She Deserves It!

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The cost of one man's vengeance.
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"Look guys, don't worry about her. I'll make everything right tomorrow. She put me through hell, letting me think she was having an affair with a man I hate. It was the worst three weeks of my life going through doubt, denial, resignation and rage. She deserves it, every part of suffering she's had to go through this week, to learn what kind of hell she put me through."

Brendan Mackey took a long pull from his beer; his friends Nathan Lucas and Charlie Fredrickson kept him company at the Holidome "Happy Traveler Lounge" where Brendan was hiding out. Brendan was a computer programmer for the University and met his wife Valerie in the computer lab, where a eleven year relationship/marriage had started. The men had met at a faculty holiday party years before: Valerie was a colleague in the University English department with Nathan and Charlie was a distinguished alumnus and former professor. A shared interest in several esoteric subjects drove their friendship: Civil War history, Roger Zelazny's books, Monday Night Football and literary trivia. Nathan and Charlie exchanged looks as Brendan downed his beer and refilled it from the pitcher: he was ahead of both of them put together. Nathan held up his hand for another pitcher and shortly a waitress with a plunging neckline, a short skirt and a badge proclaiming "Vicki" brought it over. Brendan ogled her muzzily as Monday Night Football kicked off.

"Brendan, I think you've gone over the top," Nathan said as he refilled his mug and topped off Charlie's. He was the middle one of the group: Brendan had just turned thirty, Charlie was fifty six and Nathan himself was forty two. The older men were chubby and causally dressed; Brendan spent an hour and half in the gym daily, and was still in the dress shirt and slacks that were his unofficial school uniform. All were six foot two. "Sure, she did a lot of things wrong, she didn't trust you, she hurt you needlessly, but she was trying rather innocently to help a couple of dear friends of hers. She didn't realize that you were getting caught in the crossfire. Lighten up." Charlie gravely nodded in agreement.

Brendan steamed. "Lighten up? Lighten up? Your wife's never cheated on you, has she?" Charlie started to say something, but Brendan cut him off. "Sorry, Charlie. I know you've always been in a different kind of relationship and that's your business." Charlie looked at Brendan sharply, but settled back to nurse his beer. "Betrayal is one of the worst agonies man could ever know, and betrayal with a slimeball is agony cubed. I don't care what she meant, or what her intentions were. Valerie hasn't paid me a lot of attention lately, and the thought she was screwing that cokehead Jarvis Griffin was an insult: I thought my heart or my head was going to explode for days. No, no, no, she doesn't deserve any consideration until she's learned her lesson."

"You teach children lessons," Charlie murmured as he arched his right eyebrow.

"Some people would have called what she was doing noble," Nathan retorted, "she helped Jarvis get clean and sober for the moment and got Michelle to consider giving him another chance. Everybody deserves another chance; you should consider giving your wife one." Charlie's eyes darted to see Brendan's reaction.

Brendan shrugged. "Look, I'm only giving her a taste of what she gave me. I let her think I was going to screw every woman I could get my hands on this week so she would know what it feels like. She's only having one week of hell to pay for three of mine. It's over tomorrow."

Nathan shook his head, "When I was growing up I heard a line in Sunday School: 'Vengeance is mine, saieth the Lord.' That's worth thinking about."

"The Bible also says 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' That's all I'm up to here, and I don't think that God is going to strike me dead for insisting on it."

Charlie stirred from his silence, "I think someone also said 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth lives the world blind and toothless.'"

Brendan sniggered. "You must have seen that in a movie about Gandhi. Look Charlie, I don't expect you to understand all this, after all, you're a free spirit, you're an artist, you've been getting regular action next door all these years without a commitment. . ."

Charlie glared at Brendan. "You have no idea what my life is like. I think that I've been more committed to the women I've loved than you've been. I also know what taking anger out on someone blindly can do to a person."

Brendan looked pained and stood up quickly, "Let's pick this up in a minute or two. I've got to pay the rent on this beer." He lurched out the door into the lobby toward the restrooms as his friends took a long pull from their tankards. Nathan and Charlie looked at each other gravely.

"Our waitress Vicki says that Brendan's been in here every night, drinking and watching basketball and football, running up an incredible bar bill this past week," Charlie said.

Nathan took a sip from his beer. "He's been taking some vacation time from work, so they haven't seen much of him on campus. I'm amazed: he's a good man and a good husband, better than this. He's been a good friend to us, fun to be around, generous to a fault. Tonight has been painful; he's never been like this before."

Charlie said, "Nobody deserves what's happening to those two right now. That boy is throwing away a perfectly good marriage over nothing. Just because they can't communicate well and jump to the worst possible conclusions in doubtful situations. . . "

"I thought they trusted each other," Nathan interjected, "you think you know folks pretty well after ten years and suddenly they turn into strangers. I wouldn't say he's throwing his marriage away over nothing, but he's letting his emotions call the shots. He's not thinking things through and he's not listening to us."

Charlie leaned over toward Nathan and gestured animatedly as he said: "Valerie was pretty brave to organize that intervention for Jarvis. That's why she was gone from home so much: she practically had to live with Michelle for those three weeks to convince her to give it a try and keep her nerve through it all. She had me over a couple of nights to help hold Michelle's hand and talk her into this. Brendan's always hated Jarvis since they were kids and Valerie was afraid of how he would react to her intervention. She was right; he didn't take it well at all."

Nathan shook his head. "Valerie isn't a saint in all this; she did screw things up pretty dramatically to let him jump to the conclusions he did, and she didn't pay attention to how he was doing while she was off fixing her friends' lives. From time to time, she's taken on these little crusades for what she thinks is right without thinking through the consequences; the last time she did something like this she almost got fired in spite of tenure. She can be relentless and single minded in her objectives and this is the first time Brendan's been caught in the crossfire. I hope this crisis doesn't change her for the worse."

Charlie looked at Nathan with concern. "How's Valerie taking all this?"

Nathan shrugged and took another pull from his beer. "Not well. She's been sullen and silent outside of class this past week, no eye contact, no usual banter in the faculty lounge. Her students are worried about her. We've only seen her pass through the lounge this week when she's gotten her coffee: it's not like her. I hate to think how this weekend was like for her; if he wasn't going home tomorrow morning. . ."

"Can it, he's coming back." Charlie leaned back as Brendan weaved awkwardly between tables as he returned, signaling for more beer, and sat heavily on his stool.

"Charlie, you're the lucky one." Brendan blurted out. "You still have your freedom when you want it; you can hang out wherever you want without having to answer for it, and you don't have to worry about what your woman is doing as long as she doesn't bring some disease home with her. Married life is different. . ."

"Look, Brendan," Nathan cut in, touching Charlie's arm to mollify his building outrage. "I've been happily married for twenty years. We were kids when we married, but we've stayed together because whenever we got angry or had a disagreement, we resolved it before we went to bed, even if it meant staying up all night. If one of us didn't understand what the other was doing, we asked, and if the other couldn't answer right away, we trusted each other enough to know whatever secrets we had would come out and they wouldn't hurt."

"Look nothing. Did your wife stay out almost every night for three weeks without a good explanation?"


"Did your wife ever keep a secret about what she was doing like this one? Refuse to say anything about what she was doing and get snooty when you tried to find out anything?"


"Did your wife leave all kinds of little clues that pointed to her fucking an asshole when your back was turned, and lie stupidly to try to cover it up?"


"Then don't presume that your kissy face little relationship is anything like mine."

Brendan took another long drink from his beer, draining the mug and sloppily refilling it from the pitcher.

Charlie stirred once again. "I don't think you know what the price of vengeance is. Sure, people deserve the consequences of their behavior. Sure, people ought to make amends for the wrong they've done. The problem with vengeance is we get lost in our anger, we let our rage rule us and strip us of our humanity. Vengeance makes us blind, and blindness is dangerous. Irreparable damage can be done without meaning it: you could run way past 'An eye for an eye' and not even notice. We become like the monsters who've wounded us, and the circle of violence spins merrily on. You knew the truth when you started this stupid game: Valerie deserves better than this. She was Charlene's favorite student and like a daughter to her: even with her faults she's a better woman than you're treating her. I know what blind anger and frustration can make a person; I hoarded frustration for three weeks once and it unglued me. I hurt an innocent person in my frustration and risked my life in a storm to try to work out my blind anger. It took months before I could get rid of the shame and feel human again."

"Well, I disagree with you, my friend, I feel very human, very peaceful and very right in all this. Let's just leave it there. Thanks for the parable from your youth."

Charlie glared again and said coldly: "It was last year, Brendan. One year ago today." They took another sip and looked at the monitor to catch a touchdown replay.

Brendan sighed and shrugged again. "Let's change the subject, let's talk about something less controversial. After all, we're all friends here. I have a new theory for my Zelazny fansite: Corwin of Amber was really pussywhipped. What do you think of that, boys?" He giggled manically.

Charlie put down his beer. "This free spirit has just decided to walk through his open door to read his kids a bedtime story, then see what he can do for the most beautiful woman in the world. Good night." He stalked from the room; Brendan's and Nathan's eyes followed him all the way out, then returned to the game.

"Charlie's really changed in the past few years, hasn't he?" Brendan moaned. "He hasn't been the same since Charlene died."

Nathan nodded, "Yeah, success and contentment can really mess up your outlook on life. Look Brendan, I need to roll out as well."

Brendan grabbed him by the arm. "No, no, c'mon Nathan, keep me company for a while. I'm going home tomorrow to make everything all right with Valerie, I promise. I'll behave. Stay, please?"

Nathan shook his head and disengaged his arm. "I've had enough to drink. A word to the wise: Valerie may not be a strong as you think she is. Be careful." Nathan threw some bills on the table to tip the waitress and slipped out of the room, leaving Brendan alone to finish the pitcher. Brendan staggered up to his hotel room during the fourth quarter of an overtime game.


Brendan's hangover the next morning was spectacular despite a pint of water and three painkillers. He entered his kitchen with a dozen roses and called out for his wife. Everything seemed normal except for a note on the kitchen table. It read:

"When I hurt you, it was

my insensitivity, ignorance, distrust, blindness, fear.

I wasn't malicious, cruel, calculating, or unfaithful.

I made you suffer needlessly, thoughtlessly, stupidly;

I wish you would have let me spend a lifetime in atonement.

When you hurt me, it was

deliberate, calculated, cruel, indifferent, cold.

You are malicious, vindictive and unfaithful

(or least, you've let me think it).

The man I love is gone forever,

why should I stay?"

Brendan grimaced and put the flowers down on the table. "Shit," he said out loud, "I'm really going to have to work to straighten this out." He got a vase from a cabinet and put the flowers in water, then took his suitcase upstairs to dump his dirty clothes. The bathroom door was shut but the radio was on. Good, he thought, she hasn't left yet, she's having a long soak. He put his hanging clothes in the closet and approached to the bathroom door gingerly. Desperately sad music was welling from the radio and Brendan grimaced again: this is going to be an uphill struggle; this kind of music always feeds her blue funks.

The hangover, the music, the words he was ready to say, everything was forgotten as he opened the door and looked in. The lights were on, revealing the blood red water and pale white body in the bathtub. He flung himself to the floor beside the tub in desperation, but everything inside was cold, ice cold.

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago
To the last anon

You are full of total horseshit. (No caps needed prick) He may have been a little dramatic in his revenge but only a guilty coward kills herself. She must have had a good reason. She was a cheating fucking worthless whore cunt. Remember, she took her own life. Now she's decomposing, her soul burning in hell.

Just an insane persons opinion.

norcal62norcal62about 14 years ago
Too predictable an ending. Cheap shot.

You had good material for hubby. It could have been used much more effectively, without the easy out of death.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 15 years ago
Yea, she actually did deserve something...

Despite the author's obvious strong suggestion that she probably should have been awarded a medal of honor for her self serving claims of ignorance and innocence (like it was the first and only time she acted like that...) <P>

Even without taking into account the last straw for me, in the form of the “surprise ending” –superfluous and ready made for day time television drama, the story suffered from a deep flaw with its basic premise. Throughout the story it is presented as if one can choose only between two ways of reaction to an unforgivable act of betrayal; either by being magnanimous, forgiving etc. or by being merciless vengeful etc. There could be numerous and nuanced in-betweens, from proportionate similar action to quick divorce and on and on. When the husband chooses one of those in betweens (far from ideal, far from being the worst) – he is continuously being condemned as a monster - <P>

Which brings me to the next point. I am so tired of the stories where supposedly “friends” come to the character who is agonizing and in pain , and instead of acting like friends in need should act, they start…stepping all over him moralizing all high and mighty with their perfect records in managing relations – so supportive! Then they go on to sanctimoniously preach to him, verses of sainthood virtue in the vein of turn your other cheek…They need not agree with his actions but they could ( or rather could not) lend him support for the pain he suffered as a result of cruel number his wife pulled on him. I’d say with a wife – and friends like these who need enemies. What a selection of characters… <P>

BTW, FYI, for the uninformed, an eye for an eye has not been read literally for millennia.

roadbirdroadbirdover 15 years ago
its ok

hell get over it...i dont think hell have a problem with her doing something for an enemy any more for the enemy maybe he will die as he was suppoosed to now that he killed his and now hubby can find that perfect woman one that will not decieve him

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago

There are levels of unfaithfulness. Both characters are guilty to a certain degree. The wife expanse in the end how she was unfaithful by being inconsiderate and insensitive. But she is also very unstable. Instead of getting angry at her husband she commits suicide. The husband loses faith in his marriage. He can not come to grips with the fact that his wife did not see the situation the way he did. She had no intent to do as it appeared. She was oblivious to the perceptions of her husband. He did not comprehend this and thus out of ignorance he acted. He lost faith instead of confrontation and possible reconciliation after finding out the truth. She died for nothing. He will pay the rest of his life for her stupidity and his lack of faith.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
vengence is necessary when called for

Vengence is the single thing that gives a man back his manhood. In the case where vengence is clearly called for many so called writers wimp out and revert to San Francisco style politically correctness. Political correctness is ruining the world and all the men in it. Now in this case the wife sorta got what she deserved. Her unfaithfulness was not trusting her husband, That is as unfaithful as you can get. Brendan was correct in what he did but he , perhaps, should have monitored the wifes condition. Two wrongs don't make a right and both were wrong in thus case.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
The Oracle

Venegance is always a conseguence of anger. The opposite only holds true when referring to somebody else's anger.

Anger is still anger, even without venegance. And the one who has the pride saved from being hurt, has already been lucky enough.

Either love is something else or it is just a word.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Have not seen revision?


Nigel DebonnaireNigel Debonnaireover 18 years agoAuthor
A Note from the Author

The revision of the story is now the one that's up; it differs significantly from the original.


saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
Too Familiar

There are a lot of similarities to Ohios story The Worst Week Of My Life. The ending is obviously different but the events preceding it are comparable.

fdkmanfdkmanover 18 years ago
She Chickened Out

It seems that not only is his wife a loser, she can dish it out but can't take it.

I agree with the other commentor that the story is really too short to make an adequate judgement over who is being abused and who is being used. We only know of the situation from his point of view, along with that of a few friends. The point I see though is the wife was totally disrepectful to her husband in her efforts to help another couple. For whatever reason she felt the need to deceive her husband about what she was doing and why she was doing it.

What I don't understand is why helping this man kick his drug habit would make her cut her husband off from sex. I mean, was she too tired after babysitting this man, that her husband hates by the way, that she's too tired to take care of business at home? Where was his wife during all this by the way that she felt she had to treat her husband like this.

Now that he understands what has happened I think he may be overreacting a bit but I'm not in the guy's shoes. So he leaves the house for a week to teach the old lady a lesson. Maybe he's right and maybe he's wrong, but she's a weak willed idiot for killing herself over this.

While he may be hurting now he's probably better off without this mentally ill bitch.

Nigel DebonnaireNigel Debonnaireover 18 years agoAuthor
A note from the author

I have just transmitted an revision of this story. Thanks for the helpful comments, especially from JimDinMN and Dynamite Jack. The risk of trying to tell a story economically is that one may say too little.

At the risk of saying too much and being to obvious, I intended this story as a tragedy and the title ironic.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

very sad but a good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I was wondering?

I was wondering how long it was going to take for someone to point out the fact that the story tells us absolutely nothing about what led up to the events. I am hoping that the author will now write the beginning so we can understand it better, rather than jumping to unsupported opinions. I like the writing, the tension, not to pleased with the ending, but that is me. I'm a happy ending type of guy.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Well, I'm struggling with this.

The story doesn't say either what she did or what he did, so it's impossible to know wheter the ending makes sense or not. Either he was way over the top or she was. The story was really quite short. What is here is only the ending of a longer (apparently untold) story. If this is a follow-on to Ohio's story, that should have been stated (after getting his permission). The parallels are just too close to at least not to have been strongly influenced by his story!

Definitely some potential here... a little better planning and it could have been a nice story! I don't care how it ends, as long as the story leads into the ending.

TiggerTooTiggerTooover 18 years ago

I think those of us who know we aren't perfect need to learn the lessons you've illustrated.

The ending was emotionally sad but literarily (is that a word?) perfect. A gotcha out of the blue!

Well done and thanks.


grtguyintxgrtguyintxover 18 years ago

I'm not sick, its sad that she killed herself. The point i made or was trying to make is that atleast she felt how he felt, she went through what he went trough. This woman was a stupid bitch. She lied right to his face, sneaked around behind his back, grew cold toward him,withheld sex from him for three weeks. You tell me, what was the husband suppose to think. Remember that he did catch her when she lied to him. She also had the nerve to get angry and leave when he confronted her, and that tell me that she was guilty. She could dish it out, but couldn't take it. If she hadn't killed herself, than the next time before she did something so stupid, she would think long and hard about it. The comment that you wrote, makes me think that you are a sick,wimpy,spineless cuckold husband. LEt me guess, your wife has cheated on you and you forgave her at the drop of the hat. Dosen't it make you wonder how many more times she has cheated on you since than, knowing that you will forgive her. Next time, atleast have the balls to sign your name.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Heavy Handed

But really, the title has it correctly. That she died was her own doing, another selfish act because she couldn't take what she dished out.

Your portrayal of his friends' reactions felt wrong, though. Perhaps if they were women, then the reactions you showed may have rung more truly, but just about every guy I know would have commiserated and agreed with him.

rgraham666rgraham666over 18 years ago
The story was good

But I can't say I liked it.

Too many emotions I'm too familiar with for me to really like it.

Still, a nice exposition of how actions have consequences.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Hey - Jerk off - The name of the site is..........



Oh well .... Your first responder was able to jerk off over the theme.

But he's kind of sick too

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