Sex with My Stoner BBW Cousin Ch. 01


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In addition, I found a web site called Public Feet, in which people upload foot pictures to their own rooms. I named my room "My Cousin Megan." I uploaded all of my sole pictures of Megan to the room and got rave reviews. I ended up building several great friendships with other sole fetishists who I met through the room.

I sent many of them full resolution versions of the their favorite pictures of Megan's soles, and told them my feelings about and fantasies of her. Some of those guys were uneasy about me being so in love and lust with my cousin, but some others thought it was hot and told me to go for it.

Early in my senior year, Megan was paroled and moved back in with her patents. Having sent each other over 100 letters each while she was in prison, she and I now talked, texted, and e-mailed each other almost every day.

She told me that I was the only joy in her life, and that her parents just lectured her about how bad weed is and that she deserved the prison time that she got. That gave me even greater urgency to see her.

That October, my school had a teachers-in-service, resulting in the students being off on Thursday and Friday. Right after school on Wednesday, I drove out to visit Megan - the first time I'd ever visited her without my parents.

When I arrived, about 9:00 PM, Megan ran out of the house very enthusiastically, barefooted and wearing a black sweatshirt and black jeans. It was the first time I'd seen her wear all black, and it was a big turn on.

And I was amazed that she was running so fast. Much to my shock, she was now 315 lbs., but still had pretty good speed. And her extra weight didn't bother me at all. I've always been very attracted to large women.

She was standing in the driveway on the left side of my car by the time I parked, holding something in her right hand. When I got out of the car, we had a very long, tight, and dramatic hug, in which she broke down and cried on my right shoulder, as I comforted her.

After about five minutes, she seemed like she had largely calmed down. I then looked at her eye to eye and said "I missed you, Buddy!"

"Awww, I missed you, too!" Then she showed me the object in her right hand - a brownie. She broke it in half, gave me one and kept the other. "Here, I baked these just for you!" she said as she handed me my half.

"They look great!" I said, then ate my half as she ate hers. After finishing, we walked inside and had a late dinner with her parents, who went to bed shortly afterward.

Near the end of the dinner, I started vaguely feeling symptoms of being fucked up, but figured it was just my imagination because of being with my weed buddy for the first time in almost three years.

As soon as her parents went to bed, Megan and I sat down together on a living room couch. I began "I know this sounds crazy, but I actually feel a little fucked up right now!"

"Me too!" she said with a mischievous grin.

"Do you think that's just our imagination?!"

"No, we are a little fucked up!" I sat in confusion for a few seconds before she revealed the truth. "There was weed in that brownie that we ate!"

"Are you serious?!" I asked, having not realized that it was possible to get fucked up on weed by any method other than smoking.

"Yes! I learned it in prison!" She went on to explain exactly how it works, and that while it takes about two hours to get completely fucked up, the high lasts much longer, is much better, and, unlike smoking it, doesn't dry out your mouth. And to top it off, because of the lack of smoke, we can easily get away with doing it inside.

She sure was right about all of that. I had the best high that I'd ever experienced. Megan and I sat there and talked until 2:30 AM, when she went to bed. Unfortunately, I didn't see her soles all night, but hoped I would the next day. When she went to bed, I lay down on the couch and started checking my e-mail on my lap top computer, but fell asleep in a few minutes, still wearing the sweatshirt and jeans I arrived in.

About 1 PM, I woke up to the sound of Megan saying "Buddy!" I opened my eyes and saw her standing next to me, smiling and holding two weed brownies. She was wearing a white T shirt that went about halfway down her thighs and had flowers on it. "I brought you breakfast in bed!" At that, she gave me one of the weed brownies, and we ate them at the same time. She then took me into the dining room and we ate a late breakfast together.

As soon as we finished breakfast, we walked back to the living room, and she sat down on the couch I slept on with her legs spread out and her soles fully on display. I sat cross legged on the other end of the couch and stared intensely at her soles, which I'd desperately missed, having not seen them in person in almost three years. And they were even hotter than before. They were a little wider, a little puffier, and the circle of fat around each toe was a little bigger.

She and I sat there in the same position until 4:30, when she got up and walked to her room, telling me that she'd be right back. By that time, we were totally fucked up, even much more so than we were the night before, as this time each of us ate a full brownie, rather than just half of one.

Maybe because I was so fucked up, I didn't realize at first that she didn't come right back. After a few minutes, I thought that maybe she was on her phone or computer. Finally at 5:20, I decided to check up on her.

The door to her room was open, so I walked right in. A chest of drawers was on the immediate right of the entrance, followed by a nightstand and her bed. When I got far enough in to see the bed, I froze in shock. Megan was lying on her back with her head on a pillow and her shirt pulled up to her waist. Her eyes were open, but she gave no sign that she knew I was in the room.

My heart rate instantly skyrocketed as I shook in extreme excitement and nervousness. For the first time, I saw her cunt, which I could see was very wet. I also saw a tattoo of a marijuana leaf on her right hip. Prior to that, I didn't realize that she had a tattoo. And her soles were both fully visible.

I had no idea what to do. I wondered if she was so fucked up that she didn't realize she'd left her door open while her cunt was exposed. I thought about quietly walking out and hoping that she didn't notice me, but I stayed because I so much loved what I saw and thought I'd probably never see it again. After I'd been in the room for about 30 seconds, she slowly turned her head and locked her eyes on mine, but showed no emotion. Then she spoke, also without emotion.

"I want you to make love to me," she said.

That put me in the most extreme states of shock, nervousness, and excitement that I'd ever experienced. I had intensely desired sex with her for four years, but was much too afraid to pursue her, and was almost 100% sure that I'd never have her. Yet now she was asking me for it. And making even much better was that we were both totally fucked up on weed.

As my body shook and sweated profusely, I paused for about five seconds and wasn't sure what to say. "Now?!" I asked.

Still speaking without emotion, she began "Well, my parents are going to be home in about 10 minutes..."

I interrupted her not with words but with actions. I didn't give a fucking shit how soon her parents' arrival was. I'd been so consumed for so long by this desire. In a process that literally took only about three seconds because I was completely running on adrenaline, I unbuttoned and unzippered my jeans, took them and my underpants off at the same time, and took each of my socks off.

I then ran over to the door, closed and locked it, then ran over to the bed and climbed on top of my cousin to give her my virginity. She calmly grabbed my hard on with her right hand and guided me inside her. She was very tight and the clasping of her cunt on my fuckstick felt amazing.

Suddenly realizing that my sweatshirt was still on, I started taking it off with the intention of taking Megan's shirt off right afterward. But she gently placed her hands on my back and softly said "No, leave it on," which I did. Our eyes then locked on each other's and remained so the rest of the way.

I pushed forward for a couple of seconds but didn't get anywhere and realized that I was already fully inside. Slowly, I backed out everything but the head and then slid it in all the way. I was amazed at the awesome sensation that I felt every time her tightness caused my skin to put pressure on my head. After a couple of thrusts, I felt like I knew well enough what I was doing, and then my adrenaline completely took over. I began fucking her at full speed. "Buddy," I gasped in ecstasy after just a few seconds.

Megan showed no reaction but after a few more seconds she softly said "Slow down." Usually I would do whatever she asked me to, but this time I was overcome by the extremely intense combination of feelings that I was going through. I kept on at top speed.

After only about 35 seconds, I felt my orgasm begin. "I'm gonna come," I told her. A few seconds later, I began by far the most phenomenal orgasm I'd ever experienced. I gasped very loudly and gave my cousin's cunt the biggest load of come that I'd ever shot.

After about 30 seconds, my orgasm stopped and Megan still showed no reaction. I was very excited about what had just happened, but wondering why Megan made such a strong advance at me, and how exactly she felt about me.

After about three minutes. We were both still silent and looking at each other eye to eye. I was still very tense, sweating, and a little short of breath. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I responded, "I'm just overwhelmed."

At that, Megan smiled and said "Me too!" But a few seconds later, we heard a car driving in and she looked dismayed. "Shit," she said. "That's my parents. Get dressed and get me a towel."

I got dressed almost as quickly as I stripped a few minutes earlier, went out in the hall, got Megan a towel out of the linen closet, and gave it to her. She wiped her cunt while I handed her shirt to her just as the front door opened.

And hearing the door open caused me sadness, as I wanted to know exactly what Megan was feeling, but now I thought that she and I would be hanging out with her parents for the next few hours. "I hope we'll have a lot of time to talk tonight." I said softly.

"I think we should talk right now!" she said smiling. "Let's go out for dinner; just the two of us!

"That would be great!"

Megan and I walked out to the living room and she told her parents that we were going over to a nearby plaza for dinner. They seemed fine with that. She then went back to her room and came out a couple of minutes later wearing a gray sweatshirt, blue jeans, and black flip flops.

The plaza was adjacent to Megan's subdivision and only about a 10 minute walk from her house. As soon as her house was out of sight, she took my left hand and we almost immediately interlocked our fingers. That made me feel good, as it was a clue that she wanted more from me than just a one time fuck.

On the way to the plaza is a park. While walking through it, Megan said "I think it would be more comfortable to talk here instead of a restaurant." Prior to that, we hadn't talked since leaving the house, though I felt very close to her and think that she did to me as well.

"Yeah, you're right!" I said. We sat down at a picnic table, straddled the bench facing each other, and held our four hands together. As soon as we sat down, I began the conversation. I tried to be lighthearted but was actually nervous, very much wanting Megan to be my girlfriend and afraid that she wouldn't want that level of an emotional commitment. "Well, where do you want our relationship to go from here?!"

"Well, I'll go ahead and tell you the whole story!"


"When I woke up this morning, I noticed that you had fallen asleep with your computer on and that you were writing a message to one of your friends, telling him that you were at my house, that you think it's fucking hot that I gained so much weight while I was in prison, and that you were going to try to take some more pictures of my soles, and that you could hardly wait to see them again after waiting almost three years! I was like 'What the fuck?!' I didn't know why you'd want any pictures of my soles, or that you took any before, or even that you were into soles! And I've always fucking hated being fat, so I was really surprised that you love it! So anyway, I went into your pictures and saw a folder that said 'Sole Queen Megan,' and I saw that you had over 2,000 pictures of my soles in there!

"And then I typed my name into the search feature of your e-mail account and saw all the kinky shit that you've told your friends about me; that I'm the woman of your dreams, that my soles are the two most awesome sites in the universe, and you want to be my boyfriend, my slave, and my whore! Well, I'd never thought of you in those ways before, but when I saw and read all that shit, the film was peeled from my eyes and I realized what an awesome couple we'd make!"

I actually wasn't embarrassed when I realized what Megan had found on my computer. I was turned on that she had found it, and overjoyed that she was so positive about it. I began widely grinning as I realized that she'd read that message, and my excitement progressively intensified the more I realized that she'd discovered. As soon as she finished talking, I asked in euphoric amazement "So does that mean that we're a couple now?!

"It sure does!" she responded!

I suddenly wrapped my arms tightly around her, and she immediately reciprocated. "I love you, Buddy!" I told her.

"I love you, too!" she said. At that, we kissed for the first time. Upon our lips meeting, our mouths both opened and our tongues made slow, passionate love to each other.

Deep inside, I knew that Megan and I had some big obstacles ahead of us, hiding our relationship or suffering almost certain disapproval from our families. But she and I would deal with that later. Right now, I just concentrated on one thing. My deepest dream had come true. The woman of my dreams, and the two most awesome sites in the universe, her soles, were all mine.


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zazrix9zazrix9over 4 years ago
I adore your BBW

fantasies, they turn my crank

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Two big thumbs up.

Quality. Super relatable.

completeexperiencecompleteexperienceabout 10 years agoAuthor
Clarification about exclamation points

First of all, thanks to the two compliments above. As for the criticism, the two characters aren't shouting at each other. I put the exclamation points for the reader to envision them grinning widely and being extremely happy in each other's presence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Excited people

Just wondering as to why a exclamation mark was used after almost every normal speech line. Were they shouting every conversation for everyone to hear? Took me out of the moment so I couldn't enjoy it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
From A Big Fan.

M not really into foot fetish but your story was f-amazing!!! I was so turned on by this too. I like to know when your next story will come out. I'm really hoping soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I like the buildup and the outcome. reminds me of a matching fantasy I have of one of my older female cousins. Even at my age I still fantasize about her. These two buddies will do well.

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