Ship's Whore Ch. 02: Titania

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Earth girls really suck.
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Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/16/2022
Created 05/21/2019
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I made one last visit to Dr Dale before disembarking from the Kythera, both for a routine check-up and to say goodbye to the woman I might very well be in love with.

"You're determined to go?" she asked.

I could see how distracted she was by my body. I was not only naked, but also an intense, indigo blue, just for her. "Do you want me to stay?"

"No," she whispered. "You've cost me too much already." At the sight of my frown, she added quickly, "Sleep, I mean. I can't sleep for thinking of you. You've no idea how much I would love to buy you outright and make you mine and only mine." She bent to kiss me, a long kiss both tender and hungry, that she broke off eventually with a mournful sigh. "And you've no idea what else I would want to do your body."

I sensed she didn't just mean sex. She meant technological transformation. The good doctor would strip away my humanity bit-by-bit. Which made her like any other client with a fetish. "Worry not," I said. "I shall rob you of no more sleep."

She laughed. "You can't promise that." She turned serious. "Let me give you some advice. Never buy unregulated optionals. Don't waste money on body modifications - if you really want them, find someone else willing to pay for them."

"Like you?" The doctor had bought the chameleon optional for me that let me control my skin colour.

"Exactly. If you're going extrasolar, and I'm sure you will, because no one stays at Titan if they have a choice, you'll need to upgrade your radiation protection. If you travel as a passenger, you'll have to pay for it yourself in advance, but if you sign up as ship's whore, the Guild will cover the cost."

"I'm not sure I can afford any more optionals," I said wryly. My credit score was far into the red, and the further into the red it went the greater the cut of my earnings that went into paying it off.

The doctor shook her head sternly. "You can afford one more, Sam, and it's one I strongly recommend. The Titan stations and many others are low-G environments, and many starships operate in zero-G. Muscle atrophy sets in within days, even with diet and exercise, making return to high-G after extended periods at low-G difficult and even hazardous."

I nodded. "It would be nice not to have to worry about that." Especially since the only regular exercise I was likely to get was sex.

"You won't regret it."

I didn't, but as an injection of 'grav-adapt' nanites surged through my veins, I watched my credit score almost hit the limit, and I wondered if I could even afford to live anymore. "Is Titan expensive?"

"Depends. But I know a brothel you can try, if you want." She had the grace to look embarrassed. "Being the only Earth girl on Titan makes you exotic, and people like exotic."

"I'm not a girl," I reminded her irritably.

"I know," she said, kissing me for the last time, "but you sure have the body of one."


Titan One was the biggest habitat in orbit around the yellowy-orange ball that was Titan. It was a huge, rotating wheel, home to over thirty thousand people whose lives revolved around the dominant industry: extracting and processing hydrocarbons.

Within Titan One, society was stratified, literally, with the bulk of workers living in cramped accommodation in the lower decks, the better off in relatively good accommodation in the middle decks, and the spacious accommodation in the upper decks reserved for the most affluent.

There were plenty of brothels on the lower decks too, worked by people of all genders, but all of them seemed to have given up on life, their minds so addled by excessive use of mood enhancer, their bodies so augmented as to make them grotesque.

People everywhere were unusually (to my eyes, anyway) tall and slender, almost frail, and astonishingly pale-skinned though apparently healthy. A hundred years had passed since humans reached Saturn, and the colonists had certainly adapted well to the low gravity. In contrast, I felt quite short (despite the high heels I was perched on) and clumsy - like a bull in a china shop, as the saying goes.

Dr Dale's directions led me to a brothel on one of the middle decks. The woman in charge, Marta, looked me up and down with critical eyes, checked my qualifications and medical record, and quoted me room rates and conditions. Not for the first time it struck me how perverse it was that I, Sam Jones, runaway child of Earth, had become a travelling whore.

And a frustratedly horny one at that. Part of me was just impatient to get a room, any room with a bed, so I could get down to business, or at least scratch that itch for myself. But also I had to be careful not to sell myself too easily. Toni had warned me about brothel tricks. "No," I said sternly, doing my best to project an air of professional experience. "I'll pay for the room and keeping, but if you want a cut of my earnings you'll have to negotiate with the Space Guild." Who of course would tell her where to go.

She glowered down at me, and seemed about to tell me where to go, then changed her mind. "Bloody Spacers," she muttered under her breath, and sorted out the contract.

The room wasn't cheap, nor very big, but it was clean, it had a private bathroom, a satisfactory bed, and I soon had my chest installed. With pot plants in the corners and a view once again of the Algoran mountains, I felt almost at home.

My favourite, trusty vibrator in hand, I soon worked myself to a much needed climax.


No sooner had I finished - not that a single orgasm could really be said to be a finish, not when the mood enhancer kept me perpetually aroused - than there was a knock at my door. I assumed it was Marta, since no one else here knew I existed, and opened the door with reluctance.

But I was wrong. It was a young woman who towered above me, so that I opened the door to see a large and shapely pair of breasts, and had to look up to greet their owner. She was pretty and, I guessed, not much older than me, with bright blue eyes and long dark hair.

"Hi, I'm Dione," she gushed, "your neighbour."

"Oh!" I said, momentarily shocked. "I hope I didn't make too much noise."

She laughed. "The walls are thin, it's true. I'm sure you'll hear plenty of me as well."

I smiled warmly. "I certainly hope so. Sam, by the way."

I went to shake her hand, but she caught me in an embrace, hugging like we were old friends. "Welcome to Titan. Are you really from Earth? I've never seen an Earth girl before. For real, I mean." She invited herself into my room and stood staring at the Algebran landscape. "I can't imagine being on an actual planet."

I closed the door, giving us privacy. Dione reminded me a little of one of my childhood friends, endlessly excited by the world. "I am from Earth," I said, "but I'm not a girl."

She looked at me oddly for a moment, then shrugged and said, "I am." It was such an obvious statement that it seemed wrong somehow. She laughed at my expression. "What optionals do you have?"

"Mood enhancer, repairers, chameleon and grav-adapt."

She whistled appreciatively. "No wonder you're stuck in this dump. Chameleon's pretty rare, though. You should use that."

"Everyone likes blue, it seems."

She laughed again. "Or even just brown. Work that Earth-girl thing you've got going. Anyway, what are you, if you're not a girl?"

How to explain the unexplainable? I shrug. "Non-binary."

"Huh. I thought maybe you were like me. Can you guess what optionals I got?"

"Enhancer? Repairers?" She shook her head for the first, nodded for the second. "Really? No enhancer? That must be tough."

"Sometimes. Anyway, I've seen what it does to people. Keep guessing..."

I had absolutely no idea. "Breast enlargement?"

Dione shook her head and chuckled. "Full feminisation. The breasts are a part of the package. What do you think?"

It was my turn to whistle my appreciation. The increasingly regressive laws on Earth made my being non-binary hard enough; transition was practically illegal. Clearly things weren't so bad on Titan - or maybe they were if Dione had become a whore to do it. "Gorgeous," I said.

"I am, yes," she sighed dramatically. "But there's one thing I kept from the old me. A little something that I had augmented." She lifted her skirt and tugged aside her lace knickers to show me. Even in its shrunken form it didn't look 'little'. "If there's one thing the men here love, though they'd never admit it, it's a woman with a little extra."

"My mentor, Toni, always said the same thing."

"You can touch it if you like," she said, her voice neutral but the excitement in her eyes betrayed her.

I could see where this was going. I even welcomed the idea. Even at its mild setting, the enhancer never failed to keep me aroused, and being offered the chance to wrap my hands about a woman's cock intensified the itch that I had scratched only a few minutes before.

"Shouldn't we have dinner and a date first?" I asked cheekily.

She laughed. "How about we do that after?"

"Works for me..."

As soon as my fingers coiled about her flaccid shaft, it awoke from its slumber, surging magnificently to life. Within seconds I was holding perhaps the thickest and certainly the longest cock I had ever been presented with. It was also the first cock in a long time that I had touched outside of a contract. We were two whores about to make love, not a whore and client doing business.

I sat on the bed, Dione standing before me, letting me examine her huge cock with my eyes as well my hands. "Is this good for you?" I asked.

"Oh, yes," she breathed, "but you know I want more. Suck it, Sam. Make me come in your mouth."

"This really isn't how we make friends on Earth," I said, mock-sternly, before wrapping my lips about the bulbous head and dipping the tip of my tongue in the little hole that was already leaking precum.

Dione sighed with pleasure, and tried to push deeper, but I controlled the distance between us. "I can't think of a better way," she said.

My mouth was too full of cock for me to say anything. I concentrated instead on exciting the sensitive underside with my tongue while stroking the shaft with one hand. Dione was entirely hairless away from her head. There was no trace of pubes, nor suggestion of balls either.

"Take me deeper," she encouraged, and I tried. I'd certain had plenty of practice taking men deep, but never one so big. For a moment I hesitated to really try, worried that I might even hurt myself, but then I went for it, breathing out before descending with determination. I concentrated on staying calm and relaxed as Dione's cock pushed in, blocking my throat, stretching it, and gradually penetrating deeper.

There's just something about being so full of cock that you can't even breathe... It's at once terrifying and exhilarating. The one thing you can't afford to do is panic.

"Oh, you are good," Dione said. "I've heard there's an optional that turns the throat into an erogenous zone and makes cum taste awesome. Apparently you can come just by eating stuff that's covered in it."

I pulled back to catch my breath, then descended again, this time taking her entirely, my face pressing against her belly through her skirt.

"I should probably warn you that I'm multi-orgasmic," she said, smirking. "And I can stay hard for hours."

I glowered up at her, making her laugh. Determined to make her come at least once, and as quickly as possible, I started fucking my throat with her cock, driving down hard to swallow her wholly before easing off, pausing as infrequently as possible to catch some air.

Dione was content at first to let me do all the work, but as her excitement built, her hips began to thrust back, until she was slamming her cock into my mouth with such strength I was sure I would be bruised internally for days.

When I was sure I could stand it no longer, she grabbed my head and held me firmly, and I felt her cock stiffen painfully, deep within in my throat, before pulsing for what seemed like an age, pouring cum into my belly.

My body almost screaming with the need for oxygen, I shoved her away from me, gasping huge breaths, as Dione's cock spurted a last few glistening streams of clear cum across my face.

Dione bent down to kiss me. "You are going to be very popular," she said, grinning. "How about that dinner and date?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I said, once I found my voice.


Suddenly I was very popular. I had a dozen clients every day, and almost all of them wanted the same thing: me on my knees, their cocks in my mouth, and usually a very messy ending. I took Dione's advice and gave myself a deep, rich tan, as if I had spent months in the sun. Day by day my control of my skin's colour grew easier, until I was even able to make my lips a deep red, and darken my nipples and areolae too.

Though my throat and jaw ached from all the use, and the monotony of it was tedious, I couldn't really complain. With my credit score almost at the limit, and the Guild taking a huge chunk of everything I earned, I needed all the clients I could get just to pay my expenses.

Whenever we could, Dione and I got together, and over time she showed me all her favourite places to eat or to relax and dance. "I don't get it," I whined one day, not for the first time. "Why do they all want the same thing?"

I knew Dione knew, though she always insisted she didn't. I expected her to deny it again, but finally she relented. "Haven't you noticed? We hate Earth here."

"I've no love for it myself," I protested. "And sure, it's obvious there's resentment -"

Dione interrupted forcefully. "No! It's much deeper that. Half the infrastructure in orbit and on Titan itself is owned by Earth corporations, and that's where most of the profits go too. Titan One purchased its freedom and independence from Earth twenty-three years ago, and one day we'll be free of Earth entirely, but... Thinking of lazy Earthers growing fat on our profits while we live and work in such cramped and hazardous conditions boils our blood."

Indeed, the Titans' hatred for Earth was echoed by the fury in Dione's eyes, and in my own heart. "Those same corporations killed my father," I growled, "and the government they control killed my mother and my brother."

We glared at each other for a minute, then she looked away, muttering, "Sorry."

I sighed. "I get it. You hate Earth. I'm an Earther. But what's with all the blowjobs?"

She snorted gently. "It's the symbolism, isn't it? Earth on its knees, sucking Titan's cock..."

It was my turn to snort. "I wouldn't mind," I said, "but I swallow so much cum..."


Dr Dale had been right. Titan was not a place anyone would choose to stay, not unless they'd been born there. I was surviving there, but I felt stuck and trapped. I hadn't fled Earth just to spend the rest of my life sucking cock in orbit. Even the fantastic view of Saturn, which I never tired of, wasn't sufficient reason to stay.

Nor did I wish to limit myself to the Solar System. I wanted to head out into the galaxy, to meet aliens and see distant planets. I wanted to see sunrise in the mountains of Algebran.

Which meant I needed passage on the Venilia, a huge conical starship that swung by Titan every thirty weeks or so before heading back out to Sol Station at the edge of the heliosphere. Except I couldn't afford to go as a passenger, and the Venilia wasn't looking to hire a ship's whore.

Once I watched it sail by, and mourned its passing, wondering miserably whether I would ever escape the brothel on Titan One. To add to my worries, the novelty of Earth origin was wearing off a little, and the demand for my services along with it.

"I hear Kraken Base is looking for a whore," Dione told me over lunch one day. I'd been moaning again about my fate and my credit score. "The rates are higher because of the low gravity, and you'd get free room and board."

I was desperate enough to consider it. "For how long, though?"

"Well, that's the catch. The standard period is four weeks, but you only get the higher rates if you stay for eight - or, even better, twelve. For most people that's a killer, because you get back up here after and get wiped out by the high gravity. But you've got the grav-adapt, so..."

I did, though I hadn't tested it yet. And being stuck in a refinery on the dark, frozen surface of Titan for twelve weeks was not my idea of exoplanetary adventure (or, indeed, anyone's). But it would help me ease the pressure on my credit score. "Maybe," I said.


The surface of Titan is a dark, icy landscape perpetually swept by rains and mists. What I saw of it I saw through tiny thick-glazed portholes, the base environs and the nearby apron of the landing field all lit artificially. The seas of Titan were lost in the blizzard beyond.

Oddly beautiful, in its own way, but utterly deadly. It is so cold on Titan that you would be dead within a second. It would made taking a walk in space seem like a very relaxed way to die. The rain is not water but liquid methane, and the seas are a soup of nitrogen and hydrocarbons.

Kraken Base was temporary home to eighty-three men and one whore: me. The men worked six-hour shifts in an eighteen-hour cycle, and at the ends of their shifts they wanted drinks to relax, food to eat, and entertainment of one sort or another, and I was expected to provide it. I think I spent more time in the galley preparing stuff than actually having sex.

Not that I minded. Whores are paid by the hour, even if they're making omelettes. But I was on duty almost non-stop, catching an hour's sleep here and there, until all sense of time was gone. The human mind can't cope without regular sleep. Even augmented by repairers, I often struggled to stay focussed.

By the hour. Four weeks. Eight. Twelve. I was profoundly exhausted by the end, but it was worth it. As a newly qualified ship's whore, my base rate was low, but this was effectively tripled for my time at Kraken Base - and without expenses.

And it had its moments. Previously on the Kythera and at Titan One, I had restricted myself always to one-on-one sex, but at Kraken there was no choice. The dorms were shared, the recreation room was shared, and so was I. At any time I might find I had an audience, or I might be passed from one man to the next, or I might find myself being taken from behind while my mouth was busy. It was all regarded as perfectly normal.

The low gravity helped as well. I could be held in the air, and spun around easily, and fucked by multiple men simultaneously. Perhaps the most entertaining thing about it is just how far men can shoot their cum. (And no one does this in zero-G. No one wants globules of semen drifting about the place for hours, getting in your hair and circuitry.) They would hold competitions to see who could hit my breasts or mouth (double points) from across the room.

And they really liked that I could change colour. Blue was the most popular, with red a close second, but a few of them liked when I was jet black, lips and everything. My control of gradients and local alterations improved greatly too. Even eye colour, to some extent.


Returning to Titan One was, as Dione and everyone had warned, a killer. After twelve weeks on Titan, even the station's half-gravity was almost too much to bear. Even with the grav-adapt working for me, it was an hour before I could walk unaided.

I crashed in Dione's bed and slept nearly a whole day.


I would have slept longer too, but Dione shook me awake insistently. "Leave me alone," I whined, conscious again of the unwelcome and unfamiliar weight on my whole frame. I just wanted to lie in bed and sleep again.

"The Salacia's in-system," she said. "Minerva's hiring."

The words meant nothing to me. "Huh?"