School Daze


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"Quite an age, isn't it, Emily? No wads of paper overfilling the wastebasket. No need to throw anything away really. Some of the really bad ideas can turn into terrific stories later. In the old days they would have been lost forever. I still use some of what you taught me. I keep a list of words that I frequently misspell. Yeah, editing software helps me catch them but why not get it right the first time?"

"It's a lovely apartment, Tommy. Where is your bathroom?"

"End of the hall, just past the bedroom. Would you like a drink?"

"Just tea for now Earl Grey if you have it."

"Right O."

Emily made her way to the bathroom and found it spotless and white on white with brass fixtures. "Either Tommy is an atypical bachelor, or he has a cleaning woman," concluded Emily to herself once the door was closed behind her. On the way back from the bathroom, out of sheer curiosity, she stuck her head in Tommy's bedroom and flicked the wall switch. The room was neat as a pin. There was a huge overflowing bookshelf, most of them hardbacks. Above the huge bed hung a framed portrait of A. Conan Doyle standing next to Harry Houdini and a framed poster of a policeman and policewoman in dress uniforms under which was printed in bold type "Remember, to protect and to serve applies to everyone!"

"This lad is full of surprises," thought Emily as she made her way back to the living room. Waiting for her was a steeping cup of tea on a small table beside a very comfy looking empty chair. Or the table, bookmark jutting out was a short story collection.

"How thoughtful, Tommy," said Emily sincerely as she kicked off her heels and settled into the chair.

"I'll do a little work while you read. Pretend I'm not here but call if you need anything."

Tommy settled himself behind the computer and began softly typing.

Emily immediately fell into the story. The writing was superb, picturesque without being verbose, yet also earthy with authentic dialogue and a plot that just pulled you in. As the perspectives changed so did the character's voice without a false note in any one of them. He captured black female voices, immigrant voices, waspy bankers, and beat cops to perfection. When it was over, Emily had authentic tears in her eyes from being so thoroughly moved emotionally.

"Oh. Tommy this is wonderful! You are an authentically gifted writer."

"People have told me that before, but I never believed it until I heard it from your lips, Emily."

"Tommy, you really shouldn't put me up or a pedestal."

"Why not? What did Steve Martin say? "I believe in putting a woman or a pedestal high enough to see up her skirt."

"Tommy, be serious."

"I am serious, Emily, this has been the most rewarding and wonderful date I have ever been on."

After a pause, Emily returned with, "I feel the same way, Tommy. To think, that a simple woman like me could inspire writing like this."

"There is nothing simple about you, Emily."

Tommy bent down and they exchanged the most scintillating kiss thus far.

"Oh, Tommy. My head is swimming and I had almost nothing to drink at dinner."

"My head is swimming too. Maybe a bit of rum and coke for both of us will clear our heads."

"Unlikely, Tommy, but sure."

After her provided the drinks, both sat or the couch while Tommy opened the album in which he kept his rejection letters, his acceptance letters, his awards and reviews.

It was quite cozy or the couch. Tommy divested himself of his coat and tie. A few more kisses were exchanged.

"Tell me about the girl you were sweet or, the one that left you."

"It's not much of a story really. We lived together for about six months. She accompanied me to the policeman and fireman convention in Las Vegas and met Errol."


"He was a smokejumper from California. Apparently, Lori, that's the girl I was seeing, got his number and began texting him on the sly. I mean how can I compete with a six-foot-four gorilla who parachutes into wildfires! Anyway, one day I came home and found a "dear John" letter on the bathroom mirror and all her stuff was gone. At least she mailed back her key."

"Silly girl. I think you are divine, Tommy. What was she like?"

"Tall, like you, but with dark hair and brown eyes. I totally misread her though."

"That's a shame, Tommy, but you are still young. Was she pretty?"

"Nowhere near as beautiful as you, Emily."

"More flattery."

Tommy leaned in and kissed Emily anew.

"I defy you to find insincerity in that kiss."


Whatever Emily was going to say next was cut off by another kiss. Tommy's arms were around her and Emily was unresisting in them. Their kisses became even more intense with deep mutual Frenching and sighs between the meeting of lips. Tommy's right hand found its way beyond the slit in Emily's dress and he began stroking and squeezing her nylon clad thigh. Emily felt the zipper of her dress being lowered. Part of her said she should break this off now. The other part of her was fascinated by the feel of the impressive bulge in Tommy's tailored slacks!

As for Tommy, he was more turned or than he had ever been in his life. Not only were all the old schoolboy fantasies unspooling in his mind, he was also caught up in the here and now. Emily was no mere girl like Lori. She was a woman through and through. Older, sophisticated, and a true valuer of his talent as a writer and him as a person. He tried to urge his mind to not rush things, but his youth won out. His fervid hands reached beyond the bodice of her dress and into her bra. There, she was firm and full and so, so, much woman!

Emily's hands were working the buttons of Tommy's shirt now, delighted upon opening it to find firm pectoral muscles and real abdominal definition, light years apart from her flabby, hollow chested ex-husband! She broke away from Tommy's lips and began kissing his chest, teasing his nipples with her teeth while Tommy sighed with pleasure. Tommy removed his hand from Emily's bra as she slid between his thighs and her kissing progressed lower. Emily recalled conversations in the teacher's lounge. Away from student ears she and her fellow female teachers discussed the attractiveness and merits of various boys in the school. Of course, they were all off-limits, but a little harmless fantasizing never hurt anyone. Most of Emily's fellow teachers went for the preppy college types without acne or the various football players and basketball players, but Emily always fixated or the shy and nerdy types, the deep thinkers, who when they became men, would know exactly how to please a woman. Tommy was the best of both worlds, the sensitivity of a nerd with the body of an athlete! She recalled Tommy in those days, true, he had a haircut sense that did him no favors, but even then, she could see that he would be tall and broad-shouldered. He was, in truth, one of her favorite students that year. She felt that she had actually reached him and taught him a thing or two. Never had she imagined though that she had had such an outsized impact on his life. It was the most wonderful gift the teaching profession had ever given her. So many of the faces that passed through her classrooms were content to do only what was necessary to pass the class. Even many of the "scholars" phoned it in most of the time. Tommy had stood out, but he also been shy and unsure of himself, at least Emily perceived him that way.

That Tommy would grow up to be so damned handsome and sexy, she never could have imagined. His skin was clear now and his haircut was stylish and flattering. His deep brown eyes above his manly chin were positively dreamy. Even his walk was alluring, an almost military strut that emphasized just how shapely was his butt! And those muscles!

Her hands found their way to Tommy's belt buckle. He raised his pelvis from the couch so she could unclasp the belt and unfasten his pants. She wondered what had come over her. In so many ways, this was like her very first time, yet it somehow also came packed with a life's worth of experience. She tugged down Tommy's pants and undershorts. There was the penis of one of her students, fully erect and rather handsome. Emily noted that Tommy kept his privates shaved as her tongue traveled from balls, to shaft, to tip. A few gentle tugs and she took him inside her mouth. He tasted delightful. Her head began sliding up and down. Tommy stroked her hair at first, noting how her golden barrette twinkled in the crimson curls before he simply leaned his head back and savored the moment. Emily was far more talented and eager than Lori or any of the other girls who had given her head had ever been. He felt as though his entire persona, his soul, his desires, and his future were residing in his cock at that moment, being urged out but Emily's entreating mouth.

And then, far too quickly for either of them, Tommy exploded all over the inside of Emily's mouth. The former teacher gamely swallowed the load. Tommy was far from bitter, as was the case with most men. Whatever the reason, his seed slid delightfully down her throat.

"Oh, Emily! Come here!'

He pulled her from the floor and placed her or his lap. Immediately, their lips came together. The no longer secured gown tumbled down Emily's shoulders, she extracted her arms and wrapped them around Tommy's wide, powerful chest. His hands maneuvered up her back to deftly unclasp her bra. Emily subtly leaned back just enough for Tommy to tug it away. Tommy gazed down just before their bodies came together again. There, for a fraction of a second was the beautiful Mrs. Arnold's bared to his amazed tenth-grade eyes. They did not disappoint in the least. Then their lips were locked once more while each of them explored the naked torso of the other. The atmosphere in the living room became positively tropical. Tommy Arose from the couch and gently placed Emily back upon her nylon clad feet. He took her hand and silently led her to his bedroom. Along the way, Emily allowed her dress to slide the rest of the way as she walked out of it. From the corner of his eye, Tommy noted that his former teacher was wearing black lacy panties and nude thigh-high, self-supporting stockings. "Man, o man, has she got fantastic legs that go all the way up!" thought Tommy's lizard brain. Only the earth literally opening up and swallowing him could prevent him from doing what he intended; tomorrow be damned! Tommy held up his pants with his left hand.

They reached the bedroom. Tommy pulled his feet from his broughams and stepped out of his pants. His shirt had been lost on the couch. Now he stood, proud and unashamed before one of his teachers. It was a situation that he could never have imagined would occur in reality. He caught Emily eyeing and assessing him. She nodded, flushed a bit, and began unrolling the nylons from her incredible legs.

Tommy stood in a besotted daze as he watched Emily. Her large breasts were adorned with light brown areolas and chance pink nipples. Below the left, to the utter shock of Tommy was tattooed the phrase, "Touch lives, be a teacher." While Tommy was absorbing this information. Emily wriggled out of her panties, revealing a neatly trimmed thatch of crimson curls. Emily was an authentic redhead through and through! Emily made a slow complete turn for Tommy's benefit before giggling and rushing under the sheets of the bed. Tommy followed in hot pursuit. She was easily caught, and the middle-aged woman and the twenty-seven-year-old man explored each other's bodies, from brow to great toe, in mutual bliss and wonder. Emily had never slept with a man so young, nor had she ever before slept with a man so physically fit. Tommy had never before been with a much older woman, nor had ever been with one so beguilingly beautiful.

Emily slid her body atop Tommy's and with a beatific smile, began impaling her crimson box upon his shaven rod. Tommy found her surprisingly tight and incredibly warm. She was so wet, that the full length of him slid in like an eel entering its lair. He smiled, reached up with both hands, and began palpitating her amazing tits as Emily began pistoning up and down. Tommy followed her lead. Surely, this was a teachable moment.

She came just seconds before he did, emitting a long breath-filled "Tommy!" and "Holy shit!" before collapsing upon him and relishing in his kisses. Emily settled herself next to Tommy and was immediately fast asleep. Tommy, feeling exceptionally mellow and at one with the universe was not long in following.


Tommy woke up smiling to find himself alone in bed but with the aroma of frying bacon in the air. Tommy grabbed a pair of boxers from his underwear drawer and strode to the kitchen to find Emily wearing one of his oxford shirts and nothing else. She turned, smiled at him, and asked, "How do you like your eggs?"

"Sunnyside up."

There was a pause before Tommy sat at the table in the kitchenette and began to slowly speak, "Look, Emily, I'm sorry, I got carried away..."

"As I recall, we both did, young man. Don't tell me you have buyer's remorse?"

"No, not at all."

"If you didn't have to get me back to my mother's place pretty soon, I'd have already rocked your world a second time and a third time."

The dark-haired cop laughed, "I don't doubt that Emily. I don't doubt that at all. I have to report for duty in an hour and a half anyway. Care to join me for a shower?"

"That's kid stuff, Tommy! Besides, I've already had mine. Had a devil of a time keeping my hair dry. It is pretty warm in there still. I filled your bathroom with steam and hung my gown in there to reduce the wrinkles."

She presented the bacon, eggs, buttered toast, and orange juice.

"It looks delicious, Emily!"

"Not only am I willing to suck you off and fuck you, but I'm also aces in the kitchen. You hit the jackpot, youngster."

"That I know Mrs. Arnold, that I know!"

Then both threw their heads back and had a hearty laugh.


It had been a whirlwind year. Every time Emily gazed down upon her infant twins, she had to pinch herself to prove that she wasn't dreaming. They had bought the rambling Perkins' place or the outskirts of town. It was technically within the city limits of Spring Falls, a requirement of Tommy's job. The house had enough bedrooms for the twins when they got older, and Emily's mother who ruled the first-floor bedroom and wolf-whistled whenever Tommy happened to stride past her open door. The burdens of marriage and fatherhood and the added responsibility of Emily's mother meant that Tommy now had far less time to write. Emily was adamant however that he commit himself to at least a thousand words a day whenever possible. She made sure he got the time he needed. Seeing Tommy at work stoked something deep inside Emily, her almost forgotten desire to write herself. Her days of cobbling together the great American novel still seemed beyond her, but if she started small... In the quiet moments when the kids were asleep, her mother quiet, and Tommy on the night shift, Emily worked or her manuscript. It was a romance about a vivacious new teacher who breaks with all convention and begins a torrid affair with one of her students!

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cageysea9725cageysea9725over 2 years ago

One would think that by the time a person types out almost 200 pieces to publish they would understand the importance of writing properly.

I can understand though. It's a hard thing to do when you don't recognize good writing.

I did see the irony in it though. Someone who fancies themselves to be a writer makes the main character someone who also professes to be a writer. Now that's funny.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Nice plot but using their names in each and every sentence became very annoying for me. It lost it's natural feel. People don't talk like that, taking each others name in every sentence. And even outside the conversations you kept using their names instead of pronouns.

wrecktechwrecktechover 3 years ago

Nice story, interesting dialog but the typos are distracting.

Gumby603Gumby603over 3 years ago

Good story, really enjoyed it 👍

mitchawamitchawaover 3 years ago

An interesting plot, well-described characters, very good dialogue both internal and external, locations succinctly presented, a nice sense of humor, a great sex scene, and an unexpected birth. An excellent love story.

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