Sharing the MILF List Ch. 13


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"Did you like it?" I asked.

Her eyes closed for a long moment then opened again. They looked dreamy, far away. "Oh yes."

I chuckled. "Don't move." I said.

Dressed, I stepped into the store. Clara had not screamed. The store was empty. Sunday afternoon was not yet a busy time. I looked for Chris and his mom and found them huddled in a corner, his hand under her blouse. Laura wore a simple pleated black skirt and a white blouse. The blouse buttoned up the front. Chris had unbuttoned most of it, leaving two buttons one above and below the ridge of her breasts. His hand cupped one breast, while he kissed her. Anyone looking could see her tight white tummy and his arm laying along it and the bottom of her bra.

They broke the clinch before I got there. Once there I held out a hand, "Come with me." I said.

Laura smiled, her eyes were a little wild. "Gladly." She sighed.

I glanced at Chris. "Fuck Alissa if you like or wait for me. I'll be done in moment."

Chris nodded but gave me no indication of what he would do.

I led Laura back to the door of the dressing room. I stopped, turned to her and whispered. "You don't know me."

Laura nodded.

I pushed open the door. I had expected Clara to have done something to put herself back to rights but the woman had not moved. She still stood, plastered against the wall, cum seeping in a small rivulet down her right thigh. When I stepped inside, the only motion she made was to tighten her ass, making it move up and down which swished the skirt back and forth a little.

"Oh my." Laura said.

"This is Clara." I said softly.

Clara shivered, hearing her name.

"She is the one I want to try something on, you know, to get your attention, I mean your opinion."

"Oh my, yes. She is beautiful. Just like you said. I had no idea . . . "

"I just fucked her." I said casually. I looked away from the shivering blond posed against the wall to the other shivering blond. I expected Laura to meet my eyes but she didn't. Her gaze fixed on Clara's body, sweeping up and down like a search light.

"Oh really? She looks . . . "

"She didn't come." I stated, then moved to the little table and lifted up the little white outfit. "I wanted her to try this on. She was supposed to have it on but as you can see, she hasn't put it on yet.

"Let me help." Laura mumbled. She did not look at me once. She stepped forward and put a hand on the fine swell of Clara's ass.

Clara hissed through her teeth, pressing her face deeper against her raised arm.

Mrs. Wills moved her hands to the zipper on the back of the dress and slowly drew it down. Her hand smoothed over the revealed flesh and immediately unhooked the bra strap, four hooks wide. The bra was stout, sturdy enough to contain and ennoble the breasts. God but I wanted to see them.

One at a time, Laura pulled Clara's arms down. Clara let herself be manipulated as though she had no will of her own. Laura's motions began tentative but by the time she gripped each edge of the green dress and pushed it around Clara's shoulders, Laura was acting with a will. She eased Clara away from the wall and peeled the dress down Clara's arms. Clara let her. The bra hung on her shoulders by the two thin shoulder straps. Laura let the dress go after both Clara's hands and arms were free of it. It hung on Clara's hips then slid softly down her body to pool about her feet, the green of the high heels matched the green of the dress perfectly. Laura ran a palm down over Clara's hair, smoothing the jumble of curls down her back.

"Oh my, she is so very beautiful." Laura whispered.

If she was acting, she was superb. To my eyes, she appeared entranced by the nude body before her, nude but for the lank bra. I wanted Laura to turn the woman around in the worse way. I wanted to see those gorgeous tits. Instead, she touched her index finger to the cum trail on the back of Clara's leg.

"Did she come?" Laura asked, casually running her finger down the trail on the woman's leg.

Clara moaned, "Ohhhhhhhhh."

"No, I don't think so." I said.

"Are you sure? This is all you, is it?" Abruptly Laura cupped Clara's ass, squeezing it with one hand. "She is firm. You are a lucky man to be dating such a woman."

I grinned. "I am not dating her. I just fuck her from time to time."

Laura nodded. "Fuck buddies, then?"

I nodded. I waved the negligee. "I want her to try this on."

Laura's eyes remained fixed on Clara's ass while her one hand massaged the round ass cheek.

"Oh god." Clara breathed.

I shook the negligee again. "Have her put this on, see what you think."

Now, Laura did look over at me. She smiled vacantly. "I think we need to clean her up. This would ruin that fabric. She would need to buy it for sure if she tries it on like this." She looked away from the woman pressed to the wall before us. "Do you mind if I clean her up a little bit." Her smile was impish, her eyes utterly serious.

I gestured with an open hand. "Help yourself." I wanted to see Clara's tits.

Laura grasped the woman by the shoulders and twisted her. When she was turned with her shoulders against the wall, Laura pulled the cups of the bra off the woman's tits. The bra appeared to be a size or two too small. The thing left red lines on the white skin. Clara was looking at the hands, the female hands that removed her bra, leaving her naked but for the green high heels. When Laura massaged her breasts, Clara's eyes closed, she raised her hands, forearms against the wall like she was bound. When Laura pinched her nipples, Clara shuddered visibly but otherwise did not move. If her breasts had been free, I am sure they would have wavered most pleasingly. As it was, Laura continued to massage them.

"I don't think she should try this on until I clean her up." Laura said and did not move again till Clara opened her eyes. Clara's eyes were wide, fixed. She licked her lips, her tongue swiping the full upper lip. Her chin trembled a little.

Laura and Clara stared at each other, their eye linked together. Laura massaged the great white tits and Clara stared at her

I waited. I waited more. Neither woman moved. Finally, impatient, I pointed to the one chair and said, "She could sit down." Neither woman moved. I cleared my throat. Laura's hand moved just a bit on Clara's breasts. "She'll do anything you want. She is willing, very willing." I muttered.

Clara moved her eyes to me, they widened just the smallest bit. She looked caught, tagged for what she was.

Laura pulled her head around to look at me. Her eyes were blinking.

Clara pulled her hands from the wall and lay them carefully over Laura's on her marvelous breasts. Laura looked back at her. "I want, I want to taste her." She hesitated. "You fucked her you said? She has you inside of her? I want to taste that. I want that." Her hand massaged Clara's tits. Clara helped, moving her hands and groaning.

"What do I get, if she lets you do this?" I asked.

Laura did not look back at me. "You can fuck me. While my mouth is on her pussy, while my tongue is inside of her. You can fuck me. Take off my panties. You can keep them." She moved closer to the other blond woman, just a subtle shuffle of her feet and she was close. She leaned against the back of Clara's hands, against her own hands, against Clara's breasts. She kissed Clara on the mouth. Clara's eyes widened, the one eye I could see fixed on me and then it closed. She groaned into Laura's mouth.

Laura moved slowly back from the quivering, nude woman. "Lie down. On your back. You, cock, remove my panties. I have a fantasy about eating a woman while her man fucks me." Her voice shook but it was not fear. "In my dreams, it is a black woman and her lover. He has a huge cock and he penetrates me as I eat her." She snickered. "You two will do, though."

"Oh, oh, oh god." Clara moaned.

Laura's hands left the woman. "Lie down."

"Don't make me come. Clara whispered. "I'll scream. Everyone will know, something, that I am, that you are, that I, oh, please."

Laura slapped her, hard.

Clara looked shocked. Her eyes teared up.

"You said she'd do anything I wanted." Laura whispered. "I want her to lie down."

I knelt behind Laura's black skirt. I fit my hands around her perfect calves and ran my hands slowly up her bare legs. Her skin was smooth and warm under my hands. I ran them up under her skirt till I felt the lower edge of her panties. I found the waist band of the bikinis and pulled then gently but steadily over the swell of her slender ass, down her legs to her knees. Then I gripped the string and broke it, ripping them apart till I could get them off of her.

"Oh fuck." Laura breathed. "Are you getting on the floor or do I need to strike you again?"

I was shivering. It was like the Mrs. Wills I knew was completely replaced by this woman. The subservient, compliant mother of my friend, she was gone. This woman's voice quivered with menace, lust, and command. Clara heard it too. She pushed off the wall but knelt in place. Laura's skirt swept her face. Clara crawled past her to a empty place on the floor beside the table. She rolled carefully to her back. She lifted one knee and leaned it out, opening herself.

Clara closed her eyes and waited.

"Let me suck you first. Is she still on you?" Laura said without turning to look at me.

I nodded but then said, "Yes." My voice was higher than normal. I squeaked like my throat was constricted by a killers hands. I unbuckled my belt, unsnapped the slacks, unzipped and pulled them down to my knees again. Laura turned to look at me.

"Good boy. She turned to look at Clara. "You have him well trained. You deserve me. But first, I want to feel your man's cock in my mouth. I suck cock better than you or anyone you know. I could make him come just with my lips and tongue but I want him to fuck me first. Then he can finish inside of you. My boy toy, he has not eaten me yet today. I don't want him finding cock scum oozing out of me." She put out a hand and grasped my cock. "No, I would rather it be freshly dipped. Shove it into her. I bet she is flush full of pussy juice, thinking about my mouth on her."

Clara groaned. Her eyes were wide, almost bulging. She twisted her face away from us.

Laura looked down at the nude woman. Clara's face was turned towards the outer wall, her legs open, her arms stretched over her head.

"Ask." Laura said.

Clara turned her head slightly, her wide, frightened eyes searching for her "Ask what?" Clara whispered.

"Ask him to fuck you. Ask him to put his cock into you. Don't plead, just be polite and ask. Ask. Ask or I'll fuck him and leave."

Clara closed her eyes and swallowed hard. When they opened, she fixed her gaze on Laura, ignoring me. "Please, let him put is cock into my cunt again. He came in me and I am full of his cum. It is running down my ass crack right now. I am so excited, he can slide right in. Please, have him put his cock into me." Her voice was barely audible but clear and precise.

"Good girl." She looked at me, patting me on the bare ass as she did so. "Fuck her, just a stroke or two then come back here. I want a little taste." Laura's voice rasped, like the words were on a fish hook being pulled out of her.

I moved over to Clara, taking the little steps the pants around my ankles allowed. I got to my knees and Clara stretched her legs wider. My cock was rock hard again. I shuffled forward, bent till my cock head touched Clara's open pussy and then pushed the head past her bubbling pussy lips.

"Oh, fuck yes!" Clara groaned. "Yes, yes, fuck me hard." Her voice hissed out of her like steam from a kettle. "Please fuck me!" She gasped. Her whole body jerked several times with the bare contact of my cock head hooked inside the entrance of her pussy.

I levered my body over her and rammed my cock down into her body, penetrating her to the core, rooting my cock into her. Her legs lifted around me, wenched open by the penetration. I lifted my hips and rammed into her again. She grunted. I repeated that motion. Clara's head shook back and forth. She planted her feet and lifted us, her ass rising so that my whole weight bored my cock into her as I descended one more time. Clara began to shake.

"More, harder." She mumbled. "Oh god, please, I am so turned on. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!"

"Enough. Come back." Laura's voice was sharp, hard, demanding.

Her tone ran a thrill up my spine, tickling me with pleasure and teasing me with knowledge of what came next. Clara objected without words, her body arching as I withdrew, her face crinkling with frustration. She licked her lips, panting. When I was clear of her pussy her hands plundered her crotch.

"Stop it. Not with your hands. You will wait for me." Laura hissed.

Clara froze. She moved her hands away then moved them to the sides of her head, her knees lay flat. She grunted and crooned, the very image of compliant surrender. Her eyes, lidded with unsatisfied lust, fixed on me as I backed way and stood up. I turned ninety degrees and Laura got immediately to her knees. She blew on my thickly coated cock and then licked it.

"Mmmmm. My dear, you taste delightful." She kissed the end of my cock and then sucked me deep into her mouth. A froth of Clara's cunt juice foamed around her lips. Laura held me deep, her eyes fixed upward on me. She sucked. Her cheeks compressed, depressed and dimpled. The suction intensified and then she released me, expelling my cock with her breath. She immediately twisted onto hands and knees and crawled over to Clara, moving over her till they were face to face. Laura lowered her frothed mouth and lightly kissed Clara. I moved to the side to watch them, shuffling. Clara's tongue emerged and she licked Laura's mouth and lips.

"Have you ever tasted yourself before?" Laura asked, her voice husky with tension and arousal.

Clara tried to shake her head but did not want to lose the light contact with Laura's lips. The two blonds stared at each other. Clara's filled with fascination and Laura crouching over her. I could not see Laura's eyes but she seemed leonine and predatory in her posture, on all fours over the nude, supine woman.

"No." Clara whispered.

Laura moved down her body, kissing a trail down the summit of Clara's right breast. Laura kissed around the nipple, licking and blowing puffs of air on it till Clara moaned. The woman twisted her torso, trying to force her nipple into Laura's mouth. Laura teased for a while before showing her teeth and bitting down hard on Clara's nipple.

Clara shrieked, her whole body flinched but her breast remained carefully in place. Laura rolled the erect brown flesh between her teeth. Then she moved down the slope of the great breast and sucked a wad of skin into her mouth. She sucked hard.

"Oh, oh god she's marking me!" Clara whispered. "I'll have a hickey there. Oh, oh, ohhhhh." She groaned. She still had not moved her hands, still beyond her head. Now she stretched them higher, straightening her arms so she appeared completely surrendered.

Laura rose up and lunged forward, planting her mouth on Clara's lips. Laura kissed her, both women had open mouths. Clara's hips began to rock and roll, up and back while Laura kissed her.

Finally Laura pulled back from the kiss. "What is your name?"

"Clara." Clara said immediately, a squeak in her voice.

"Ask me to eat you." Laura commanded.

"Please, a, please eat me. Suck my pussy."

"I will." Laura said. She twisted to look back at me. "After she comes the first time, fuck me till I tell you to stop but don't fucking come in me. Understand?" Her eyes fixed on me and she did not move.

"Okay. Sure." I said, caught by the edge of her voice.

"Understand?" She repeated, her voice hardening.

My cock twitched. I really wanted her to hurry the fuck up. But I nodded. "I understand." I said.

Laura grinned and she looked nothing like any woman I knew. Her face turned away from me and she moved down Clara's quaking body, blowing her hot breath onto Clara's damp, panting body. Clara hissed as the other blond's breath got closer and closer to her pubic mound.

I moved a little to the side so I could see, leaning against the door, cold on my bare ass. My trousers remained around my ankles.

Laura ran her tongue from top to bottom of Clara's slit.

"Oh my fucking god!" Clara cried, her voice almost loud but still less than a normal voice. "Oh yes, eat me."

Laura licked her pussy lips again then used her tongue to quest for Clara's clit. Clara quivered then suddenly bucked, her hips surging up, hard. Laura twisted her head and grinned at me, a lecherous smile of pride. She got down to her elbows, looped her arms around Clara's thighs and fastened her mouth to Clara's swollen and flowered pussy.

"Oh, yes, oh fuck, oh yes!" Clara grunted, her shivering hips lifted off the floor.

Laura maneuvered a finger to Clara's clit and began to gently rub it while spearing her tongue into Clara's parted pussy lips. She alternated this with sucking at each lip. Finally, Clara began to grunt and her hips pulsed.

"Oh fuck, fuck coming, coming coooommminnnggg." She groaned.

I needed no further instructions. I got behind Laura. She widened her knees. Her ass swished back and forth a time or two before I flipped up her skirt. Her bare ass and the pussy lips between her slim ass cheeks appeared. I did not take a bit of time to be tender. I shuffled forward and planted my cock into her. She shoved back at me, sheathing my shaft deep into her body. I gripped her hips and pulled back and rammed forward again. Laura's body flinched, clinched, caught and released. The last few inches of cock settled into her.

"Fuck her!" Clara cried.

All I could see was Clara's lifted head, looking down her nude body to the blond head buried in her crotch and beyond to me, crouched behind the woman. I pulled back and slammed forward. Laura grunted. I searched for a rhythm. Laura began to grunt each time my cock bottomed out in her body. Occasionally I would hesitate and stir her with my cock moving the end in a circle deep inside of her. Her head bobbed at Clara's crotch.

Clara squealed and then her whole body arched, her head rocked back onto the top of it, showing me just her neck and chin, and of course her huge tits. The breasts stood tall on her chest, even in her strained position. I hammered Laura and Laura ate hearty. Clara jerked and convulsed. She screamed this time, a choked squeal. Another orgasm lashed at her and the choke released. She squealed loudly, then her body bucked again and she screamed, all control gone. Her body flopped while Laura kept firm hold on her hips and legs.

"Oh, oh, oh no, not again oh, fuck me!" Clara called. Her voice seemed to linger in the air. She twitched and dropped her ass back to the floor. A moment later she began to pant really hard, her head nodded and nodded and then she squeezed her eyes closed and she came again, grunting and tensing before falling back to the floor. "Oh god, please no more. I will scream. I cannot, cannot, can, help, help, oh fuck!" She did scream then. It was loud, it was long, it was unmistakably the sound of a woman orgasming out of her mind. Her head shook back and forth, eyes clinched closed. Her hands stretched over her head. Her whole body bucked with the wash of orgasms that roared through her.

Laura lifted her head. "Fuck. We better get out of here." She scrambled to her feet, having pushed me back onto my heels. I struggled to my feet, pulled up my pants and moments later the two of us emerged from the dressing room. We saw a sour looking clerk staring at us.

"What was that noise?" Laura said loudly. "I cannot stand hearing that while I am trying something on. Let's get out of here." She walked resolutely towards the door. I looked around for Alissa and Chris. They were headed for the exit as well. I followed Laura's twitching ass, realized where my eyes were fixed and moved them. The four of us walked out into the flow of the mall, up an escalator to the next level. Laura and I were following Alissa and Chris and they ducked into a coffee shop and stood in line. They ordered coffee; Alissa paid. Laura and I ordered lattes and Laura paid. I felt like a rental again, flashing back on being Kyla's escort at the opera.
