Sarah's Story Ch. 01-03


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I have to tell you that I was a bit confused. I never had a steady boyfriend and here I was at twenty-five dating a widower of forty-seven. Never having a family support system can really confuse a single girl.

I was alone and liked the idea that someone cared about me for something other than the sex. The sex was good but not a lot of surprises. Leonard was a good man. He worked hard and seemed to be an honest person. My problem was that I didn't know if I looked at him as the father I never had or was he just an older lover? Did I really want to go on and commit to a future with a man twenty plus years my senior?

I liked him, maybe loved him. I was happy when he was around, hence not being alone. I decided to take the chance and asked him if he would like to be my date and go to my best friend's wedding in Canada.

He said he would love to go so we started making plans. We each sent out for our passport. We needed it to fly to Canada by then. We continued seeing each other a couple of nights a week and we did have sex at least once each week. Things were progressing well. I now had a nice circle of friends and a boyfriend.

When we arrived in Canada, Vera was there to greet us. She seemed so happy. We were both crying as we held each other. I introduced her to Leonard and she gave him a big hug. She had us a motel room at the nicest motel she could get. She said that she and Drake were going to pay for our rooms. It was the least they could do seeing we flew in for the wedding.

The wedding was great. Vera and Drake looked great together. Leonard was having a good time and talking with a number of the guests. He and I danced one dance after another. He was pretty good on his feet.

"Are you having a good time?" Leonard asked me.

"Oh, yes, I'm so happy for Vera. She found a man willing to put up with her," I laughed.

"Are you willing to put up with an old codger like me, Sarah?" asked Leonard.

"What exactly do you mean, Leonard? Are you asking me what I think you are?

"Yes, Sarah, I want you to be my wife. I want to make you happy like your friend Vera. I know I'm a lot older than you, but I think we can make it work."

I started crying. I never had anyone close outside of Vera. Now I was going to have a husband. "Yes, Leonard, I'll marry you. I can't replace your Mary, but I'll do everything in my power to be a good wife to you."

I told Vera and she jumped for joy with me. She asked me when the wedding would be and I told her I didn't know. Leonard had just asked me and I said yes. I promised her that she would be the first to know when we set the date.

God, I was so happy. Leonard might have been older but he was a sweet, sweet man. We really enjoyed ourselves at the wedding. The time we spent in the motel was special too. I made love to my future husband. Just the thought of someone loving me for who I am was all that I could ask for.

On the trip home and for the next week or so we started making a few plans. One day Leonard came by and wasn't in the best of moods.

"What's wrong, Honey?" I asked.

"The damn kids! They think our age difference is a problem but I know their real concern is they're worried about their inheritance. Why can't they just be happy for me?"

"Maybe we should wait and put it off. I don't want to come between you and your kids," I remarked.

"Sarah, my wife was forty-three and died. Any of us can go anytime. Why should I waste months or years of my life waiting? Waiting for what? I told the kids that I didn't care. I told them that we were getting marring next month."

"What about planning a wedding and sending out invitations? I don't know if it can be done in a month," I replied.

"Sarah, I just want to marry you. I don't want a big wedding and reception. I thought you and I could go to the Mayor's office - he's a friend of mine - and just get married. We don't need a lot of hoopla. I just want you to be my wife."

I didn't expect that. He told me he had a big wedding the first time he got married. I was a bit disappointed and wasn't sure what to say. Most all girls growing up think of their big day; white dress and flowers, all part of their special day. It wasn't that Leonard was cheap; it was just that he didn't want to be the center of attention.

I didn't want to hurt him. The big wedding would have been nice, but since I didn't have any family and he had two kids that didn't want it to happen, we just went to the Mayor and got married.

I called Vera and she was a little pissed at Leonard. She said he should have thought a little more about my feelings too. I told her I was happy. "I am now Mrs. Leonard White, married woman."

We both laughed. She went on to tell me she was pregnant. Life was sure being good to her. I was, of course, happy for her. I didn't picture any little ones in my future.


Life with Leonard changed after we got married. We didn't go out quite as often. He was good to me but said that he had an idea he wanted to talk over with me.

"Sarah, you are a great broker and Investment advisor. Why don't you just run your own business out of the home? I know most of your customers will want you to do their investments."

"Leonard, I never thought about that. I only have about seventy thousand dollars invested of my own money. I would need at least another hundred thousand dollars of my own money to help set up that type of operation to prove my worth. These companies expect the brokers to have higher net worth. I just don't have that kind of net worth. I can't use yours because of our pre-nuptial agreement. Your accounts and mine are set up separately due to the agreement."

"The agreement said if we divorce within ten years that you can only take out of the marriage what you put into it. Also whatever was added during the marriage would be shared. I can give you money and then it would be yours, wouldn't it?"

"Technically, yes, Leonard, it would be mine, but do you really want to do that? Your kids will scream to high heaven if they find out. You know I didn't marry you for your money. I don't want money to be a problem between us. Right now we both contribute to our living expenses."

"I want you home with me. It's so quiet and lonely when you're out working and I have days off. I'll have our lawyer sign an affidavit that I'm turning one hundred thousand dollars over to you to start your investment firm. No one else needs to know about it."

Leonard and I got along fine. The bank was a little pissed at me since I was quitting to go into business for myself. I started up my business by depositing a hundred and fifty thousand dollars into my own investment. My first customer was Leonard as we transferred his investment with my choice of companies.

Soon after starting my home business, I noticed that Leonard had plans other than me just running my business while he was at work. I was now the cook and maid for him also. Little by little he was treating me more like a housekeeper or one of his kids.

"Sarah, get me this," or, "Sarah, what's for dinner?" I didn't mind being the woman of the house but it seemed that I was doing just about everything for him. I talked to him about it and he said he would try to do more. Of course he said Mary, his dead wife, never worked outside the home and that probably is why she didn't have problems doing the housework. I was about ready to hit him with a frying pan when he said he would take me out for dinner, something we didn't do nearly as often as we used to.

Other than the sex which we did have maybe every other week, Leonard was more of a father figure than a husband. I still felt I was a lucky woman to have a husband who cared for me and we did live a decent life.

We were married about two years when I wasn't feeling good. I went and saw the doctor and he told me I was getting a bit stressed out and that it seemed I had some allergy problems. He took me off all my pills for two months and said he would start them back one at a time till he found out which one was causing me problems.

I was feeling much better and was more than willing to have sex with Leonard. He was happy about that. About two months after that I told the doctor that my stomach was bothering me. He gave me a physical and told me I was pregnant. I was so happy. I can't tell you how great that made me feel. I couldn't wait to get home and tell Leonard. I finally was going to have a blood relative of my very own. It might not seem important to other people but I really wanted to have a family to call my own.

When I got home I made Leonard his favorite meal and had candles set-up for just the right light. I wanted everything to be just right. I heard Leonard pull in the drive and I had a little sexy dress on and some mood music in the background.

"Wow, what's the special occasion, Honey?" asked Leonard. "Did you land some gigantic account? We celebrated my birthday last month," he smiled.

"Let's eat first and then I'll tell you the great news. Don't ask any questions; I don't want you to spoil the surprise."

Leonard kept smiling all through dinner. After we ate I told him the dishes could wait and took him by the hand and into the bedroom. I slipped off my dress as he followed by stripping also. We got in bed and he started rubbing my breasts. It felt good but I was waiting for him to get to my tummy. As he was rubbing it, I asked him if he was ready for the surprise.

"Of course, are you going to do something kinky?" he asked smiling.

"We're going to have a baby," I yelled out. "I went to the doctor today and he told me I was almost three months pregnant. Isn't it wonderful? We're going to be parents. You're going to be a daddy again." I was so happy.

He stopped rubbing my tummy. "I thought you were on the pill?" he asked.

"I was, but a few months back I stopped taking all my medications. I guess that's when I got pregnant. Aren't you happy about this? We're going to have a baby," I said looking worried at him.

"You should have told me you stopped taking the pill. I could have used a condom or something. You should have said something."

"My God, Leonard. We're a married couple and we are having a baby. I thought you would have been happy about it. I didn't trick you into anything. We made love and it happened."

"I don't want another child. I did my share of child rearing and I'm through with it. I just want it to be you and me together forever. I don't want any more kids."

"What are you saying?" I was crying. "This is our baby; my flesh and blood. If you think for a second that I will get rid of my baby, you're sadly mistaken. I'm going to have this baby and raise it on my own if I have to. I've never seen this side of you, Leonard, and I have to say I hate it."

"Please listen, Sarah, I love you. I just don't want any more children. You've been happy, haven't you? I'll buy you anything you want but I just don't want any more kids. I'm through with that part of my life."

I was crying as I got up and went to sleep in the spare room. I couldn't believe that a man like Leonard wouldn't want his child. I know that I cried myself to sleep.

In the days that followed, Leonard and I didn't get along at all. He asked me when I was going to go see the doctor. I knew it was his way of asking me when I was going to get an abortion. It wasn't going to happen. I would leave Leonard first and take my child and raise it by myself if necessary.

The following evening we had a dinner appointment with a couple of our friends that we had made a month ago. I told Leonard that I would go but, if he said anything about getting rid of my baby to anyone, I would get up and walk out on him.

We were to meet these couples about twenty miles away. After I got in the car and we started off, Leonard started in on me. I remember it had started to rain and I told Leonard to pay more attention to his driving. It pissed him off and he started speeding. He was going too fast at the next curve and went into the other lane. There was oncoming traffic and Leonard over corrected and the car went off the right side of the road and over an embankment. I remember screaming and the car rolled over and over.


When I woke up, I was in the hospital. I was very groggy when a nurse came up to me.

"Where is my husband? Is he alright? We were in an accident," I remember saying to the nurse.

"You'll be all right. Just take it easy and you need to get some rest," said the nurse.

"My husband! How is he? Is he okay?"

"He was banged up a little but he just has a few bruises and scrapes. He's in another room right now, he'll be fine. He's just resting at this time, just like you should be doing," replied the nurse.

"My baby ... I'm pregnant. How is my baby?" I asked.

"The doctor will be in to see you, just rest right now," said the nurse.

"Get the doctor; I want to know about my baby. Get the doctor now," I yelled.

I guess I was yelling pretty loud since the doctor came rushing it. "How's my baby, doctor? Is it okay?"

The doctor took me by the hand and spoke softly. "Your baby didn't make it, I sorry. Wearing the seatbelt probably saved you and your husband's life. The strain of the belt across your abdomen as well as the pressure of the air bag hurt your baby. It must have died right away. I'm so very sorry."

I started crying and the nurse came back and held me. I wanted to die. The person who meant the most to me in my entire life never even had a chance at life. The doctor told me later that since the fetus was no longer alive it was best to remove it the next day. My internal body parts would need time to heal. The doctor did tell me I would still be able to have kids. A lot of good that would be as long as I was living with Leonard.

I had the D & C done the next day to remove the fetus. I asked the nurse what I would have had. She looked at me sadly and said, "A boy."

Leonard came in that evening after he was okay to check out. He came in and sat down next to me. "I'm so sorry, Sarah, but it was probably for the best. Now, we can just go back to the way it was before. Everything will be alright."

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. He had no remorse for our son. I think he actually felt relief and not having to deal with it.

"You son of a bitch. I'm getting a divorce and I never want to see you again. I can't believe that I married a man who didn't even want his child. You go back to your big empty house and look and sit around and stare at all the pictures of your dead wife. We could have had a good life and a family but all you could think about is yourself. I want nothing more to do with you. Please leave my room."

"Sarah, you'll get over it . . ."

"Get the hell out of my room and my life," I screamed.

I left the marriage with my business. Leonard tried to get the hundred thousand dollars back but his lawyer told him he didn't have a chance in hell. Besides I could have asked for any increase of assets since our marriage. I didn't even ask for anything else except for my own personal things. My business had grown to over two hundred twenty five thousand dollars.

Leonard asked if he could keep his investments with me and I told him only if I dealt with his lawyer. I wanted nothing more to do with him.

I found a nice apartment and a small office to run my business out of. It was nice seeing people again. Sure, I did most of my business over the Internet but I kind of missed the face-to-face contact with people. I kept in contact with a few of my bank friends so I still had a social life. It just didn't include a lot of sex which was fine with me.


End of Ch. 3

Please watch for chapter 4

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DG Hear

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Martyr2002Martyr200211 months ago

Leonard should have been charged. He speed up on a rainy night which lead to the death of his unborn son. Bad ma for sure

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I takes a lot of quality, finesse and expertise for a male author to step into the skin of a woman (probably with a few wiggles) and write a story as if he were that woman. My hat to DGH.

Leonard sure was a despicable piece of work and crapola!. In Sarah's shoes, I would work hard to get rid of his investment account ASAP. 5* Let's see what the continuation holds for us.


jflindersjflindersover 2 years ago

There should have been a tag so a reader was warned about the rape.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 3 years ago
Good, but ...

Not sure if it is Sarah’s unpredictable childhood or just the author, but this reads a lot like a documentary. As Jack Webb said, ‘Just the facts, Ma’am!’


26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Not my usual typestory, but I really enjoyed it. DG can tell a good story about anything

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 6 years ago
Missed this one somehow.

Very good writing and has certainly captured my interest and earned my emotional investment in your character.

Full marks.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 6 years ago

good. Story puts you inside her head and feelings. Well done.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 10 years ago
We all have our history

We are shaped by and own the way it makes us live and defines our needs -

She has the strength to move where she needs to so she can live her own life.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

Very well written. Odd that they wouldn't have discussed kids prior to marrying, given his age.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

the story,but just one very minor point to mention.When Leonard first met her his surname was Nelson,but after they were married she says she is Mrs Leonard White,did he change his name?

JakeRiversJakeRiversabout 17 years ago
Yep! Sarah and Leonard should

have talked about kids. Both of them were very motivated about having kids ... just unfortunately from differing perspectives. He was kind of cold about it.


Interesting story with good detail.


Regards, Jack

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
A fair start

The story's pacing is a bit slow, and the plot isn't tightly focused, being more a rambling narration of Sarah's life. The hook didn't grab my attention, and the narrative drive of this chapter is weak.


Sarah's surprise pregnancy demonstrates a basic fault in her marriage. Neither partner really puts the other first. The accidental death of the fetus precipitated the divorce but a break-up was likely to happen in any case. I agree with Harry: it's hard to believe that, despite their differences, that Sarah and Leonard had never discussed having children, particularly since she is in her prime child-bearing years.

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 17 years ago
Good story

Sarah is pretty adamant about wanting her baby, huh? I can understand an old man not wanting more kids, though. Well, maybe Sarah can find what she really needs--A younger man that wants kids. Very good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Not Your Normal Fare But

perhaps your best to date - lead on.<P>

With High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Sarah's soapy saga

got nailed in high school; got raped in college; married a man who did not want children (duh, the dude's 47 and already had grown children: Sarah's a stupid little hick who had just graduated from college!); divorced him because of nothing else but that he simply didn't want another kid. <p>

Date another man and he pimped her out to get a promotion and got it, so he cries big tears, but promises to make it up to her. She cries and tells us how badly she feels and how these men --- lovers and foes alike --- are fucking her silly. <p>

WTF! Is there ANY POINT to this silly Sarah saga; when does woman learn; when does an author learn, that a story is too stupid and perhaps it ought not be written?

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