Sisters of the Fallen


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Şarpe sneered at the Countess, despising having to take orders. But he feared the knowledge Vivianna possessed and knew she wouldn't hesitate to employ her powers against him. Şarpe grabbed ahold of Loredana's hair by bunching its tangles into a tight fist and he pulled up on her scalp until she had no choice but to rise to her knees. Blood had soaked through the rags that were all that remained of Loredana's nightgown. Her breasts were totally bared and smeared over with her blood while rips and snags in the fabric of her gown revealed more glimpses of her body.

Vivianna laid next to Loredana and lifted one of the girl's legs so Vivianna could scoot beneath her and allow the girl to straddle her face. Vivianna kissed and licked at Loredana's slick, hairy genitals sitting above her mouth which made the redheaded girl moan with satisfaction. Loredana's eyes were shut tight and she would have fallen over with exhaustion if Şarpe weren't holding her up. Without warning, Vivianna growled subhumanly and clamped her sharp teeth down on the flesh of Loredana's cunny. Loredana screamed in pain as Vivianna's fangs ripped and tore at her loins until her blood spilled forth. Vivianna gnashed her razor-like teeth in Loredana's genitals and chewed the flesh inside her mouth. Loredana started to faint from the pain and only Şarpe's hold upon her tangled hair and his steady hand upon her shoulder prevented her from toppling over.

Now that Vivianna's teeth had torn a new opening in Loredana's body, she began to feed once again upon her victim. Vivianna licked, slurped, and sucked the nourishment flowing from Loredana's body directly into her mouth. It tasted incredible. Şarpe pulled back on Loredana's hair to bare her neck to him and began licking the blood from her throat. He attached his mouth to the previous wound he had created and commenced with his second helping.

Loredana moaned loudly as she felt the predators using her body for their sustenance. Vivianna's mouth sucking upon her proved Loredana could still derive sexual satisfaction despite her mutilated genitals. The tremendous pain quickly subsided and instead became replaced by a sickening sort of pleasure. Loredana felt ejaculate flowing along with her blood out of the opening where her vulva used to be. Loredana stroked Vivianna's dark hair between her fingers dreamily as the Countess' mouth made sucking and slurping noises beneath her. Loredana used her other hand to hold Şarpe's mouth tightly to her neck.

Loredana made soft, extended sighs as she felt the most exquisite pleasure she had ever experienced. Her body trembled as she achieved a powerful climax that caused blood to flow from her in even greater quantities. She came twice more before Şarpe and Vivianna were finished feeding and when they were done with her they threw Loredana's used body down onto the bed. Loredana laid still on her back with her arms splayed out above her head. Her green eyes stared at nothing and she barely breathed.

Vivianna wiped blood from her lips and licked her fingers as she remarked, "She may not have been a virgin, but she was certainly the most delectable young thing I've tasted in decades."

"You know I have a more refined and discriminating palate than you, my Countess," replied Şarpe. "Still, I could never turn down a fine meal such as this."

Şarpe ripped apart the bloodstained, disheveled remains of Loredana's gown, finally leaving her completely naked. The strip of cloth he held had become so soaked through with Loredana's blood that Şarpe wrung it out above him and let the blood drip into his open mouth.

"Glutton," Vivianna accused.

Şarpe looked over at the Countess' naked form and gazed intently at the Pierocent girl's blood smeared all over Vivianna's perfectly sculpted breasts. Vivianna stared back at him just as intensely. Now that their bloodlust had been sated, a different form of lust began to take hold of them. Their senses would never be as strengthened as the moments following a feeding and they both desired to take full advantage of this opportunity.

Şarpe and Vivianna joined their bodies together and began licking the blood off each other's faces before plunging their tongues between each other's lips and engaging in a sort of wrestling match with their mouths. They used their tongues to share Loredana's blood between them before Vivianna ripped Şarpe's shirt apart and ran her hands over his muscled chest and abdomen. Şarpe crouched down and began licking the redhead girl's remaining blood from Vivianna's breasts, making Vivianna gasp with pain and pleasure as his sharp teeth clamped down on her nipples. Şarpe's hands took possession of Vivianna's thighs, buttocks, and cunny while Vivianna reached down and tugged on his erection.

The two vampires fucked like wild animals, clawing at each other's bodies and biting their partner hard enough to draw blood. They paid no mind to the damage inflicted upon each other knowing that with fresh blood flowing through their veins any wounds they sustained would miraculously become healed while they slumbered throughout the day. The two engaged in a battle for control and dominance, neither one wanting to be the first to submit. They rolled around on the bed and wrestled roughly as they copulated. Every time Vivianna took the advantage and held Şarpe down whilst she heaved herself up and down his shaft, he would overpower her and pin her to the bed as he stabbed his cock inside her violently.

This game continued for a while until Vivianna found herself flat on her stomach with Şarpe atop her. He held her down with one hand pushing Vivianna's face into a pillow while he fucked her from behind mercilessly. Vivianna cursed him and nipped at his hand with her fangs but was unable to escape his powerful hold. Vivianna's oaths soon transformed to deep groans of pleasure as Şarpe slid his prick all the way in and out of her with every thrust, just the way she liked it. It took an extraordinary set of circumstances for Vivianna to feel enough to ever climax so this was a momentous event that only occurred every decade or two. Vivianna's body trembled and shuddered as Şarpe's large prick delivered her the ultimate pleasure. Blood ejaculated from his cock and her cunny as Şarpe and Vivianna achieved an unholy satisfaction simultaneously.

The creatures breathed heavily as they recovered from the intensity of their lovemaking. Both their bodies were covered with deep scratches from their fingernails and bite marks. Vivianna glanced at Loredana lying on the bed. Blood had pooled onto the mattress around her bitten neck and the area beneath her ruined crotch. The blood loss Loredana had endured shut down the girl's brain and left her lying limply with her mouth hanging open and drool running down her chin. Loredana's eyes stared unblinkingly but perceived nothing.

"Does she yet live?" Şarpe wondered.

Normally Vivianna could sense the blood flowing through a living person's veins from fifty feet away, but Loredana might be so far gone that it would impossible to verify without getting close. Vivianna laid her head atop Loredana's left breast while she held one of the redhead's hands by the wrist with a fingertip touching her vein.

"There is still breath moving through her chest," Vivianna observed as she listened carefully. "And her heart still beats, albeit slowly. She is nearly gone, I would give her only a few minutes of life remaining."

"Are we really going to go through with this?" Şarpe asked. "I'm not sure I like it. We've not done this once since I joined your family."

"It's what the Count wanted," Vivianna reminded Şarpe. "Besides, she is family already."

"Well, who is going to do it then?" Şarpe asked resentfully. "I never volunteered for this."

"Don't worry, I'll do it," Vivianna answered him. "Will you assist me?"

"Very well," Şarpe agreed.

Şarpe kissed Vivianna on the neck to mark the spot before ripping into her throat using his dangerously sharp incisors. A spray of arterial blood spurted out of the wound in Vivianna's neck and covered Şarpe's body with a fresh coat of redness. Şarpe lifted Loredana up by her arms and rested her head upon Vivianna's shoulder.

Vivianna positioned Loredana's cold blue lips against the wound on her neck and stroked Loredana's gorgeous red hair as she whispered, "Drink, my lovely Loredana. Feed upon me."

When Loredana felt Vivianna's warm blood running over her lips she instinctively began sucking upon Vivianna's neck as though she were a child suckling upon her mother's teat. Vivianna gasped with pleasure as Loredana turned the tables and began using her for nourishment. Soon the two women had their arms wrapped tightly around each other while Loredana fed upon Vivianna just as greedily as the Countess or Şarpe had done with her. The pleasure Vivianna derived from having her lifeblood sucked was just as powerful as when she and Şarpe had done the same to Loredana.

"Yes, my sweet child," Vivianna purred as she pet the golden-red tresses of Loredana's hair. "Swallow it all down."

Şarpe reached his fingers between both the lady's legs and began stroking their cunnys as Vivianna conducted the corruption and conversion of Loredana. While Vivianna's labia and clitoris remained pristine, Şarpe had to work his fingers through the ruined flesh of Loredana's genitals to locate the tattered remains of her pleasure center. Şarpe knew from personal experience that this would be an intensely pleasurable affair for the two of them and thought he would be a fair sport and help the two women along. Loredana's face was still cast in a deathly pale pallor but she was starting to regain some of her color. As Loredana drank her fill from Vivianna's neck, she replenished her depleted veins with the corrupted blood of both Vivianna and the blood of her own body that had cycled its way through Vivianna's dark heart. Vivianna gasped and then grinned evilly as she felt Loredana bite down upon her neck using two newly sharpened fangs. Both women moaned as they came again once Şarpe's fingers induced their orgasms. The ritual was complete.

"Welcome to your new family, Loredana Turenau."

+++++ Chapter IV: The Last Glimmer of Light +++++

Mirela gasped and her eyelids shot open as she awoke from her nightmare. In her dream, it felt like she had been surrounded and then enveloped by a darkness so thick she was consumed by it. The worst part of the nightmare was seeing the darkness take all of her sisters one by one first until Mirela was the only one remaining. Then it came for her.

Mirela sat up and breathed deeply as she attempted to reassure herself. She put a hand to her brow and rubbed around her eyes. Mirela's head felt achy and groggy, she hadn't slept as well as she could have. Light peeking through the small barred window in the guest room at least proved it was daytime. We made it through the first night here unharmed, Mirela thought with relief.

Mirela glanced over at her sister snoring lightly next to her. Bianca slept with her fingers still curled around the hilt of her dagger. How long had she laid there keeping watch before weariness overwhelmed her? Mirela felt an outpouring of affection for her sister and best friend who wanted so badly to be Mirela's protector. Mirela felt ashamed at how rudely she had treated her sister last night when all Bianca had desired was a little comfort. Mirela promised herself a long time ago she wouldn't do anything scandalous with Bianca ever again but she resolved to at least try to be nicer to her for the duration of their stay at the castle.

Mirela let Bianca stay sleeping for longer and hopped out of bed. As quietly as possible, she tiptoed to the entry and shoved the armoire far enough out of the way to at least open the door. Mirela huffed and puffed as she did so, wondering how much stronger Bianca was than she considering the younger sister could move the furniture by herself with ease. After drinking a cup of water, Mirela put on her slippers and exited the chamber still wearing only her shift. After a quick stop at the privy she stood outside of Bela and Loredana's door and knocked softly upon it.

After waiting over a minute with no answer, Mirela knocked louder and with more insistency as she called, "Bela! Loredana! It's me. Please open the door."

Still no answer. Mirela's heart pounded and worry filled her chest as she reached tentatively for the door handle. The knob squeaked as Mirela turned it and the door fell open just a crack. It was unlocked! Hadn't she insisted multiple times that Loredana keep the door secured the entire night? Mirela slowly opened the door and peeked her head inside. After quickly surveying the room she called out, "Bianca! Come quick!"

Mirela heard the thump of Bianca jumping out of bed next door and then the patter of footsteps as Bianca rushed to her side. Bianca brandished her dagger still which she held outward in a defensive position.

"Will you put that thing away before you stab yourself in the gut?" Mirela said disapprovingly.

Bianca glared at Mirela and stuck her tongue out at her rudely. So much for treating each other more nicely. "What's got your underlings tied in a knot?" Bianca asked.

"Stop it, this is serious," Mirela admonished as she pulled Bianca into the room with her. "Loredana is missing."

The candle sitting on the nightstand still burned though it was useless for light now that it was daytime. The wax had melted and coagulated at the bottom of the candlestick until just a small nub of the candle remained. Loredana's luggage sat on the floor intact and there was no sign of a struggle or forced entry. But Loredana was simply gone. Bela had her eyes closed and snored loudly as she laid on the bed, fast asleep despite the absence of her sister.

"Could she simply be using the privy?" Bianca asked.

"I was just in there and saw no one else," Mirela explained.

Bianca walked over to the bed and shook Bela awake. Bela's eyes fluttered open and she looked up toward Bianca but stared past her without seeming to truly comprehend her sister's presence.

"Wake up, Bela," Bianca whispered. She lifted Bela up by her shoulders until she was in a sitting position. Bianca laid her hands over both of Bela's cheeks and spoke to her softly. "If there was any time for you to speak again, let it be now. Where has our sister gone? Where is Loredana?"

But there was no response. Bela wrapped her arms around her shoulders and shook back and forth but otherwise remained unresponsive. Bianca sighed and laid a hand down on the bed before snatching it away. She now noticed that not only were the bedsheets wet, but Bela's nightshirt had also been soaked through as well.

"Mellie, I-" Bianca started. "I think Bela might have wet herself during the night."

Mirela sighed and grumbled to herself in her mind but said as cheerfully as she could muster, "Don't worry about it, Bianca. It's fine. I'll clean her up."

Mirela poured out enough water from the pitcher to soak one of the cloths she had packed away. She used the washcloth to wipe down Bela's torso, crotch, legs, and bottom. Mirela had Bianca help her pull Bela up and out of the bed and then Mirela simply ripped the bedsheets off the mattress and discarded them on the floor. She couldn't find any extra sheets packed away anywhere within the room to replace them with. Mirela wasn't too worried about it since she intended to have all the sisters stay in the same room tonight. If they remained at Sidexes. Mirela still held hope that they might leave the castle today. No matter what, Mirela would have them all together in one place even if it meant Mirela had to sleep tonight on the cold, hard floor.

Mirela and Bianca helped change Bela into some clean underwear and a simple brown dress. Together they did her hair up into a pretty bun using hairpins that they passed back and forth to each other as they worked. They constructing Bela's hairstyle for the day while Mirela held the unused pins between her teeth. Mirela marked Bela's face with just a few little spots of face paint and when she was finished Mirela gave Bela a kiss on her forehead.

"There, as good as new!" Mirela declared. "And so pretty too. Won't be long now before the boys won't be able to stay away!"

Mirela felt some encouragement when Bela smiled at her but she couldn't be sure whether Bela actually noticed her or if the girl was just amused by a ray of light shimmering through the window.

Mirela and Bianca moved all their sister's luggage to their room and transported Bela personage to their quarters as well. Once Mirela dressed herself in her usual modest white clothing she put her hair in an updo as well as possible without the aid of a mirror. Once ready, she told her sisters, "I'm going to find Loredana."

Bianca stood up and insisted, "I should be the one to go find her. I never should have let her be in charge of Bela when I could have done it. I knew it as soon as she volunteered that we had made a mistake leaving it to her but I said nothing. It's my fault."

"No one is to blame. You will stay here and help your sister while I look," ordered Mirela. "I'd rather not have you going around stabbing everyone who doesn't answer the way you like, which seems to be your only method of investigation."

Bianca's eyes narrowed at her sister's thinly veiled insult. "Well, what are you going to do that I'm so unable to?" Bianca asked derisively.

"Ask people questions," Mirela answered simply. "Nicely. If I'm unable to locate Loredana, I will talk with the servants and try to get some answers."

Bianca sighed and plopped herself down on the bed with a dissatisfied expression on her face. "I'd feel better if I were the one looking," she grumbled. "I'm a woman of action, I hate just sitting around."

Mirela laid her hand on Bianca's shoulder and gave it an affectionate squeeze which broke through Bianca's sourness and made her smile. Mirela replied, "I'd feel better knowing that you were here to keep Bela safe. Make her comfortable, find her some food and make sure she is sitting on the privy periodically so we don't need to clean her again."

Mirela opened the door and started to leave before Bianca called out to her, "Mirela!"

Mirela looked back at her sister sitting forlornly next to Bela with her hand clasped around Bela's fingers. "Yes, Bianca?" asked Mirela.

"Be safe and... please don't be gone too long," Bianca pleaded. "I... we need you."

"I will be fine," Mirela reassured her. "Be back soon."

Mirela took her time exploring the hallways of the castle which seemed far less foreboding in the daylight. The floors looked even more filthy however, with dust and spiderwebs everywhere. How can anyone live like this, Mirela wondered. After exploring every inch of the wing their quarters belonged to and poking her head in every unlocked bedroom, Mirela followed the path they had taken the night before. Mirela made it a point to memorize the entire route from the entryway to her room in case she became lost or had to make a quick escape. She walked into the strange chapel but found it as empty and silent as a tomb. Mirela felt uncomfortable and shuddered at the unholiness she felt inside the place. She left immediately. Mirela walked by the doors to the crypt that remained locked tightly and went to explore the great halls that formed the entryway to the castle.

Finally, Mirela circled back to the feasting hall where they had dined with the Turenaus the night before. In there, she found the first living soul she had encountered since leaving her room. An older, slightly rotund man with a bald pate was using a rag and oil to polish the iron-wrought mantelpiece above the fireplace. When the oil wasn't performing well enough, the man spit on his rag and rubbed it against the mantelpiece fervently. Mirela vaguely remembered the man opening the gate for them when they arrived at Sidexes yesterday evening and he must have been the one who carried their luggage to their bedrooms. Mirela wondered if he was the one who had stolen their possessions. The man carried a ring of keys tied to his belt with dozens of keys circling around the ring. A large, ancient looking iron key with the bow in the shape of a skull dangled conspicuously from the ring. That surely must be the key that opens the door to the crypt.
