Slave to Love Ch. 06


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"Is that what he told you? Gods! That's just pathetic, you didn't hear what you wanted from me so you go and tell him that I'm in love with you? Look, why don't I take my leave of the two of you so you can get on with the fucking. Turn your little angel boy into a whore like the rest of the slaves in this damned worthless world!" Angel spun on his heals, stalking towards the door, but before his hand reached the doorknob Daman had set Eko down and moved in front of him. Angel flinched away from him, and then glared up defiantly, his skin so hot it burned Damans fingers when he gripped Angel's shoulders.

"You don't believe that's how I look at you, or Eko." He whispered softly, ignoring the pain of the burns. You don't get through hundreds of years without learning how to look past physical discomfort. "And you know Eko didn't tell me you were in love with him. I noticed it myself, Angel. Eko thinks you don't love him at all, don't want him around even." He turned Angel around slowly, showing him the pitiful picture Eko made, sobbing softly all curled up in the chair, arms wrapped about his legs, wings trembling with his fear and heartbreak. "Look at him." Daman whispered quietly into Angel's ear.

He did as he was told, he looked at Eko. Cia'd done a good job of making him presentable, he was beautiful and sexy in a way only tainted innocence could be. Eko looked so distressed and upset he could barely breathe, and Angel knew he was the cause of a lot of it, not all, but a lot. He was beginning to feel safe until Angel had denied him.

"Why do you tell him you don't love him when I know you do?" Daman asked quietly. "I can almost smell it on you, the longing."

"Because, he doesn't belong to me. He's not mine, he's yours. The moment he realizes he loves you, I'll be nothing but a fucking memory compared to you. I'm not going through it any more. Not with some one new. I'm just not." Angel replied, clenching his fists into angry little balls.


"Don't act like you don't know, damnit. Don't act like you don't understand, Master." Angel was seriously pushing his luck, even Daman's patience wasn't never ending. Angel glanced over his shoulder at Daman, sighing at the blank look on his face. "You. You, damnit."

"Me?" Daman asked, and then frowned slightly. "You know I love you, Angel."

"Like a man loves his DOG maybe." Angel jerked himself free of Daman angrily, walking backwards until he was pressed against the wall between both Daman and Eko, a position where he could see both of them.

"Now wait a minute, Angel. That's not true--"

"Isn't it though?" Angel cut him off. "I'm your slave, your pet. You don't love me as a man, you love me as you would your favorite animal. And the moment that Eko realizes how much he loves you, I'll be pushed to the back of the line by him just like I was when you bought him!" Angel stared down, tears threatening to break like molten lava down his cheeks. "I don't expect you to understand, but I'm not going to do it anymore. So, why don't I leave so you can fuck him, and when you feel like playing with fire again you can call me up to roll over and beg or whatever the hell else you want." He sniffled, despite his angry words, making him seem so much more innocent and tender.

Angel gasped when suddenly Daman was pressing him to the wall, his large frame a warmth and comfort to Angel despite the fact he wanted desperately to push the other man away. "That's not true, Angel, and you know it." Daman's voice sounded angry, violently so even. His fingers curled around Angel's jaw and he tilted his face upwards so he could gaze into his eyes. "I do love you, Angel. How could you think after all this time that you meant so little to me?"

"Because it's the truth." Angel replied, his throat closing and his tears finally beginning to spill.

"And what could I do to show you that you were wrong?" Daman's words were gentle, concern lighting his eyes. "What if I told you I wanted you and Eko to love one another? That I wanted you to be close to each other? Everyone needs love in their life, Angel, everyone even slaves." Bringing his hand up, Daman stroked the fiery hair from Angel's forehead, ignoring the burn against his fingers. "You need to tell Eko how you feel. You need to be honest with him."

"He'll fall in love with you, and he'll forget about me, and you KNOW it." Angel spat, tears seeping down his cheeks, burning like lava when they come in contact with Daman's skin.

"B-but I l-l-love Y-You!!" Eko screamed suddenly, surprising both Fire Elemental and Vampire into immediate silence as they turned their heads simultaneously towards him.

Eko stumbled to his feet, stalking towards the pair pressed against the wall, wings spread in what could only have been a natural response to his emotional distress, the action making him appear far larger then he really was. "I d-don kn-now b-bout p-p-pain a-and v-viol-lence a-and a-and I d-don't kn-now ab-bout r-r-rape a-and w-war b-b-but I DO kn-now b-bout LOVE!" Eko shouted angrily, stomping his little foot upon the ground with frustration as the two men stared at him in open astonishment.

Eko reached out and pushed Daman forcefully aside with all of his little strength, and despite the fact Daman was supposed to be the one in charge, he took his Queue and backed off for a moment so he could watch how Eko handled this situation. Leaning against the wall, Daman crossed his arms over his chest, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as Eko positioned himself in front of Angel with his hands on his hips. The heat poured off Angel in waves, and Eko squinted against it, but he didn't back down.

"L-love i-isn't di-disposable!" Eko yelled, stomping his foot a second time, and it was all Daman could do to keep from chuckling at the amusing picture his adorable angel boy made, all furious and empowered. "I-in m-my w-world s-somet-times p-people m-mate w-with u-up t-to f-four people a-and a-all l-live t-tog-gether a-and a-all b-be h-happy w-with k-kids. L-love do-doesn't d-dissap-pear! E-even in f-families th-that d-decide to sp-plit st-still l-love e-each o-other th-they je-jes ch-choose n-not t-to live t-together!" Eko clenched his little fists into tight balls, glaring furiously at each man in turn, and that look actually wiped the smile from Daman's lips. "Y-you a-are b-both st-stupid!" Eko shouted.

"Don't push it, Eko." Daman growled low. Which was a mistake as it turned out, because the moment he did the angel turned his attention on his master.

"I-it's th-the truth! An-angel l-loves y-you a-and y-yer to busy t-to make su-sure h-he knows y-you lo-love him! A-and he th-thinks he is u-ugly a-and y-you d-don't m-make h-him s-stand i-in front of a m-mirror till h-he sees he i-isn't ugly! Y-yer m-mean a-and y-you a-act l-like y-you d-don't c-care ab-bout a-anyone but y-yerself a-and fo-for all y-you s-wear n-not t-to r-rape m-me y-you still shoved t-things d-down m-my th-throat an-and m-made m-me h-hate you!!" Eko screamed at the top of his lungs, sounding like a little banshee. "A-and n-now th-the o-only p-pers-son i-in th-this st-stupid pl-place I c-care b-bout w-wont s-say h-he loves m-me c-cause y-you! C-cause he's sc-cared th-that y-you'll m-make us sp-plit u-up to h-hurt u-us! H-he's sc-cared I'll st-stop l-loving h-him b-bec-cause of YOU a-and th-then he'll b-be alone w-with th-the tw-two people h-he l-loves ab-abandoning h-him f-for e-each other!"

"Eko, he's going to punish you if you don't stop." Angel whispered, eyes wide as saucers, concern dripping from his voice.

"I d-don't c-care! S-someone hasta s-say th-this!" Eko's wings fluttered behind him, stirring a breeze throughout the room. "I d-don't c-come from th-this w-world, Angel! I-I'm n-not LIKE th-these p-people. I d-don't th-throw l-love a-away! N-no m-matter w-what hap-pens w-with M-master a-and m-me, th-that *couldn't* ch-change h-how I f-feel a-about y-you. C-cause th-that's n-not h-how I w-work i-inside. I-if I s-say I l-love y-you I m-mean i-it Angel. A-and I th-think y-you're th-they m-most b-beautiful p-person. N-no o-one e-even i-in m-my peoples h-have coloring l-like y-yers. N-no o-one c-can t-take m-me a-away f-from y-you."

Angel's eyes grew so very sad as he gazed at Eko, then he shook his head softly. "That's not true. Daman can take you away from me any time he wants. He can sell you, or sell me. He can split us up, he can lock one of us in the dungeon if he wants. He can make sure that we never talk to one another again if he wanted to. We're not free, Eko, we're slaves. You're setting yourself up for disappointment, I can't be your mate, I can't be your love." He whispered gently.

"Why would I do any of that? Am I so much of a monster, Angel?" Daman finally spoke up, looking at the fire elemental, who was still pressed with his back to the wall as if backed into a corner.

"Come on, you don't like your slaves to touch one another. You only let us sleep with one another when you're giving us a reward, and normally it involves humiliating one of us at the time. You really want me to be in love with Eko? Do you really want me to pull him into my arms and kiss him, and make love to him? Is that what you want? You'll be okay with that?"

"Well... you'll still be my slaves, I still won't want you to just go off and do whatever you want. But I won't pull you two apart, I wont separate you. I hope I can be involved in your love, that's what I wanted." Daman said quietly.

"And what if you aren't? What are you going to do if Eko never falls in love with you? You think you'll be happy go lucky and give us a room together so we can live our lives out as a happy couple? I don't think so. I'm a slave, I'm not stupid. You'd be jealous and angry and you'd split us up. It's not worth it, it's not worth loving him only to have you pulling us apart."


"NO!" Angel growled, "I'm not going to put my heart on the line when either one of you could break it into a million shattered pieces at any given time."

"B-but I l-love yo-you." Eko whispered softly, then tilted his head down so he could gaze at the floor as though it were the most interesting thing in the world. Tears began to slide down his cheeks slowly, and he made the most heartbroken little sniffling sounds between breaths.

That was all Angel could take. All his anger, all his fears, all his anxiety revolving around the situation cracked and he broke down. Reaching a hand out, Angel drew Eko in against his chest, one hand tilting his head up. "I love you too, Eko." He whispered, biting his lower lip. "Please, please don't hurt me." He whispered, then brushed a tender kiss against Eko's mouth, so sweet it was like caramelized sugar burning lips and tongue. It sent shivers along Eko's spine, and a soft sigh escaped against that gentle kiss as Daman watched on.

Maybe it wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind, but it was a start. He'd hoped the angel boy would fall in love with him first, he'd hoped that Eko'd want him first, but it didn't seem to be in the cards for him. Running a hand through his hair Daman considered when he should do as the two young lovers kissed and touched one another's faces, whispering soft words to each other.

"When you choose to give up your body to me, Eko, you'll be giving it to both Angel and myself. He'll be here." Daman finally said after a moment. Both boys snapped their heads towards him, shocked.

"Really?" Angel asked, excitement in his voice. Eko just stared at him with wide eyes.

"Yes really. Angel, how am I going to prove to you that I love you?" Daman asked, folding his arms over his chest.

"I don't know." Angel said as he tucked Eko in closer to him, rubbing his cheek against the top of the smaller mans head. Eko's large lavender eyes regarded Daman quietly for a long moment.

"H-he l-loves y-you, Angel." Eko whispered softly. "Y-you c-can s-see i-it in h-his e-eyes wh-when h-he looks a-at you. H-his h-heart i-is i-in th-them. It h-hurts h-him th-that y-you c-can't s-see it."

Daman was shocked, because it was as if the little angel boy was expressing what Daman couldn't seem to make come out of his mouth. He was hurt, he loved Angel, and he felt like he could love his little Eko if he didn't already. He couldn't imagine being without either boy, and that scared him as much as the fact Angel didn't see his love hurt him. He wasn't used to needing people. He wasn't used to needing anyone, and he didn't like needing anyone. Maybe that was the problem, maybe he tried to prove to himself and to everyone around him so much that he needed no one to the extent of making it seem that he loved no one.

"Well, he doesn't act like he loves me."

"Y-yes h-he does." Eko said, "H-he j-just t-told y-you to l-love me. B-because h-he kn-new you were h-hurting. H-he didn't w-want to s-see y-your h-heart h-hurt. That sh-shows h-how m-much h-he l-loves y-you, even i-if he d-doesn't sh-show y-you i-in o-other w-ways."

"He's right, Angel. I love you very much, since you've come into my home I've been happier then I have in hundreds of years." Daman whispered softly, taking a few steps towards the two embracing one another. One hand slid into the soft fiery locks of Angel's hair, stroking tenderly as he looked into Angel's eyes. "I'm not used to ... this." Daman sighed softly, closing his eyes.

"Used to what?" Angel asked, looking guarded, as if at any moment he expected to be struck or wounded in some unforgivable and painful way.

"N-needing p-peop-ple." Eko whispered, answering for Daman, the words that he'd been thinking moments before. Frowning slightly, the vampire eyed the smallest and newest member of his family. He was an astute little thing, or maybe there was more to him then he'd previously realized?

"You need me?" Angel asked quietly, uncertainty showing in his face.

"You know I do, Angel." Daman replied, his heart twisting into knots at the realization that he was absolutely head over heals in love with the two men that stood before him. This wasn't supposed to happen, he was their master, he owned them, he did not love them. Masters do not become Mated to their slaves, this was ridiculous. Yet he found himself verbally admitting it out loud, despite the fact he wanted to deny it. Eko's presence made him want to spill his guts out. Since the day he'd first seen Angel, he'd had to have him. What Angel didn't know is that it took quite a bit of haggling, and three times what he was worth to acquire him. He thought it had been a whim that had caused Daman to purchase him, but no, Daman had done everything shy of threatening his previous owner's life to get him.

And Daman had no idea why. He'd looked at Angel and he'd had to have him in that moment. It was exactly the same way with Eko, he'd seen the angel boy and the need to possess him was so incredibly strong that had the slaver not already offered him to Daman, Daman would have raised the whole town to make sure he'd come home with him that night.

Maybe he had a thing for innocent and Jaded boys, or maybe there was just something unique and special about the two standing in front of him right now. He didn't know, all he knew at this point was that it was out of his hands. He loved them, he needed them, and there was nothing he could do to convince himself otherwise any longer.

There was another possibility. A completely logical reason why he needed the boys, but Daman refused to think on that. It was impossible, unheard off.

No vampire had two mates.

Daman was pretty sure he'd never find his mate, but these two boys were the closest he was going to get and he'd be damned if either one of them slipped through his fingers because his communication skills sucked.

Wrapping his huge body about the embracing couple, Daman leaned his head down and kissed them each upon the top of the head. "I love you." He murmured, his throat hoarse in a way he couldn't stand. The coiling vulnerability in his stomach didn't sit well with him, but he had little choice at this point, it was what it was.


Thank ya for reading chapter Six of Slave to Love! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I would much appreciate it if you'd take a moment to vote below, and if you have time for feedback, I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on what you liked, and didn't like about this story. I am always looking to improve my writing, and feedback is the best way to accomplish this :) Again, I hope you enjoyed it!


This story, and all stories written by Nicole Willmeth and posted to is the sole property of Nicole Willmeth. Any unauthorized use of any stories written under the name Sachiaiko is strictly illegal, and will warrant action taken.

If you would like to contact me about using any of my work, I am more then happy to discus it. Please contact me via feedback, I love to offer my work to magazines and publishers, and am still in search of an agent. ;)

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Oh, now "this" was awesome!

I started hating Daman at the previous chapters but now, I just love him!

Great story!

You get 5 stars for this.

Hubbys_PrincessHubbys_Princessabout 10 years ago

Damn this chapter needs a tissue warning! Best chapter yet

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

It is difficult to read through tears but so worth the amazing story. You have a talent for writing, and if you made this a book I would buy a copy instantly.

brigid_Bearbrigid_Bearover 12 years ago
please write another chapter

its really hard to read thru tears ...a wonderful story please write ch 7 soon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Where Is 7?

Really loved this story...need chapter 7. Went to both website's listed on the author's note but theres nothing there, full book or chapter 7.

tragicxxxbeautytragicxxxbeautyover 15 years ago

Please! I need more! It's a great story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Just wow.

Write more please. Do you have a book? Seriously if you just added more discriptions...took a little longer to develop the could make this into a full story. A story that was more then worthy to play with the big boys of romantic fantasy that are out there.

I would buy it.

If you write one.. let us know... I will be reading all of your stuff now.

Im only anonymous because I have never found a story good enough to comment on.

Online I go by Unrequited Angel

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
are you ever gonna write the next one?

This is great. As a general rule I don't like such stories, but this is proving to be one of the exceptions. Complex character development, interesting detail, believable dialogue, good plot structure, even good mechanics... this story pretty much has everything. In a way it reminds me of the Black Widower stories, though they never made me cry. Your story has the honor of being one of the very few capable of that. Lots of stories are "hot" (and yours are no exception to be sure), but not many would be worth following just for the story alone without the smut. I'm happy to say you fully qualify!

Now if only we faithful readers can get you to write the next installment.... For starters, I want to see if Eko is really telepathic, or an empath or whatever it is. Not to mention, will Damen will keep his promise? Are Angel and Eko really his mates? Please, keep writing so we can find out!!

Oh, and by the way... Good job!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

painfully sweet and did a great job! keep writing!

sexkitten88sexkitten88about 18 years ago

I truly loved this story. You have a talent for writing that captures the reader's emotions. I felt the emotions with your characters as if it were me. Thank you for such a wonderful story.

KlittikinsKlittikinsabout 18 years ago
I am in awe

I remember when I read the first two of this series. I used to check the website every week to see if you had posted the next chapter. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, I had to cut back on my online hours. When I finally checked back again it was to see that you had gotten a publishing deal. That does not suprise me in the least.

As an aspiring author I am amazed at your ability to portray emotions as well as your highly descriptive writing skills. I would love to be able to read the book. Heck, just tell me where it is sold and I'll buy a copy (this coming from a person who was never that interested in gay love). Anyway, just letting you know that you're my favourite literotica author.

sachiaikosachiaikoover 18 years agoAuthor
*~*MAJOR UPDATE from Author!*~*

PLEASE Read this *complete* Update! Hey folks! This Line of chapters, which together makes up the BOOK Slave To Love, has been picked up by a Publisher. ( his and his kisses) and therefore, no more updates will be posted HERE to - If you enjoy my work, please read my profile for more information on joining my YAHOO GROUP as well as check out my website which is under construction still at - Chapter 7 WILL be available for my yahoo group members only, after that EVERYONE needs to wait for the whole book to come out, which should be soon. For full details, go check out my profile and join up so you can follow the contests and excitement as StL gets closer to its release date!

Thanks to all my fans for all the wonderful support you have given to me. I hope you will continue to love my future works as much or even more than you loved my past works.

Sachi Aiko

sachiaikosachiaikoover 18 years agoAuthor
*~*MAJOR UPDATE from Author!*~*

PLEASE Read this *complete* Update! Hey folks! This Line of chapters, which together makes up the BOOK Slave To Love, has been picked up by a Publisher. ( his and his kisses) and therefore, no more updates will be posted HERE to - If you enjoy my work, please read my profile for more information on joining my YAHOO GROUP as well as check out my website which is under construction still at - Chapter 7 WILL be available for my yahoo group members only, after that EVERYONE needs to wait for the whole book to come out, which should be soon. For full details, go check out my profile and join up so you can follow the contests and excitement as StL gets closer to its release date!

Thanks to all my fans for all the wonderful support you have given to me. I hope you will continue to love my future works as much or even more than you loved my past works.

Sachi Aiko

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I agree with "Incredible"

Normally I am both facinated and creeped out at the same time regarding BDSM. Yet I found this story and the boys' charachters to be compelling. I am interested to see how the Master deals with being "Mated". While the stuttering was alittle hard to read, it certainly seemed in charachter for a frightened upset young innocent. Poor thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I really have a problem with BDSM but your characterizations are such that you've kept me reading this story. I'm in love with all three of them and really want to know what happens to them. And I adore a vampire thinking in terms of his communication skills. Please keep updating.

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