Shadow Dagger Ch. 17


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Silence followed his words. Reynar looked incredulously toward Sereph. Sereph's mouth was set in a firm line. Reynar shook his head, hardly daring to believe it.

"Jon Laurent will never reveal those secrets to Raynolt," Reynar breathed. "He can't!"

"I doubt it, myself," Lenard replied. "But still, the offer is most troubling. With that kind of power, there's no telling what Raynolt would be capable of."

"Raynolt has become a liability, my liege," Sereph said, his eyes focused on Reynar's face.

Reynar clenched his teeth to contain his anger. "I told him what would happen if he outlived his usefulness. Sereph, order the immediate arrest of Raynolt Teryus for treason against the crown. If any Magi attempt to aid him, arrest them, too. See to it yourself."

"And what of Peron and his men?" Sereph asked.

"How many men does he command?"

Sereph frowned in concentration for a moment. "We severely limit the number of warriors from Raves who wish to visit Astuari. I would say he has twenty men, give or take."

"I asked how many men he commands, Sereph, not the number of men he has with him right now. We both know that his men are spread out in the towns and villages within a day's ride of the city."

"Apologies, my liege," Sereph said, bowing. "In that case, Peron commands 1,000 men."

Reynar rubbed his chin and contemplated his next move. "Sereph, what's the latest count of our standing army?"

"We command 5,000 men, my liege. Most of our army is tied up with the war against the Magi Victus. They're currently patrolling the city streets with the Magi."

"The war with the Magi Victus will have to wait," Reynar said. "I want 3,000 men guarding the walls of this city and this palace. Issue orders to the guards at the gate. Raves warriors are no longer welcome in the city. Evelyn must be kept safe at all costs."

"My liege, what about the Magi Victus? This will present the perfect opportunity for them to strike," Lenard said.

"The Magi will have to make adjustments. We can spare 2,000 soldiers but that's it. Besides, we need only to prevent an attack until Evelyn gives birth. After that, we can focus on the Magi Victus again."

Reynar knew he had said too much when Sereph shot him a startled glare and Lenard looked at him curiously. "What happens when Evelyn gives birth?" Lenard asked.

"Remember who you're talking to," Reynar reminded him, his voice cold and hard.

Lenard paled. "Forgive me, my liege," he said, bowing.

Reynar turned to Sereph. "There are groups of Magi and soldiers patrolling tonight?"

"Yes, my liege, as we speak."

"Find the nearest group and have them seize Peron and anyone else with him. I want them taken alive, understand?"

"I will see to it immediately," Sereph replied.

"Lenard, make your way back to the Emporium quickly and seek out Raynolt," Reynar said, turning toward Lenard. "I don't want your cover blown just yet. You will have to be arrested."

Lenard smiled slightly. "I look forward to it, my liege."

"Sereph, one more thing," Reynar said suddenly. "Raynolt may not come quietly. After you see to capturing Peron, I want you to personally lead a squadron of soldiers and loyal Magi to take him."

Sereph bowed low. "Your will is my command, my liege."

"Go, and may the God be with you both."


Sophina sat nursing her ale, her back against the corner of the tavern wall. Nobody bothered her in her corner. Peron's men talked noisily and shouted often as they played their dice games.

Every now and then Peron would look back at Sophina and turn away smiling, no doubt at the look of loathing on her face.

The tavern door opened, causing the torches next to the door to flicker briefly as the warm air rushed in. Marcus closed it behind him and made his way over to Sophina. He looked at the grimace on Sophina's face, smiled, and sat down in front of her.

"I don't want to talk," Sophina said immediately.

Marcus shrugged. "That's fine. Barkeep! Ale, please."

Marcus' ale was delivered in short order and he sat quietly as he drank it. Sophina glared at him but it didn't seem to have any effect on him.

She sometimes wished she was still in the army. A look like that would have sent the men serving under her scrambling.

"I don't care that she got married," Sophina said finally, unable to stand the silence anymore.

Marcus raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. "Oh, are we talking about that now?"

"Don't think I'm not sober enough to stick my dagger in you," she warned him.

Marcus smiled at her. "We'll get her back, don't worry."

"I don't care that she got married," she repeated, her eyes burning. She took a gulp of ale and had to swallow around the lump in her throat.

Marcus cast his eyes down respectfully. "I'm sorry."

"I let her go," she admitted, wiping angrily at her eyes. "That's why I got upset like that."

Marcus looked back up at her, frowning. "You let her go?"

Sophina took another long gulp of ale before answering. "In my heart, I let her go. I knew I could never have her, that my love for her was based more on admiration than any qualities that she possesses."

Marcus looked at her in admiration of his own. "You grew up. You're becoming wise in your old age."

Her beer missed the mark as Marcus quickly ducked to the side. The liquid splashed across the table and onto the floor. Marcus popped back up, smiling.

"Be careful! This is the finest silk, you know."

Sophina loved him at that moment as she threw her head back and laughed.

God, I needed that! If I becoming wiser with age, I'm definitely growing more emotional! Ten years ago I would have slapped myself for acting like this!

She smiled fondly at him once the laughter died down. "You look like him," Sophina said, not really thinking about what she was saying.

"Everyone used to always say that," Marcus said. He sounded sad.

"What was he like, back then?" Sophina asked. She hoped he didn't realize how intensely curious she was about his answer.

"Happier," Marcus replied, truthfully. "Always laughing. Even when the war started, he would find a way to make his men laugh. Everyone loved him."

"Do you think he could ever be that man again?"

Marcus smiled at her knowingly. Sophina was deeply embarrassed to realize she was blushing. "With the love of a good woman, I think it's possible. You know anybody?"

This time, Sophina threw her glass at him. He caught it nonchalantly, smirked at her, and put it back on the table. "Are you done wallowing now?"

"One of these days..." she muttered. Her threat was ruined somewhat by the amusement in her tone. "Let's go home."

"Leaving so soon?" Peron called as they walked toward the door.

"Some of us actually have to sleep!" Sophina called back. "Besides, I think I need a long, hot bath after that meeting with Raynolt."

"Need somebody to scrub your back?" Peron called hopefully.

Sophina shook her head.What is it with these men? She smiled as she thought it.

Marcus opened the door for her. "After you," he said, bowing.

Sophina scowled and turned toward the opening.

A host of soldiers greeted her outside.


Sanje kept to the shadows as he silently stalked the group. He noted the movements of his men in his peripheral vision. Hopefully, they would get out of this with minimal losses.

The two Magi and their escort of twenty soldiers peered nervously at every intersection, completely unaware of how Sanje and his men stalked them from the shadows. Sanje's Shadow Dagger was vibrating slightly on his hip. The two Magi weren't particularly powerful.

They held torches to better illuminate their positions. Sanje shook his head; this was definitely a very odd war. They pointed themselves out on purpose, in order to draw in an attack from the Magi Victus. Otherwise, they could search the whole city and never find one.

Of course, Sanje knew something they didn't. The war was rigged. Eventually, the Magi would "win."

Sanje frowned as he continued his silent approach. The whole war didn't feel right to him anymore. Ever since he had that meeting with Sophina Crews he hadn't felt the same. That man with her, Marcus, had asked some very troubling questions.

Damn him! I was perfectly happy hating Jon Laurent's guts. Why did he have to ask those things of me?

Sanje had promised he would talk to Jon before he tried to kill him.

Is he really more than I give him credit for? The man managed to hide the fact that he is a Magi. What else don't I know about him?

Sanje had assumed from the very beginning that Jon cared nothing about the Magi Victus, that he only looked out for himself. Was it possible that Jon actually had a plan for them?

Shaking his head, Sanje focused on the task at hand. The Magi group was positioned exactly where he wanted them, at an intersection of four streets. He knew his men could see his position. The shadows hid nothing from the Magi Victus. They just awaited his signal.

Sanje withdrew his dagger and raised it in the air. He was about to bring it down to signal his men when there was suddenly a commotion among the Magi group.

A man dressed in the armor of a royal guard had come sprinting down the street. "Wait!" he called.

Sanje gave his dagger a shake, signaling his men to stand down. He watched intently.

"Wait! I have orders from the King!"

The Magi watched warily as the man came sprinting up. He spoke to a rather tall Magi in hurried sentences. Sanje couldn't make out the words from his location. The Magi listened silently for several minutes before gesturing to the soldiers around him.

The group turned around from the direction they were headed and starting jogging. Sanje gave the signal to follow as the group ran right past his hiding spot. Sanje smirked as he stepped out of the shadow of a building and started following.

Sanje grew uneasy as the group ran toward a section of the city he was very familiar with. After all, he had just come from there earlier in the day. After several more minutes, he knew for a certainty where they were headed.

They were headed to the Snake Pit tavern. Their little conspiracy had been sniffed out.

Sanje briefly thought about disappearing into the night. As the Magi group surrounded the tavern, he even turned around to go back. But something held him there. Something that nagged at the corners of his mind.

He withdrew his dagger and gave the signal.


"Attack!" Sophina managed to scream, as she struggled to unsheathe her sword.

But it was too late. The guard closest to the door had already drawn his sword. He brought his sword back and quickly thrust it at her unprotected stomach.

Sophina gasped, amazed, as the sword stopped inches from her stomach. A hand had appeared out of nowhere to catch the blade. She looked up and saw the murderous face of Marcus.

Marcus snarled as he threw the sword aside, as though it was just a toy. He stepped past Sophina and thrust his hand out, palm outward. His palm impacted against the guards chest with a golden flash and a sickening crunching sound. The guard's breastplate crumbled inwards and he was blasted off his feet and thrown backwards into several of his fellow guardsmen.

Despite her amazement and shock, Sophina had finally managed to unsheathe her sword. Sounds of shattering glass and wood sounded behind her. Men cried out and steel rang as guards swarmed on the little tavern.

Marcus, his eyes glowing gold, roared a challenge and ran out into the night. "Die!"

Sophina tried to follow him but was quickly intercepted by three guards. The first guard was still blinking stupidly as Sophina stepped past him, her sword slick with blood.

He looked down at his stomach, at the neat line etched in his armor. Blood poured out and the breastplate fell apart at the cut. The runes on Sophina's blade shone brightly in the moonlight.

Sophina ignored the dying guard. She balanced herself on the balls of her feet and eyed the two remaining guards warily.

"It's Sophina Crews!" one of the guards hissed. "He wants her taken alive."

"Are you insane?" the other guard said. "We can't go up against that sword! You saw what it just did to Roman's armor!"

"Cowards!" Sophina roared as the guards took off running.

She grunted suddenly, jerking forward. Her breath was tight in her chest as she looked over her shoulder in confusion.

An arrow was sticking out of her back.

"Damn," she muttered, blood suddenly dripping from her lips. She stumbled against the side of the tavern.

She looked up. The archer had drawn another arrow and was pointing it right at her. Without warning, the archer suddenly jerked.

He dropped to the ground, dead. A shadowy figure saluted her and moved on to backstab another guard.

She looked around and saw that more shadowy figures were appearing out of the night, quickly dispatching guards.

An arrow slammed into the wall next to her, nearly taking her in the eye. Another archer had evidently targeted her for death, as he ignored the battle raging around him. Blood dripped down into his eye. He wiped it away quickly and nocked another arrow.

A roar of inhuman rage made her look up. The archer who had shot at her was staring fearfully at a roaring Marcus. Marcus gestured with his hand and the archer exploded all over the street. Bloody chunks of archer rained down all around Sophina.

Marcus made his way toward her but was cut off as two Magi stepped in front of him. "Hold there!" one of them cried.

"Is he a Magi?" the other one asked desperately. Apparently, whatever they were trying wasn't working.

Marcus spared them a brief, contemptuous look. He didn't even gesture. The Magi fell to their knees, clutching their ears.

"It's so beautiful!" one of them cried out. His head promptly exploded.

Marcus ignored all of this as he strode toward her. He grabbed her arm. "Hold still," he said, his voice ringing in her ears. He pulled out the arrow in one swift jerk.

Sophina gasped and fell to her knees as fresh blood poured out. Marcus knelt quickly beside her and started singing. At least, that's what it sounded like to her. She knew what this power felt like; she had experienced it before.

This time, the peaceful song was too short for her taste. Before she knew it, he was hauling her back to her feet. "Are you ok?"

Sophina nodded, flexing her arm. She felt as good as new. She quickly looked around and saw that the battle was mostly over. Peron's men were out on the street now, taking care of the remaining soldiers. She saw Peron laugh as he cleanly sliced the throat of a guard.

"It's over," Marcus said, his eyes still shining.

Sophina nodded wearily. "How in the nine hells did we get ambushed?"

"Somebody talked," Marcus growled. He was staring at the shadows of a nearby alley.

A shadowy figure emerged and walked towards them. Sophina recognized Sanje as he drew nearer. "It wasn't me," he said.

"Thanks for your help," Sophina said quickly. Marcus didn't look like he was in a mood to believe anybody.

Sanje shrugged. "I was in the neighborhood."

"Really, thank you," Sophina insisted. "You saved my life."

She couldn't see his face in the shadow of his hood but she thought she sensed his smile. "Perhaps now you will listen to me."

"All these Astuarian dogs are dead," Peron announced as he walked over to them. "Even the Magi. Unless my mind had finally started to wander, I believe we owe that to this friend of yours, my dear Sophina. His is a story I would very much like to hear."

Marcus didn't respond. He just continued to stand there, his golden eyes staring off into the night. "It calls to me," he whispered.

Sophina jerked up straight. "What was that, Marcus?"

She could see the confused look on Peron's face and the stiff way Sanje stood but she didn't have time to worry about that.

"What?" Marcus asked, distracted.

Sophina gently grabbed his arm. "Let go now, Marcus. It's safe."

Marcus slowly turned his head and looked down at her. His golden eyes continued to blaze. "No," he said, his voice devoid of all emotion.

Sophina started to sweat. She saw Sanje make a movement under his cloak. "Marcus, please, let go. Do you need more of the drug? Come on, I have some more for you."

"No!" Marcus roared. His hand shot out and grabbed her neck. Instantly, Sophina's air was cut off. "You dare try to poison me?"

Sanje moved. One moment he was standing there, the next moment his Shadow Dagger was reaching for Marcus' chest.

Marcus dropped Sophina, grabbed Sanje's wrist, and hurled him against the side of the tavern. The wooden walls shattered and Sanje disappeared inside.

Sophina coughed out several breaths and picked up her sword. "Marcus...stop..." she gasped.

Marcus' eyes blazed with anger. He gestured at her with his hand.

"Jon!" Sophina screamed, as her body was jerked into the air. Instantly, her joints were pulled to their breaking point as invisible hands threatened to tear her limbs apart.

Marcus blinked. He shook his head. He growled angrily. Sophina cried out in pain as her joints popped and were dislocated. Still, the invisible hands kept pulling.

"Jon?" Marcus said hoarsely, as if he had never heard that name.

"Jon!" Sophina cried out desperately. "Your brother! AHHH! He...AHHH! Saved your...UGHHH...your life!"

"Jon," Marcus whispered, his voice as small and vulnerable as a child's.

Sophina cried out as the invisible hands dropped her to the street. Her limbs were on fire, as if they were coated in molten steel. She wept and bit her lip, tasting both blood and her salty tears. Warm blood gushed down her chin.

Gentle hands smoothed her arms. Where they touched, a tingling sensation followed. Sophina wept even harder as the pain slowly faded away. Death would have been a mercy at that moment. The sudden absence of pain felt almost as bad as the pain had.

"God forgive me," Marcus wept, his blue eyes watering.


"What's the latest count, Sura?" Raynolt asked, as he shuffled the papers on his desk.

Sura Montero, the 9th Tier Master, looked down at her notes. "Last night's activities increased the total of our dead to 45. We have killed at least 25 Magi Victus, though we can't be quite sure of that because of their habit to grab the body as soon as it falls."

"Good, good," Raynolt said, only paying half a mind to what she was saying.

He was restless. The thought of Jon Laurent's promise had him almost squirming in his seat with excitement. For the past couple of days he could think of nothing else.

The power I could wield...just the thought of it makes me hard! Raynolt shook his head as he watched Sura prattle on.

Careful, if I really do get hard I don't want Sura thinking it's for her.

Raynolt smirked to himself, not paying the slightest attention to what Sura was saying now. The thought of sticking his cock in the very round Sura was almost enough to make him gag. It did, however, stir up some dormant feelings.

He hadn't been with a woman since he killed Morgana. That was something he was going to need to remedy. But who? He tapped his fingers on his desk and let his mind drift. His thoughts settled on the meeting he just got back from.

Sophina Crews...she certainly isn't the best looking woman. Very skinny and not enough flesh on her bones. But still...she holds great power over her men. If I could get her into my bed and dominate a woman who holds that much power, it would be enough to make me shoot my seed all over her.

He considered it for a moment while Sura continued to talk about death counts and patrol routes. Sophina wouldn't willingly come to his bed, he knew that much. Still, if she could be coerced...he did hold her family hostage, after all. He couldn't help but smile at the thought.