Silver Oranges


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Csiky hegyek Utca 6. II. Emelet 17.

She looked up at the big numerals on the door in front of her. "Mission accomplished, "she said softly to herself " Now, I panic." The door was ajar and slightly open. She smelt citrus, and something delectable. Her body reacted before she could decide to turn around and leave. As she raised her hand to knock, she realized how hungry she was. "Great," she thought, her right hand in mid-air "I'll just invite myself for dinner, eat her food, then leave. An opportunistic glutton, and a thief. I'm simply charming."

"You may come in." She became aware of brief movement inside, as Jaelle's voice beckoned her with invisible fingers. She folded the scrap of paper twice, pushed it deep into her pocket, and entered. She stood very still, just inside the front door, while her senses took in the shapes and shadows, smells and sounds. Almost immediately she felt a pull, a strange familiarness, as her eyes flowed over the colorful displays of artefact, and fabric. To the side of the large, yet full living room, was a quaint kitchen area. Dazzling strings of red paprika and garlic and colorful strings of chilli hung from a wooden beam. There was a large assortment of fresh fruit and vegetables to the side, in an enormous bowl which was made from clay. She recognized the design on the bowl. It was a phoenix.

Somewhere music was playing. A brawling energy harmonized with unfathomable sadness. She briefly wondered what type of occasion the music would be appropriate for. It could be the sound of a wedding or a wake. Whichever, it didn't matter. This was Jaelle's music. She wanted to take a step forward and experience the rest of this wonderful apartment. Then she remembered the real purpose for her visit, and waited to hear the voice again.

She had spoken English. The realization was both exciting, and alarming. How had she known?

"You Amerikai have a unique way of announcing your presence." Jaelle stood in the doorway to another room. Behind her, the setting sun cast an orange glow on her curvaceous silhouette.

"I hope I'm not intruding." she really hoped that she was intruding, "I…I needed to see you." Elise shifted back and forth nervously. The cat sat next to her and began to wash its face with a curled paw.

"I'm glad you did, but how did you find me? Casamir?" She stood at the table mixing some kind of batter carefully with a wooden spoon.

Elise bent down to pet the cat. "No, actually I went to the marketplace first to see if you were there. Your grandmother gave me your address, along with the message to use the raisins soaking in whiskey for your cake."

Jaelle just stood and shook her head returning the smile. "Why don't you hang up your coat and help me?" She went to the cupboards and pulled out a jar filled with whiskey soaked raisins. "I told Grandmother to mind the shop, this year I wanted to prepare the cakes. We bake our own special fruitcakes to give away." Opening the jar, she put her fingers inside, took out a raisin and popped it into her mouth. "Mmm, perfect…here taste." She walked over to Elise and placed one in her mouth. Elise resisted the urge to hold Jaelle's fingers inside her mouth and suck on them.

"My God." Elise gasped "How long have they been in there? I could get drunk on them alone . . . not that I plan on getting drunk."

"Long enough." she laughed "I guess that means you'll be turning down Papa's palinka?"

"Do I look insane to you? Wait, don't answer that." She moved closer to Jaelle. "Okay, what do you want me to do? I'm not a great cook, but I do follow instructions well." Jesus, she thought, everything sounds like innuendo coming from my mouth.

Jaelle poured them both a glass of palinka and handed one to Elise. "First, a drink. Then, I teach you how to cook." They clinked glasses and downed the fiery sweet liquor. "I'll start you off with something easy" She put a cupful of fruit inside the batter, "Stir gently, until it's well mixed through. Then you can chop some nuts."

Elise took the spoon and began to fold the ingredients together. She could smell the spices and fruit blending together and dipped her finger into the batter. "Oh my God, this is good. Old family recipe?"

"Very old and very secretive." Jaelle began greasing several small loaf pans "In fact, when we are done, I'm going to have to kill you. You now know too much."

"Do I at least get to sample the finished product before you kill me?" Elise laughed. "I hate to think I've died in vain."

"Yes, you do." Jaelle set the pans aside and checked the oven temperature. Then she poured them another drink. "It's a little late in the day. Did you have to work long?"

Elise felt herself grow warm, her cheeks getting hotter. "Not really, I worked the morning, and then went to find you…and then…I got lost…twice. My navigational skills are not the greatest either." She finished stirring and started to chop at the pile of nuts left aside for her. "How fine do you want these chopped?"

Jaelle stood close behind her, making Elise want to turn around and kiss her. "That's good, just like that." She touched Elise's shoulder feeling the woman shudder slightly.

The voices in her head were loud and demanding. "Tell her!" Jaelle just shook her head, trying to dislodge the thoughts. "I'm glad you found the house. Now you'll know where to come on Christmas Eve."

Elise stopped chopping and looked at Jaelle. "Are you inviting me because you feel sorry for the American girl alone in Hungary?"

"No, I'm asking you to share the holiday with me because I don't want to spend it without you." She moved next to Elise and held her face in her hands "If you don't mind spending it with me." She gently placed her lips on Elise's. They kissed for what seemed like the longest time; Elise still held the knife in her hand, completely forgetting about it. Coming to her senses, she put down the knife and wrapped her arms around Jaelle's neck to kiss her properly.

Elise pulled back and pressed her forehead to Jaelle's "I would love nothing more than to spend the holiday with you."

"Those cakes aren't going to bake themselves." The sound of Jaelle's grandmother's voice caused them to break apart. "Here, take this." She handed them both net bags filled with vegetables and breads.

"We're on it Grandmother." Jaelle winked at Elise. "Elise is spending the holiday with us."

"Wonderful. I can always use more hands to help." The old woman hung her coat and picked up the cat, causing him to purr loudly. "I see Jaelle has already put you to work."

"Yes she has . . . she's a tough boss." Elise moved aside as the old woman inspected the batter. "Thank you for having me Mrs…um, I'm sorry I don't know your name."

"Grandmother, you call me Grandmother. Everyone calls me that; so many that I've forgotten my name." She began to put on an apron and searched through the bags pulling out what she wanted.

"I hope you like to eat. You're too thin, . . . you'll eat well here." She pulled out a large pot, filled it with water, and set it on the stove.

"Do you like soup?" Before Elise could answer, she continued "Of course you do, everyone does. I'm making a special soup only made at Christmas time. Jaelle can finish the cakes; you come and help me now." She took a few garlic bulbs from the hanging strand and grabbed some onions and celery. "You can start by chopping these up."

Elise looked over at Jaelle who was grinning widely. "I think I've been drafted."

Jaelle laughed, "No, you've been adopted."

Elise smiled and started in on her duties. The kitchen became a bustle of energy. Jaelle began to sing and was soon joined by her grandmother. Elise listened carefully, being able to pick out a few of the words. She felt so incredibly comfortable here, enjoying the feeling of belonging and being wanted, especially as each time Jaelle walked by her, she would touch her or put some morsel of food into Elise's mouth. She felt so happy that she didn't want the evening to end.

Finally, late into the night, the cakes were all baked and the soup was done and set to cool. They decided to leave the dishes for the morning and settled into the living room for tea. Jaelle and Elise sat together on the couch, the old woman sat in her chair, showing off her knitting to Elise. After only a few sips of tea, Jaelle's grandmother announced she was too old to stay up any longer and was going to bed. Elise rose and told them it was time for her to leave as well. "Nonsense." The old woman pushed her back down in her seat. "It is too late, you're staying here. Jaelle will find you something to wear. You won't find a cab here this late. Goodnight to both of you." She hobbled to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Jaelle and Elise sat quietly on the couch, like two young girls in church, who were trying to stifle their giggles. "I guess I'm staying the night?" Elise bit her bottom lip.

"Oh, you are . . ." Jaelle smiled provocatively. Grandmother can be a little insistent."

"I really like her. I never told you, but I met her the same day I first saw you, outside a church not far from the marketplace. She blessed me, I think."

Jaelle looked at her wide eyed, "Blessed you? What do you mean?"

"She made the sign of the cross on my forehead and said something I couldn't understand." She shifted in her seat. "It was a little weird, but I thought it was just some strange custom." She watched as Jaelle wrapped her arms around herself and stared into the fire. "Is something wrong?"

"It's hard to explain. I really wouldn't even know where to start." Jaelle moved to face Elise. She met her eyes, seeing worry and anxiety reflected back. "I need to tell you something. It's important and I'm not sure if you are going to understand."

Elise gently placed her hand on Jaelle's knee "Don't be afraid to tell me anything Jaelle, you've told me about your time in jail as a child. I can't imagine anything worse than that."

"It's complicated." She ran her hand over her dark hair. "I should just jump right in, I guess and before you say anything, please let me just ramble on, because if I don't, I won't be able to say what I need to." She took a deep breath. "Casamir isn't my cousin, he's my fiancé. "

Elise's brow furrowed, her face looked pained "What?"

"Please let me finish? In my culture, even though my people seem very outgoing and free, my lifestyle … is not acceptable. Casamir knows everything. We've been friends since we were children. My father is an important man in our community and any indiscretions on my part would bring him shame and the possibility of losing his position. Those close to me know and understand, they accept who I am, but not everyone would be so kind. Casamir brought up the idea of a ruse, not just to protect me and my family, but to give him freedom as well. He is not ready to be a married man, he wants his freedom, but we are getting older and much fuss will be brought up about our getting too old for marriage. Together, he can do as he pleases without much commitment and I, as long as I am careful, can do the same. Pretending we are engaged will keep everyone content. Eventually we will move from here as not to raise too much suspicion amongst the clan. That way we can send out a letter saying we are married. We are not intimate in any way. He has deep feelings for Mara. That is why you see the three of us together so much."

Jaelle took a sip of tea. Her mouth was feeling dry. "I was content with that idea, and it was working well for both of us, and then I met you and it all changed. I was attracted to you from the beginning. I didn't expect anything more than friendship," she paused "I found myself missing you and wanting to spend more and more time with you. Casamir set up our meeting at the bonfire that night. He knows how I feel about you. "

She stood up and walked over to the fireplace, her arms still wrapped around herself. "I know this is a lot to take in. The reason I didn't go any further with you at the fire, was because I wanted it to be right with you, not some drunken night of meaningless sex. Please don't think I don't want you. I do . . . so very much. I just want…special…with you."

Jaelle turned around to face Elise. The emotion in the room was almost tangible. "I've fallen in love with you . . . "

Elise held her hands out to Jaelle, silently wishing her nearer. Jaelle didn't feel herself moving, but soon, she was wrapped in Elise's arms. Elise stroked her hair and let the tears fall from her own eyes. "I feel the same way. . . I tried to rationalize it, put it into a format that would make logical sense and then I just let myself feel." She gently moved Jaelle's head up, to meet her eyes. "I found the magic. I found you, and I love you." She placed her lips against Jaelle's, feeling the other woman respond and kiss her back. Tears dampened their faces, joining with their kisses.

Elise pulled back, looking into Jaelle's eyes. "I love you, but I don't want you to jeopardize your life and your family's honor."

Jaelle pressed her finger to Elise's lips, "Shh…listen to me. I thought about this long and hard. My mother followed her head and not her heart and she wasn't happy. She made a good life for us, and she loved my father but not with her heart and soul. Then she died, too young to change things and be happy. I want to be happy and you make me happy." She put her hands against Elise's face "And if it makes you feel any better, we have Grandmother's blessing."

Elise smiled widely and started to cry. "That makes me very happy."

She threw her arms around Jaelle's neck and held her close. She felt Jaelle's hand stroking her back.

"It's late, I think we should go to bed."


Jaelle stood up, taking Elise's hands in hers and pulled her to her feet. "Yes, we. I want to sleep with my arms around you tonight. Besides . . . "she traced her thumb over Elise's lips. ". . . we have unfinished business to take care of."

She walked Elise to her bedroom. It was very dark at first. Jaelle let go of her hands for a moment and lit the stubs of a few candles. In the dim light, Elise couldn't really make out the details of the room, but it didn't matter, because this was Jaelle's bedroom. Her eyes, all her senses, only wanted Jaelle.

Warm hands snaked around her waist as soft lips sought her mouth. She pressed her body closer, gliding her hands up Jaelle's arms and resting on her shoulders. Soft moans escaped their lips as their tongues explored each other's mouths. Elise broke the kiss. "We might wake your grandmother."

Jaelle ran her tongue along Elise's jaw line and whispered in her ear, "She closed her door. She never does that . . . and nothing wakes her when she's asleep." She sucked on Elise's earlobe, "Nothing to worry about . . . except the marks I may leave on your body."

Elise shuddered at her words. "You're very sure of yourself, or are you going to use gypsy magic on me?"

"I'm going to use my hands . . . " she kissed her cheek…"my lips . . ."she kissed her nose " . . . and my entire body on you." She grazed her lips over Elise's.

"I need to take your clothes off." Jaelle slowly began to undress Elise, stopping only to kiss the skin she exposed. Walking Elise backwards towards the bed, she pushed her down gently and slowly undressed herself before her lover.

Pushing Elise's legs apart with her knees she stood before her, taking Elise's hands, and placing them on her naked breasts. "I want to feel you touch me. . . and enjoy me"

Elise felt Jaelle's nipples grow hard beneath her palms. She let her fingers graze over them as she enjoyed the weight of them in her hands. She groaned, as she let her hands roam over Jaelle. She marvelled at the softness of her skin as she began to map her lover's body. Moving her hands to Jaelle's back she pulled her closer and rested her cheek against Jaelle's stomach before placing a kiss gently between her breasts. Looking up, her eyes met Jaelle's and she watched as a grin tugged at the corner of her mouth.

Elise leaned back, wondering what Jaelle was smiling at, her hands moving over Jaelle's hips. Jaelle took her index finger, placing it against Elise's lips, long enough for Elise to place on kiss on the tip. Then she slowly traced a line downwards, over her chin, throat and rested against her breastbone.

"Now it's my turn." She pushed her finger hard against Elise forcing her back onto the bed. She knelt down between Elise's legs, gliding her hands up the silky skin of Elise's inner thighs to her waist, her eyes glued to Elise's. Dipping her head downward she ran her tongue around Elise's navel, letting the tip paint circles of pleasure across Elise's stomach sending small pulses of electricity surging through her body.

Tendrils of Jaelle's hair tickled Elise's skin, heightening what she was already feeling. She moved her hands to Jaelle's hair, only to have Jaelle take and move them to her sides. "No." Elise let out a sigh of frustration, as she felt Jaelle moving up her body, her tongue leaving a trail of wetness. Taking Elise's breasts in her hands she kissed each nipple, before swirling her tongue over them, causing Elise to moan. She let out a gasp as Jaelle held a hard nipple between her teeth and gently bit down. As Jaelle began to suck the nipple into her mouth Elise fought the urge to hold Jaelle's head.

Elise was breathing harder as Jaelle moved further up her body, dragging fingertips across Elise's skin. Hovering above her lips, she looked into Elise's eyes. "Let me have you?" She gently grazed Elise's lips, smiling as she heard a labored "Yes". Jaelle continued to kiss Elise. Raising her own body she slid her hand between them, down over Elise's stomach and finally between her legs. She moaned into Elise's mouth when her fingers felt the wetness she had created. Skilled fingers teased and explored, before entering Elise's slick entrance making Elise reach above her head tugging at the comforter.

"You feel so good, so right. My fingers feel at home inside you." Jaelle whispered between trying to regulate her breathing.

"Yes . . ." was all Elise could say. Her senses were overloaded with pleasure from what Jaelle's fingers were doing to her. It was as if Jaelle knew her intimately. Her muscles clamped down tightly around Jaelle's fingers, and she wanted nothing more than to have Jaelle fill her completely.

"I've waited for this moment for so long . . . to make love to you . . .Elise, I want you so much. . ." Jaelle's lips caressed Elise's neck. "I want to be inside of you. I want to touch your soul." Elise was beside herself with want. Jaelle plunged her fingers deeper inside, and she could feel Elise's hips rise and fall with her movements, seeking perfect rhythm. Jaelle watched as her lover let herself be taken, giving into Jaelle's ministrations with abandon. Letting her thumb rub over Elise's clit with each thrust of her hands, she controlled how much pleasure she would give Elise, and how much she would hold back. Listening to Elise's whimpers, she couldn't wait any longer. .. but she did. Just one more moment, one more stroke of her thumb over her clit . . . one more thrust deep inside of her . . . Elise started to beg. It was all Jaelle could take, knowing how completely Elise was giving herself, knowing how intimately vulnerable Elise was to her in that moment. She wanted to give everything she could, to this woman beneath her. She leaned over and whispered urgently in Elise's ear, "Come for me . . . let me feel you, hear you. Please, Baby, come for me."

Elise grabbed Jaelle's hair, holding her next to her, not caring how loudly she cried out into Jaelle's ear. Lost in the wave of pleasure that hit her hard, wanting only the release, she wrapped her legs around Jaelle's waist, keeping her inside of her, trying not to move for fear she would burst to pieces.