Rough Draft: Twisted Ink Raine and Deak


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My mind replayed what he'd asked. Anal? Did I enjoy anal? Sure. Sort of. It was okay. It had hurt a little the first few times, but after that I was kind of ambivalent to it. So I answered honestly. "I really didn't care either way."

Raine looked down at Deak and gave the most wicked grin I'd ever seen. "That simply will not do. Deak's going to take you there tonight. While he's fucking this sweet ass, I'm going to be buried inside your tight pussy." Oh God. Oh God. Oh 'God'. I moaned. Embarrassingly loudly.

"You like that idea, doll?" Deak said from below me. "Let's check." He ran his index finger through my sopping folds. "Fuck me, she's soaked, man." The word, 'man', reminded me of the difference in dynamics this time. This was not Raine and Deak, lovers. This was Raine and Deak, friends. Friends about to fuck me. My pussy clenched. Deak licked slowly through my wetness and moaned. "Taste so. Fucking. Sweet," he groaned. "You gotta try some of this, bro," he called to Raine, who'd gone back to my breasts. He lifted his head and held my gaze as he descended to his knees. Deak placed one thigh over his shoulder and Raine took the other. Their strong arms held my backside and they attacked. Someone's tongue was fucking my hole, the other was relentlessly toying with my clit. The tongue inside pulled away replaced by a finger. The digit inserted and pulled out tracing my wetness to my dark hole. In a sudden movement the tongue was back driving into me, and the finger pushed into my anus. Nerve endings sprang to life.

"Oh, shit," I exhaled sharply. My hips ground into the sensations. My body trembled. When the orgasm hit I was floating. I came down to sight of Deak and Raine staring at me like lions, and I was the gazelle. They stripped quickly. Raine grabbed condoms and lubricant from the dresser, while Deak kissed me senseless.

"God," Raine growled. "You two are fucking sexy." He threw a condom beside Deak and tore his own open. "Can't wait to get inside this pussy again." He rolled the condom on swiftly and moved to lie on the bed. Deak stood to roll on his own rubber and greased his cock with lube.

"Come'ere, you sexy thing," Raine said and held his arms open to me. I crawled over him and took his lips. I tasted myself on his tongue. "Sit on my cock, baby girl," he grunted. I rose up over him and lowered myself down his shaft. "Yeah. That's it, sweetheart. Tight pussy. So good." I raised up again and slowly slid back down. "Lean forward, honey. Let Deak feel you, too."

"I'm gonna go real slow, doll. If you need me to stop, just say," Deak instructed. His hands ran soothingly down my back. They were going to make sure I was safe. That I enjoyed this. This 'really was' for my pleasure. Cool gel hit my backside and Deak began the task of opening me up. Raine stayed still except for feathering kisses across my cheeks and jaw.

"You're doing so good, baby girl. You're so amazing," he praised as Deak worked the lube into my hole.

Deak's globular head pushed against my backside. I tensed out of pure gut reaction. "Relax, baby," Deak spoke softly. "Play with her clit," he told Raine. Raine's fingers slid between the two of us and began tracing languid circles around my hard nub. Deak began pressing in again, "Push out, sweetheart," he grunted. I obeyed and the head of his cock slid in. "Good girl," he whispered. My heart swelled. His cock slowly inched further into me. I felt overly full. Raine in front, Deak behind. I squirmed to accommodate the two better in my body. A collective hiss sounded out, when I moved. "Jesus," Deak hissed.

"Fuck, man. With your cock in her she's even fucking tighter. My dick's in a fucking stranglehold," Raine gritted out tightly. Because I have the most psychotic sense of humor ever, Ted Nugent in a loincloth streamed into my thoughts and I started giggling. Like can't stop, crazy person giggling.

"What the fuck?" Deak asked from behind me. Not able to answer, I just started humming the song. Then for some reason, I was singing the lyrics.

"Dude, your cock made her go nuts," Raine laughed. As the situation hit me I laughed harder. I couldn't stop, even though it physically hurt. I was sandwiched between two of the most gorgeous men I'd ever known, stuffed full of their cocks...laughing like an insane person.

"What the hell, girlie?" Deak chuckled. "I think we need to fuck it out of her."

"Agreed," Raine laughed. My laughter stopped abruptly as Raine pulled out to the tip of his long, thick cock. As he drove back in Deak pulled out and so began the mind blowing orchestration that was Deak and Raine. Their movements were perfectly timed. Raine fused his mouth with mine in a deep, wet kiss. When he released me, Deak pulled my head around kissed me just as deeply as Raine.

"Ready?" he pulled back and looked at Raine. Ready? Were they going to kiss? Hot. So hot.

"Ready," Raine confirmed. They didn't kiss. They started moving in and out in perfect sync. My insides quivered. My pussy began rhythmically pulsing around Raine and my ass clenched in consequence.

"Fuck, she's close, man," Raine yelled.

"Thank God," Deak panted. "I keep feeling her ass clench and your dick. I'm hurtin', bro."

"Come for us, Tyler. Need you to come, baby girl," Raine hissed. So I did. Everything inside of me exploded. My skin tightening was the only thing keeping me from melting.

"FUCK!" Raine bellowed. His cock twitched and he started slamming harder, before driving deep and stilling.

"Oh mother..." Deak cut himself off with an animal sounding cry. His weight came down on me, mine went to Raine, who didn't seem to mind our heaviness at all. He sighed contentedly and kissed my forehead.

"Fuck," I whispered. Both guys laughed causing a chain reaction of aftershocks.

"I need to move and get rid of this rubber, but I can't move," Deak said tiredly.

"Well, you need to move your hot ass, cause I'm fuckin' burnin' up, here," Raine replied, breathing hard.

"Oh God, sorry," I murmured.

"Mmm. No you're okay, you can stay. He needs to move," Raine pushed at Deak's shoulder. "Go. Get a rag, too."

"Bossy ass," Deak muttered as he pulled slowly out of my ass. He walked into the bathroom to take care of his business.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Raine asked and swiped hair off of my face.

"Mmm," I answered and lifted toward his face. His cock jerked, still inside of me. "You ready again, Ross?"

"Could be," he murmured in a sexy low pitch.

"Aw come on! Fuck you, man," Deak hollered. "You make me leave so you two can go at it again." I froze. Shit. Was he upset? Raine and I had been together alone before. Raine started laughing.

"Don't get you're panties in a twist, baby," he chuckled. "I have to go get rid of my shit now, so you two have at it. Gotta get up, sugar," he said and pulled out. Deak came up beside me and hauled me to straddle his waist. Raine leaned over and kissed him lightly before heading into the bathroom.

"Hey, doll," Deak cooed up at me. "You're amazing, you know that?"

"You're, sexy," I said back to him. I leaned down and kissed him, hard and wet.

"I love you," he said against my lips. What? Oh God. Oh no. Fuck. This was bad. This was so bad. As if he realized what he's said he froze as solid as I had. His eyes were wide. Oh God, this would break Raine. He just said it in the moment. That's all. I jumped off of him and off of the bed.

"What are you two...?" Raine started then stalled. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I responded still staring at Deak. "I, um, I'm going to bed." I turned an bolted down the hall. Holy shit.

Deak 6.5

"What just happened?" Raine asked, face full of confusion.

"I fucked up. Again," I said sullenly.

"What did you do?" His tone was accusing. Fucking fabulous. I ran Tyler off. Lets see how long before Raine stomps off all mad at me.

"I, uh, I told her I loved her," I muttered. I didn't know why I'd said it, other than I did. Didn't I? Shit. Yeah, I fucking did. She was fucking incredible. The last leg of the tripod I'd envisioned in my mind. I was fucking delusional. Obviously. She lived in Nashville for fuck's sake. How was that supposed to work?

"You did 'what'?" Raine's voice went two octaves higher. "What the hell, Deacon?"

"I just...I said what I felt. Fuck! Maybe it wasn't the ideal time..."

"Ya think?" Raine hollered. "Jesus, can you just once keep your mouth shut!"

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"God'damn' it, man! You really know how to fuck shit up! It couldn't be enough that you've got me all screwed up, you had to bring her into it too?" He yelled louder. What was he saying? I screwed up his life? My heart sank and my nose burned. Fuck.

"I guess that's just me," I whispered. "I fuck things up for everyone. You. Tyler. My dad." I shook my head and the numbness I'd felt earlier started setting back in. I pulled on my boxers and turned to leave the room.

"Fuck," Raine whispered. Yep. Fuck, indeed. I walked down the hall to my room. I quietly opened the door and tiptoed to my dresser. I moved as quietly as possible so I wouldn't wake Kara. I got dressed and headed to my car. I made it out of the driveway before I fucking cried. Again. God, I was turning into a woman.

"Deak, that's the seventh time your phone has rung. Answer it," Ben pleaded with me. I shook my head and went back to staring blankly at the TV. Ben had come to the hotel I checked into. I'd told him what I'd done.

'Well, shit.' That was it. That was all he'd said. "Bro, he's calling me now," Ben informed me.

"Don't tell him. I just...I can't. Okay?" I asked him. He sighed and nodded before he answered.

"Hey, man. Yeah he's okay. I can't tell you that. I know, like a fucking teenaged girl," Ben told the phone. I growled. "Talk to him," he held the phone out to me. I shook my head. "Sorry, bro," he said back to the phone. "Yeah, man. I will. You too," he hung up. "He wants you to come home," Ben told me.

"He doesn't. I screwed him up," I said petulantly. Yeah. I was being immature, but an angry man's words hold the musings of his subconscious.

"He was mad," Ben retorted.

"He meant it, even if he didn't want me to know."

"Whatever, man. You're being a dumbass. I gotta head home. You good?" He said and stood. I nodded, holding my childish pout. "Okay. Call me if you need me. I won't tell him where you are, but you need to talk to him." Or not. I didn't want to be reminded of how much I'd screwed up his life or everyone else's.

I'd loved Raine Ross for so long I'd deluded myself into thinking we could have it all. He'd finally told me he loved me back, we had an awesome girl with us. A girl I loved as much as I loved Raine. It'd happened so fast. I should've known it was too good to be true. In the end Tyler didn't want my love, Raine basically told me he was still fighting it and my dad threw it away. My love wasn't worth anything to the people I gave it to. Maybe it was worthless to everyone. I made the decision then to lock it up. If no one wanted it, I would stop giving it away. Now, if only it were that fucking easy.

Raine 6

"Where the hell is Moore, man?" Paul asked me. Good question. He didn't come home last night or this morning. Now he was missing rehearsal. Something he hadn't done since, well forever.

"I don't know," I replied almost brokenly. Ben had told me he was okay, but I wanted, no needed, to see him. I'd gotten pissed and said stupid shit, like always. I didn't mean any of it. Fuck, I loved him, of course I didn't mean it. Truth was, I was upset because I'd been feeling something for Tyler, too. Love? Maybe. She was wonderful. Hard ass, bad girl on the outside, but inside, she was a sweet, caring woman. She didn't question what Deak and I had, she just accepted it. Then accepted us into her body. Tyler was awesome, beautiful, funny, and avoiding me like the plague.

She'd disappeared to the spare room this morning, after she grabbed some coffee, and didn't come back out.

Jesus, what a mess. "You don't know?" Paul broke in. "What the hell, man? How're we gonna rehearse without our guitarist?"

"Let's, uh, let's just can it today, we'll make it up next week," I told him and Steve. Paul huffed, closed up his bass and stomped out the door. I turned to leave, but Steve called me back.

"Raine! Look, I'm not tryin' to get all up in your shit, but Paul said he saw you and Deak, uh..."

"Kiss? Yeah," responded to his unasked question.

"Is, um, that why he didn't show up?" Steve asked. I shrugged. "So you...are you...ya"

I couldn't help the laugh that struck me. "Nope. We both like girls," I answered honestly. It was getting easier.

"So you're what? Bi?"

"Guess so," I replied.

"Hmmm. Cool," he said as though it was completely normal for a guy he'd known for ten years to tell him he was getting on with the guitarist.

"Yep. Gotta go," I told him and walked to my car. When I got in, I punched the number on my phone.

"Hey this is Deak. Cant get to the phone right now, but leave a message and I'll call you back. If I feel like it." Fuckin' douchebag message.

"Hey, it's me. Missed you at rehearsal today. We, um, we're gonna try to make up for it next week, so call me when you get this," I said to the voice mail. "Please, Deacon. Call me back," I whispered. I hung up and drove back to the house. When I got there I noticed it was the 'empty' house. My head dropped and I cried. Yep. I. Cried.

Tyler 6

What the hell was I thinking. Fucking around with two guys? Basically moving in with them, while I was here? I was blinded by lust. I'd wanted them bad enough to throw my good sense down the shitter. Stupid. I had officially gone stupid.

Then I left. What else could I do? I'd avoided Raine and Kara all morning. Deak's car had stayed gone all night. When the coast was clear, I'd gotten my stuff, jumped on my bike and taken off. Call me a coward, but I had to get out of there. I couldn't face anyone. It was for the best anyways. The band would be in tonight and we had to work our asses off to get ready for the shows Friday and Saturday.

I was waiting in the warehouse the band had rented for rehearsal, when my phone rang. The screen said 'Raine Calling'. Shit.

"Hello," I answered. I couldn't leave him hanging. I knew he and Deak had fought. I knew it was about me. I felt guilty.

"You left." God, he sounded so sad, tears welled in my eyes.

"Yeah, sorry. I'd overstayed my welcome, I had to go."

"You didn't have to leave." God, he was breaking my damn heart. "Deak hasn't come back," his voice broke. What? Oh, God, poor Raine. I didn't know what to say. What to do. "Anyways. I just," his voice cracked, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Are you?"

"No," he whispered. "Not at all." There was a pregnant silence. "I should go. See ya around Tyler." The phone beeped and ended call tone. I lowered my head to my hands and cried. Like a little girl.

Deak 6.5

I'd missed rehearsal for the first time in my life. I couldn't bring myself to care. I was numb. Numb to everything. Everyone. I had fifteen missed calls. three from Ben, three from Jack, one from Paul, three from Kara and five from Raine. I'd only listened to one of his voicemails. 'Hey. I just want to make sure you're okay. Please call me back.' I didn't. I hadn't left the hotel room. I hadn't eaten, showered. I couldn't. I didn't want to.

I jumped at a pounding at the door. I looked through the peephole and opened it. "The fuck, man?" I scowled at the intruder of my grief.

"That's what I came to ask you, asshat. Get the fuck dressed," Jack spat.

"Man, fuck you," I retorted and plopped my ass back on the bed.

"What the hell, man? Raine says you missed rehearsal. Ben says you're fuckin' mopin' around like a fuckin' pubescent fuckwad. So, what the hell, man?" Jack threw his hands up in exasperation. "Was I this fuckin' dramatic with Anya?" I smiled a genuine smile. Then I remembered why I wasn't smiling anymore and frowned.

"Yeah. You were," I answered sadly.

"Get dressed. We're going to eat. I'm fuckin' starvin' and you're payin' cause I left work for this bullshit," he huffed.

"I didn't ask you to," I snarled. Who did he think he was coming in here like I'd done something to him? He gave me a sardonic look and rolled his eyes. "Just go away," I waved him off.

"Sorry, chief. No can do. You've had my back in the past. Now I've got yours," he shrugged. "Now get dressed or I will haul your ass to eat in your boxers." He would too. Jack Campbell was just crazy enough for that shit. I pulled on the only clothes I brought. The ones I'd left in. Jack actually only walked me across the street to an O'Charley's to eat.

"So, why'd you miss rehearsal?" He asked without preamble. I shrugged. "That's not like you, bro. The band, your music. That's always been your life, man."

"Maybe it's time I get a new life, huh? Since the old one worked so fucking well?" I said angrily. Then I lost my fire "I should just give up and start over," I sighed. .

"Is that really what you want? Give up? Start over? Give up your music? Your friends?" He looked hurt. I didn't need to ask why. I knew he thought I meant give up him and Ben. I felt guilty. They'd both been like brothers to me.

"I don't know what else to do," I exhaled loudly. "Everyone I love, Jack, 'every-fucking-one', doesn't...they don't want it. My father. Tyler. Raine. They don't want it, man. And it kills me. It's not fair. I didn't ask to be this way!" I snapped and pounded my fist on the table. My energy drained again. "But, I am. I can't help it," my voice broke. Then Jack Campbell did something very un-Jack like. He stood, dragged me out of the booth and gave me a tight hug. Just a friendly hug, but a hug none the less.

"Deak, I wouldn't change you for anything. Ever," he said as he pulled away and sat back down. I followed his lead, a little shell-shocked. "Ben wouldn't either. And, bro, I know Raine would cut off his left nut before he'd change you. We all love you, man. Maybe...some people a little differently now, but it's love, brother. And we do want it and we do cherish it. But, man, we ain't fuckin' perfect. We all fuck up. Shit. I damn near lost the woman I love forever, because I'm a fuck up," his face paled. I knew where his mind had gone. That was some scary shit. He shook his head as if to clear it. "Ben fucked up and pushed Jen away, it was Raine who fixed that shit both times. Now you've both fucked up and we want to help. So just accept it and," he looked over my shoulder, "don't punch me, bro." I turned my head to see Raine walking toward the table. I turned back to Jack and scowled.

"Thanks, man," Raine said to him. Jack nodded and stood.

"Just so you know," he said softly. "I meant what I said. We 'do' love you, just the way you are." He gave Raine a one harmed man hug and walked away.

"Hi," Raine said quietly, as he sat across from me. "Don't be mad at Jack. He didn't want to blindside you, but I couldn't get you to talk to me." His voice was quiet. He looked bad. His dark eyes were red. There were dark circles under them. He hadn't shaved, and stubble darkened his jaw. His normally olive skin was pale looking. "Tyler left," he blurted. I flinched and waited for him to tell me it was my fault. "She said she'd overstayed her welcome," he continued.

"Sorry," my voice sounded like I hadn't spoken in years.

"Not your fault," he answered the table. His brow furrowed. "Are we done?" My stomach flipped and my chest cracked. I didn't want to be done, but I didn't want to be the burden in anyone's life, most of all his.

"I don't see how we can keep going," my voice was still gravely. He nodded, furrowed his brow again, the shook his head.

"I love you," he said firmly, finally looking up at me.