Shawn and Tyler Ch. 04

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Tyler’s Occupied With School, Leaving Shawn With….
8.3k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/21/2022
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Chapter 4 - Tyler's Occupied With School, Leaving Shawn With....

When January came, Tyler was about to start his classes. He just happened to be taking the summer and fall terms that he met Shawn off to do some research on his dissertation. He and Shawn talked, but they never seemed to speak much about Tyler's education, but he didn't bring it up either. After meeting Shawn, he didn't do as much research as he should've, and he needed to start busting ass.

Tyler decided he better bring it up. He wasn't going to be around as much because his two class times were Tuesday and Thursday, from six to almost ten at night. He will have to stay to do some studying and research after work for the rest of the week and sometimes on the weekend. He hoped that Shawn wouldn't be mad.

Tyler came over after work to Shawn's while he was waiting to eat dinner. Shawn had it ready. He just needed Tyler to come home, even though it wasn't Tyler's. Tyler came in, and Shawn was playing around and just said well, it is about time you got here, which put Tyler on edge. He didn't know if Shawn was really joking or not, and he had a look on his face that warned Shawn he may have gone too far.

"Hon, I was just joking."

"I wasn't sure, and I came to talk about something important already."

This scared Shawn. He wasn't sure what was going on. He looked at Tyler, sat at the kitchen table, and asked what was happening. Tyler, seeing the fear in his eyes, now sat down. "No, it's not anything serious. Honey, it is serious, but it's not about us, well it is about us, but it's not."

"Okay, Tyler, collect your thoughts and then talk." Shawn smiled, and Tyler took a deep breath.

"Well, we have never talked much about my schooling."

Shawn smiled. "No, I know you are a brilliant young man and that you are working on a degree, but that is all."

"Thank you, and yes, I am working on a degree. All my degrees are in Liberal Arts. My undergrad was in General History, and my Master's in American History, focusing on the Civil War. I wrote my thesis on how the war was told in books versus through different diaries found from the era. For my Ph.D., I am focusing on Ancient History."

"Tyler, you are too young to already be in a Ph.D. program, you realize, right?" Shawn was impressed.

"No, I'm not."

"Tyler, most people graduate college when they are twenty-two. Then it takes a minimum of two years to get through your master's program. Before even writing or finishing their thesis, maybe another year or so. Then a Ph.D. is a few years with dissertation."

"I started when I was sixteen, finished when I was nineteen. I was going year-round. I was bored." Shawn's mouth dropped. He didn't realize. He knew Tyler was smart. "I finished my master's by twenty-two. I did take a little time writing and researching my thesis. I loved the topic. I moved here and started working for the university to get reduced tuition when I started my Ph.D. program a few years ago. Now I only have two classes left with my dissertation to write."

"Wow, I'm impressed. So why the serious look on your face then?" Shawn asked.

"Well, my classes will start again, which means...."

Shawn closed his eyes. "We are going to see less of one another."

"Yes, Babe I'm sorry, I wish I could say I could be around more, but...." Tyler felt awful.

Shawn cut him off again, "Tyler, you have a great goal. It's okay, we will see one another even if I have to curl up next to you while you are studying. It's fine." Tyler couldn't believe that Shawn was real. His last boyfriend hated the fact he was always studying or at the library. Tyler decided to wait to see how true Shawn's statements were when he was busy. "Tyler, you look like you don't believe me, Babe. You gave me a chance, even when we couldn't see one another for the first month, we talked on the phone. I kept saying we would do something, and then I wouldn't follow through with the plan because I was too tired on my day off. But you were persistent and asked me to dinner, remember?"

Yeah." Tyler smiled. He remembered all the nights they would talk until Shawn would end up falling asleep on Tyler.

"I think I can be patient enough while you work on yourself." Shawn got up and pulled Tyler into a hug.

"Okay, thank you." Tyler again thought he would see when he's not around as much.

As the weeks went by, it did get a little crazy for Tyler. He had a study group on Monday nights. Tuesday was his Ancient Rome class, and Wednesday, he spent in the library studying and looking for research for his dissertation. Thursday was his class on writings in the Roman Empire, which is Latin-based, so Tyler had to know how to read, write and speak Latin. He had to keep up on that ability. It wasn't the only language that he spoke either. On Fridays, he went home after work. He was usually exhausted from the week and sometimes went to the library on Saturday or Sunday. He needed to focus on reading all the articles or chapters of books that he would find.

Shawn got used to not seeing Tyler that much. It bothered him, but he wasn't going to interfere with Tyler's dream of becoming a professor. Once he finished these two courses and his dissertation, which Shawn couldn't understand the subject material. Tyler had said something about the classics and ancient Rome. Shawn couldn't figure out what classics and history had in common. One was in literature and the other is in history. But he guesses he could see how they are both ancient history.

But again, what does he know? He never went to college, he thought. He basically has worked as a police officer his entire life, and he didn't have a desire to go to college, unlike Dawn and Dean.

Shawn had one Friday off and decided to stop at Tyler's work to see if he needed anything. When he entered the office, Tyler had someone sitting at his desk, and they were talking. And when he looked up, he blushed and came straight over to the counter. "Hi." He smiled at Shawn.

"Hey there, I was stopping in to see if you needed anything, if you were going to go straight home or what tonight?"

"Babe, I'm tired, but if you want me to come over tonight, I will." Tyler looked a little sad after he said it. He should just go and spend the night with Shawn. He can always get up on Saturday and go to the library.

"No, go home. It will be fine. I was just checking in on you." Shawn could see Tyler's tiredness, so when he left, he decided to leave something in his apartment."

When Tyler arrived home that night, he felt awful for not having the energy to go see Shawn. He decided that he would sleep tonight, and tomorrow he would get up early and try to make it up to Shawn by going and spending the entire day with him.

Tyler dropped his bag beside the sofa and walked into the kitchen to see if there was something to eat. When he opened the fridge, there was a box that said, warm me up. He opened it up, and it was eggplant parmesan, and on the counter was some garlic bread in another container. He smiled. God, where did Shawn come from?

He ate until he was so full, he couldn't believe it. When he left the kitchen, he decided that he was going to call Shawn and thank him. He retrieved his phone from his bag, walked into the bedroom, and was blown away. A vase of flowers on the nightstand and a box of chocolates lay on his pillow.

There was a card sitting next to the vase. 'Open Me!' When he opened the card, he could smell Shawn's cologne and smiled. The card was simple. It just said, I love you and miss you. He wanted Shawn at that moment. He was too sweet and had been patient for a while. He picked up the phone and called. It rang and rang.

'Hey, you got the recording. You know what to do.' He hates that message but leaves one.

"Shawn, thank you for what you did. Call me when you get this." He laid down and fell asleep.

He woke the following morning. There were no calls or missed messages from Shawn. He thought that was weird and took a shower, so he could go see him. When he arrived at Shawn's, he found out why he didn't hear from him. He entered the house and found a few guys on the floor. There were beer cans and bottles everywhere.

Tyler was a little scared of what he would find when entering the bedroom. He knew he hadn't been fair to Shawn, he could come here and read instead of going to the library, but he was afraid that Shawn would distract him too much. He knew a little of Shawn's past to know that he would end up in bed with a guy or two from work.

Tyler's heart was in his throat when he reached for the door handle. He never remembered Shawn closing the door when they were sleeping. He turned it slowly and opened the door, he could see two figures in the bed, and his heart sank. He didn't say anything, just shut the door and turned around to leave. "Are you looking for Shawn?" A guy was standing before him, looking ragged from drinking all night.

"I think I just found him." Tyler sounded sad.

He laughs, "Nah, that's Charlie and Jeff. Shawn is passed out on a lawn chair out back."

Tyler smiled, "Really?"

"Yeah, kid, he talked about you all night, even showed us your picture. He got pretty wasted and wanted to call you, so we took his phone away."

"Really?" Tyler was happy to know that Shawn was going to call him drunk.

"Apparently, that is all you can say right now, so go out and wake him." Jack laughed and shook his head. Tyler went around Jack and almost ran out to the backyard. He couldn't believe how young Tyler was and looked, once he saw him in person.

Tyler walked into the backyard and found more guys passed out. Some of the guys he could see had wedding bands on. Others didn't. There were five, including Shawn. He walked over to Shawn and bent down, kissing his forehead, he had a hand on either side of Shawn's head, and he lightly called his name. He wondered what happened because he didn't tell him he was doing anything like this.

Shawn's eyes fluttered a little before they finally opened and focused on Tyler. Tyler smiled. He loved how blue Shawn's eyes were. "Babe, I've missed you."

"That's what I hear." Tyler laughed.

He sat down on Shawn's lap, but Shawn pulled him up, and the next thing Tyler knew, he was straddling Shawn, and they were kissing. They were kissing so much they forgot where they were, and both got hard. Shawn had his hand up under Tyler's t-shirt rubbing his back as they kissed, and was about to reach around and grope Tyler's hard-on through his jeans when they heard someone clear his throat.

"Shawn, I love you, man, and would take a bullet for you. But I don't want to see you fuck your boyfriend right here in the backyard." Jack said as he sat down.

"Thanks, man, we were about to say something, but we wanted to see how far they would get." One of the other guys responded with a deep laugh.

Shawn looked at Tyler the entire time Jack and Gary spoke and could see him getting redder and redder. He hated that he just embarrassed Tyler. "We had to make Charlie and Jeff go in last night when they were at it. Hell, they almost had each other completely undressed before making it to your...."

"THEY'RE IN MY BEDROOM?" Shawn almost dropped Tyler off his lap when he stood up. He caught him though. "WHAT THE FUCK?"

"Hey, we didn't want to see them fuck. Where else were we going to send them? You don't have any other beds in the house," Jack responded.

Shawn took a deep breath and let it out. "Not my bedroom, have them fuck on the floor in an empty room. Shit, now all I will think about is someone else was fucking in my bed."

"Like you never fucked in your parent's bed!" Gary responded.

"No, I didn't," Shawn responded and walked away. Shawn walked into the house with Jack and Tyler following because they didn't know what Shawn would do. Shawn went to his bedroom and opened the door to Charlie and Jeff sleeping. They were snuggled together in his bed. He walked over, bent down, and whispered in Jeff's ear. Jeff's eyes popped open, and he immediately woke Charlie, and they got out of his bed and started stripping the sheets while still naked. Shawn walked out of the room. Tyler and Jack looked at one another, then Jack had to know.

"What did he say to you?" Jack asked Jeff.

Jeff looked at Jack, "Told me that we better get up and clean his bed, or he would put his arm so far up my ass that I'd wish I was born straight."

"And that is a threat, why? Thought you like that sort of thing?" Jack laughed.

Charlie looked over at Jack and laughed, "Jeff's ass is a virgin. He's a giver, not a taker and boy does he give." Charlie smiled, and Tyler just walked out to look for Shawn.

Shawn had gone back outside, where Tyler found him with a trash bag picking up the cans and bottles. "Babe?" Tyler got Shawn's attention, and he turned around. "Thank you, for everything you did, it was great." Shawn smiled, stopped what he was doing, and hugged Tyler.

"I do love you, Tyler, and I miss you, but I also know you are trying to better yourself. If that means I must wait for you, I will."

"Thank you, but I don't have to spend that much time at school. I can try to come here on Wednesdays and part of the weekends. I could stay here and study."

"No, continue what you are doing. It's only a few more weeks for your classes, and you are done with them, right?" Tyler nodded. "Are you taking anymore?"

"No, I have just my dissertation to write, and then I can officially find a job as a professor. I have already been a teacher's assistant for many of the classes here. Which I will still do while writing my dissertation." Shawn never thought about it, Tyler could leave the area for a job, and he didn't want to let that get in the way of Tyler's happiness.

"Well, as I said, don't cut down for me. We'll see each other on the weekends like we have been. It's okay." Tyler smiled. He didn't believe Shawn, but he knew he had to do what he needed, or he wouldn't finish up. Tyler knew he had ignored Shawn too much and feared it would hurt their relationship.

Tyler helped Shawn clean up because the guys pretty much woke and left. Jeff did at least put the sheets in the wash before leaving. When everything was picked up so that Shawn could deal with the rest later, he pulled Tyler off to the living room and the couch. "How long do I have you for today?"

"All day," Tyler responded, and Shawn smiled.

They enjoyed their day together, Tyler tried to stop by more often, but it got to the point that he was falling behind on his research and getting edgy. So, Shawn started finding reasons to be busy during the week. He would pick up extra shifts or lie and say he was going out with one of the guys from work. Just to get Tyler to stay and do his research.

Tyler's classes were about to end, and exams were coming up. He seemed to be studying around the clock. Shawn would stop at his apartment late some evenings just to see and be with Tyler before heading home. He would take a small break here and there to talk to Shawn and kiss him, but then he was back studying. Tyler knew Shawn was missing him but couldn't deal with it right then.

When Tyler finished his classes and was working on his research, he continued the same schedule because he was used to staying after work. Sometimes well into the night, he could be found in his office. Shawn said he didn't have a problem with it, so Tyler just continued to work on his dissertation.

One day Dawn asked Tyler when was the last time he had seen Shawn, and it took him a bit to say he couldn't remember. Feeling bad, after work that evening, he packed up his bag and headed out, hoping he could find Shawn at home.

When Tyler arrived at Shawn's, all the lights were out, and his car wasn't there. He called Dawn. "He's not home."

"I know, he's here," Dawn responded, sounding slightly sad. "He'll be home in a few if you want to wait for him."

"Of course, I will." Tyler didn't know why Dawn was sad and was really hoping that Shawn hadn't been talking to Dean and her about breaking up or something.

"Okay, I'll tell him you're there, so he'll leave sooner rather than later."

"Thank you."

Dawn walked into the basement where Dean and Shawn were and told Shawn that Tyler was waiting for him at home. Dean said they would be done in a bit. She never goes into the man cave. She just calls from the stairs. Twenty minutes later, they emerge from the basement, and Dean walks over and greets Dawn with a kiss. Shawn looked at her and then down.

Dawn walked him out to his car, "Shawn...."

"I know. You don't have to tell me I already feel like crap."

"Don't tell him about this shit. It will kill him."

"I told Dean it was the last time. I can't do this shit anymore, I need to make this work, and Dean has you, and you have a daughter to think about. God, if Rose ever caught us, what would she think?" Shawn couldn't believe he succumbed to Dean again, he didn't know what this control Dean had over him, and he didn't want to hurt Tyler.

"What did Dean say?" Dawn was hoping that he would just stop too.

"He smiled and laughed. He told me we'll see what I say the next time he asks." Shawn looked down. "Dawn, that's the problem. I never could resist him. He was my first fucking crush, and he uses it against me."

"When was the first time for you two?"

"You know when it was, and I wished you would have listened to me when he wanted to date you."

"I just didn't think, what was her name, Amber?" Shawn nodded his head. "Could crush him that much that he would go and fuck you the night she broke up with him and then continue all these years later. Is it just you, or are there others?"

"Just me, he has this weird obsession. You know that."

Dawn just shook her head. Dean had come to the door saying that Mike and Laura were on their way over with Rose. "Well, if you want to see Tyler tonight, you better go now, or you will be stuck here with Dad for a while."

"Yeah, thanks. Tell Dad I love him, that I had to leave, and I will see him Sunday." Shawn quickly escaped because he knew if he stayed, he wouldn't get to leave and see Tyler.

Dawn walked into the house, "Can't you just...."

"I told you, I have certain needs that your brother can only fill until he..." Dean laughed. "What am I saying? I know he will always give in to me. He loves it too. You love how I make love to you, don't you?"

Dawn shook her head. Her husband was an idiot. "Of course I do. I wouldn't stay with you if I didn't, and you know I love you. But I still wish you would let Shawn live his own life and stop interfering with his relationships."

"Well, I still have needs to be fulfilled only by him. Babe, as much as you have sucked my cock, he still sucks it better, and oh, to fuck him, to look in his eyes when I'm cumming inside of him." This wasn't the first time for her to hear this. Dean does it to piss her off, so later, they would fuck like mad. She is fucked up too, she knows. "Do you know I always suck your brother off and share it with him before I fuck the living daylights out of him?"

Dawn just shook her head and walked away. She knew if she got mad now, her parents would know something was up and ask too many questions. She always wondered where she would be if she had listened to Shawn's warnings all those years ago, but she had a weird crush on Dean too that she couldn't resist. It was years before he was even looking at her. Dawn's thoughts ended when Rose came through the kitchen, and behind Rose were her parents.

Shawn pulled out his phone on his way home and called Tyler, "Hi, I hear you're looking for me."

"Yeah, I was, but I went home." Tyler lied.

"Oh, well, I guess I will see you another night then." Shawn sounded sad but, in a sense, was hoping Tyler went home. He didn't want to face him tonight. He felt so guilty.