Salacious Sisters Ch. 08

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Hannah is the entertainment at a lesbian femdom party.
5.5k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 02/16/2024
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When you're a model/actress, one of the things you hope for is to get cast as a regular on a TV show. Once you have that, you don't need to be constantly looking for paying work. You know you're going to get a regular paycheck.

I still haven't been cast as a regular on a TV show, but I did find some steady work that pays well.

A woman named Eva, who lives in the posh part of Fairhaven, has been organizing BDSM parties at her home. She invites wealthy BDSM enthusiasts to come to her home to see me strip naked, get dominated, objectified and punished. The women pay a hefty entrance fee to attend these parties, Eva keeps twenty percent of the money for herself as she's doing all the marketing and advertising. My sister Holly and I get to keep the remaining eighty percent.

This is where it gets exceptionally kinky.

You see, I'm Holly's twin sister, but I'm also her slave. I love and trust my sister more than anyone else in the world. At some point it just made sense to be in a sexual relationship with her.

And about a year ago, I developed a thing for bondage, discipline and CFNF. I love being the only one naked, while I'm surrounded by imperious, clothed women who assess my naked body and treat me like I'm some sort of plaything they can examine, grope and punish. After my sister became my mistress, she found a way for me to live out my fantasies and get paid for it at the same time.

The first BDSM party at Eva's home brought in approximately three-dozen women who were willing to pay hundreds of dollars each to see me sexually abused, objectified and punished. I was so popular that Eva was able to get more than seventy women to show up for the second BDSM party.

"Oh, my God!" I exclaimed. "Seventy-two?"

"She's going to have to have the party in her back yard. She doesn't have a room in her house big enough to accommodate that many guests."

"I've got butterflies in my stomach," I said. "I've never been naked in front of that many people before."

"Wait until I tell you the rest," my sister replied. "Your swarm of butterflies is about to get bigger. Remember how you stripped naked for Eva's guests last time? She's planning for something more dramatic this time."

"Dramatic, how?"

"Instead of you stripping voluntarily, three of the women at the party are going to grab you and rip your clothes off. Your dress, your bra, your panties will all be torn to shreds. The great news for us though, is that the women are paying a fee of $220 each for the privilege of tearing your clothes off."

Holly had already picked out the clothes that I would be wearing for the party. There was a sleek, royal blue gown with spaghetti straps, a floor length hem and a slit down the side. She matched that up with a royal blue bra and royal blue thong panties.

"Those are really nice clothes," I lamented. That dress looks very chic and stylish. It seems a shame to destroy it."

"The violence of tearing it from your body will be grand entertainment," Holly explained. "And the money those women are paying you will allow you to buy the exact same dress and still have plenty of money left over."

"And these wealthy ladies will have fond memories of the time they raped me."

"Don't call it rape," my sister admonished. "They're paying you for a melodramatic experience where they tear your clothes violently from your body. And if it gets too intense, you can use your safe word and call a halt to everything. You remember your safe word, don't you?"


"So, it's not rape. It's a grand, erotic spectacle."

My sister was right, but my whole body was still thrumming with nervous energy. My hands shook if I thought too intently on what was coming and my heart would sometimes pound so overzealously in my chest it felt like it might break free from my ribcage.

On the other hand, I was also awash with a dark, delicious sexual desire. My pussy was soaking wet, and my nipples were conspicuously hard. The thought of being naked, outnumbered and the helpless victim of seventy-two affluent women was scary, but it was a delicious, tantalizing sort of fear.

My mind buzzed, fear beat a drum in my chest, my stomach flipped, but there was also a pulsing fire in my loins. And it was the pulsing fire in my loins that had the deciding vote in this situation.

I showed up for the party early. Our host led me straight to the wet bar so I could make myself a fruit drink with a sizable amount of rum to steel my nerves before her guests arrived. The heat from the rum suffused my chest and abdomen and helped calm some of my sensations of panic, but my dark desire wasn't reduced at all. My sex still throbbed with hungry spasms.

"You look adorable in royal blue, dear," Eva said after I'd downed my drink. "It's a shame that your dress has to be destroyed."

"That's what I was saying," I commented emphatically, my empty glass still in my hand. I gestured dramatically with it and Holly ambled in. She took the empty glass from my hand and set it down on the bar.

"We'll get you a new dress," my sister said. "We'll go clothes shopping tomorrow. It'll be fun. But tonight, that dress is going to die a violent death."

And before any of the paying guests arrived, Holly wrapped her arm around my waist and led me out the backdoor. There was an enormous deck in the back yard and my sister led me out onto it.

There was also an outdoor pool, a garden shed and a small grove of trees. Eva's yard was about the size of a football field. I could never afford to buy a huge property like this. I guess it must be nice to be rich.

"Nervous?" my sister asked.

"I'm going to be forcibly stripped, spanked and molested," I replied. "Of course I'm nervous! Nervous, bordering on panic."

Then Holly stepped in closer, wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled my neck. Holly's embrace was warm and comforting. And the way she nuzzled my neck triggered a frisson of pleasure. I suppressed a sigh and then my sister asked me if I was still nervous.

"Not nearly so much as before," I replied. "But you can't hold me all night. As soon as you take your hands away, I'm going to be filled with anxiety again."

My sister wrapped her arms around my waist and laid my head on her shoulder before saying, "Yes, well, I suppose that makes sense."

The hug felt reassuring, but eventually Eva's guests began to arrive. At first, it was just two congenial women who introduced themselves as Luci and Mila.

Then two more women made their way out onto the deck. Then four more. Then an additional four. Soon there was a flood of well-dressed women, and the deck wasn't big enough to hold us all. Eva showed up and directed me to a spot in the back yard and told me to stand there.

My legs felt wobbly, and I had butterflies in my stomach. I was fully dressed but many of these moneyed women were already looking at me like I was something good to eat. Then someone turned on the outdoor lighting and Eva grabbed a microphone.

"Ladies!" she called out. "I'm so pleased you could all attend tonight's festivities!"

There was an enthusiastic response from the crowd, and then Eva singled me out.

"Please direct your attention to the blonde in the blue dress!"

Dozens of sets of eyes turned towards me, and then Eva explained to the crowd that I was to be the entertainment for the evening. She told them that I would be stripped naked, felt up, fingered, spanked, used, abused and degraded, and that there was nothing I could do to stop them.

I felt a surge of terrible fear, but it was intermixed with excitement. I could feel my nipples burning against my dress, and my panties were soaking wet. Then Eva called forward the three women who had been chosen to strip me of my clothes.

All three women looked smug and self-confident. They were all well dressed, well-groomed and taller than me. I felt instantly intimidated by them as they moved closer and closer, surrounding me. My heart pounded urgently in my chest.

Then Eva's daughter spoke up and said, "What's the holdup?"

"Anja is right," Eva commented, her voice seemingly everywhere, probably amplified by hidden speakers. "This girl is supposed to be naked. Tear her clothes off! And she's a slave, so don't be gentle about it!"

I reflexively flinched as strong arms grabbed me around my waist. Then, another woman grabbed me by the leg. I struggled, but by then all three women had me caught in their strong hands. They held onto me easily and wrestled me to the ground.

Even though I had agreed to this in advance, I felt a wave of panic wash over me. Dozens of women watched as I was forced onto my belly and one of my arms was twisted behind my back. The back of my dress was unzipped and then the spaghetti straps of the dress were ripped away.

"Oh! Aaaaahhhhh!"

I grunted and screamed inarticulately as the women grabbed at me, made me helpless and tore my clothes from my body. My high heeled shoes were torn from my feet and tossed into the yard somewhere.

My dress was a quality garment and their attempts to tear the stitching met with resistance. Somebody produced a pair of scissors and cut the dress off me, leaving bits and pieces of royal blue fabric scattered here and there around the yard as my dress was destroyed.

Somebody else decided that my bra would come off easier if it was likewise cut up with scissors, and bit by bit, my bra was cut off as well.

Pinned down to the ground and wearing nothing but my panties, the women attempted to tear those off of me with their bare hands. One of the women grabbed my thong by the waistband and pulled. She yanked them up tightly, wedging them painfully between my butt cheeks. Then I was flipped over and a different woman pulled on my panties from the front, wedging the fabric painfully between my swollen pubic lips.


One of the women had an exceptionally strong grip and as she pulled the waistband sidewise, away from my hip, the stitching began to tear, and the fabric began to rip, but in the end, the lady with the scissors ended up cutting the panties off me.

A cheer went up from the assembled crowd as my panties were ripped completely from my body, rendering me completely naked. Of course, that wasn't the end of it,

The women who had stripped me grabbed me in all my private places, including my bare buttocks and my bald pubes. Their hands weren't gentle in the way they explored my body. My breasts were painfully squeezed, my pubic lips were pinched, and my ass was slapped.

I ended up on my belly again, with my breasts and exposed nipples pressed into the grass. One of the women twisted my arm behind my back and forced my wrist up high near my shoulder blades--I grunted and struggled, but she had made me effectively helpless. Being helpless made my body thrum with dark, feverish sexual energy and I wondered what I looked like to all the spectators.

There I was, naked, face down with my bare buttocks indecently exposed. A few of my tormentors had already smacked me across my ass, probably leaving handprints behind. I squirmed indecently every time my ass was smacked and I whimpered, creating quite a show for all the women watching.

Two of the women grabbed my legs and pulled them apart, leaving my pink, swollen pubic lips indecently exposed for anyone who cared to look.

"Oooooh!" I exclaimed wordlessly, and I pretended to struggle against my tormentors, but the truth was that I was having the time of my life. It was such an erotic thrill for me to be stripped naked, forced down to the ground, grabbed, squeezed, groped, pried open and made helpless by strong vigorous women with nefarious intent.

I lifted my hips up off the ground and wriggled my buttocks in a shameless manner, aware of how my shaved pubes were on display. I had been pinned to the ground and stripped naked. I was enjoying what they'd done to me so far, and wondered what they would do to me next.

I squealed inarticulately as two demanding fingers forced their way past my pubic lips and thrust themselves deep into my sex. I squirmed reflexively and tried to close my legs together, but the women holding me down made certain my legs remained apart. I felt helpless and vulnerable as my pussy was probed. I was physically incapable of stopping them with my arm incapacitated and my legs forced pornographically apart.

"Aaahhh! Aaaahhhh! Aaaaahhhhh!" I cried out as I was impaled on strong, brazen fingers. The erotic pulsing in my vagina became more intense as those fingers explored my moist interior. I was held down and dozens of imperious women watched as I was forced to the edge of orgasm.

I was certain that the fingers probing me would bring me to a screaming orgasm within moments, but before that could happen the fingers were withdrawn from my needy sex. I whimpered and moaned; I was in a libidinous state of agony but there was nothing I could do about it.

And with my arm twisted insistently behind my back, the women were able to control me. They forced me to stand, and then I felt somebody's hand on my inner thigh.

"Legs far apart," a woman admonished me.

I moved my ankles far apart from each other, leaving my genitals indecently exposed. And then another woman spoke up and commented that I should always stand like this.

"As a slave, you shouldn't have to be told to do that. You should stand with your legs spread like that automatically."

"If we have to constantly remind you, you will be punished," another woman warned ominously.

Eva and my sister ambled over towards us. They stood close and Eva called out, "She's been stripped of her clothing and her dignity! Now, form a line and you can touch her! Her body is young and firm and smooth! Place your hands on her beautiful, naked body and savor the intoxicating rush!"

I felt deliciously vulnerable. With my arm twisted behind my back, I was forced to thrust my breasts forward. And with my legs spread wide, my pussy was prominently on display. An army of affluent women formed a line so they could molest me, one at a time.

A tall, sleek redhead dressed in stylish black with a cute pixie haircut was first in line. She had a wicked, mischievous smile on her face as she squeezed and kneaded my naked breasts. My heart pounded with excitement as I was groped. She pushed my breasts together, pulled them apart, lifted them up and then pressed her fingernails painfully deep into my tender flesh.

Then she leaned in close and kissed me on the lips.

"Mmmffffffffff," I moaned as she kissed me warmly and worked her tongue into my mouth. A sensation of delicious, helpless arousal washed over me. I was being groped and kissed and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop it. I was naked and at the mercy of the women who surrounded me.

The redhead broke from the kiss, and she captured one of my nipples between her thumb and index finger. My heart began to beat triple fast as my nipple was abused. I felt my pubic lips growing thick together, felt my juices leaking out at the junction where the lips pressed against each other.

My nipples throbbed, and I wondered if the tall, lithe woman who was pinching my tender flesh could notice the dampness between my legs.

The next woman to step forward was stern looking and older than me, perhaps in her early forties. Everything about her was crisp; her makeup, her hair, her clothing, all looked very efficient and serious. She was wearing a two-piece suit with a black skirt, a black jacket and an Anne Klein blouse. There was a general impression that she was a respectable authority figure, like a school headmistress, and I was a naughty schoolgirl who deserved to be punished. And she was ready, willing and able to punish me for my insolent, childish behavior.

The stern headmistress gave me a disapproving glare and reached between my legs. She rubbed her fingertips up and down my indecently exposed bare pubes. I writhed at her touch and her hand came away damp with my juices.

"You little blonde slut, you're enjoying this," the stern headmistress accused. "You're in someone's backyard, stark naked, showing off your tits and ass and you're enjoying yourself."

She wiped off my sexual juices and said, "I'll be talking to your sister about this. Bad girls like you ought to be whipped. One day your sister will agree to let me whip you. I'll bet your pussy won't be wet after that."

For a moment my heart raced urgently in my chest, and I knew fear, a dark and delicious fear. Would Holly really allow this woman to whip me? And would it be more than I could bear? A part of me wanted to beg Holly to protect me from this woman. Another part of me wanted to urge her to orchestrate a time and place for me to be whipped by this cruel headmistress.

The instant the stern headmistress stepped away another woman took her place. And then there was another woman after her. And another, and another. There seemed to be an endless supply of sadistic women, eager to possess me, torment me, touch me all over.

One of the women insisted that she wanted to use me for a private party at her home. She had her own ideas how a bad girl like me should be treated and she didn't want Eva's rules or procedures to get in the way of her plans.

"Price is no object," the woman assured me as she pinched my pubic lips and one of my nipples simultaneously. "It will be fun putting a beautiful slave like you through her paces. Of course, your sister can stay and watch. It will do her good to see how I treat you. I think it will give her some ideas on how a slave should be treated. She hasn't been tough enough on you."

My sister was standing just a few feet away. She turned to the woman who was abusing me and said, "We'll discuss it after the party. Right now, there are other women waiting to place their hands all over my sister."

Some of the women just wanted to fondle my breasts, roll my nipples, knead my pubic lips and in general run their hands all over my naked body. Other women added words to taunt me, promising me future punishments or degradations.

Some of the women would work their fingers into my pussy and probe my moist interior. Several times while being fingered, I almost came. But they always withdrew their fingers before I could climax. I feel that they did this on purpose to leave me panting and in sexual distress, right on the edge of a potent orgasm.

Eventually, we got to the part of the party where one of the affluent women would get to spank me. Eva declared a bidding war. Whoever had the highest bid would get to put me over their knee and redden my poor bottom. I watched with rapt fascination and horror as the frantic bidding went higher and higher.

One of the women bidding was the stern headmistress and I was actively frightened of her. I prayed that she would get outbid. I shuddered at the thought of going over her knee and my head reeled with daunting thoughts of how cruel she would be if she had me at her mercy.

The top bidder ended up being a blonde woman in a conservative pantsuit. She was lithesome and had skinny arms. I assumed that her slender build meant that she wouldn't be able to spank very hard. I soon learned differently.

"Get over my lap, pretty girl," the lithesome woman commanded, and I padded barefoot across the yard to the bench where she was sitting.

She pulled me down across her lap. Then she grabbed my hips, positioning me so that my ass was raised up high. She placed her hands between my thighs and spread my legs apart, making certain that my pubic lips would be extremely visible while I was spanked. I grew strangely aroused at the thought of being so exposed. And then I noticed Anja pushing her way through the crowd so she could get a first-class view of my naked buttocks and exposed pubic lips as I was spanked. It was a new level of shame for me to submit to a spanking while such a large group of spectators watched. I closed my eyes tight and tried not to think about them as I lowered my hands to touch the ground.