Serendipity Ch. 18


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"I...I think so..."

"The first thing to ask is if you are married or if there will be any problems with children or family."

"I'm a widow. I have two children, a boy and a girl. They are in LA and New York respectively."

"The next thing you need to understand is what kind of relationship I have with my girls. There are many types of Master/slave relationships. On one end of the spectrum there are strictly pleasure relationships, on the other is almost a pure slave relationship." She tensed at that description. "My relationship with my girls is more the former." She relaxed a bit. "It is primarily a pleasure relationship, but I will push them to do things they might not ordinarily do."

"Such as?" she was licking her lips.

"Of course as a guy I'm of the opinion that a woman should not wear any more clothes than necessary." She smiled at that, and drew a sharp breath when I let my finger follow her tan line up her cleavage to her chin. "But at the same time a well endowed woman like yourself cannot just walk around braless without causing some problems." Letting my hand drop and slide under her tit, feeling the heavy silk half cup in my palm, then giving it a little heft to make her jiggle a bit. "Nursing bras like you have on, half cup long line or even corsets would be allowed, but one thing would be required."

"What is that?" She was worried again.

I reached forward and grasped both of her nipples between my thumb and fingers. "That these beauties never be hidden or covered unless absolutely necessary." She closed her eyes and began to tremble and hiss. I released them suddenly and sat back in my chair with my cock sticking straight up. Her eyes flew open to look at me like she was going to say something but thought better of it. "If you choose to proceed you will learn more details. The other thing will be your collar."

"MY WHAT?!!" I thought her eyes were going to pop out at that...

"Relax Francis, did you notice Jean's collar when you came to the door?"

" I didn't."

"Because what we consider a collar, the unenlightened people see as a nice choker." She was a bit more relieved. "As Mistress of the house Nicole wears a wide collar. Jean and the others wear a narrower but noticeable collar or ribbon. A trial or probationary member will wear a mesh or thin collar depending on her Masters choice. In my case it would be a narrow ribbon approximately one quarter inch"

"I could live with that."

The other thing about the collar is that it must never be covered unless absolutely necessary or I instruct you to. You would have it easier than other houses because my color is white. If you choose to stay I would pick your first collar, you would pick and I would approve of all others after that." She nodded, "Then I would like to see you with some nice jewelry on your nipples."

"YOU WHAT!!" and cupped her nipples with a VERY pissed look.

I chuckled, which didn't help matters. "Francis I said ON not IN."

She looked down at her nipples, then up at me. "Huh?"

"My little chocolate pixie is a thirty AAA with deliciously long nipples. She wears bands ON her nipples to help them stand out for my enjoyment...and hers." She still didn't understand "Ask Jean when you get a chance, I'll tell her you can ask anything, in fact.." I leaned back and pushed the intercom button on the phone. "How are things going down there little one?"

"Ahhh. So far so good Master."

"Can you come up when you get a chance?"

"I'll be right up Master." I turned back to Francis who was still holding her nipples but was looking at me open mouthed.

Jean came around the corner and stopped when she saw Francis on her knees. "It's OK Jean." And waived to the spot beside her.

"Thank you Master." And kneeled down beside Francis, but with knees spread further and her hips rotated to expose her pussy.

Francis noticed and spread her knees a little more to match Jean, her pussy peaking through her silver hair. "I can't rotate my hips like that unless I want to spend a month in the hospital."

"That is quite all right Francis for two reasons. One because you do not wear a collar yet." That got Jeans attention, "And two because I will never ask you to do something that you cannot do, do I Jean?"

"Never Master, but you will probably do your best to talk us into things." And she giggled, that got Francis giggling... not another GIGGLER!!

"Jean, Francis is curious about our lifestyle. You may answer any questions she has within reason."

"Yes Master."

"And now I believe Francis has a meeting to attend this evening." She got up slowly, and began to pull her bra cups up. "Hold on a second Francis, do you wear your jacket to the meetings?"


"Then I have something to ask of you, a test so to speak. First come over here and put a foot up beside me." She came over and lifted a leg and put her foot beside me. She watched me put a finger to her pussy and flinched a little when I ran it through her pussy lips, but got very wide eyed when I licked it clean. "Now lean forward." She did, and I took first one, then the other nipple and nibbled on them. The leg she was standing on began to tremble. "You may put your foot down now and step back." She did and looked at me. "You are a delicious woman Francis. I hope to taste you again." Even old women blush it seems. "Now here is the request, leave your bra cups down and put your top and skirt back on."

She looked to Jean for help, but Jean was looking at me intentionally not looking at Francis. She put her top on and bent to get her skirt, stepped into it and began buttoning it up. "That's what you did this morning isn't it?"

Her nipples stood out hard and she blushed again. "So you did notice."

"What do you think Jean?"

Now she stood and took a close look at Francis. "Looks like we have a slutty executive on our hands Master."

"Are her nipples nice and hard?"

Jean reached up quickly and gave them a tweak. "Very hard Master." making Francis gasp.

"Now put your jacket on Francis." She pulled it on and she was back to normal. "And now we have just the executive. Have you ever went out with your nipples sliding around inside your top Francis?"

"NO!" she said quickly and forcefully.

Jean giggled.

"Did you leave your panties in the car?"


"Well then for the meeting tonight I would like you to wear your bra like that, but you may want to wear panties and a panty liner to keep from getting a wet spot on your skirt."

"How do you know I won't pull my bra cups up once I leave here?"

"I don't. It's a matter of trust. You trust me to ask you to do things that you will enjoy but wouldn't do on your own. I trust you to follow through on them. But if you enjoy yourself I expect to hear all about it." Now she was REALLY blushing. "And if you don't have any already, I'd like to see some really skimpy sexy panties or thong on you the next time I see you, that is unless I can convince you to do without either of them. And I'll make you another little promise."


"You open your jacket to show me you've been running around with your nipples out like that, and I'll reach up your skirt and do my best to finger you to orgasm while you're standing there. And trimming your pussy lips would make it even easier" I said as I stared at her crotch for a few seconds.

"I have to go while I can." She was practically panting...

"And Francis," she turned back. "Figure out a way to work getting rid of tan lines into the conversation and I'm sure Gladys or one of the other enlightened girls will invite you over." She stood still for a second and then left quietly.

"That was different Master," turning back to me.

"Yes it was, but I will not turn away someone wanting to learn, even if they don't like what they learn. But my tummy says my nose smells steak. Let's see what's cooking in the kitchen."

We found Maria at the stove in bra and apron and Maya in her carrier. "What's cookin' good lookin'?"

"For us, steaks, baked potato, and corn on the cob, for Maribel pork chop with marinara sauce."


"Pregnant woman cravings, what can I say." I just shook my head at the thought of it. "I had a little spare time today so I threw something together; see what you think and pointed to a box on the table.

I opened the box and there was Nicole's dress. "Maria, how did you..."

"Nothing to it. The collar has Velcro so it's adjustable, and yes it has elastic in it as well. The skirt is a stretchy one so it should fit OK. I could do a hard material one if she was here, but that will do for a start."

I went behind her and when she put the pan down I twirled her and kissed her. "That is absolutely what she was looking for! And you did it in what kind of time?" setting her down back at the stove.

"I put it together in between other jobs. Something like that I could just as easily do here with my little machine when it's working, it's the heavy denim stuff and leather I have to have the big machine to get it accomplished." BINGO!!

"How expensive are those machines?"

"I have a little one here, and a big one over at Uncle Martins shop that needs a bit of work, both of them do really. Why?"

"Just wondering. Now why don't you run Maribel's food up before it gets cold."

As soon as she was headed up the stairs I turned to Jean. "Jean, get what you need to finish all five rooms on the second floor. The two on the end you started with as bedrooms, the middle one as a kitchenette, and the other two on the far side will be little workshops. No carpet in the far one. Either sand and varnish what's there or lay a new sub floor that you can do that to."

"Why little workshops?"

"Don't worry, I think a plan is starting to come together." When she came back down I got Maria talking about her work, she had been sewing since she was a little girl and did a little bit of everything. She was starting to drip about the time we finished so Jean and I did dishes while she started her pumps. Then I had a phone call to make.

"Flight Service."

"Is Justin in?"

"This is."

"Oh Hi Justin, this is Danny, I didn't recognize your voice."

"You just caught me, I was just headed out the door."

"I was wondering when you're making a trip through The City next. I have a small dress box I'd like to get back to Nicole."

"If it doesn't have to be there until late in the day I'm making a run that way tomorrow. I have my monthly Chicago, Nashville, The City run to make. The next one through The City would be in about two weeks."

"Wow, doesn't that put you over your time limit?"

"On paper no, in reality I wind up over by about an hour since I'm dead heading back here."

"What time does that put you into The City?"

"I usually touch down around six."

"That puts you back here around eight, I'm glad I'm not flying with you the next day."

"Me too, I take the next day off to recuperate."

"Tell you what, I'll have Nicole and Brittany stop out and pick up the box. Then they will take you out to dinner on me. If you want to, there's a spare bedroom at the apartment so you can crash overnight."

"That could be interesting, but I thought her name was Jean?"

"Jean is here in Vegas, Nicole is back with Brittany in The City right now getting other things arranged."

"Man you have such a hard life. I'm leaving pretty early tomorrow. You want to meet this evening or in the morning?"

"Jean has to run Maribel in to work in the morning so we better make it this evening. I'm about fifteen minutes south of the airport so I could run up there quick if you don't mind staying."

"I live out south, give me your address and I'll swing by on my way."

"Hang on and let me check with the girls...JEAN, JUSTIN IS GOING TO STOP BY AND PICK UP THE DRESS TO TAKE TO NICOLE."


There was something in Spanish that followed that. "Did you catch that?"

"It will take me about five minutes to close up here, so I should be there in twenty."

"We'll see you then, but a word of warning about the dress box. Make sure Nicole is on the plane or in an office. She will most likely strip down to try it on and will probably want to wear it to dinner as well."

"Oh man I have to find a girlfriend! I'll be over in a few minutes."

"See you then."

I went back to the kitchen as Maria was finishing pumping. "Justin will be here in about twenty minutes." Jean smiled and Maria gasped. "Don't worry Maria. Justin is aware of us. You can stay out here dressed or undressed, or you can go up to your room. It's your choice. I'm headed up to take a shower and test out the new boiler!"

"I don't think I'm ready to meet him yet. I'll head up as well."

I stripped down and walked into a hot steamy shower I had just start lathering up when the door opened.

"May I join you?" I heard in a nice Spanish accent.

"Most certainly, but the rules still apply. Where is Maya?"

"Maribel is watching Maya, and I remember the rules." She sounded a little down. We enjoyed soaping and lathering each other, just lots of touching and cuddling. We dried off and cuddled a little more with some nice kissing until we heard Maya cry out.

"I think your daughter is calling for you."

"I knew I should have brought a bottle up to Maribel. I'll see you in the morning."

"I look forward to it." I gave her another kiss with a hand on her side partially cupping her tit and a pat on the butt. I picked up all the towels and crawled into bed. I heard a shriek from downstairs and saw Maria running up the stairs to Maribel's room. I would guess Justin is still here.

After a bit Jean came back up all glowing. "I take it you got rid of Justin finally?"

She smiled the 'I got caught' smile.' "I gave him some incentive to hurry back. He said he might come by Sunday. I had to warn him there would be a few dozen naked women around. He almost went off again."


"Well I didn't get my protein drink this morning, so he volunteered."

"Volunteered huh?" she grinned. "No Dean tonight?"

She gasped and grinned. "We have things pretty well done until the machines show up next week, so we'll make the last few tweaks then. She reached down for my hard cock. "Is that for me?"

"Always, but I need to call your Mistress, you care to ride while I talk?"

"Oh that sounds like fun!" and she climbed on for a nice slow ride, rocking back and forth on me, doing her best to distract me while I was dialing. Clamping and swaying, swinging her nipples past my lips doing her best to get them in my mouth..


"Hey Tiffany, Is Nicole around?"

"Her and Brittany are still out shopping."

"I need you to give her a message for me."

"No problem, what's up?"

"Tell her Justin is coming in around six tomorrow night and she'll need to pick him up at the airport. She should also make dinner reservations for seven. He might be staying over as well."

"Sure thing, what gate?"

"Up at the executive terminal, Justin is a pilot."

"Oh Really!"

Better change the subject quick. "So is everything working out there ok with Brittany?"

"Oh you just wait until you get back here Mister!" OH SHIT!

"Um...What happened?"

"That little TWIT made my girlfriend cry."

"Um... what happened Tiffany?"

She started giggling. "She really did make Cathy cry."

I felt better. "OK, fess up you ornery critter."

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. ANYWAY... Nicky and Brittany were talking about nipple and pussy jewelry and Cath was getting down. Brittany asked Cath if she would try some new pussy jewelry she was working on. Cath comes back with 'That's going to be difficult, mine don't come out.' Brittany came right back at her, 'No shit, that's why I'm asking.'"

"I bet it got a little quiet in there."

"We all looked at Cath, and she finally said OK. That pissed look and her hands on her hips. Brittany went back to her work desk and brought out two little jewels on a short chain and a hand mirror. They had clips on them instead of the loops to hook to regular piercings. She made Cath stand up and lift a knee, she clipped them on and then put her foot down and held the mirror to her jeweled pussy. Cath just stared for a few seconds and then began hugging Brittany and balling her eyes out."


"Cathy had thought she would always have plain old rings unless she got the nerve to cut them. She spent the next hour or so looking at her jeweled pussy and crying. She started crying all over again when Brittany told her to wear them for a few weeks to test them out. Maybe she'd have a few other designs for her to try on as well."

I wasn't paying attention to Jean and got distracted by the call as Jean was starting to really get a rhythm going and I wasn't going to last much longer. "Tiffany, tell Nicole I will give her a call at the office when I get a chance tomorrow."

"OK, Bye" click.

"OH SON OF A..." and unloaded into Jean, grabbing her hips and pumping for all I was worth. She kept going and leaned forward to put her nipple in my mouth until I was just twitching inside her.

"Damn Master, you'd think you hadn't gotten fucked all day!" I shook my finger at her as she rolled off and grabbed a towel. She turned around to clean me, and I saw Maria by the door watching her until she saw me. She turned and scurried off to her room then.

"And since you didn't I'm assuming Justin was the beneficiary of your nectar?"

"A girl can only wait so long for release Master, and he DID wear his pilots' uniform..." She collapsed back beside me and snuggled up. "So what's up with this Francis lady Master?"

"I'm not sure little one. I'll admit that caught me totally off guard."

"Is she serious or just curious?"

"You never know. Nicole and I met a young lady the same day we met Brittany. Brittany seems to be staying, but the other lady was gone in a matter of hours."

"Who is this Brittany?"

"Well that is both a long and short story. Basically she is a friend of the ladies of the man that sold me this property. We met her while looking for some jewelry and she was quite taken with our life style. I'm sure she will be making the trip out not too far down the road."

"That will be an interesting day Master." And pulled the comforter over us.

For those of you that have stuck with me on this series, thank you. And don't forget to scroll down a bit further to vote, it is appreciated. But remember... it is a series!

Comments from the ladies would be appreciated... I haven't seen any yet...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Hi I wish you would come back to this story and add more or just give it a good ending

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Enjoying your story.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 10 years ago
another good one!

I just keep coming back for more...and will continue to do so!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great Series

I have read all of your episodes with a lot of enjoyment. They are always interesting and entertaining and yes I vote for your stories.

I do not often comment but always when a story is worthy, vote.

Your comment at intro is rather distressing, only 3% vote, COME ON readers show some appreciation for a good story.

Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great story

Keep up the good work

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