She Did It For Love Ch. 01-02


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Eddie finally grunted and froze as he spewed his juices into her womb. He must have cummed gallons because when he pulled out of her abused pussy, rivers of white flowed from her. She lay still as if totally spent from the sexual efforts, her legs wide from his previous mount. She looked like a common whore who had just serviced a room full of men.

Eddie got on his knees and moved to my head. "Hey hubby. I got a ton of your wife's pussy juice and cum stuck on my dick. How about if I use your hair to wipe myself off?"

He laughed as he wiped his dirty dick on my hair.

Kim laughed and grabbing Eddie's hand said, "Baby, leave the poor guy alone. You got me and that's what you want isn't it? So just let the poor bastard alone, okay?"

He looked around at Kim, nodded and ordered, "Sweetmeat, get dressed. You and I are leaving. It's now eight in the morning. We'll stop by the bank and take some money from your hubby's accounts. Don't pack anything because we'll get you some new outfits. I want you to show that bod off to my friends. No underwear and some real shear blouses will work. Maybe some hot pants and mini-skirts. Some stiletto heels, too."

Kim eased herself from our bed that was covered in her and Eddie's juices. She walked to the bathroom door and went into her closet on the other side of the bathroom saying, "I'll try to find something to wear that you will like."

As she disappeared into the closet, Eddie quietly closed the bathroom door. He turned to my beaten body on the bed and walked threateningly toward me.

"Okay, hubby. You really pissed me off interrupting my fucking of your wife. So, I think I should leave a little warning for you about not bothering us again." He pulled my body from the bed and sat me down on the floor with my back to the bed. I started to slump over but my head snapped back when he kicked me in the right eye. He took great pleasure in hitting me over and over in the eyes. I was so far gone all I could do was grunt when the punches landed.

He looked around the room and saw Kim's wooden chair at her dressing table. It was a heavy oak chair with straight legs. He grinned and picked it. He turned to me and glared, "Well hubby, we will need a few days to get away from here. So I don't want you too mobile. Maybe a few days in the hospital will convince you to leave us alone."

With that he picked up the chair and brought one of the legs down with all of his weight on my right kneecap. Even in my current state, the pain was excruciating. I yelped in pain at the top of my lungs. It came out as a gurgled groan but load enough to draw Kim's attention.

She opened the door just as Eddie landed the leg a second and decisive time on my kneecap. We all could hear it crack and break.

Kim screamed, "Stop it! Stop hurting him! I'm going with you, for Christ sakes. Isn't that enough? He's finished as my husband. Isn't that what you want? So stop beating the poor man up. He's not near the man you are, Eddie, so just let's go and let him lick his wounds. Okay? Please?"

Eddie dropped the chair and turned to look at Kim. She had not completed dressing yet and had no panties or skirt on. He walked to her and grabbed her left hand. "Take off the wedding rings." He ordered.

She seemed to hesitate for a moment and he repeated, "Take off the damn wedding rings. Now!"

She tried to twist the bands off. "Eddie, their too tight. I've never had them off before. I don't think they'll come off without some lubricant."

"Okay Baby, put your finger up your snatch and get a glob of cum and smeared it on your finger," Eddie ordered.

Kim immediately put her finger inside her abused opening and swirled her finger around collecting a large glob of Eddie.

She smeared it on her ring finger and pulled at her rings. Slowly they moved over her knuckle and slid off. She held them in her hand. The rings were smeared with Eddie's cum.

Eddie grabbed them from her and tossed them in front of my slumped body. "There you go. Something to remember us by." He laughed and slapped Kim's ass. Let's go get you a skirt baby."

They walked off together to her closet and few moments later came out with Kim wearing the shortest skirt and highest heels she owned. True to Eddie's orders, she wore no underwear. Her pussy lips looked red and raw and streams of Eddie's cum still fell from her snatch.

Without even looking in my direction they walked from the bedroom. From my one good ear I heard Kim say, "Eddie, your juice is still running down my legs. Can I get a tissue and at least wipe myself off before I get on your motorcycle?"

"You damned right, bitch! I don't want no spunk staining my leather!"

"Okay, stay right here. I've got tissues in my bathroom."

Kim ran into the room and grabbed a handful of tissues and started wiping between her legs. She quietly moved by my side and bent down to whisper in my ear as she kept cleaning herself.

"I do this for love. Goodbye, my husband. I will always adore you," she whispered in my good ear.

She ran from the room and that was the last I saw of her.

I had lain on the floor for hours unable to move from my injuries. The sunlight from the bedroom window faded and the room darkened. I was beginning to think that I would probably die before someone found me.

Then I heard my front door being opened. I thought, Oh God! No! Don't tell me that animal is back to finish me off!

My eyes had finally totally shut from the swelling so I couldn't see at all. I could barely hear out of my one good ear. I was totally at the mercy of whoever had just entered the house. I had been falling into unconsciousness and would wake for brief periods.

I heard muffled footsteps come up the stairs and approach the bedroom. My heart pounded as I considered my death at Eddie's hands as my once loving wife looked on in a sexual trance.

The footsteps stopped at the door, I could tell someone had flipped on the bedroom lights. I heard a gasp and inhaling of breath.

"My God, Sam, what happened? You've been beaten badly!"

It was my mother-in-law's voice. And then I heard Angie's small voice, "Daddy… Daddy, what's wrong with my daddy?"

I tried to respond but only croaks and groans came out. My mouth hung open from where Eddie's punches had broken my jaw in three places, but I didn't know it …yet.

She must have called 9-1-1 because the police and emergency services arrived shortly after.

I fell into unconsciousness and don't remember their arrival or my transport to the hospital.

Chapter 2 – Recovery and Shock

When I awoke the pain washed over me. My head pounded, my eyes burned, my mouth ached, my groin hurt, and my knee seemed to throb with waves of pain.

I tried to open my eyes and slowly forced the left one slightly open. I could just barely raise my eyelid enough to squint out. My right eye would not open. I tried to raise my hand to touch my eye but waves of scolding hot pain flashed through my whole body and all I could do is moan.

The moaning attracted my mother-in-law who I later learned had stayed by my side until my own parents could arrive at the hospital. They, my parents and mother-in-law, were taking turns caring for my little daughter.

She leaned over, patted my chest, and said firmly, "Don't try to move, Sam. You've been very badly hurt. Lay still while I go get the doctor."

I must have fallen asleep because I never heard her come back. Later, when I opened my one eye a man was leaning over me. He smiled and said, "Hello, Sam. Glad you're back with us. I'm Doctor Samuels. I've been your attending physician since you were brought into the emergency room five days ago."

I thought, Five days? That animal has probably killed Kim by now. But then she seemed to be into everything he did and wanted her to do. I guess she made her choice. She just let him beat the living crap out of me, her partner and supposed mate.

I tried to speak and then it hit me that my mouth was wired shut. I tried to raise my hand and it seemed to be restrained. I tugged on it and almost panicked. The doctor saw me struggling with the restraint and said in a soothing manner, "Sam, stop struggling. We had to tie you down to keep you from further injuring yourself. Whoever beat you up injured you quite enough without you adding to the damage. Now lay back and relax!"

I did as he said and tried to relax. He said, "Good, now lay back and listen. You're still too raw today for me to talk with you about your injuries. Maybe in the morning? You promise to get a good night's sleep and I promise to fill you in early tomorrow morning. Deal?"

I nodded my head very slowly. It hurt to move it.

That night I dreamed about Kim, and that animal, Eddie. I dreamed Kim was standing at the foot of the hospital bed laughing at me as Eddie cut off my nuts and dick. Eddie was saying, "Watcha think, Kimmy? Should I stuff this worthless piece of meat down his throat?" He had my cut off penis in his hand twirling it around. Kim had laughed and replied, "Hell, I don't care. Stuff it up the wimp's nose for all I care. It's so small… it'll probably fit in his nose."

They were both laughing as Eddie started to stuff the thing into my mouth. Just then, I woke up in a cold sweat. I opened my good eye and there was Doctor Samuels standing over me, again. He said in a jovial manner, "Good morning! Or I should say Good Afternoon. You've been asleep for over sixteen hours. That's good. That's what you need right now. Lots of rest."

The doctor grabbed a chart from a hanger on the wall and dragged a chair to the edge of the bed. "Okay Sam. Time to be honest with you. You are one fucked up guy. Whoever did this to you really laid waste to your body. I'm going to run down the list of your injuries, so just listen."

The doctor opened the chart he had taken from the wall and began to read:

  1. Broken jaw (in three places),
  2. Broken right eye socket,
  3. Damaged right eyeball,
  4. Shattered eardrum,
  5. Six broken ribs,
  6. Severely bruised genitals,
  7. One testicle ruptured and infected,
  8. Right knee cap crushed,
  9. Bruised left eye,
  10. Various abrasions and bruises.

The doctor put the chart down and said, "Sam, I've got to be honest with you, your rehab will be very long and very painful. You will never see out of your right eye again. The broken socket splintered a small piece of bone that cut through the nerves at the back of the eyeball. You'll never hear out of that damaged ear. You'll probably lose one testicle."

He stopped because he saw the tears running from my good eye. "Hang on there, guy. I have one more piece of bad news. Your knee will never heal properly. With rehab we can get you walking again, but for at least a year you will need a walker. After that you will always walk with a serious limp."

He stopped and waited for me to react. I finally stopped crying and turned my one-eye gaze back to him. He said, "Now for the good news, you…are… alive."

It was as bad as he said it would be. In fact, it was worse. The rehab on my knee was torture. The knee would never bend again. So I would forever walk with a stiff leg.

Being one-eyed caused problems. The lack of depth perception affected my ability to drive. So I had to rely on family and friends to take me to the store or my medical appointments until I could re-learn to drive.

They did save my ruptured nut, but I would never sire children again. The infection had affected the good nut and caused me to go sterile.

My mother-in-law had stopped in one day after I was well on my way to recovery and told me she had received a phone call from Kim. Kim had simply said, "I'm with Eddie now. Don't look for me. I'm with Eddie and I have to be with Eddie."


Ten months after the terrible beating in my house, I was alone in my own home for the first time. I could get around with a walker and cane. All of my broken bones had healed. What had not healed was my spirit.

My parents were at my hospital bedside the day I could finally talk and told my story to the police. They showed me some mug shots and sure enough, good old Eddie was among the pictures and easy to point out. His name was Eddie Dorcher.

The police had taken the bed linen, pieces of bedroom carpet and other pieces of evidence from our – correction – my, bedroom. They also had instituted arrest warrants for both Kim and Eddie. Now to find them.

When my parents had heard the story they were enraged. My dad went to the house and hauled the bed, mattress, and box springs out side and set them on fire. The police came to give him a ticket for an open fire but when they figured out who he was and whose house it was they simply watched the fire burn and helped dad clean up the ashes when it was over. It seems my situation had become well known at police headquarters and the entire local police force. It seems to a man, the force was with me!

My parents had purchased a new bedroom set and my mom had cleaned out all of Kim's things. They were stored in a storage unit about three blocks from the house. Kim's mother hoped that someday Kim would return and things could go back to the way they were.

Yah Right! No chance. The love of my life had turned on me and become a fuck slut for a rabid bad guy biker. She had deserted me, and our child. She had stood by and watched her stud beat the living crap out of me. And she did nothing. Oh, wrong, she did do something, she fucked the hell out of the guy in our martial bed with me laying there bleeding to death.

Angie had cried for weeks for her mommy, but Kim was gone.

One day at the hospital a couple of detectives had shown up and set up a video. They asked me too simply to try to watch and tell them if I recognized anyone.

The video started and there was Kim. She was stripped naked and doing her self with the biggest dildo I had ever seen. She had a smaller dildo methodically reaming her ass that was being manipulated by a good-looking blonde babe.

Two guys walked in, strutting huge cocks. Without ceremony they stuffed one up Kim's cunt and the other up her butt. In a minute or so, they had a fuck rhythm going that had Kim moaning. As Kim started to moan louder, a big black guy appeared on screen with the biggest cock I've ever seen on a human being. He stuffed the end of it in her mouth and began to face fuck her with a vengeance. He, pretty soon, had her doing a deep throat that caused more than half his huge cock to disappear into her mouth.

I couldn't watch any more and waved them to turn it off.

"Was that your wife?"

"Yeah, it was. But she's soon to be my ex-wife. The divorce is final in a year."

"Well, I got to tell you… she's in with some bad fuckers. That guy Eddie is wanted for murder, rape, drugs and a mile of other charges. We'll find him soon. We think he's still with your wife, I mean your soon to be former wife. We're pretty sure this porn video was made in Florida about three weeks ago."

That was the last time I saw her image …until today.

As I said earlier, I was home now after ten months of recovery and rehab. I was partially deaf, partially blind, and a sterile gimp with a bum leg. Luckily, my insurance at work picked up all but a thousand dollars of the mountain of medical bills.

My company was great about the whole miserable experience. They were allowing me to telecommute. Seems that they were experimenting with running a virtual office and I was one of their guinea pigs. Apparently they thought my work output was acceptable because no one had said a word about me coming back in the office.

Angie was living with my parents until I could get well enough to take on caring for her. I was extremely sad because I saw no way I could soon be self sufficient enough to have her come back home. But, it was okay. My folks only lived five miles from me and it was an easy drive for me to their place to visit my little girl. Yes, I'd rehabbed enough to start driving again. It was a little weird because my depth perception was shot all to hell because of the lost vision in my one eye.

I'd fixed myself some lunch and was just sitting down at the kitchen table when the doorbell rang. I hobbled to the door and pulled it open.

There stood Kim. She wore a dirty tennis skirt with a halter-top. She apparently wore no underwear based on what I saw sticking out from under that cum stained skirt.

She weaved back and forth holding on the doorframe. She appeared to be stoned.

And the worst thing was she appeared to be at least eight months pregnant.

She spoke as if in a daze, "Hey Sam. Baby! I've finally managed to come home to you!"

I just stood there and stared. What the hell?

To be continued...

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
oldtwitoldtwit7 months ago

Well it sure put a smile on my face, silly over the top one-handed read if your that way inclined

hank_rosehank_rose7 months ago

Dr_Know, who hurt you? This is one of the most depraved stories I've ever read.

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayalmost 2 years ago

Please stop writing...

Gram1Gram1about 3 years ago

Ugh! Just awful.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago

Dumbass main character

lee5456lee5456almost 4 years ago
Fuck that skanky bitch


26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

This is a good story that I think I have read before. I remember wanting Greg dead. Don't give a flying cuck about Kim.

jocko_smithjocko_smithalmost 6 years ago
Hard start but it improves well

nice job

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
"I've finally managed to come home to you!"

Fine. Now go away!

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Over the top

A little over the top with the violence. What turned the wife and mother into a heartless whore? Need more info.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Zero interest in reading further, this is worse than dog shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Disjointed, little character progression and stilted dialogue......not even 2 stars.

palewriterpalewriterabout 9 years ago
This belongs in fetish

or sociopathic writer (won't use the term author) category.

Do you celebrate the holidays by burning cats?

tO1kmhq5apoPRPwxtO1kmhq5apoPRPwxabout 9 years ago

What fucked up shit. I hope something like this happens to you too, author.

IGotYurWifeIGotYurWifealmost 10 years ago
Learn how to

Properly fomat the entire document. Underlined paragraph, multiple center justified paragraphs? The flow and consumption of your tale gets lost because of these.

Good dialogue. Realizing this is pure fiction I still have to say that when you choose to start kicking a stranger's ass after you find him in your house, in your bed, fucking YOUR wife ... you beat and keep beating. But the protagonist's own whupping is obviously critical to the story.

3 Stars for plot and dialogue. I guess it is an hour's drive from DO A to Warrington.

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