Runaway Hitch-hiker


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She told him he could shower first and he said OK but wanted to check some email before he did.

When he pulled his tablet out of his bag Amys eyes lit up.

"Can I borrow that while you are in the shower? I lost the charger for my phone and I haven't checked my Facebook in days."

"Sure, after I check some business stuff it's all yours. We can look for a charger for your phone tomorrow unless you have an android like I do in which case you can use my charger."

Amy did have an android and plugged it into his charger while Ray checked his mail. There were a couple from his divorce attorney he chose not to open just yet and the business stuff was pretty routine.

In five minutes he was done and he went into the bathroom carrying his toiletry bag as well as a pair of gym shorts and a tee shirt to wear to bed.

He usually slept in the nude but not tonight. It was worth the tradeoff to have to wear clothing for him to have the companionship of this bright young woman. He felt less lonely and like less of a loser.

While the shower was running Amy signed into her Facebook. She had messaged a few friends about her predicament and had gotten only one encouraging response. Her friend Tonya had said she might be able to crash on her couch for a while but she had to check it out with her boyfriend.

Bridget had messaged her several times asking her to please call her and let her know she was OK.

Amy was still too pissed at her friend to forgive her. The memory of that audition interview still stung.

When she was about done she noticed that Ray had left his email window open. She knew she shouldn't but she brought it up. Without opening any of the mails she saw that a couple of the unopened ones were from a lawyer with the title heading divorce settlement proposal.

That explains the recent lack of ring she thought to herself and then she heard the shower stop running.


Amy was in the shower only a short time and then emerged wearing a tee shirt Ray had given her for a night dress. It was a men's Xtra large and said Yosemite National Park on the front. It fitted loosely and came down to mid thigh.

It was her new favorite garment.

After a little small talk about the days adventure ahead they turned out the lights and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night Ray was awakened by Amys

Crying out in her sleep. "No! No!" She murmured as she tossed fitfully.

Ray got up and touched her shoulder trying to soothe and reassure her.

"It's OK Amy, it's only a dream."

That seemed to calm her and she settled back down.

She had kicked off her covers and the tee shirt had ridden up to her waist. Before covering her back up Ray paused to admire her shapely pert little butt covered in only a pair of thong panties.

She was tiny but had womanly hips and well formed and tanned legs.

The red toenail polish was very cute and sexy on her little feet.

He pulled the sheet and blanket back over her near nakedness and forgave himself for being aroused. She is a woman after all and I'm a man who hasn't been laid in weeks.

Going back to his own bed he played with his cock quietly until he came in one of the bathroom hand towels and with the vision of Amys sexy ass playing in his mind.


The next day at Yellowstone was a blast as was the one after that.

They decided to stay the additional day because there was so much to see.

For the night in between they luckily found a room in the Old Faithful lodge due to a last minute cancellation.

The only problem was that this only available room had but one queen sized bed.

Ray had jumped at getting lucky with the last available room without understanding the bed situation.

When they went inside and saw the smallish room with only one bed there was a moment of awkwardness.

It was too late and it was too far from anywhere else to be sure of a better place to stay.

Ray offered to sleep on the floor and then Amy insisted that she be the one to do so since Ray was paying.

Ray finally said that they could share the bed if she would promise not to molest him during the night.

He said this with a chuckle to help dial back the sexual tension that was developing between them.

"I promise to resist." She said.

She was happy for the enforced closeness. She was not looking for sex but for safety and with this gentle man she felt safe.

Amy was hoping for a better nights sleep than the one she had the night before.

Her nightmare had been very disjointed as most dreams were and she remembered bits and pieces.

《 In her dream there were a gang of men vaguely resembling her step dad who had lined up and were expecting her to suck them.

Her friend Bridget was off to one side sucking off the fifty year old creep who had auditioned her for the 'modeling' job.

Amy found herself in the dream trying to get to her feet and run but she was being held frozen as if in quicksand. Then one of the men took hold of her pigtails and drew her head forward toward his bobbing dick. She hadn't worn pigtails since she had been a young girl but in this dream she was in pigtails. 》

She vaguely remembered Ray talking with her and calming her back to sleep when she had awoken in a near panic.

Tonight she prayed that there would be no dreams at all unless they were nice ones.


There real scenario of the audition was actually a nightmare of its own.

As she later learned, Bridget and Galen had come into some real money problems.

Galen owed a dealer some money for drugs he had been fronted and the dealer had given them the option of going to someone he knew at a Valley porn company called Nubile Newbie productions to settle the debt.

Galen had already pimped Bridget out to the dealer for an earlier drug debt but the dealer knew he would do much better for himself by garnering a nice finders fee should he steer this tight nineteen year old to Mr Max at Nubile Newbie productions.

Besides, he had already done the young blond in every hole she had.

She was quite a little firecracker and with a little coaching could be a big hit in the buisiness.

Bridget was indeed a firecracker at five foot two with beautiful B cup breasts. She had been sexually active since early in high school so it was not too big a step for her to take the leap into porn.

She knew what she was getting into in one sense but not to the degree that Mr Max had in mind for her.

After she had stripped and toyed with herself while being filmed for her 'audition' Max asked to prove she could work with male talent and asked her to blow him.

She did.

After that she was doing several shoots a week and they were getting more and more depraved. The money she was making was getting used up in drugs by Galen and herself almost as fast as she made it.

Soon Max was becoming less interested in filming her and he asked if she had any friends she might be able to steer his way.

When she showed him the pictures of Amy she had saved on her phone from their cheerleader days Max became very interested.

"And you are sure she's nineteen and can prove it?"

He asked while rubbing his dick through his pants.

"She's my age most def. We went through high school together."

"She looks more like middle school to me but that's perfect for what we do here. Get her out for a tryout and we can see about getting you more work as well sweetie."

Bridget made the call when Amy was most vulnerable.

The airfare was the clincher and Bridget had said that she was almost certain to get work.

Why she had not insisted on a return ticket was a thought Amy regretted almost from the minute the audition started.

Max told her to sit on the couch in front of him in his creepy strip mall store office and asked her some initial questions such as her name, age, where she was from and why she was eager to get into the buisiness.

He had several cameras set up in the room which he said was to record the audition.

He had made her sign a release and told her that this audition / interview would be for company records at the production company and not for general release.

Bridget had told Amy that it was a porn audition just before dropping her at the Nubile Newbies production office but she had lied and said it was only for soft core.

When Max asked her to take off her clothes so that he could see how she looked naked she was prepared for that.

She knew her butt was her best feature but was embarrassed by her almost non existent boobs.

They were barely more than preteen swellings but her nipples did protrude quite a bit when she was frightened or aroused.

Max asked her to play with herself for him as she might be asked to do some masturbation videos.

He gave her some lube and a toy to work with.

She was working the vibrator around her pussy and had her eyes closed trying to think about being somewhere else when she heard his zipper come down.

When she opened her eyes she saw him stroking his dick with one hand and reaching for her head with the other to pull it towards him.

"Lets see how you suck dick sweetheart."

"No!!" She had cried, and when she pulled back he grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her forward until the tip of his cock brushed her lips.

Without thinking she opened her mouth and Max slid in about an inch.

She bit down hard.

She did not draw blood but Max screamed and fell backwards yelling, "You stupid bitch!!"

The next few seconds were a blur as Amy grabbed her clothes and backpack. She also scooped up the release she had just signed and went out into the hall naked.

She hurriedly dressed while Max was writhing in pain and after leaving the building started to walk.

Amy spent the next two days at a shelter ignoring Bridgets repeated calls and not having a clue as to what to do next.

Then she hitched her ride with the trucker.


The night at the Old Faithful Inn Amy slept well.

Ray did not.

The talked for a while before Amy started to drift off, a little tired from the long day of hiking.

Ray had placed a pillow between them in the bed as a compromise for private space but Amy had removed it in her sleep and soon had an arm over Rays chest and a leg swung over his abdomen.

She was sleeping peacefully in that side lying position with Ray on his back.

Ray woke after a brief doze to find her thigh draped over his groin.

Even through the gym shorts he was wearing he could not keep his cock from hardening.

Ray was a bit self conscious about the size of his penis. It was about five inches when fully erect and only moderately thick.

It did not look too out of proportion on him because he was about five foot eight and one fifty.

His soon to be ex-wife Becky was about the same height and she had always resented not being able to wear her high heels as that would have caused her to tower over Ray.

Her series of extramarital affairs were all with men over six feet tall and though he had no way of knowing, he suspected that they were all more well endowed than he was.

He had tried to make Becky happy sexually during the marriage and had trained himself to be one of the best there was at eating pussy.

The other women whom he had as lovers before marrying Becky all told him that he was very good. He could tell they enjoyed his oral attention and he had never failed to bring a woman to orgasm.


Ray shifted position a couple of times during the next hour of sleeplessness but Amy kept finding her way to his body.

Around two or three in the morning (he wasn't sure)

he got out of bed to take a shower and masturbate.

After that he was able to sleep.

The second day of Yellowstone was enjoyed thoroughly by both Amy and Ray. After leaving the park in late afternoon they started east again and drove well past dark.

When approaching a small town called Greybull Wyoming Ray looked for a place to pull in as it was looking like a long way to the next wayside.

They found a motel with a vacancy sign and Ray got them a room with two beds this time.

Ray turned on the TV and was opening up his bag when he saw Amys phone vibrate as it lay on the dresser beside his bag. She had placed it there before flopping down on one of the beds exhausted from their long day.

The display on the phone had the face of a pretty blond girl and the caller ID said Bridget.

"You have a call Amy." Ray said, even as she was quickly getting up from the bed to retrieve her phone.

He saw her dismiss the call and she said to him, "That was the friend I visited in LA. She's worried about me but I'm still very mad at her for something she did. I don't want to talk with her right now."

Ray said nothing.

"I'll text her when you're in the shower and let her know I'm ok."

Ray nodded and took his things into the bathroom and closed the door. He failed to notice that the latch had not caught and that it had sprung open a crack.

Amy was texting Bridget to tell her that she was alive and OK and to leave her alone for a while.

Amy then looked up and caught a glimpse of Rays' naked body from the mirror above the dresser and through the cracked bathroom door. It had shifted open another inch or two as he was stepping into the shower.

Her phone pinged with a series of texts from Bridget which Amy ignored. She stood in that position and slowly took things out of her backpack without looking at them and put some in a top drawer and others on the dresser top.

She hoped Ray would shower quickly and wanted to be in position to 'accidently' catch another glimpse of his naked body. She was even bold enough to cross over and push the door open another few inches with her foot before quickly returning to her position in front of the mirror 'unpacking'.

The water stopped and Amy held her breath. Ray had his back to her as he stepped to the floor mat and reached for a towel. He has a great butt, Amy thought to herself.

Ray slowly turned and was toweling his head vigorously so he was not able to see Amy eyeing his body through the reflection in the mirror.

His arms and chest were well defined and his penis though flaccid was beautiful Amy thought.

She emerged from her trance just before Ray brought the towel from his head to his arms and she stepped quickly out of his line of sight.

Ray noticed that the door had worked itself open and he pushed it shut until the latch caught.

Amy lay back on the bed while Ray shaved and got dressed inside the bathroom.

Her hand found its way between her legs and she was unconsciously rubbing herself and was genuinely aroused for the first time in a very long time.

Ray came out and smiling at her said, "All yours. I'm finished."

Amy said, "I think I will take a long hot bath. Maybe it will soothe my aching muscles after all the hiking we did today and I haven't had a tub bath in some time."

"Knock yourself out. I'm going to see if there is a game on the TV to watch. If you come out and I'm sleeping feel free to change the channel or turn off the set."

Amy scampered inside and closed the bathroom door making sure to lock it behind herself. She brought her phone in with her so that if Bridget or someone else called she could handle it without any questions from Ray.

He hasn't pried up to this point and that's a good thing the teenager thought.

She started the tub water and then stripped down, examining her body in the bathroom mirror.

She had a hard time thinking of herself as sexy, even though she had a very pretty face. She ran her hands over her almost non existent boobs, the nipples responding immediately and protruding straight out.

Her pussy was hairless.

She had shaved it at Bridgets suggestion before her audition at Nubile Newbies and only a little stubble had managed to grow back since.

She turned to the side and admired her cute backside.

There was no denial from her that it was an attractive one and the only boyfriend she had in high school always told her so.

She and her high school boyfriend Brian, who was a year ahead of her in school, had sex a few times while they were dating but it had been awkward.

They couldn't afford a hotel room and she never brought him home except one time.

Her step daddy Bill had been quite mean and rude to him when she brought him over for dinner that one time and Amy was convinced there was a good deal of jealousy from Bill involved.

Her mom as usual did not defend her or her boyfriend and Brian had caught the vibe and had chosen never to return.

He had a lot of younger siblings at home so there was no good opportunity for them to get intimate there.

Brian had an older brother who let him use his car on occasion and it was in the back bench seat of that Pontiac that Amy had her first lover.

She did not count Bill as a lover because what he did with her was not love.

Their awkward high school fumblings were never sufficient to bring Amy to orgasm but she liked Brian a lot and she was his first.

It frustrated him a little that she didn't come when he was fucking her.

He went down on her a few times the best he knew how from watching porn, and though Amy liked when he did, he wasn't really very good at it.

It was better effort than Bill made however. He had never as much as offered to kiss her cunny much less eat it.

Brian always wore a condom and usually filled it after a dozen or so strokes in her vice like box.

When she was on her period she would jerk him off and she was very good at that. She could tell that he was disappointed that she never took him into her mouth but he was too shy to ask and she never offered or made a move to do so.

The closest she had come to orgasming with another person was when Bridget had gone down on her a year ago. She had been spending the night over at Bridgets place after a late night study session.

Brian had left and gone out of state to college and Amy was lonely.

When Bridgets mom had suggested she sleep over so they could study again in the morning before the final Amy agreed.

She suspected Bridgets sexual wildness was going to invade her life and she was right.

After they went to bed the two had taken turns munching pussy on a dare. Bridget said that she had never done that before and Amy almost believed her.

Amy brought Bridget off several times and she herself got ever so close to coming from her friends expert tongue.

She did not come on that occasion and it was her only lesbian experience. The only way she had ever been able to come was in the bathtub.

She had discovered the pleasure of placing her pussy under the running warm water of the tub faucet a long time ago and had used that method of masturbation to good effect ever since.

This was why she had to take a bath now.

Amy saw that the tub was now filled to about a depth of eight inches and she stepped in and sat down. She had in her hand one of the sex toys Mr. Max had made her use in her 'audition'.

It had become mixed in with her clothes when she had abruptly exited his office and had been in her backpack ever since. This was the first time she found a good reason to use it.

The toy was a g-spot stimulator wand with a curved and rounded end. It was not very thick so she had managed to work about three inches in for Mr. Max although that had required a lot of lube.

She was now self lubricating thinking about Ray Blanton.

Amy adjusted the drain and water flow so that the tub would not overfill while she was enjoying herself. She planned to be in here for a while.

Amy lay on her back in the water and slid her ass forward so that the water fell directly on her bare pussy. She ran her legs straight up the shower wall and then crossed them at the ankles.


Ray had found a basketball game on ESPN to watch and was getting his tablet out of his bag so that he could check email. He noticed a business card on the floor near the dresser and picked it up and turned it over.