Saved by My Best Friend

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A young woman is attacked, and then saved.
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It was late one cold Saturday night, I was sleeping in my bed, and my baby girl Charlotte (Charlie for short) was fast asleep in her crib across the room. Charlie had only been in my life for 6 months but I loved her so much.

Charlie's dad, Adam, wasn't around much, you seen I caught him cheating on me with my best friend Sara about 2 months after Charlie was born and I threw him out on the spot. I loved him but by this point I had already had enough of him so this was the last straw. I was already scared enough of him with his drinking problem, he became violent and that was not something I wanted Charlie to grow up with.

Before we go further I should introduce myself. My name is Lisa; at 22 I suppose you would class me as a young single mum. I always thought of myself as unwanted, my parents never seemed to care about anything to do with me; they basically wished me luck and closed the door in face when I told them I was pregnant. The only people that helped were my friends, particularly Nathan, he has been the best. Not long after I left home at 18 I met Adam, he was sweet and understanding and totally swept me off my feet. He was my first and only lover to date. For the first 12 months it was great, parties, friends and the love of my life but then Adam started drinking a lot and became very possessive and abusive.

Problem is after throwing Adam out I didn't have enough money to stay in the place I was in, plus I didn't want to be in the house on my own if Adam should ever come knocking all drunk and abusive. He did show up once or twice trying to get me to take him back acting all nice and sweet, although I could tell he'd been drinking, but once I denied him he became abusive again, demanding to see Charlie and that he'd be back one day and she would be gone forever. So 2 days after his second appearance I spoke to my friend Nathan about it and he took us into his home no questions asked, although the unspoken questions were answered by my black eye and bruised wrists.

Nathan was the nicest guy I had met but I never saw any potential between us in the 5 or 6 years I had known him, he had never shown any interest so I just assumed I wasn't his type, besides he always had a different girl over on the weekends, and although I knew what they were doing just a couple of meters down the hall he was always good enough to make sure they stayed quiet for Charlie's sake, as well as mine. He knew I would come in there and tell them to shut the hell up if they woke Charlie at some ungodly hour of the night.

Anyway as I was saying, Charlie and I were fast asleep on this particular night, when someone started banging on the front door. Nathan was still out on the town, so I dragged myself out of bed, making sure they hadn't woken up the baby. I just got out of the bedroom when they pounded harder on the door. I closed my bedroom door and yelled out that I was coming and to be quiet, there was a baby in the house. I slowly opened the front door and in pushed Adam.

"Where is she Lisa? I want to see my baby girl" he demanded.

"She is sleeping so keep your fucking voice down, for Christ sake its 2am."

"I don't care, she is my child and I want to see her."

"Well you cant" I retorted. "I wont allow you near her, not in the state you're in, you reek of booze and you're swaying, come back when you have sobered up" at that I turned and opened the front door, then all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything went black.

Next thing I knew I was laying on my bed my wrists and ankles tied up. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling incredibly groggy, I turned to look at the clock and it said 2.30am. I had only been out for about 30mins but god I was sore. As I looked up there was Adam holding Charlie and talking to her, but she was screaming, which didn't help my sore head. I could tell Adam was starting to get angry so I started to struggle; I had no idea what he might do to my baby if he got too mad with her.

He noticed my struggling and laid Charlie back down in her crib. The way he looked at me was pure evil and until that moment I had not realised he had stripped me of my clothes.

"Let me go Adam, this isn't funny."

"Who's laughing?" he smiled. "I've come to get what's mine, especially seeing as your big bad protector isn't here." He ran his finger up my leg to my pussy. Slowly circling my clit, I suppressed a moan, my body was betraying me, it had been too long since I had gotten any, and he knew what I liked. "You like that don't you baby" he hissed. I shook my head but he knew what he was doing to me. While all this was going on Charlie was still crying.

"Please Adam, she is crying, don't do this, not with Charlie in the room, please." I sobbed.

"Too bad, you wouldn't let back in your life, so I'll take what I deserve", with that he shoved 2 fingers into my now wet, but oh so tight pussy. I screamed out in surprise and pain.

I tried to squeeze my legs shut and just for that I coped a back hand. "Now, now, you should know not deny me by now, it will only get worse if you fight it" he sneered as he violently pumped his two fingers into me. He then stopped and started taking his clothes off exposing all of himself to me. He then climbed on top of me and leaned in to kiss me, his breath reeked of alcohol so I turned my face away. He punched my in the ribs, and I knew as soon as he did he broke one, maybe even two. I cried out in pain and Charlie started screaming louder. I tried to kick him off and in doing so I kneed him in the nuts. He rolled off me and onto the floor. I started to struggle free, the more I pulled on the ties, the looser they got. All of a sudden Adam got up and I saw something shiny in his hand, in was a knife, next thing I knew, he had shoved into my side and then my stomach, I cried out as he leaned over me I was screaming, I could feel his cock pushing up against my pussy and then all of a sudden I heard yelling and a girl scream and Adam was no longer on top of me.

That's the last thing I remembered before I woke up in a hospital bed. As I woke I slowly opened my eyes to a hand running over my face and through my hair, all I could think of was how nice it felt, then everything started to come back to me and I sat up too fast and got dizzy and laid back down. The voice soothed me and told it was ok, that Charlie was fine, as the voice continued to reassure me I realised it was Nathan stroking my hair. I started to sob and he leaned down and gave me a hug.

"Oh Nathan what happened? Is Charlie ok? What's going on?" I had all of these questions that I wanted answered. I could feel pain shooting up and down my side and started remembering that night.

"Its ok Lisa, you're safe now, Charlie is fine, she is at my parent's house, they love it, they want to know when I'll give them grandchildren" he smiled. Nathan then went on to explain what had happened, that he had come home with a girl to find the front door open, he knew something was wrong straight away and started calling my name. He could hear Charlie crying and then heard my screams of pain. He ran to my bedroom to find Adam and me naked on the bed, Adam on top of me holding a knife and blood every where. He pulled Adam off of me and beat the crap out him as the girl called for an ambulance and the police. He told me that he settled Charlie down after making sure Adam wasn't getting up in a hurry and called his parents to come look after her. He told me that I had to have an operation on my kidneys and stomach, unfortunately they couldn't save both kidneys and I had lost one. I had been asleep for 2 days, Adam had been charged and jailed for break and enter, rape, grievous bodily harm and attempted murder, and he wouldn't be out for a long time.

At that moment a doctor entered the room, asking the usual how are you feelings? And checking my charts and the monitors etc. he informed me I would be able to go home in a week but that it was probably in my best interest to see a psychiatrist and talk about and deal with what had happened. I thanked him and he left. A week later I was home and getting comfortable again.

Two months later…

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon; Charlie was down for an afternoon nap. Nathan and I were outside having a coffee and a cigarette; I took up smoking again after I left the hospital.

"Nathan, there is something I need to talk to you about and I need you to understand that this is something I need to do."

"OK, sounds serious, what's up?"

"Charlie and I are going to move out, I've been saving money ever since we moved here, I've still got all of my old furniture and everything so it was just money for a deposit that I needed."

"Your right, I don't understand, why are you moving out? Have I done something to upset you or make you feel uncomfortable?" he asked, looking quiet sad about my revelation.

"No, no, no, nothing like that, it's just sleeping in that room isn't helping me, besides we're cramping your style. Since I got home from the hospital you haven't been out, or had one girl over." The truth was Nathan had been more than fantastic, helping me with Charlie and getting me back on my feet. Holding me when I broke down into sobs or I'd find him holding me in my bed after I had woken up screaming from a bad dream. I had grown close to Nathan I had even started falling for him, I couldn't do it to him, knowing I wasn't his type. I was nothing like those girls he used to bring home, besides he would be wanting to find someone and settle down soon and having Charlie and I there wouldn't help his cause. No I had made up my mind.

"Well the room problem we can solve, you and I can swap, and as for the other thing, that is my choice. I have felt so guilty for being out that night…" he started but I cut him off as it started to become clear he would fight me on this and it was making me upset that he couldn't see the real reason and I couldn't tell him. What was worse he had been blaming himself for my own stupidity of opening the door at 2am in the morning, I should have known who was at the door, none of our friends would do something like bang the door down and almost wake Charlie.

I stood up, "no Nathan, you cannot fight me on this one and you cannot blame yourself for what happened. It was my own stupid fault for opening the door at 2am in the morning; I should have known who it was." Tears started to roll down my cheeks. "I'm sorry Nathan but I can't do this anymore." I turned and started to walk back to house.

"Wait Lisa, you can't do what anymore?" Nathan had a glimmer of hope… has she started to feel for me like I have always felt for her?

"I can't… oh fuck it. I can't be here to watch you bring strange girls into this house, your house… my home, the place I hoped… well I was starting to hope we would make our home as a family… but I'm not your type and I know you're not interested in me, I'm nothing like those other girls, I know that, and you deserve better than a pity case. I'm sorry, I've got to start packing." With that I turned and ran back into the house to pack.

Nathan sat frozen to his chair thinking… she does, she feels the same way, how can she think I would not be attracted to her? All of those girls, that had things that reminded me of her, but none of them were what I want, none of them were her! "I've got to do something about this and quick; I've got to tell her how I feel" he mumbled to himself. With that he got up and went inside to find Lisa.

I was packing my bags and crying when I heard a light tap on the door, I knew who it was "I'm not changing my mind" I heard the door slowly open but I still had my back to it, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't have said anything, but now you know, but I won't change my…" suddenly I was spun around and was looking into the hottest pair of eyes "m-mind" I shakily got out.

"What if I told you these feelings weren't all one sided? What if I told you that the reason I saw all of those girls was because I saw something of you in each of them? What if I told you I have been in love with you for longer than I can remember?" He stared into my eyes.

I started to cry again and he hugged me to him. "Please" I said, "please don't say things you don't mean, don't get my hopes up" I sniffled.

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it" he said. "Hey look at me honey, please look at me." Lisa looked up. "I love you, I want to grow old with you, please stay and make a home and a family with me, I already treat Charlie as if she is my own, so do my parents, they adore the both of you." His eyes pleaded with mine.

Suddenly I gave in and kissed him. I kissed him hard and passionately. He moaned and started pulling my top over my head, I wasn't wearing a bra, so as he guided me back on the bed, pushing off my suitcase, he began to suck and nibble on my nipples. I moaned and writhed in ecstasy. His hand was over my jeans clad pussy rubbing it softly as mine did the same to his hard cock as my other hand started pulling his shirt up to reveal a nice six pack and some hot pecks as well as a gorgeously trimmed trail of hair from his belly button down to his jeans. I licked my lips with anticipation.

Nathan began to undo my jeans; I lifted my butt to allow him to pull them and my panties off to reveal my shaven sex. He then stood licking his lips and pulled down his jeans and then his boxer briefs. I thought his cock was big but oh my god; it was the most beautiful 9 in. cut cock I had ever seen. I placed my hand on it and started to stroke and felt in pulse in my hand. We both moaned. I sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled him closer so I could take in the detail of his cock. I placed my tongue on the tip and just licked down to the base and back up. This made him thrust towards my mouth so I continued my ministrations till he begged for me to suck him. I took his cock into my mouth and started to suck hard and long strokes. He started to fuck my mouth so I moaned and sent the vibrations through him. I then grabbed his ass and pulled him all the way. I sat there with his cock deep in my throat as I sucked, I could hear him whispering "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Then I started bobbing my head up and down I could hear his breathing change and knew he was getting close, suddenly he pulled it out of my mouth and he said " I have to stop or you'll make me cum too quick. Lay back on the bed please baby." I smiled and lay back and spread my legs.

Nathan lay down between my legs and dove in, licking and sucking my clit, I lifted my ass of the bed and moaned loudly, surprised at how skilful he is. As Nathan licked at my clit he slid a finger in my pussy and slowly pumped in and out. It was so agonising slowly I started humping his finger. He slid in a second and quickly found my g spot. He had me moaning his name and writhing under his hands and mouth. I started to call his name as he pushed in a third I cried "oh god Nathan I'm going to cum." He stopped sucking for a moment to tell me to let got, and let go I did. I cried out in ecstasy as my muscles tightened and spasmed. I lay there panting and he kissed back up my body, finally kissing me hard, I could taste myself and it made me hotter than before.

Nathan lay on top of me; I could feel his cock head at my entrance. I pushed up trying to get his cock inside my dripping wet pussy. Slowly he slid in, both of us moaned. "You're so tight" he whispered in my ear followed by "god I love you so much." "I love you too" I said. Then he kissed me as he started to pump in and out of me. We were moaning and had a rhythm going; sweat was dripping off the both of us. "I'm close, I need to pull out coz I don't have a condom." But I gripped him tighter, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him. "No baby," he said "you can't get pregnant."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I didn't think you wanted another little Charlie just yet."

"Hunni, I want a home, I want to be your one and only, and I want to have your babies" I said as he kept pumping. He smiled down at me and kissed me, then suddenly he sped up and his breathing became erratic. "Yes cum for me baby" I moaned. Nathan tensed up and then started shooting load after load inside of me which set off my second orgasm.

As we lay there in the after glow, Nathan rolled towards me "you really meant it didn't you?" He asked


"When you said you loved me and that you want have my children?"

"Yes I did, I love you so much." I rolled over and kissed him.

Suddenly I heard a noise and then Charlie was crying again. As I got up I heard Nathan say something, but missed it. "What was that hun?"

"Marry me?" his eyes pleading with me.

"Oh my god, yes!" I screamed.

We were kissing when I heard Charlie again.


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mrdata9770mrdata9770about 3 years ago

A wonderful uplifting story with a damsel in distress, a villain, a hero, and a happily ever after ending. Thank you for sharing your story. 5 stars!

damon67damon67over 8 years ago
Its a secret

I fell in love with Lisa almost from the very first time her name was mentioned & as for Nathan all I can really say is "What a lucky bastard!!!" I would of loved to learn more about Lisa, her growing up & her adventures,. Then to follow the couple to their marriage & birth of the new member answering his parents dreams. Are there, may be any further plans for more adventures for Lisa, the family, Or of Charlie, as a new Lisa? Regardless thanks for a cool story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Good story could use another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Sweet story

Very lovely story. Protection then confession of love makes for a gentle smile. That said, it could have been better with some editing. There were a few grammatical slips that I found distracting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Sweet, sweet, sweet

Very good story, sweet and romantic. Keep them coming.

KOTKKOTKover 14 years ago

Very sweet story and what a great start of your career on Literotica. I'll be looking forward for more of your stories. Thanks for sharing.

oldwayneoldwayneover 14 years ago
If this is your first story,

please do give us more. Five stars from me! I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Verry nice

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Ok not nice... I loved it. A good story and well told... Thankyou.

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