Shawn and Tyler Ch. 06

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A Few Family Separations.
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Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/21/2022
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Chapter 6 - A Few Family Separations

One day in mid-May, about three months after Tyler returned to Shawn, Dean called on Shawn's day off and asked if he could meet for lunch. "Damn, man, you won't be alone with me. There will be tons of people at the restaurant." Dean blew out a breath. "You're a fucking pussy."

"Fine, where." He wouldn't meet Dean without calling Tyler to confirm it was okay. He abided by the one rule that Tyler set up and would never let him down again.

Shawn called Tyler's cell phone first. After not getting an answer, he called the office phone, finding out that he was out. So he decided to run down to the University. He wouldn't go without talking to Tyler first.

Shawn didn't have long before he was supposed to meet Dean. When he arrived at the University, he walked straight to Tyler's office. He ran into both Dawn and Tyler in the hallway. "Hi Babe, what are you doing here?" Tyler could see he looked a little stressed.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Tyler nodded, and Dawn said she would talk to the both of them later, especially looking at Shawn. "Dean wants to meet for lunch." Tyler looked at him. "Public place, you know I promised you, but I wanted your permission before I went. I told him, yes, to get him off the phone, but if you told me no. I won't go."

Tyler knew Shawn had been great these last few months, and he knew he would have to trust Shawn, or this would never work. "I trust you," Tyler said.

Shawn hadn't finished his speech, "I'll even stay here in your office if you wanted. Wait. What?"

"Shawn, I trust you. I love you. I trust you." Shawn closed the gap between them and held Tyler. He still hasn't gained the weight back. He has been so worried about losing Tyler that he's been so on edge that he couldn't relax.

"Tyler, move in with me. You practically do. I need you to stay. Please." Tyler didn't know how it got from permission to trust to please move in. That was weird because he wanted to talk to him about that topic this evening.

"Well, I was going to talk about that tonight with you, but since you are bringing it up now." Shawn looked confused but intrigued. "My roommate graduated last term, and our lease is up and...."

Shawn's eyes widened, "You want to move in?"

"Yes, but I won't freeload off you. I want to pay you rent." Tyler looked at his watch. "But we can talk about this tonight. Go meet with Dean. I have an idea what he wants to talk to you about."

"Can you give me a hint?"

"Wow, look at the time. I have to get back to my office," Tyler responded and tried to walk away, and Shawn grabbed him.

"What's going on?" Shawn looked at Tyler's guilty expression.

"You will find out. When is your lunch?"

"I'm supposed to be meeting him in fifteen minutes. So I better get going. I'll talk to you tonight." Shawn looked at Tyler and turned to leave when he turned back to ask what he knew. He had run off, and Shawn shook his head.

Shawn made it to the restaurant just as Dean got out of his car. "You look like shit, man."

"And for once, you don't." Dean went to hug Shawn, and he backed away. "Shit, man, you're a pussy. You can't even hug me in public?"

"Yeah, I can." He hugged Dean. He was amazed Dean didn't try anything. "Let's go in."

They went into the restaurant, Dean immediately ordered two fingers of whiskey on the rocks, and Shawn just ordered a Coke. "Pussy."

"You're not going to bully me into drinking with you." The waitress returned with their drinks, and they decided to order lunch so they could be left alone for a while. "So what did you need to talk to me about that couldn't wait until you were home."

"You won't be able to come to see me anymore at my home." Dean looked sad.

"What do you mean?" Shawn looked at him, clueless.

"Dawn really didn't tell you." Shawn looked at him. Then it dawned on Shawn as Dean finished his sentence. "Dawn asked me to move out." Dean was amazed that she kept her word that he could tell him what had happened.

"Oh shit. No, I didn't know. When?" He was completely surprised by this, and now he knows why Tyler ran away so fast, which made him smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Dean asked.

"Not for that. Tyler knew and ran away from me when I asked what he knew," Shawn explained.

"Well, she asked me to move the other day, but I have refused. I wasn't going to have Mike and Laura into our business right now. So she went to pack Rose and herself up this morning. I told her I would do anything she wanted."

"And what was that?" Shawn asked because he couldn't think what she would ask of him.

"She wants me to go to counseling." Dean responded, "Can you believe that, counseling." He was pissed.

"You do realize you will have to work on your problems?" Shawn pointed out the obvious.

"No shit." Dean just looked at Shawn and took a large drink. "I can do it. I don't want to lose your sister or my kid."

"Okay, what can I do?" Shawn asked. He had no clue.

"Talk to your sister and ask her not to throw me out. Please, Shawn, please, I can't lose her. You know I wouldn't be begging you here in the middle of a fucking restaurant if I could just speak to you alone."

"I can talk to her, but you know her. Dawn can be a bitch when she wants to be. You just think you have had the upper hand all these years." Shawn tried to analyze the situation.

"Oh, I paid for some of the times I fucked you, believe me. I would rub it in her face, but she found ways to get back at me." Dean thinks that when she refused to do anything for him for a month, she wouldn't cook, clean, or have sex with him. He believed it truly sucked not getting food from her. She would make sure that she only cooked enough for her and Rose and no one else. Doing his laundry was a pain, but he could do that.

Shawn knew his sister, she may have put up with Dean fucking him all these years, but he also knew that Dawn wasn't a victim in all of this, she came into this willingly, and neither was Shawn. He allowed it. Shawn loved or used to love it, but he loves Tyler now and wants to make it right with him. "Somehow, I can believe that."

"Shawn, you have to talk to her." Dean pleaded again.

"I will. Where will you go if she follows through with kicking you out?"

"I haven't thought that far." Dean drank the last of his whiskey and waved to the waitress for another.

Dean returned several times to the subject he wanted to meet Shawn about. They talk about things that have been going on lately. By the end of the lunch, Dean was drunk. He had glass after glass of whiskey. There was no way that Shawn would let Dean drive home or go back to work.

Dean paid the bill, and when they were walking out to their cars, he went to fish out his keys, and Shawn stopped him. "Come on, man, I'm going to take your drunk ass home." Shawn knew that he shouldn't, but he wasn't going to let Dean drive, and if he left him, Shawn knew he would.

"Really, you're gonna be alone in a car with me?" Dean was slurring his words.

"Yeah, Dean. I'm not going to leave you here."

Shawn pushed Dean to the passenger side of his car and went to his side. He pulled out his phone and quickly texted Tyler, telling him he was taking Dean home and would explain later. He hopes Tyler won't get mad at him.

"Shawn, you will never leave me, will you?" Dean asked when Shawn sat down in the driver's seat.

"Dean, we will always be friends, you know that." And Shawn could never phantom not being Dean's friend. They had been for so many years now.

Dean was quiet for most of the ride to his home. When they pulled in, Shawn parked behind Dawn's car. He was glad to see that she was home. Dean leaned over in the seat, placing his head on Shawn's shoulder, and he put his right hand right on Shawn's cock and squeezed. "Shawn, please, I need you."

Shawn closed his eyes, blew out a breath he was holding, and removed Dean's hand from his cock, he started to harden, and Dean knew it. "Come on, let me get you inside." He was praying that Dawn was inside. He needed the extra will to deny Dean's advances.

Shawn rounded the car and opened the door to get Dean out. He pulled Dean up and out. He helped him to the house, and Shawn used his key to unlock the door. He was afraid since the door was locked that Dawn wasn't there.

"Shawn, please," Dean begged again.

"No, come on." Shawn was getting frustrated. "Are you still sleeping in the same bedroom?"

"No, I'm in the guest," Dean stated and started to stumble towards it, and Shawn helped him. Dean quickly turned on Shawn and pushed him up against the wall as soon as they entered. "Shawn, you know, you want me." Dean tried to kiss Shawn, and Shawn pushed him off.

"NO, ENOUGH, DEAN," Shawn yelled. "Damn it, man. Damn you. Why can't you just respect that I don't want you like that anymore, that I only want Tyler?"

"Because you were mine, you were supposed to be mine. You loved me since we were kids, and I finally allowed you to have sex with me."

"You would never allow me to make love to you, you would fuck me, we could suck one another and kiss, but that was it." Shawn just shook his head. "I couldn't tenderly touch you like I can with my boyfriends. You were never a boyfriend, Dean. I was a fuck partner to you."

"I don't see you as just a fuck partner Shawn. I love you." Dean tried to pull Shawn to him again. "Is that what you want, to fuck me, Shawn? Is that what would make you come back to me?"

"No." Shawn dropped his head, knowing Dean wouldn't listen to him. "I don't want you anymore, Dean. I want and love Tyler, only."

"You can have both of us. Just don't tell Tyler. Then you can have your cake and eat it too. You can fuck me and make love to Tyler as long as I get to fuck you." Dean pleaded.

Shawn looked at Dean and shook his head. He felt defeated. "No." He turned to walk out of the room, and Dean again pinned him up against the wall. "Damn it, Dean." Dean was hard. Shawn felt it as Dean ground his cock into Shawn's ass and kissed his neck.

"Please, Shawn, I need you. I haven't been able to fuck you in so long, and your sister won't let me touch her." He kissed Shawn's neck again, reached around, and caressed Shawn's cock through his jeans, he was getting hard, and Dean smiled against Shawn's neck. "See, you want me, Shawn."

"Dean, let me go now, or I will make you wish you did." Shawn threatened, and Dean let him go. Shawn left the room immediately. His will was breaking, so he needed to leave before he couldn't. Dean followed him. "Where's Dawn?"

"Work. I dropped her off this morning."

"Give me your keys. I'll pick her up and drop her off at your car." Dean reached in his pocket for his keys and handed them to Shawn as he dropped down on the couch. "Dean, go to sleep for a while and sober up."

"You still love me, don't you?"

"It's hard sometimes, Dean, but yeah, I do. You need to understand that I want Tyler and will do anything to keep him." Shawn walked out the door.

He went back to the University to talk to both Dawn and Tyler. He found Dawn in her office and asked if she could call down and see if Tyler could come up. Shawn didn't want him getting in trouble for having too many people seeing him in her office, and he wanted to talk to him in private. He let Dawn know he would take her to Dean's car, which was okay with her. Dawn excused herself when Tyler knocked at the door. She opened it, let Tyler in, and left so they could talk.

Tyler smiled when he came in, "Hi, you didn't want to come and visit me in the office?"

"No, not for this." He stood, walking over to Tyler. "I love you. I want you to know I'm sorry." Tyler looked at Shawn, wondering what happened today. "Hon, I thank you for trusting me today. Dean was desperate today, pushed me hard this afternoon, and I wanted to tell you, it was hard, but I resisted. I love you, Tyler."

"Thank you, Shawn, and I love you too."

Shawn opened his arms, Tyler stepped in, and Shawn hugged him. "Tyler, I know you have your dissertation to finish, and then you will want to get a job, but Babe, I don't want to live without you...."

Tyler interrupted Shawn, "I asked you earlier if I could move in."

"I don't want you just to move in, Tyler. I want you forever." Tyler smiled. He wanted forever with Shawn too.

"Shawn, can we talk about this tonight?"


"I need to go back to work. I'll be home in a few hours." Shawn loved how that sounded, that he would be home in a few hours. He hugged Tyler once more, kissing him before Tyler left the office. Dawn was waiting down the hallway, and they spoke for a few minutes before splitting ways.

"Okay, what's up?" Dawn said when she walked back in.

"You tell me."

"I can't do it anymore. I love Dean, but he is too obsessed with you. That is why I asked him to leave. I don't think he loves me."

"He loves you, and you are correct about the obsession. Maybe we all need help." Shawn sat down in her desk chair. "Dawn, I don't know how he will be without you. When are you truly going to kick him out?"

"I don't know. I don't want Rose to be affected by it yet. So he is in the guest room, which I'm sure you found out." Shawn nodded his head. "I hate this."

"Tell me what you need."

"I want my husband. I want my husband only to want me."

"Do you want me to move?"

"God no, I'll deal with him. If he can't, then he will have to move."

Dawn packed up, and Shawn took her to Dean's car. Then Dawn went home to find Rose sitting on the front porch waiting for her to come home. "Hi sweetie, why are you outside?"

"I didn't want to be in there with Dad." Rose looked a little worried.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"Why did Dad have Uncle Shawn pinned up against the guest bedroom's wall, kissing him?" Rose asked. "I left as soon as I saw that."

"Go pack a few things. We are going to Grandpa and Grandma's." Dawn was pissed and walked into the house, finding Dean lying on the couch. "What the hell, Dean." She screamed at him as he jumped up. "Why can't you just... nevermind, Rose and I are leaving."

"No, no, no, no, no, you can't." Dean pleaded with her. "Please, Babe, don't leave and take my kid."

"Rose saw you. She saw you kissing, Shawn. God, I hope nothing else happened because he didn't say anything."

"No, he kept pushing me away." Dean shook his head. He hated that Shawn pushed him away.

"Shawn is right. We all need help. But I think you do first." Dawn left the room, heading to hers to get some things packed. Dean didn't stop her from leaving the house with Rose, but he did want to screw things up for Shawn, so he texted Tyler, telling him that he should ask what they did today.

When Tyler heard his phone beep, he was talking to one of his coworkers, so he didn't want to be rude and look at it. He forgot about the text until he got in his car to go to Shawn's. So when he arrived at Shawn's, he was on edge. Tyler didn't know if the I love you this afternoon was a guilty response to something he had done with Dean.

Shawn was waiting for Tyler in the kitchen when he finally came in from the car. "Hi."

"Hi." Shawn took Tyler's bag from him. "I wanted to talk to you privately about a few things." Tyler just looked up at Shawn, afraid of what he would say. "Tyler, I love you and don't want to ever lose you."

"Okay." Tyler is still a little skeptical.

"I want to say you had given me a lot of trust today, and you never asked about the text I sent you earlier."

"It said you would explain." Tyler was now anxious about this text, Dean's, and how this conversation started.

"I wasn't going to let him drive home from lunch. He got wasted. He did try, and I will say it was hard to push him away, but I did it. I don't want him. I want you, Tyler. That is what I told him."

"Okay, and what do you mean by try?"

"He kept touching me and tried to kiss me, and I had to keep pushing him away." Shawn wanted to tell the truth. "When he grabbed my cock." Tyler's eyes widened. "Just through my jeans. He didn't touch it, I promise. But Babe, I can't lie, I did get hard, and he knew it. I had to keep pushing him off me."

"Did you want him?"

"I love you and want you. I don't want Dean, and I have told him this."


"Tyler, I told Dawn that maybe we, meaning Dean, she and I need to get help. I know I'm fucked up for keeping this going with Dean for so long, and I will go to therapy and try to figure it out. But Tyler, I know I want and need you. I hope that you know that."

"I know, Shawn, so what does this mean?"

"I don't want you to move in." Tyler's heart just sank. "I want you to marry me." Tyler looked surprised. "I want you to share my home with me and make it our home."

Tyler was looking up at Shawn. He couldn't believe what he had heard. "What?"

"I love you, Tyler. I don't want to lose you. You mean everything to me. Please marry me, be my husband for life." Shawn had his heart on his sleeve at this moment. He didn't know which direction this was going to take.

Tyler took the few steps that separated them and hugged Shawn, and Shawn wrapped his arms around Tyler and held him close. "I love you too, Shawn, I accept because I can't fathom living without you either, but you make a good point."

"Okay, that is?"

"I think you need counseling, and if you need it, I will go with you. I love you." Shawn smiled.

"When can we start moving your things here?"

"We have until next month, but anytime you want, Babe," Tyler responded.

"Tyler?" Shawn asked.

"Yes, Babe."

"I am just confirming here. Did you say you will marry me?" Shawn asked again to make sure because Tyler had jumped onto another topic before he was sure.

Tyler smiled, "Yes, I want to marry you."

Shawn smiled and reached in his pocket and pulled out a box. "Then I would like to do it properly." Tyler stared at Shawn. He would have never thought that Shawn had a ring already. Shawn got down on one knee and proceeded to ask Tyler yet again. "Tyler Benjamin Stevens, I love you and would do anything for you. I pray with all my heart that I don't cause you any more heartache. I know I can't spare you from all of it. But I pray that I will not cause too much." Shawn smiled. "Tyler, I'm down on my knee because it is the right way to ask you. I love you, and now I'm officially asking for your hand in marriage. Tyler Benjamin Stevens, will you marry me?"

Tyler smiled and laughed, "Oh my God, you had a speech prepared. I love you, Shawn Michael Michaels." He laughed again. "Yes, of course, I will marry you." Shawn stood up, picked Tyler up, kissed him, and carried him to the bedroom. "Put me down, please." Tyler was still laughing.

"Fine," Shawn responded, sat him on the bed, and started kissing him, causing them both to get hard.

"We need to finish talking... oh God, Shawn... Babe." Tyler was feeling good.

"Yeah, Hon?" Shawn smiled. He wanted Tyler like he had never wanted anyone before. "I love you, Tyler. Can we talk later, please? I want you now."

Tyler didn't respond. He pulled Shawn to him, and they started kissing and tearing at each other's clothes. Tyler was unbuttoning Shawn's jeans and pushing them down when they both could hear his phone vibrating in his back pocket. Tyler pulled it out, saw that it was Dawn calling, and pressed the answer button. "Don't...." was all Shawn got out.

"Sorry, Dawn, but we can't talk right now. I'm going to make love to my future husband." Then he pressed end and tossed the phone to the other side of the bed.

"Oh, God, I love you," Shawn said as he pulled Tyler's shirt off, he thought Tyler was going to talk to Dawn and ruin the moment. Shawn pushed Tyler down and started licking him, which made Tyler laugh. Then he kissed his neck and worked his way down to his nipples. He sucked on them, and before going lower, he pinched them, making him squeal. He loves hearing all Tyler's noises.