Sadistic Startup


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"What are you looking for?"

"Before the ex-girlfriend takes the first whack at his ass, we want everyone watching to hate the boyfriend's guts. They'll be dying to see his face all twisted and hear him yelling, whining and whimpering like a sissy as the cane tears into him."

"How will you do that?"

"It's pretty easy. We'll do four interviews. First, I'll meet with the boy and girl together just to explain how everything works. They'll sign all sorts of consent forms and releases. The video of them listening to the explanations and signing will help prevent any lawsuits.

"Then we'll interview the ex-girlfriend alone and get her to talk about what the boy did to her, like cheating, humiliation and abuse. We'll try to get her to tell us the most horrible and disgusting things he made her do or did to her.

"She'll probably be reluctant to share her degradation, but we'll keep probing until she describes a few revolting scenes vividly. What we really hope is that she breaks down on camera. Then the audience will really hate the ex-boyfriend.

"When we finish that interview, Janet and I will go through it and make notes to prepare for the ex-boyfriend.

"When we interview him, it'll be just like interviewing someone applying for a job at our company. I've been practicing for this my whole career."


"It's true. When an applicant comes into my office after filling out the forms and taking the tests, what happens?"

"I don't know. I was hired before you came to work at the company."

"The previous HR officer did the same thing as I do. We all do it.

"Every job applicant who walks into our office is a dangerous psychopath -- until proven otherwise. It doesn't matter what you look like. Your resume could be a total fabrication.

"I pretend to be friendly, welcoming and interested in you, but everything I say is for one purpose: to get you feeling safe with me so that you'll let your guard down.

"Sometimes I think of myself as the good cop in a police interrogation. I'm your best buddy as I try to keep you talking until you slip up and give me the information I need to hang you.

"Once I've put you at ease in my office, I use our conversation to get you to tell me things that you would never tell your closest friend. I want to know all the dirty secrets of your life, not just from previous jobs but also school, family and social life.

"I want to know all your personality defects. Are you reliable? Can you be trusted? Are you loyal? Do you respect other people? Will you steal? Will you break the law or the rules of decency for your advantage? Do you care about anyone else but yourself?

"Of course, I never ask those questions, but the way I steer the conversation, I slowly strip you of everything you wear to cover up your real self. If I'm successful, the stripper is naked when I finish.

"Then I usually hire you anyway, because you're not as hopeless as some of the real losers I've interviewed. You're more like all the other broken souls working for us. You'll get along with them just fine."

"I'm really glad I never interviewed with you."

"Don't be silly. I'm talking about the average applicant. You're the exception."

"I wonder."

"Forget it. Anyway, the only difference between my screening interviews at work and my interview with the ex-boyfriend is that everyone subscribing to the website will be watching the ex-boyfriend trying to convince us what a nice guy he is while we get him to reveal himself as pond scum.

"We'll use some of the things the ex-girlfriend tells us in her interview. For instance, if she gives us some names, we'll question him about some of the women he was cheating with. We'll try to get him to compare his ex with the other women and demean her. Anything we can get him to say that makes him sound like a slimeball will be gold for us."

"What if he's not that bad?"

"Nobody is all bad. His ex must have seen something in him. So sure, he'll tell us some things that make him look good. He might even say some nice things about his ex. Everything like that will be cut when we edit his interview. We'll keep only the disgusting parts."

"That's horrible!"

"Yes, but it's part of the business plan. Once we edit his video down to the nastiest things he says, we'll show it to his ex-girlfriend just before the caning session. Then we'll do another video with her where we ask her questions based on the ex-boyfriend's video. How does she feel when she hears him saying this and that? How does she feel now about her revenge?

"We hope she'll be even more hurt and angry. If she didn't go to pieces during the first interview, maybe she will after she watches her ex humiliate her all over again. If she breaks down on camera, she'll get tremendous sympathy. Then we'll try to turn her humiliation into anger and motivation.

"Our goal in the second interview is not only to make her hit him hard but to lash out at him verbally while she does. We want her to throw back at him some of the things he said about her and maybe even share some embarrassing secrets she knows about him that will humiliate him as much as the caning.

"After the caning is over, the video editors will get to work. The interviews will be woven together to bring out the maximum drama, and then the caning will be added. Thorny said the interview part will probably be longer than the actual caning -- twenty minutes of buildup to about fifteen minutes of pain."

"The whole thing sounds dreadful," said Dolores. "What I can't understand is why the ex-boyfriend would put himself through this."

"For the money, of course," said Frankie. "What other reason is there?"

"How are you going to find these miserable guys?"

"We're not going to. Thorny is a genius. All of his Internet ads will be aimed at ex-girlfriends. Here's a draft of the first one."

She handed Dolores a printout. Dolores took it and read.


We'll pay you for your payback!

Humiliate him on the Internet!

XGF Revenge helps you get satisfaction!

And it's completely legal!

Isn't it time to stop obsessing over what he did to you, get even and get on with your life?

We're here to help!

Just click on the XGFR application form, fill it out and submit it to get the exciting details.

Don't waste any more tears on him!

Do it now!

Dolores looked up from the page.

"I can't believe this," she said.

"It's for real. When an ex-girlfriend responds, I'll do the preliminary phone interview, explain the videos and tell her that she and her ex-boyfriend will each be paid the same amount for the video. If she's still interested, we tell her the catch -- the most difficult thing she'll have to do to earn her money."

"What's that?"

"She'll have to recruit her ex-boyfriend. We won't contact him. She knows him better than anyone

"She can even trick him into talking to us, but after that, he'll know exactly what's up. We have a script approved by the lawyers, so we'll use the exact same words in explaining what will happen as we used with her. We'll answer all his questions honestly.

"If he's still game, he will get a thorough physical. One of Severa's clients is a well known surgeon, and she got him intrigued with our business plan. He'll decide whether the boyfriend will be in any physical danger. If there's the slightest doubt, the guy will be rejected."

"What do you mean by the surgeon being a client? Does Janet work on medical devices?"

"He's a client in her other business."


"The girlfriend will be doubly motivated to persuade her ex. She wants both the money and the revenge. She'll be our best sales person.

"Her boyfriend will either want the money or, like Nate, he'll really need it. He still might be scared, so she'll need to find a way to convince him. We don't care how she does it, and we're not going to give her any suggestions, so we aren't liable if she lies to him.

"Thorny says it doesn't matter if she deceives him, because once we interview him, we'll explain everything that will happen to him in detail, not just once, but three times on camera, even before he signs the forms. Lawyers are already working on them.

"It will be true BDSM, because both sides want it to happen. The boy will be more eager than the ex-girlfriend. Think of it. Most guys would never agree to something like this. So the ones who do it will need the money badly.

"The other thing that's great about this is that it's not hard-core porn. The girl will be fully dressed in a modest skirt and blouse or dress. If she's got a great body, the outfit will probably be tighter but that's all.

"The boyfriend will wear street clothes until he gets into position. He'll be on the floor on his knees. His chest and arms will be draped over some kind of bench or stool. His ex will unbuckle his pants and pull them and his underwear off of him. The camera will follow the girl as she walks over to a table and picks up the cane and slashes it up and down a few times to warm up.

"We're being extra careful, so while she's doing that and he's not on camera, some assistants will lift up his shirt and stick heavy foam protective padding on his back. It will prevent injury in case she aims badly. They'll pull the shirt down to cover the padding.

"When the camera follows her back to him, she'll fold his shirt back so his ass is bare, taking care that the padding stays hidden. From his shirt down, he'll be naked.

"Thorny is still thinking about whether the girlfriend will get to caress his scarred ass between some of her strokes or after she's done. Even if she does, he won't be hard, so you'll see less than what you see in a lot of R-rated movies.

"The reason we're being careful not to get too pornographic is because of marketing. The releases that both of them sign will allow them to use captures or up to three minutes of video on Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest or blogs. I don't think he'll post anything, but she might share with her friends. If she does and the video goes viral, we'll get more memberships and also more girls applying.

"Thorny also thinks he can get exposure on mainstream radio and TV and Internet streaming shows. Our narrative is the kind of thing they're looking for. They like to report on stuff that is titillating but where they can pretend it's trending news. There will be plenty of stuff in our videos that they can use without violating broadcasting rules.

"Once the word gets out, Thorny thinks men who already like to watch women caning men will flood our site. Most of them won't care about the interviews. But since there's no female nudity and no sex, a lot of women will come to us, too. They're the ones who will love the interviews. The asshole ex-boyfriend being punished will represent some of the guys they once dated.

"Members who sign up and pay a small monthly fee will get to watch a new video every week, plus all the old videos as many times as they want. What do you think?"

"Is that it?" asked Dolores.

"That's it for now."

"You're all sick!"

"I know, but soon we're going to be sick and rich."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Wait and see. Do you have any more questions?"


"You don't like to hear about this. Would you rather I don't tell you about our progress?"

"Don't you dare keep anything from me! I want to know everything that's going on. I think you're getting into dangerous waters. I may be able to see problems that you, Thorny and Janet are overlooking because you're too excited about your disgusting website."

"I was hoping you'd say that. I think Blossom and Hadley feel the same way. The three of you should be able to keep us out of trouble. After all, you're all members of the board and full partners."

"Don't say that!"

"Okay, Miss Millionaire. Am I allowed to ask you what you'll do with your money?"

"No! I don't want to go there."

"I know the first thing I'm going to do. Janet and Hadley gave me the idea. I'm going to spend my money on an expensive honeymoon."

"I don't want to hear about it. Wait! What did you say?"

"What does it look like?"

Frankie was on one knee on the floor in front of Dolores.


There was no discussion of the new business for the next few weeks. Dolores was the first one to bring it up.

"You haven't said anything more about Thorny and Janet. Are you having problems?"

"Are you kidding? Everything's moving ahead. There's nothing new to report. We're doing a video conference tomorrow night. Hadley and Blossom will be observing. Do you want to sit in, too?"

"Of course."

Janet was dressed in domme clothing for the call. Dolores and Frankie had to laugh at the skin-tight red and black leather costume that was cut so that her substantial breasts were almost falling out of it and her firm round butt cheeks were bare, except for a narrow strip of leather between them.

"This is what I'm going to wear for the interviews and the canings," she explained. "I'm wearing it tonight in honor of the engineering breakthroughs that I'm announcing."

She pulled a purple velvet cloth off a device on the table in front of her and Hadley. It was a large metal box with a display that looked like a digital clock, but the bright red number wasn't showing the time.

"I call this the world's first stroke speed gauge. It's basically a modified radar gun that outputs to this display and tells you how fast the cane was moving during the stroke. It's the same way they time the speed of a tennis serve or a pitcher's fastball.

"I'm going to demonstrate it in a second. First I have to show you my second invention. We're sitting in front of it."

She and Hadley got up from the couch, revealing a man lying behind them.

"Who's that?" Frankie asked.

"I call him Mister Maso," Janet said. "He's a sucker for pain."

She laughed and lifted the man to a sitting position. The dummy was so lifelike that when she maneuvered him, it looked more like he was drunk than fake.

"Mister Maso is pretty realistic from this side," Janet said, rolling him over, "but less so this way."

Dolores and Frankie saw that a large round pink mass had been stuck on top of the dummy's pants right where his butt was. It was sculpted to look like a naked ass, but the shiny pink material didn't look real.

"Mister Maso's ass is made from a composition that I invented," Janet proudly proclaimed. "It's a soft plastic with some of the properties of rubber, so when you strike it with a cane, you get the feeling of hitting human flesh. Now watch what else it does."

She sat down next to the dummy for a second and picked up a rattan cane that was next to it. She stood up and moved so they couldn't see her anymore. The camera moved closer to the dummy so the large fake pink butt filled up two-thirds of the screen.

There was a sound like a mix of whistling and hissing followed by a crack of lightning as the cane came down on Mr. Maso, bounced slightly and then rested on the fake pink flesh. The cane was slowly lifted.

"See the brown mark that shows where my cane hit?" asked Janet. "Now look at this."

The hissing sound was back, louder than before, broken only by five cracks as the cane struck quickly. When the cane was lifted, there were now six distinct brown lines on the fake ass.

Janet's hand holding a damp cloth appeared and began rubbing the marks. In moments, they were gone.

"That sound of the cane going through the air is frightening," Frankie said breathlessly.

"That's the idea! Now I'll show you one more thing, and then I'll explain how we're going use these inventions," Janet said.

She moved the table with the stroke speed gauge close to the couch, so both the gauge and the fake butt were visible.

"Watch the readings. I've simplified the output, so there are numbers rather than the actual speed. I'm going to start slowly and then gradually swing the cane harder."

As the cane whistled through the air and impacted the plastic butt, the gauge numbers went up from ten until the last stroke, which registered seventeen. Janet's hands turned some dials, and she spoke again.

"I'm setting the gauge to signal whether a stroke is at a fourteen level or below. Watch!"

She swung a few more times. Each stroke at fourteen or higher made the gauge emit a bright green flash. Each one less than fourteen caused an even brighter red flash.

Janet moved the gauge and dummy away, sat down on the couch with Blossom again and began explaining.

"Before we shoot the video, the ex-girlfriend is going to practice on Mr. Maso until her strokes are hard and accurate.

"We'll start the practice with an audition. You saw that I got up to seventeen on the gauge. I was using all my strength to register that and I'm pretty strong. I'll show the ex-girlfriend and tell her that unless she can get a high number, we probably won't use her and her ex.

"She'll swing as hard as she can during the audition to get to fifteen, which is impossible for most girls. We'll help her develop her form so she can use her whole body to add power to her stroke.

"Our gauge will show her how well she's doing. When we see a number that she can only reach by putting all her effort into the stroke, we'll tell her that will be the minimum she'll need to put into each swing when she's caning her ex.

"The agreement they'll sign will include that number and we'll have a camera recording the gauge output of every stroke, even though it won't be seen on the video. We don't want to give away trade secrets."

"What if she doesn't aim right or swing hard enought?" Frankie asked.

"If she misses and hits his back, she gets to take the stroke over. But each time she doesn't hit her number, their commission is reduced. We don't want couples faking for the money."

Dolores' ears perked up and she spoke.

"Commission? What commission? Are you selling something, too?"

"I'm calling it a commission," said Frankie. "I'm still working on it. It's like some of the commissions we pay you at work. To motivate you to work harder, we have a sliding scale. The more sales you make, the higher the commission rate, so the best sales reps get paid much more per sale."

"I don't understand what this has to do with caning."

"The compensation isn't settled because we need to do a lot more research. Once we have applicants, we're going to test how much money is the sweet spot -- where a large enough percentage of ex-boyfriends will go for it.

"We'll start low with the first responders and then gradually raise it so we're getting good outcomes. We can always go back to those who rejected the lower amounts and give them the final offer after we decide what it is.

"Let's say we settle on ten thousand dollars, five thousand for the girl and five for the boy. We hope it will be a lot less than that because, as we'll explain to the guys, no matter how bad it is, it'll be over in fifteen minutes.

"The couples only get the ten thousand dollars if he takes all fifty strokes. But he's allowed to stop at any time, so what happens if he doesn't finish? That's where the sliding scale comes in.

"It might be something like this. The first ten strokes will earn them fifty dollars a stroke, twenty-five each. The next ten will be worth a hundred each, followed by ten at a hundred and fifty and so on."

"I'm doing the math in my head," Janet said. "The fourth ten will be two hundred each, and then for the last ten we jump to five hundred a stroke."

"That's sort of what we want to do," Frankie said. "The guy will see a display, not visible to the audience, showing the exact number of strokes. If he wants to give up at number twenty-eight, he'll realize that after two more strokes, he'll get two hundred dollars a stroke instead of a hundred and fifty."

"And the last ten strokes will be worth the same as the first forty," Janet piped in.