Salacious Sisters Ch. 02

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Hannah enjoys being submissive to her sister.
6.5k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 02/16/2024
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My sister and I are both identical twins.

We both have the same delightful shade of golden blonde hair. We both have the same electric blue eyes, the same high cheekbones, the same adorable, dainty nose and we both stand exactly five foot, seven and a half inches tall. Even our bodies look identical.

Of course, the fact that Holly and I follow the same fitness routine has something to do with us having identical muscle tone and overall body type.

We work out five or six days a week. We start out with cardio. If the weather is cooperating, we go out and do a six-mile run through the neighborhood. Then it's yoga for flexibility and some impressive abdominal, leg and glutes exercises, including Bulgarian split squats.

With such beautiful faces and exquisite bodies, you might guess that we have amazing sex lives. Yeah, that's an easy guess, but what you probably wouldn't guess is that my sister is the most tantalizing lover I've ever had. Yes, I know incest is forbidden, but if you'd ever met Holly in person and seen her irresistible sex appeal firsthand, you'd understand how easily I could be drawn into a sexual relationship with her.

And the fact that I'd known her my entire life meant that I knew what sort of person she was. I understood her and trusted her implicitly

And because I trusted her so implicitly, it made it easy for me to tell her about my most recent kink. It would have been difficult for me to talk to anyone else about this, but Holly? I'd known Holly my entire life. And she and I had the same face. Talking to her was almost like talking to myself. I knew she wouldn't laugh at me or judge me for my deviant desires.

I had an intense desire to be totally naked while others around me were respectably clothed. Having my bald pubes and sculpted buttocks shamelessly on display while any and all women around me wore stylish jeans, custom tailored suits, expensive dresses etc. thrilled me in a way that's difficult to put into words.

Rather than be shocked and appalled at my new kink, Holly encouraged me to indulge.

"If that's what makes you happy, you should do it," she commented. She even put together a document we called "The Slave Agreement" which set down rules, traditions and customs that demanded that I indulge my newly discovered passion.

One morning Holly and I were both in the kitchen. I was washing the breakfast dishes while Holly put away leftovers. She was dressed in corporate casual attire, including custom-tailored blazer and dress slacks that showed off the slenderness of her waist and the sculpted curves of her beautiful hindquarters. And while her ensemble made her look elegant and stylish, I was stark naked with every inch of my body shamelessly on display.

There were butterflies in my stomach and a soft, wet pulse in my loins as I stood at the sink and washed the dishes by hand. It felt yummy to be so intimately exposed while my sister looked like she was dressed to go to a job interview at a Fortune 500 company.

I loved the disadvantage of being the only one naked. While I was fully exposed, my sister had all her naughty bits hidden. And every time I caught her admiring my breasts or checking out the shape of my ass, I felt a frisson of excitement.

After I was done with the breakfast dishes, Holly and I vacated the kitchen, headed to the living room and crashed on the couch. It was Saturday morning and Holly and I had an ancient tradition that demanded we watch cartoons every Saturday morning. Some people have told me that as an adult, I'm too old to watch cartoons, but Holly and I have found this to be a comforting tradition. We'll keep doing it until we no longer enjoy it.

We sat close together. I wrapped one arm around her as we watched. I leaned in close and savored the close physical contact. Holly placed one hand on my leg, just above my knee. Then she grabbed the remote and scrolled down the screen looking at our options.

There were several cartoons we both liked: Bob's burgers; Disenchantment; Futurama; Harley Quinn; Inside Job and Star Trek: Lower decks. We used to like the Simpsons, but after thirty-five seasons, the show has gotten tired. It just doesn't entertain us the way it used to.

Holly eventually selected Star Trek lower decks. We had finished watching seasons one and two and were ready to get into season three.

I loved the feel of Holly's hand idly stroking up and down my leg, especially when she brushed her fingertips across the inside of my thigh. The only downside was, it was so distracting that when we got to the closing credits of the episode, I realized I hadn't been paying attention to the tv show we'd just watched. I couldn't remember anything that the characters had done or said.

"We may have to watch this episode again," I commented to my sister, and I explained the reason why.

"Seriously?" she asked, obviously amused. "I wasn't even trying to get you worked up. I just enjoy being close to you."

"I could start the episode over again," Holly suggested. "I'll be less distracting the second time around. I promise."

"Sounds good to me. But afterwards, you can be as much of a distraction as you like."

So, Holly pointed the remote at the TV screen and set up the episode to play from the beginning, but before she could press play, the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?"

"Well, there's only one way to find out," my sister replied. A mischievous grin spread across her face.

It took me a few seconds to realize what she was getting at. When it dawned on me, I protested emphatically.

"Holly! I can't get the door like this! I'm naked!"

"Yes, you are," my sister agreed. "And your naked body is remarkably beautiful. Whoever is at the door is really lucky."

"Holly! No! It could be anybody out there! It'll be humiliating!"

"I thought you wanted to be humiliated," my sister replied. "Isn't that a huge part of being a slave? Or was that just a phase? Are you done being my slave now?"

Her questions caught me off guard. I wasn't done being her slave, and I did get a potent thrill from being naked and humiliated. My heart was racing nervously and there were butterflies in my stomach, but I decided that I needed to commit to being my sister's slave and answer the door naked, despite the risk involved.

I had no idea who was on the other side of that door. I was stark naked, exposed and vulnerable. I was going to feel humiliated no matter who was standing there.

Fear ran through me as I moved forward. With every step I took my feelings of panic intensified. I flushed, scarlet and hot. Panic gripped me. I was stark naked. I had no way of knowing who was on the other side of that door and I was about to expose myself to them. What if it was a large group of people? What if it was a nun or a priest? What if it was somebody I knew?

I arrived at the door and feared the worst. My heart pounded madly against my ribcage. The sound became louder and louder in my ears. I tensed and felt sweat break out all over my body. As I opened the door, I felt faint, and my eyes clouded over for a second or two. When I regained my vision, I was staring at a young woman in her late teens or early twenties. She was blonde, blue-eyed and had a soft, innocent, girlish face and kind eyes.

It was Holly's friend, Robin.

"Hello, Robin," I said as I stood before her naked and exposed. I felt a sense of helplessness and vulnerability. It was scary, but mixed in with the fear was a dark deliciousness and there was an insistent pulsing in my loins as Robin's intense, blue eyes scrutinized my body.

"Hello, Hannah," she said as she smiled warmly at me. "I've never seen you naked before. You have a very beautiful body."

Standing in front of Robin, in broad daylight, completely naked, I could feel myself blushing from head to toe.

I stood there and reflexively my hands went to cover my breasts and my loins. My nipples had grown hard while Holly and I had been on the couch together, and my pubic lips were swollen and visibly slick with my juices. I hoped that I had covered myself up before Robin had a chance to notice.

"Aaaahhhh!" I yelped as I felt three sudden, sharp slaps across my bottom.

"She's not allowed to cover herself," Holly explained to Robin, and then Holly ordered me to place my hands behind my back.

I felt a surge of fear and embarrassment, but the fear and embarrassment were delicious. I took a deep breath, mustered up as much courage as I could manage and placed my hands behind my back with my wrists crossed, allowing Robin to have an unobstructed view of my naked body.

"The two of you should get inside now," Holly said. "If my neighbors see a naked girl standing in the doorway, they might ask questions."

Robin came inside and blissfully the front door was finally closed. Robin looked me up and down and commented, "Okay, I knew your sister was an attractive woman, but now that I see her naked, it's like I'm under a spell."

"She is yummy looking, isn't she?" Holly replied.

"Her perfect, tight butt has bewitched me," Robin said as she circled me and viewed me from every angle. "I just wanna reach out and grab it."

I felt the self-defensive urge to use my hands to cover my butt, but I resisted that urge and instead raised my hands up higher to the small of my back, leaving my butt utterly defenseless, and commented, "If that's what would make you happy, maybe you should go ahead and do it."

Robin didn't need me to tell her twice. She was enamored with my body. She took hold of my buttocks, squeezing one, then the other, admiring their size, their shape, the soft smoothness of the skin and the firmness of my glutes.

"I'm jealous," Robin confessed as she ran her hands up and down my buttocks. "I have a nice butt, but yours is sculpted perfection."

"Hannah and I both have an intense exercise regimen for toning and shaping our glutes," Holly explained. "If you'd like, you could join us."

"Tempting," Robin replied as she firmly gripped my buttocks with one hand and my upper thigh with the other.

"I'll text you our workout schedule. It'll be rough at first, trying to keep up with us. Your glutes will be sore, and you'll be exhausted, but Hannah exercises in the nude, so you probably don't want to miss that."

Holly was right. Robin couldn't pass up the opportunity to see me exercise naked, so she immediately agreed to become workout buddies with Holly and me. Potent feelings surged through me at the thought of Robin seeing me naked every time I did my exercise routine, and then suddenly she was standing in front of me. She took me in her arms and wrapped me in an enthusiastic embrace.

"I'm so lucky," she exclaimed as she pressed her clothed body into my naked one. The denim fabric of her jeans felt rough on my naked thighs and my nipples were so hard and sensitive that they ached as they rubbed up against Robin's cotton t-shirt.

* * *

The main reason Robin came over was to give me a bikini wax. She brought her waxing kit and was ready to set it up in the dining room, but Holly had different plans.

"Set everything up down in the basement," Holly said. "In keeping with Hannah's slave status, I felt she should be bound spread-eagle before you wax her."

Robin looked me up and down, her eyes wide and curious. "You let your sister tie you up? That is so wild!"

"Yeah", I said, feeling my face grow hot. I was sure I was blushing a deep shade of red. "I get a remarkable thrill out of being naked and helpless. And I trust Holly not to take advantage of me while I can't defend myself."

"Well, not too big of an advantage," Holly added. "She wants me to grope her and touch her all over while she's bound and can't defend herself."

I made some whimpering sounds, and I felt my face blush even hotter.

"And I don't tie her up. I use chains and leather restraints."

"Oooh I wanna see! Show me!"

Holly and I descended into the basement together. Holly had her arm wrapped around me as we took one step at a time, the air getting colder and my heart pounding more intensely as we got close to the bondage gear that Holly would use to make me helpless.

Robin followed closely behind, admiring the sway of my ass the entire time.

Walking barefoot and naked across the cold, hard basement floor, I felt more submissive than ever. And then Robin asked if she could help chain me up.

"I've never had a naked slave girl of my own," she explained. "What is the etiquette here? Are you the only one who's allowed to put her into bondage, or are your friends allowed to help?"

"You can help," Holly said.

Holly walked her through the process of putting me in spread-eagle bondage. Working together, Robin and my sister attached short lengths of chain to my wrist restraints. Then Holly stood on a chair and showed her the U-bolts that jutted out from strategic locations in the basement ceiling.

Soon those chains were secured to the U-bolts in the ceiling. Then Holly brought out more lengths of chain to be attached to my ankle restraints.

"Ah, and those get clipped to the U-bolts in the floor, right?"

It was kind of obvious after my sister had shown her the purpose of the U-bolts in the wooden ceiling beams. I was ordered to spread my legs pornographically far apart, and then Robin and Holly worked together to secure the ankle chains. Once they were finished, my arms and legs were stretched far apart.

There I was, naked and helpless, my pink slit shamelessly on display and my naked breasts heaving up and down as my levels of delicious fear and excitement caused my breathing to become labored.

"Wow," Robin enthused. "The way you're bound, you look even more beautiful than before."

"The way she's stretched shows her off to her best advantage," Holly explained. "The way her arms are raised forces her breasts even higher and puts them conspicuously on display. It also shows off her abs. And the way her legs are spread so far apart forces her to flex her thigh muscles. It's a very sexy pose, and she has to hold it until we release her."

"It'll take about a month before your pubic hair begins to grow back," Robin explained as she knelt down in front of me and positioned herself directly in front of my vagina. "So, this is something that doesn't need to be done that often. The convenience of only having to do it once a month is why many women prefer waxing over shaving."

Robin smoothed a thick, waxlike substance into my pubic hairs. I squirmed as her fingertips came remarkably close to my swollen labia without touching them. Her face was so close, I could feel her breath on my pussy. I moved my hips in a shameless manner and desperately wished she would stroke my pubes or thrust her fingers inside of me, but then there was an explosion of pain as Robin grabbed a clump of wax and yanked it away, ripping scores of pubic hairs out by their roots.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" I screamed in inarticulate pain as Robin held up a clump of wax with a bundle of my pubes embedded in it.

Robin was professional and methodical. She ripped out one patch of pubic hair after another until all that was left were a few delicate hairs around my anus and perineum. She used tweezers to pluck those out.

Soon, my vulva was left completely smooth and bare, leaving my pink, swollen labia shamelessly exposed and on display for Holly and Robin.

After Robin informed me that my pubes were completely bald, I assumed that I would be released from my restraints, but instead, Robin pulled out a tube of some sort of medicinal cream and began to rub it into my exposed pubes.

"Aaahhh," I gasped and tried to close my legs together. After my pubic hairs had been ripped out, the entire area around my pink slit was sensitive and even a gentle touch hurt.

"Sorry," Robin said apologetically, "but I have to rub this in after waxing. In the short term it hurts, but in the long term, this will keep your skin soft, smooth, and healthy."

I whimpered as Robin rubbed the gel into the delicate flesh of my anus, my pink slit and the surrounding vulva. At first, it was intensely painful, but as she continued to rub it in, it felt phenomenally good. When Robin was finished, she got up off her knees, placed her hands on her hips and took a good, long look. Her assessing gaze was a reminder that I was still naked, my legs were still splayed, and my breasts were conspicuously heaving as I panted with sexual excitement. And now, added to all that, my pubes were bald, leaving my plump, glistening pubic lips indecently on display.

"She looks even more naked and vulnerable than before," my sister commented.

"She's so beautiful right now," Robin replied. "She's a work of art, a masterpiece. I feel like I should take a picture."

"Go right ahead," my sister suggested. "She can't stop you."

Robin whipped out her phone and I was forced to acknowledge my helplessness and vulnerability as she snapped off several photos of my splayed, naked body. Of course, feeling helpless and vulnerable just increased my levels of sexual arousal and the pulsing fire in my loins intensified to a red-hot inferno.

"You're the only one that's going to see those pictures, right?" I asked.

Rather than answer me, Robin maneuvered around me and took photos of me in profile and from behind.

I moaned inarticulately as Robin took photos of my naked backside, and then my sister had a suggestion.

"Since you're so enamored with my sister's firm, sculpted body, maybe you should take advantage of her helplessness and touch her all over. "

"Seriously?" Robin asked. She stood in front of me and asked me if I would consent to that.

I nodded my head in agreement.

The more helpless and used I felt, the more excited I got. I squirmed and strained against the restraints that held me, but my heart beat excitedly in my chest at the thought of Holly's friend treating me like a sex object and touching me all over, and me helpless to stop her.

I could struggle and strain against my bonds, but I would be unable to get free while she kneaded my breasts, squeezed my buttocks and examined my naked body like I was a sex slave at auction, ready to be sold to a cruel mistress.

"You should do it," I said to Robin. "I won't complain. Feel my breasts, squeeze them, knead them, pinch my nipples, finger my vagina, smack my ass, do whatever you want. I won't complain or try to stop you.'

"Wow," Robin said as she took a tentative step forward, and then her hands gently took possession of my breasts, lifting them slightly.

"You can do more than that," I insisted. "I'm bound. There's nothing I can do to stop you. How often do you get an opportunity to feel up a naked, bound girl of such exceptional beauty?"

I tried to thrust my breasts forward, to make more insistent physical contact, but the way I was bound I could barely move at all. Still, I think I got through to her somehow and she became more adventurous with her hands.

The expression on her face changed and her hands became more enthusiastic. She pushed my breasts together, squeezed them, brushed her thumbs across my nipples, then pinched them. My breathing became more labored, but I didn't object to the way she manhandled my helpless, naked body. I wanted her to do more and more. I wanted my body to become her playground.

Robin spent a great deal of time playing with my breasts and my nipples, then she reached between my legs. She stroked my pink slit up and down before locating my swollen clit and she gently brushed her thumb across my throbbing pink nub.


With her left hand, she continued to feel me up all over, caressing my breast, cupping my buttocks, tracing the contours of my ribcage and running her fingertips across the taut surface of my abdomen.