything because most of the time she ate with the family. Rob said that Carla needed a new swimming costume as she was starting lessons at when she started back at school. Carolyn sighed deeply and reached for Carla's hand. Naomi spotted this.

"Come on then Darling, let's go pick one." She took Carla's hand and tipped a wink to Carolyn, who winked back with a very real smile. Carla pulled her towards the clothes section of the store, and they spent and interesting few minutes briefly inspecting the last of the summer selections of bikinis and two pieces, moving swiftly on to the sports section and choosing a dark blue Speedo. Carla was quite taken with the summer beach outfits and kept looking back at them sadly.

"Look Darling," she said pointing at the advertising graphics that included an Olympic swimmer in a costume much like the one she'd chosen. She took the now excited girl into the changing room and she tried it on, and Naomi helped her, something she assumed Carolyn must have done previously. Naomi also decided it was about time she bought another swimsuit as well. She had a very old one she'd used when she worked at the special school that had a sort of a skirt on it. Looking at the pictures of the Olympic swimmers and just how much arse they were exposing she decided she needed one. After all, she had a feeling that she could be cajoled into going swimming with Carla and the rest of the family.

The lady at the checkout grinned as Carla proudly told her she was starting swimming at school next term and this costume was the same one the Olympic swimmers wore.

"Mo'mee picked it," Carla looked up as Naomi handed her card across, "She has one too!"

"Well you'll make Mummy proud when you race through the water in it won't you!"

Carla grinned. As they went along it seemed to her that the whole world was treating them as mother and daughter - and she liked it.

Next, they walked across to the sweaters, Naomi had gone with a tailored T-shirt again just for Rob and she loved the look he gave her; but had to confess she was feeling a bit chilly and was conscious that her unruly nipples had erected as they walked the short distance from the disabled parking bays to the store entrance. She routed through the hangers finding a warm looking but still tailored cardigan against the chill that was noticeable in the air.

She tried it on and looked at herself in the mirror to make sure it complemented her curves, and in the mirror she saw Carla perched next to her standing on a kick stool wearing the same sweater but in a much smaller version. Naomi grinned and stood behind Carla and put her arms around her.

"I think we'd better have one each don't you?" Carla felt soft and warm and lovely.

"Yes Mo'mee," beamed Carla looking up into Naomi's face and kissing her cheek.

They went back to the family who were picking out evening meals from the chilled section, and the matching woollens were immediately noticed.

"Samey Samey!" said Carolyn.

"Can I help it if Carla has excellent taste like me?"

"Mo'mee bought a swimming costume as well, we can all go swimming!" shouted Carla.

Naomi smiled at them all,

"Well, I suppose..." she said.

"Please No'mee!" whined Carla and Lizzie.

"We'll see," said Rob. He looked at Naomi and she looked back, both knowing that they had seen everything they wanted to see the previous evening.

Naomi looked straight at Rob, seeing him looking her up and down and trying reasonably well to hide his true feelings.

"I'm sure we will," she said.

Carla grinned at Naomi and squeezed her hand. Whatever Naomi did was going to meet with her total support, and love.

That night they ate chicken wraps filled with pan fried chicken expertly seasoned by Rob, with added salad, and a few stir-fried veggies. Carla wouldn't take off the sweater and twice that evening had appeared for an impromptu fashion show dressed in her new swimming costume, returning after her second one in her fluffy PJ's and took her place on the sofa next to Naomi, a spot both her older sisters noticed that their father looked like he'd envied her for and they smiled at each other.

As the film ended Naomi felt Carla relax into her and Rob indicated that he'd take her. Instead Naomi shook her head putting a finger to her lips and holding the girl around the waist and standing and carrying her up to her room, with Rob leading the way.

She lay her down on her bed, kissed her cheek and pulled the duvet over her shoulder, and the sleepy girl snuggled into it and back to sleep. They tiptoed out of the room, and saw that Carolyn and Lizzie were sat on the former's bed chatting and swapping mobile phones and a kindle. They both waved and giggled, sharing a secret like all sisters do.

"You've struck a chord with Carla," he said as the made for the stairs.

"Aww, she's a doll," said Naomi, "she's so affectionate."

"Not to everyone," he said, "the only ones allowed to help her dress are Carolyn and I," he said, "not even Lizzie gets to do that. She's even worse in changing rooms, we weren't looking forward to the swimming costume thing."

"Glad I could help," she said as they rounded the corner back into the living room; they both looked around and across to the kitchen, seeing no one else was downstairs, Matt having gone up to bed before Carla. She wasn't sure she knew what was going to happen next but she didn't want the evening to end that was for sure. "Tea?" she said.

"Yeah," he said a beaming grin on his face, "then perhaps we could make out on the sofa," he reached forward and took her hand and kissed her.

She looked around the room one more time to make sure that she wasn't being observed by one of the five children in this fantastic house.

"Fuck the tea," she whispered and stepped forward and put both arms around his neck and kissed him. He put his arms around her waist and reciprocated. When they broke for air, he pulled her back towards the large sofa and sat down, pulling her to sit on his lap and they got back to the kissing again.

Naomi couldn't remember kissing for kissing's sake for an awful long time. With Steve, they seemed to go from kissing to almost straight into the sex. While she never complained, it never seemed to be as exciting as this though, and they sat for what seemed like hours just kissing, touching and holding each other. He stroked her face, ran his fingers through her hair and held her in all the right places, ending with them both flat out on the large three seater.

"Do you think our girls have gone to sleep yet?" she whispered in his ear.

He pulled her close, then pushed a stray lock of hair away from her face, "Our girls?"

"Have you ever shared make-up secrets with them hmm?" she giggled holding his face with both hands.

"I have to confess that I never have, nor have I ever been measured for a prom dress by one of them."

"Discussed which sanitary towels you use?"

"I have discussed sanitary towels with two of them yes, but never which ones I personally prefer," he said, "and before you say it they've never done my hair either." He smiled, "but you are right, I couldn't have wished for a better..." he paused seeking the appropriate metaphor settling on, "baby-sitting lodger."

"You're not saying that just because we are going to go upstairs and you're going to make beautiful love to me?"

"No," he said stroking her cheek and gently sifting a hand through her hair again, something she really loved, "I'm saying it because you are wonderful." She beamed a grin at him, "Take our Mattie now, you don't talk down to him or treat him any differently from the other kids, and he glows when you're around because of it. You totally understood Paul from the first second you met him, and he trusts you. See Chrissie?"


"Chrissie, she used to teach Matt at school, and was babysitting for me before Paul arrived. Paul only just trusts her, even after all these years and will often walk out of a room if she's in it. He walks INTO rooms if you're in them."

She smiled.

"Can I help it if I'm lovely?" she said.

"No," he said, "and I can't help it either." He kissed her, "you are gorgeous and that helps as well." He helped her to her feet, "the fact you look like a fairy-tale princess and are kind to everyone just makes you more irresistible".

She put a finger to her lips and walked upstairs conscious that her bottom was in front of him and she added just the tiniest wiggle to her hips to show it off.

She tip-toed onto the first landing and peaked around the corner at Carolyn's room. The door was shut, so she moved across to where Paul's door was to find that too was closed. Carla's door was just slightly ajar, but then it always was. She pushed it open and sneaked her head around the door to see the sleeping girl that had such a hold on her. She watched as Carla stirred slightly and mumbled.

She suddenly had a desire to run to her and see what was wrong, but Rob was already there, lifting the shaggy brown teddy bear to her side and tucking it under the duvet next to her. She pulled it tight and settled straight away.

She looked at Rob as he tiptoed out.

"Sorry," he whispered reading her disappointment, "Kind of used to doing it." Naomi grinned and affected a hug. "T-Bear," said Rob, "She took it from Lizzie's room when she first moved in, hid it for ages; Lizzie had dozens of them of course, but as soon as she saw Carla with it and saw how worried she looked having been discovered, she realised what it meant to her, she came up with a story on the spot."


"Yeah, she said that she'd got the bear special so he could look after Carla, but was worried that Carla would be scared of him, so he'd stayed on her bed just until Carla was ready to come and get him. He was dubbed 'T-Bear' and has been ever since."

"Oooh she is such a darling, you're so lucky Rob,"

"Yeah I know, and I think I'm just about to get luckier." He pulled her towards his room this time.

They stripped each other naked, kissing and caressing the whole time. Their shared body heat meant that the need for covers was done away with, and gentle bedside lighting was enough and added to the romantic feeling that had her trembling in anticipation.

She sat up, condom in hand kneeling across him ready to put on the protection. His erection looked huge and wonderful and she thought back to the previous night when she'd first felt it powering up into her loins. It had been wonderful, and she felt that she wanted to pay him back for these fantastic feelings.

She slid back on the bed slightly and looked down at his face, he looked surprised but not in a bad way. She watched his face as she lowered her face towards his penis, and he took a sharp intake of breath as her mouth closed on his large red knob.

She licked, mouthed and taking a deep breath decided she was going to fuck him with her mouth.

"Shit... Naomi... careful honey, I don't think I can..."

She gripped his thighs so there was no way he could pull away from her and prepared herself to swallow a man's semen for the first time.