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As I did my magic there, I asked her, "Is this making love, Abie?"

Her eyes were shut tight, her face a mask of concentration as she savored the alien, unexpected sensations. She slowly nodded her head.

"Has Harry ever done this?" I asked.

Again her head moved, this time shaking 'no' ever so slowly.

"If he did, would you be ready to make love now?" I asked.

Her eyes opened, locked on mine and her lips moved. They seemed to purse first, as if asking for a kiss, before she said, "Yes, oh yes. I am so ready now."

"If I were your lover, would I be ready now," I asked, knowing she could feel the solid, pulsing manhood lying under her left hip.

Her eyes still locked on mine, her voice stronger, she slowly nodded her head as she answered, "Yes!" while wiggling her body over my erection.

Then she shifted her weight, until my shaft was better accommodated and more firmly lying against her.

Smiling slowly, I moved my right hand to rest against her lower tummy, cupping it softly, my fingers now beginning a gentle tattoo on her belly under her blouse. Each finger individually, playing her like a fine piano. I could feel the tune beginning where she lay against me.

My free left hand moved to the top button of her blouse, which was holding the blouse from further displaying the vee of her cleavage. Her eyes remained locked to mine, her breathing shallow and fast. Slowly, deliberately I turned the button, and slipped it out of its hole. Delaying a moment while we looked one another in the eyes, I moved my hand to the next button and repeated my action.

I did not move my eyes until the fourth and last button was released and her blouse began to slide open. Very deliberately my eyes moved down to watch as the blouse revealed her soft belly and the swell of her breasts in their bra cups. Drinking in her soft curves, my hand moved to push the sides of the garment until they fell to either side of her desirable body.

Slowly, inexorably I leaned forward. My eyes were now fixed on her lips; my tongue licking my own. Just before my lips met hers I stopped. My eyes now on hers, I moved the tip of my tongue to just touch her lips. Slowly, gently running just the tip of my tongue along her lips, I traced the join of her red, now pouty lips. Again and over again I tasted her. It had been hours since she had applied her make-up; still I enjoyed the flavor of the vestiges of her lipstick.

With my left hand I now slowly, oh so slowly traced the join of her breasts to her body. Gently, giving her nerve endings time to savor each part newly being touched and anticipate the next movement.

She shuddered under my touch and her lips opened a trifle.

Leaning closer, I kissed the corner of her mouth, my tongue tasting her again inside the kiss. Then I gave a soft, fairy-light kiss to her pouting lips, quickly shifting my lips to the other corner and tasting her again.

Leaning back for a moment I ran a finger along those lips, teasing them open then slowly and lovingly pushing my finger into her mouth. I pushed it in, pulled it out, then gently thrusted it into her mouth again, and again, and again.

She moaned. I bent forward, laying soft, quick, gentle kisses all over her face until she shivered and one hand came to cup the back of my head to pull me closer.

I obliged, sealing my mouth to hers, driving my tongue into her mouth and slowly, thoroughly ravaged hers.

My left hand was now cupping her breast, my fingers kneading and milking. Spreading my fingers wide I gripped them around that breast before firmly pulling them up, gently dragging her tit up from her chest. At last, as my tongue was claiming her mouth, my hand with the tips of my fingers had grasped her areola pulling her nipple up away from the white loveliness of her mound. Pulling softly, twisting, gently and lovingly I pinched her nipple as I pulled it away from her body.

Then, letting go I dropped my hand to cup her tit with my palm. Again grasping the base of her mound with my fingers I rubbed my palm firmly over her nipple which now was a hot bullet pushing through into my hand.

As my hand continued giving her sensation I dropped my face to bury it in her cleavage, my tongue snaking out to lick and taste the hot sensitive valley between her breasts.

She was moaning again, her hips now gyrating, trying to push themselves against something that wasn't there.

My hands now occupied both her breasts, pulling them, kneading them, rolling the nipple firmly but roughly. I was slobbering over her cleavage, letting her feel the moisture. Then I sucked her left tit into my mouth, trying to pull it all into my mouth, lashing the nipple with my tongue.

Her hand now tried pulling my face harder into her chest. Her arousal was strumming her body, and I shot my hand down, shoving it without hesitation directly under the waistband of her tan shorts and under her panties. Swiftly my hand pushed past the welcoming bush until with just the tip of my middle finger I reached out and pressed atop her clitorus. It was the first touch tonight. Holding it there I kept it stationary but pushed and pulled the tender bud up, around and down using only the pad of my finger. Handling it gently.

Without warning, her body went into convulsions! I sucked hard on her tit, holding her body tight to mine with the arm locked under and around her, felt and watched her ride her orgasm.

At first all her breath huffed out of her, and it was a moment before she could draw it back in. Finally she screamed! It came out from deep inside, harsh and loud. I knew her throat would be sore tomorrow from that one single tribute to my lovemaking.

The orgasm lasted long minutes, until I thought it best that I stop adding to her sensations, just holding my hand still and moving my lips to her mouth, where I kissed her gently and tenderly.

When she began relaxing, after the aftershocks too numerous to mention quit surging through her unexpecting body I gently pulled her upright on my lap. Swiftly I ran my left hand along her collar bone and down her right arm, pushing and carrying her blouse and bra with it, where I slipped them gently off her hand. Then I ran that hand up her back, cupping the back of her neck. Cradling her back away from my body I ran my now free right arm in a caress down the top of her left arm to her hand, again pulling her blouse and bra off that hand, leaving her nude above the waist.

Trusting that she could remain sitting without my help for a moment, I brought both hands to the waist of my blue T-shirt and yanked it off over my head, throwing it someplace behind me.

Then I put both hands behind her and pulled her into my embrace, her naked breasts nestling into my chest. There I knew they would be stimulated by the hair on my chest.

Leaning back, holding her upper body firmly against mine, I looked fondly into her eyes. When she finally focused back on my face. I answered her earlier questions, "That is loving, Abie. Has Harry ever given you that?"

With wondering eyes, she looked down into my eyes from where she was sitting on my lap. "I never knew... that could happen. I have never... felt... anything like it. I had no idea..." she murmured in a voice filled with awe.

"Don't worry Abie, I can show you how to teach Harry how to do that. And do it such that he doesn't know you are teaching him. Do you think we can do that?"

She just looked at me, wonderingly.

"Abie, that was loving. That was not love. Don't confuse the two. What you felt was wondrous, but it can't compare to making love with the one you love. Don't get confused. Do you understand? What we just did was marvelous, but it can be so much better. Do you think you would like to learn how to teach that to Harry?"

She looked searchingly into my eyes, hers shifting from eye to eye, looking for some hint of duplicity. After a while, seeing only fondness and sincerity she slowly nodded her head.

Slowly, making every move obvious, letting her understand and stop me at any time, I lay her back on the couch. Leaning forward I kissed her. When her mouth opened to mine I deepened the kiss and when her arms came up around my neck I began unfastening her shorts.

It took me a while to do so, but when I was finished I leaned away from her and slowly began slipping the shorts and panties down her legs, making sure I kept eye contact while I did it.

Once she was undressed, I had slipped the shoes off with the shorts and panties, I leaned forward to kiss her while moving myself between her thighs. Her only reaction was to widen her legs.

Holding myself up on one arm I grasped my rock hard piston and slowly moved the big plum shaped head up and down her slit. Her juices were soaking my sofa her labia parted and pouted open as soon as my cockhead told them what to do.

Then, while holding myself on my elbows, my chest lightly brushing he erect nipples, I slowly slid my length into her. Her sheath was hot and wet. It was also tight, rippling contractions running along my shaft as I gloried in pushing into and filling her femaleness.

When I felt a resistance against the tip of my length our pubes were just beginning to mesh. Her labia had clasped and loved me the entire time I was entering her center. Slowly letting my weight drop onto her, she seemed to welcome it by locking her ankles around by ass and pulling me hard to her with her arms. Once she had taken my weight, I twisted my body, giving her a whole body hug.

For a moment I held still, looking into her eyes.

She reached up and kissed me.

I asked if she was sure. At her nod I told her of my vasectomy and assured her of my being disease free.

She looked astonished for a moment, ten giggled, "It never crossed my mind that there would be a problem like that with you!"

It wasn't long before Abie's hips began moving, slowly pumping my shaft which was filling her so nicely. When she did I began slowly moving in and out of her, stopping every so often when driven deepest inside her to churn my erection deep inside her, pleasuring her deep, even pushing harder against her. It was only moments before her body began to shake and her channel spasmed around my cock. It was all I could take and I poured myself into her.

Then I moved myself to the side so as not to crush her, and we lay in one another's arms, slipping into sleep for a moment.

When I woke I pulled myself out of her, and went to fetch towels and warm washcloths. She was smiling at me as I returned and insisted on cleaning me after I had carefully cleaned her.

We held one another for a while before I carefully lifted her to stand before me. Pulling her into the kitchen behind me I asked, "You like orange juice, Abie?"

When she nodded her head yes, I pulled out the pitcher I had made yesterday, dropped three large ice cubes into each of two tall glasses, added a shot of vodka, then filled the sixteen ounce glasses with fresh orange juice.

"Here, drink this princess. You need the liquid, the coolness and a taste more alcohol to make your alcohol withdrawal less traumatic after last night. Most of all you need the sugar. Do you like eggs? If you do I'll make us some scrambled eggs."

Abie suddenly realized how late it must be. The party had died down hours ago. Looking at the kitchen clock she panicked. Then she looking down at herself, the reality of being naked in a strange house broke through her consciousness.

She cupped both hands over her breasts, which was tough holding that cold drink in one hand, then backed up a step and started to turn to leave the kitchen. I reached to take the glass out of her hand, and firmly, gently took her arm. "It's after 4:30, and you don't want to be seen leaving my house and heading for yours this time of the morning. Your husband isn't home, and no one knows you are here."

Pulling her gently over to sit at the kitchen table I continued, "No one knows you are here. No one is going to call or come by until probably noon at the earliest. Sit down, drink your orange juice and don't panic! Let me make you something to eat, you will feel better on a full stomach. We can talk or play cards or read the newspaper until you can leave without catching anyone's attention."

Looking up at me pleadingly for a moment, she finally nodded her understanding. Taking that as a go ahead, I busied myself with biscuit mix and eggs. In fifteen minutes we had our eggs and biscuits on the table, fresh coffee and a cheerier attitude.

Getting her to open up about her marriage, even after all we had shared that night was really tough but I knew we had to get past this if I was to be any help to her and Harry. When I finally got her to talk she started by explaining how they met. The story was sweet and romantic, and maybe I'll tell you about it by itself some other time. Then I got her to tell me how she, a virgin at her marriage bed and Harry a man with almost nonexistent sexual experience began their lifetime cruise into intimacy.

Harry had the usual back seat 'wham bam, thank you ma'ms' most teenagers have. They had been married in college, both of them having been more than satisfied with a couple kisses while getting breasts fondled, then Abie lying back and spreading her legs for their sex life. Harry would work his normal sized equipment into her, which took a few moments because she was always dry. Then they would pump at one another until his fountain spurted, which never took very long.

Afterward Harry would hold her lovingly and they would talk about their future and how deep their love was before they both went to sleep. The problem Abie had complained about to me didn't come about until they had moved here. Several of the women were in the habit of getting together for Bridge several times a month. Abie was very good at the game and was a welcome member to the group.

So what do women talk about over their bridge hands; knitting, of course, how to plant roses, whether the weather was going to change, who was going to emerge the dominant figure in Balkans politics, right? Of course wrong! Several of the gals were very experienced in the arts of love. I'll make no speculation where or when they got so familiar, but did accept it was accurate and the knowledge was fairly won.

The stories Abie heard were so far outside her own experience as to dumbfound her. Finally she began to believe her marriage was a shambles because of her inability to respond to her husband. It hadn't yet dawned on her that the wonderful man she was married to, and take it from me he was a really great guy, didn't know diddly squat about how to pleasure a woman.

What I had done last night was the first step in her education. Over the next week, Abie spent each night with me, leaving in late morning so that the neighbors were less likely to suspect she had stayed over night. By the third night we were taking steps not to wake the neighbors. Abie was a fast learner, and it wasn't taking her very long to reach her goal, either.

Even after Harry got back, we continued to get together over the next few months. Now my pretty neighbor came over around 8:30 or 9:00, heading back home at around 11:00 or so. She told some of the gals who asked that she was having coffee with me while teaching me what she knew about making a Japanese rock garden. She actually knew quite a bit, and helped me make one in a corner of my yard.

Over those next few months my friend taught her husband how to pleasure a woman. She had learned how to truly pleasure a man, which was quite a shock to poor Harry at first. She explained to the confused and initially very concerned husband that she had been reading some of her women's magazines. What she was doing was putting their ideas into use. He was satisfied with the explanation, and more than satisfied with the outcome.

I have never pressured her to be with me, but she still comes by occasionally for coffee in the mornings strictly on her own hook. She comes over every other week or so, which is about all my weary bones can handle. We have become very close friends, and her Harry and I are good friends, too. Harry and I have a date next Saturday to take in the local colleges annual football grudge match with their closest rival. Abie has promised to have hot chocolate and cookies ready when her boys come home from play. When she told us that, she grinned and said it would be good practice for when the twins get here in January.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What, no oral? No anal? Shit, if he’s gonna teach her how to cuckold her husband, he should do a thorough job of it! 2*

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

``Teach me, oh Sensei!``

"Teach you? Why bother - I just fuck your wife. She can teach you..."

There. The entire premise, the whole story - in a nutshell. Everything else in precursor is just wasted words, useless breath.

Time to bail before I start thinking in useless non-sequiturs. I'm gone with the wind (now there's a story worth reading!)

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

‘propinquity’? That cost you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Author is talented and has a great track record.

Blame the outrageous 4.xx ‘score’ bestowed on this low-grade story on loyalty by the fans.

This is not his best effort as a storyteller, but the b.s. here is well-thought out and well written.

I look forward to more from this writer.

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Loadcof hogwash.

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