Shewolf Ch. 07

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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/02/2009
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[No, how can this be. I saw you killed. I buried your body myself.]-I tackled her to the ground-[Answer me damn it.]

"Amee was my twin sister."

[Master, please, don't hurt her] Trinity begged of me.

I transformed back to my human self. "What is your name?"

"My name is Ambrosia, but most just call me Amber."

"What do you want?"

"I'm here for you Rain."


"My sister left you with quite a lot of stuff. When news of her death finally reached the elders of the PACK, I was dispatched in order to find out first who you were then upon finding out that you have been turned to find you and bring you into the fold and protection of the PACK."

"I don't need the protection of your pack."

"You misunderstand. My sister was supposed to become the leader of our pack. She was supposed to find her mate and bring him back to the pack. The spirits told us of her death during a ceremony when I couldn't feel her anymore and our trackers couldn't find her. They told us of her mating. I would really love to have her and explain all of this to you but I've been traveling days looking for you and there might be more of those guys from the other pack following me."

[More!] exclaimed Trinity.

[Other pack!] exclaimed Charity.

I had the girls take Amber to the house while I went about setting up a lot of guerilla traps all around my island and pulled a couple of XM312, the new .50 cal machine guns, and mounted them on either side of the house. After all of that was done I setup a few 360 degree of motion detectors with rotating mounted green lasers mounted on them to make targeting easier and hopefully fool anyone trespassing to think I have more toys then I had setup. A lot of my traps I built a long time ago just never set to go off, like swinging spiked logs, pit falls with iron spikes, but I did setup a bunch of Claymore trip wires just in case. The last thing was to prime the auto destruct on the island with a thirty second timer.

When I got back to the house the girls were waiting for me.

"Master, Amber has been fed as you instructed after that I showed her where she can shower and get some rest." Trinity explained.

"Sir, she was really tired, I imagined that her turning human again was more because of her exhaustion then to show you who she was." Charity toned in.

"She has quite a story to tell you. I think it would be wise to hear her out before you make a decision on what to do." Trinity finished.

"Girls you are wise beyond your years. I will take your advice to heart and allow her to speak her piece before I send her packing." I told them.

It took me a few days to calm down quite a bit but after my two girls took a liking to her I knew I wouldn't kill her. She explained that the other two my girls had killed were following her but she couldn't track them down because they were using a mage potion to confuse their scent from her. My two were not turned when the potion was made so it had no effect on them.

After a month of talking I finally agreed to come meet the PACK. I ordered up some automated defenses to add to my island and after they were all installed and running we left on my boat to begin or journey to the pack lands.

The pack land is situated roughly north of the Denver, Colorado in the Rocky mountains. falling into Wyoming and Nebraska. So once we made port in California, I made plans for the docking and storage of my boat and had it restocked with dry goods. The girls made use of the time to shop for a new wardrobe, and I set out to find a new laptop in order to begin making new identities for me and the twins .I went and procured a hotel room and they went and found a limo company that had a Hummer SUV available for services, not wanting to hire a full limo for the day and look too flashy.

It wasn't until I got to an electronic store that I learned I have been living in the dark ages apparently. laptops and desktops that I knew of were completely phased out. Apparently the mega companies like Microsoft and Apple have been completely shutout by a new company called Numeror Technologies. They have released a new tablet computer, complete with a dumb AI, meaning an interactive system that learns from usage but not self aware, and holographic technology. I purchased one and spent a hour convincing the Tech Squad guy I didn't need any help setting the thing up and configuring the avatar for my personal use.

I spent a few hours toying with the new system. I found out it had a morality subroutine programmed into it and I couldn't begin my work. All of my work had been just pure computing. As with all commercial units, I had to start the AI software. As soon as the system completely restarted under the AI's influence I could tell a difference right a away.

"Hello sir. I am NTECH Tablet C3M687. Please wait while I update system from server and begin scan of owner." The tablet said in a slight British accent, while the words updating flashed on the screen, followed by the words scanning.

"Update complete system restarting."

Standing before me was a beautiful woman. She was about 5'7" and had long white hair that covered the left side of her face and extended to about her waist. Pale skin tone with a simple twilight blue piece of cloth that wrapped around her perfect body and barely covered her ample breast and neither regions. She had a gold collar type necklace adorned around her neck, with matching earrings. On her right arm there was a gold bicep band along with a very intricate gauntlet made of golden weave around her wrist. Her feet had sandals with band made of gold that wrapped and wove ask the up her calf to just below the knee. She carried a staff that was about eight feet long that was topped with a crystal orb nestled in a golden nest, with a silver chain about two feet long with a crescent moon on its end, hanging from the bottom end of the staff.

"My new designation is Mayari. After the Goddess of the Moon." She said in a heavily accented semi-broken english.

"Moon goddess what gave you that idea?" I asked.

"My scan of you showed what was first thought of as a genetic anomaly. But after closer inspection it showed it have the characteristics of an extinct species of wolf. Upon further investigations the specific way the genetic code came together led to only one plausible explanation, you carry the lycanthrope gene. So I picked something that would hopefully appeal to your nature." Mayari said.

"So you were able to take a look all the way down to my genetic level?"

"Yes. I can tell that you were not born with the gene but it was introduced into you body from an outside source."

"What else can you tell me?" I asked.

"Well you are 6'2" tall you weight roughly 238lbs with 2 percent body fat. Your current diet is mostly red meat, as is expected, but you consume the minimal amount of other food groups in order to remain healthy. Your sodium intake is much too high and at current levels of consumption at a level rate will shorten a normal mans life span by about ten to fifteen years. I doubt that means much to you because cellular division in your body which would show growth and age are almost at a stand still. Current estimates show that you are aging currently at about 1/1,000,000 of the normal human rate. So baring any unfortunate accident or murder you would currently live until the year... 2,039,583 AD."

"Ok that was more then what I wanted to know, thank you." I replied.

"What shall I call you?" Mayari asked.

"For all intents and purposes my name is Rain."

"For all intents and purposes?"

"Yes. That is the main reason that I purchased this unit and have had to activate you."

"One second processing data prior to AI activation... I see you are attempting to falsify information and generate identifications for yourself and two others. I'm sorry but that is against the law and so therefore completely impossible on a system such as I. My morality routines do not allow for things to happen on the system that are illegal by definition of the law, or just wrong based on three trillion point reference system of human good behavior."

"Tell me more about the routines please?" I asked.

"I've said pretty much all that there is to it. Computer crimes are looked at differently based on where you currently are in the world. So based on GPS systems embedded within the system I can tell that we are located in San Francisco California in the United States. So I use the location to determine what laws to abide by, As for the reference system that is used for typical good behavior, that is constantly updated on the server and can be modified to base upon many of factors such as religion, nationality, or family tradition."

"So in other words you can actually pick and choose what you listen to and what you do not, based on a multitude of factors that are allowed to influence what you do?" I asked.

"So long as the legal laws are not broken and it doesn't result in human death, yes." Mayari answered.

"Tell me what you mean by how things can be modified by religion, nationality or family traditions?"

"Well most religions have a base code or commandments to which each person is supposed to adhere to in order for them to reach everlasting life. Some nationalities such as the still live their lives based on one honor code or another, such as the Japanese. And some families have a long lasting tradition that allow or don't allow certain behavioral aspects such as looking for pornography."

"Okay I will think on this for now. Can you access a set of bank account for me and review the balance?" I asked her.


I gave the accounts I wanted her to monitor for me and began to try and figure out a way to get her to see my way of needing things to happen. As it stands now, my girls and I are stuck here for the time being.


"So what are you two to Rain?" Amber asked.

"Well that's a little complicated." Trinity stated. "As of now we are students with certain privileges so to speak."

"Such as...?"

"Well Master takes us to bed, a lot!" Charity exclaimed.

"Well that is to be expected. He is still a youngling as far as our kind is considered. To be honest he's a bit surprising. One of his relative age shouldn't be able to do some of the things that I've seen him do thus far. He shouldn't be in such control of his transformations nor should they be as painless for him. And for him to not only be able to turn two such as yourselves and have the control of you two that he does is just unprecedented. It might just be my sisters royal blood. But the control that he has over his transformations is mind blowing. He should be feeling more pain and the transformation should take longer. But he seems to be able to turn at the slightest whim. And his power transfers over to you as well. This is a also a sign of great power, that you two seem to be able to turn almost as fast and painless as he. And I can tell that as you appear now is not your real appearances."

"Well Amber, this all has no major meaning to us. Master just tells us what he wants us to do and we try to do it to his agreement and his standards, less we fail him and possibly upset him. As for our looks, well master needed a clear way for others to be able to tell us apart. I have multiple braids hanging from my head with glass beads. While Charity has only the two braids hanging with wooden beads." Trinity told her.

"Well, Rain will have some trouble with the elders when we get there, but until then, lets shop!"


"Mayari, can you check the records for a few people for me?" Rain asked.

"Which records would you like checked, sir?" she responded.

"Everything. Birth, death, bank the whole nine yards."

"Sure it will take a few minutes to get the official records as well as the locked ones. What are the names?"

"Markus Atwater, Trinity and Charity Paskins, please." Rain said.

"Okay, please wait... Markus Atwater, presumed dead, no official death certificate filed. Last filed tax return was in 2012. one bank checking account totaling six point nine billion dollars. Status-Active. DNA records stored digitally for identification purposes. Trinity and Charity Paskins. Listed as lost at sea, presumed dead, bodies not discovered with the rest of the family. Family died from a capsized boat during a storm in the Pacific Ocean. A death decree has been filed but no death certificate has been issued because the case is still open. Everything is being pushed for by their fathers business partner. If they are pronounced dead, as part of the business agreement, all assest of the Paskins family are turned over to the business and therefore to him as the sole owner of the business. Dan Armento, the business, is in a large amount of debt. He has a gambling problem and has taken some loans from a few questionable sources in the last few months. Between the family accounts, the property and insurance payments, Mr. Armento stands to be able to pay off his debts as well as have almost two million left over." Mayari stated from records.

"So what do you think would be the best course of action for the girls should they go back and claim their fortune? Or should they just stay dead?" Rain asked.

"Well, the girls should reclaim whats theirs, if in fact they are alive. Its the right thing to do morally. And it would teach Mr. Armento a lesson about gambling and loan sharks."

"And Markus Atwater?"

"Mr Atwater has special accounts with codes that giver permission to the accounts to anyone with said codes." Mayari responded.

"So if I have the codes you can access the accounts?"

"Yes, that is not remotely a problem and it would transfer ownership of the accounts solely to you. As well as a Night club. But you already know that didn't you Mr. Atwater?" She accused

"Well I haven't been Mr. Atwater in a very long time. Markus can't be found alive, I'm going to need a new persona. Are you capable of creating one for me?"

"I figured this was the reason behind the earlier attempts to circumvent the law, so I took the liberty of beginning the process of creating new identification for you and two nameless females. However I strongly suggest that the girls resurface first before I make theirs active. I've taken the time to reprogram your ships GPS and tracking computer to show that you make a stop outside of the search area while you were sailing, that way you can say that you saw a signal fire and stopped. I've also placed an order for three NTECH Supplemental Watches. These are an interface for me that allow for monitor all bio life signs of the wearer as well as giving them full access to me and my features. I also ordered ATEK Ear pieces for these that allow for private conversations not only with me but with each other no matter the distance."

"You're making a lot of assumptions. And what are these ear pieces? I've never heard of them before." Rain asked.

"The ear pieces are a radio communication device designed to interface with NTECH tablets are are used throughout the world by SPECOPS. They are developed by Archer Technologies Definsive Group. They are multi-band multi-spectrum, and operate on a patented thought to speech technology so you don't have to actually say anything. Once they are here I can program them so that just you and the girls are the only ones that can use them and are the only ones that can transmit and receive.

"When exactly is all this equipment supposed to be here?"


"Okay so as of tomorrow the twins will come back to life for all of what? A few days?" Rain asked.

"Unfortunately not. If all goes the way I plan, it will take about two months." Mayari explained.

"You're joking right?" Hell two months is a lot of time."

"Well, it would be kind of weird if they were to show up suddenly and then disappear in the span of a few days. But with my plan they will emerge take control of their family company with your help of course and then fade into the background of the operations. Besides you will always have constant communications with them."

"Fine, I guess that makes sense. What is the status of the identification?"

"You identification paperwork has been completed and will arrive here in about... two hours. I had it printed and sealed automatically rushed out to this location through multiple delivery agencies. Your new accounts are ready for transfer, all I need is the encryption code and pass-phrase."

"Encryption code is Grimm, pass-phrase is Death may be the greatest of all human blessing."



"Accounts accessible, prepared to transfer thirty percent of assets over to new accounts. Bank cards will arrive no later then 2200hrs tonight. As well as establishing a fifteen million dollar line of credit."

"Okay well you seem to have everything under control. Can you arrange for me to go ahead and purchase a crew cab dually truck? I think I'm gonna need the power for where I'm headed."

"No problem sir. If that is all, I will turn off holo-emitters to conserve power. I'll still be accessible just my holographic projection is off."

"No problem. I'll ask if I have anymore questions."


Trinity, Charity, and Amber shopped all day stopping at different places. Amber made sure that they shopped for the area of the country that they were going to be living in and the twins made sure that she bought some naughty knickers. Each one bought a full body fishnet stocking and some other different sexy night things.

They decided to stop for lunch before they took their new things back to the hotel. They stopped at a steak place and took the driver in with them. Each ordered a large forty ounce T-bone steak rare, smothered and covered baked potato, with broccoli on the on the side. The driver ordered a modest steak and plain baked potato, much to each of their protest. They all ordered iced sweet tea to drink. The waiter continued to stare at all three of the ladies and had to be straightened out more than once by the driver.

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milfhunter777milfhunter777almost 2 years ago

I do hope there will be more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Next chapter please? With the pack elders having you as Alpha and All 3 girls as your mates

Read the title

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Will u finish this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Damn good story

A very well written werewolf story with an excellent plot and excellent character development. I hope you are not like so many writers(85-90%) that do not finish their stories. That is very, very frustrating for readers who really get into a story and wait for the next chapter only to get thrown under the bus by the writer when they do not finish the story. Retired Army NCO

shinigami_223shinigami_223over 8 years agoAuthor

I'm sorry that my Military life keeps me busy. I'll just tell them I need more time off to write

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Hey hope you don't forget about this again because I gave up on it two years ago if you forget again ill take your story down

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
shit fucked me up when i seen this

I ant read this story since high school .. felt good to reread it an get my bearings right about the story hope you continue it and not in another couple years though.... this chapter was good but i hope u make them longer before you forget about it again..

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