Slow Burn


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The demon wanted her to feed from her father but the thought sickened her. She sickened herself, laying in the remains of her sin. Brought low by lust and using her own profane body to do it.

A spark of anger ignited.

A body she wouldn't have if she hadn't gone to visit the old whore. The door had been open.

The spark fanned into flames.

Her father sent her on purpose!

She growled, pushing herself up. She was bare from the waist down but the cool night air didn't touch her. Her crotch and legs were covered with her own dried juices but he pussy was still wet. Ready. Aching. Hungry.

He knew, she told herself. And he'd sent me in his stead. Abandoning his charity because he knew what would happen. Instead, he sent me as sacrifice. The pain is his fault!

Fatma sat up. Her tail lashed angrily behind her, thumping against the bed. The movement split the skin just above the base of her tail. A single drop of blood coursed down her ass as a shiny black lump began to harden in the cool air.

The girl walked through her room, her long, wine-reddened tail hung low behind her. The mace-like tip waved as her hips rocked. She opened her door, listened for her father's snores and stepped into the hallway. His door was ajar.

She snarled at the sight of him, sleeping peacefully. His dark black beard and short black hair framed against his olive skin. From his doorway, she could see him outlined in pure white. The light hovered from his body.

pure unlike us his fault

The voice filled her and the flames of anger roared. Smoke rose from around her feet. Her fangs grinded together as the red bridge of her nose wrinkled in distaste. She would never be clean again. Not after what happened to her. Not after what he did to her.

With a step, she crossed into his bedroom and her head throbbed in pain. The faint silhouette of a footprint was burned into the floor where she'd stood. She took another step, leaving yet another ghost of a footprint until she was by his bedside. The second footprint showed two large fused toes as her big toe merged with the thin toe next to it and the three beside it joined together.

Her head pounded until she felt nauseous.


The voice was powerful and commanding but, as she raised her hand, she hesitated. Her father turned fitfully, his brow crinkling as his dreams took a sudden, dark turn.

feed conceal

Her outthrust hand shook as the light began to pull towards her. It touched her fingertips and she gasped, eyes wide. Her earlier masturbation paled in comparison as she began to consume her father's soul. It filled every pore, lighting every nerve ending as she was forced to the tips of her toes.

The bottom of Fatma's shirt slid against her smooth, flat stomach. It pulled up as her slim breasts began to fill out. They swelled, pushing against the blouse until gravity pulled them down. She could feel the smooth skin sliding against her chest. Red descended from her shoulders, the taint of her body flowing to cover her still-growing tits.

She groaned as liquid welled between her pussy lips. It fell, attaching to her thigh in a clear string as more began to form. Smoke wafted from her body as the crimson coloring reached her hips. She moaned, her violet tongue flicking out as her ass began to expand, the skin over her waist stretching.

Her father gasped, arching his back as he scrabbled at the air above him.

Fatma stumbled backwards, panting. Crackling gray light surrounded him now. The voice within was silent. Sated. She swallowed and turned, leaning against the doorframe before going to her own room.

As she reached her door, thick lumps formed over her shoulder blades. They itched with an insane intensity but the girl ignored them as she slammed her door shut and collapsed into her bed. Her fused toes began to harden into hooves as she dug them into the bedding.

She burned from within. Her fingernails darkened as keratin formed and grew from the tips of her fingers until her dense, curved claws tore into her bed. Every touch of the sheets drove her wild. Her tail wrapped around her thick thigh but she grabbed at it, pulling it until it came free.

"Fuck me!" she cursed, shoving the bulbous head into her waiting, dripping cunt. "Fuck!"

She pushed her hips upward by digging her heels into the bed. Her huge breasts pulled down toward her face as she screamed out in pleasure. With a swipe of her claws, she tore her shirt open to expose her breasts. She squeezed one of them, pulling it closer as her tongue wrapped around her fat, erect nipple. Her areola darkened over her bright red skin until it was a dusty black that began to leech into the nipple itself.

Skin ripped over her shoulder blades and along her brow. She hissed and then screeched as her tail plunged deeper than ever. Hardened bone stood out from two points on her skull but she rolled as wet, dark flesh pushed out from the large slits along her back.

Turned to the side, her tail still pumping furiously into her hungry, needy sex, her new wings spread weakly with a single flap.


"Tch," Faizan said as he sat at the breakfast table.

Fatma glanced at him while she ate her food. Gray hairs mixed with the black of his beard and along his temples and deep wrinkles lay against his eyes.

The girl's clothes clung to her. Late in the night, she'd found how to change her form but she'd decided to keep her hips and breasts how they were. It wasn't exactly shape shifting, she'd found.

To her, she felt her wings pressed against her back with her tail laying quietly behind her. That was one reality and the one she felt. But in this reality, she appeared how she wanted. As Fatma to all who saw her and to everything that existed in the world. Her clothes only knew that she was larger now. Her midriff showed beneath her blouse and her nipples pressed against the blouse. She wore no bra.

"Problems, papa?" she asked. Beneath it all, she seethed with anger that wouldn't go away.

"I'm sore this morning," he said, rubbing his knuckles.

You deserve it, she thought at him. This and more.

"I hope it passes," she lied, pushing back from the table. "I'm full."

Her father looked at her and his eyes narrowed in concern.

"Fatma," he said, squeezing his hands together. He noted her shirt and his jaw muscles flared. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she lied again. Her lips trembled as she forced back a snarl. His soul still coursed through her but she could already feel it fading and the energy it provided dissipating. She studied him for a moment, licking her lips quickly as she wondered how many more times she could feed from him. Not many. Maybe two. His fault. "I have to go."

He stood, reaching for a hug and a forehead kiss. She moaned as the shredded soul within her touched the remnants he held. Grabbing his head, she opened her mouth and her purple tongue licked his cheek. She closed her mouth over his. He froze until she stepped back, wiping her lips with a smile.

The man's eyes were glazed. He fell to the floor, his back against the wall. Fatma sighed happily as the bit she'd taken from him spread through her body. Her nipples pressed against her blouse as she grabbed her backpack to walk to her stop.


Classes were dull. She found herself ignoring the lesson while focusing inward.

The voice no longer spoke to her. That had frightened her at first. And moreso when she realized why: it was her now. Its knowledge lay at the edges of her mind, waiting for her to touch and remember them. She'd learned how to control her form from that wide pool of knowledge.

And so much more.

A thrill tickled her side. She turned to find James staring at her. Staring at her breasts and the bumps her nipples made. She smiled at him while casually caressing herself. His lust flowed to her. It was small but enough and she arched her back as it pooled between her thighs.

The bell chimed and students grabbed their books to rush to their next period. Fatma left hers and, instead, turned to her friend behind her.

"Nora, I need help," she said with the most pleading expression she could conjure. "Will you come to the bathroom with me?"

"Of course," the girl said. "Let me just grab-"

"No," Fatma said, caressing the girl's jaw. "No."

"O-okay," Nora said, blinking away the haze that had filled her. She followed her friend as they walked out of the bathroom, through the busy hallway and towards the bathroom.

Fatma fed from the students as she walked. Jealousy from female students, lust from most of the male students and some of the females until she was nearly full from it.

Jennifer stood alone in the bathroom as the two girls entered. Fatma touched her.

"Leave," she said.

The blonde girl dropped her makeup kit and left, leaving her purse and backpack behind. After the door closed, The hooded girl pressed her palm against it, sealing in a flash of red light.

"What's wrong?" Nora asked, rubbing her arms in the middle of the bathroom.

"I didn't sleep last night," Fatma said. "I couldn't. I was learning. And thinking."

"You've killed me, Nora," she continued. Her friend's eyes widened in alarm. "And cursed me. I'm damned for eternity. And I've seen it. I've seen what the abyss looks like. The multitudes of it. A great clash of realities. A Christian demon rides my soul. We are one now. Because of you."

"The bottle," she said as she began unwrapping her hijab from her head. Nora backed away at Fatma's approach. "I told you to leave it alone. I told you. It's too late. It's too late now. I'm-"

Smoke escaped Fatma's lips. She flickered between human and demon before resting on her larger demon form. Hard muscle in her thighs flexed her bent knees and her cloven hooves clacked loudly on the linoleum. Her hardened abs tensed as her heavy, rounded breasts shook from the impact.

"I'm still learning," she moaned. "Where was- Ah. I'm not sure I'd change it, to be honest. But, Nora, I can't just let it go. There has to be a punishment."

"P-p-p-please," Nora moaned, the whites showing in her eyes. "I- I- I-"

Fatma's violet tongue flickered, tasting the girl's panic. Savoring it. She balled up her hijab in her hands, bringing it over the girl's head. She crossed her arms and Nora grabbed at the scarf. Muscles bulged beneath dark red skin as the scarf tightened.

"Kek-" the panicked girl said, grabbing and pulling at the fabric.

Fatma leaned in, her mouth opening over her friend's lips. She forced the other girl's lips apart and her tongue wrapped around her friend's tongue. Smoke rose around both of them as Nora screamed.

The other girl's struggles lessened as a flame flickered fitfully to life over her brow. She wrapped her arms around Fatma's neck, leaning into her until Fatma pushed her gently back. A line of spit connected them briefly.

Flame-red hairs sprouted around Nora's belly button. She groaned, rolling her head with a huff.

"I need you awake for this part," Fatma said, touching the girl's forehead. "I need you to feel this happening."

Nora blinked as awareness took hold.

"F- Fatma?" the girl said. "What's- Augh!"

She collapsed to her knees on the bathroom floor.

"I thought of draining you completely," Fatma told her. "Or just killing you. I don't mind it now. I see Ms. Maiben's face and I laugh. Old and weak and stupid. Bottling me. Caging me. I still hear her screams and I laugh."

Flame jetted from Nora's mouth. The girl roared, clawing at her neck as thick veins stood out against her skin. Sweat sizzled from her body as she tore at her shirt.

Fatma changed once more to her demon form. Her huge wings spread as she sat back against one of the sinks. The girl's thick claws toyed with her clit slowly while she enjoyed the show.

"I decided, mmmm," the demoness moaned as her claw entered her sex. "I would keep you as a pet instead."

Nora pulled, tearing her shirt from the collar down. Black and red fur grew in a line down her stomach. With a grunt, the girl snapped her bra one-handed. Already the skin over her bicep was tight and hard from thick muscle. Her breasts shook as her hands roamed her body.

"What are youuuu doing to meee?!" Nora groaned. Her ears began to travel along her head, flowing along with the skin as her black hair fell around her. The ears lengthened as they rose and thickened, flattening against her skull.

A loud crack filled the air, forcing Nora to her hands and knees. She arched her back as her spine pressed against her skin in a wave. Her torso stretched as thick red hairs sprouted from her skin. She growled, shoving her face forward as her jaw broke.

Teeth clattered to the floor to make space for her canines. They thickened as her jaw pushed forward.

"H-h-hurts," Nora gasped.

"I know," Fatma replied as her fingers quickened their pace between her thighs.

The changing girl fell to her side with a grunt before rolling and pushing her hips up in a bridge. Her breasts pulled to her face, the skin stretching as red fur began to emerge to cover them. Flame shot from the girl's mouth and the smell of sulphur filled the room.

Small dark spots appeared appeared in two lines down the girl's stomach. Ducts and tissue formed as her teats grew erect.

"S-s-stop! Please!" Nora begged.

No answer came for her as her pants strained to contain her bulk. Her shoes bulged and then exploded, separating from the soles to show swollen toes. She pawed at the ground and her toenails came free. Beneath the nails, the flesh hardened into sheaths. Still her feet widened and lengthened as fur began to spread over them.

The screams stopped when her heat took root. The seams of her pants split to reveal hard lines of muscle. She clawed at her crotch.

"Stooop," Nora groaned as she clawed at herself. Her tongue lolled from between huge, sabertooth-like fangs. "I- I don't want this."

"Yes," Fatma moaned, her head back. "You do. And you always will, Nora. Always. Until I allow you to die."

The changing girl roared as her jeans erupted into flames. Her thick hand plunged between her furred thighs. She pressed the leathery pads beneath her fingers into her clit as her other hand squeezed her breast.

The tip of her naked tail emerged over her swelling, straining ass. Bones broke and re-formed in her hips to accommodate the growth and her still-lengthening body. Her tail grow wolf-like, thick and bushy with red and black fur. Tiles blackened beneath the girl as she roared sulfurish flame, her legs kicking and taking out a chunk of the wall as a powerful orgasm rocked her body.

Nora's pink labia, hidden behind thick black fur, turned bright red. The lips pressed together before folding and bulging away from her body. She grunted, muscles straining as she ached for another release. The bones beneath her mound clicked and moved and her pussy raised while her clit slid forward to press against the labia.

Fatma came as Nora's transformation completed. She groaned, raising her claws to her full lips to suckle at them. When her pet raised herself to two feet, the demoness frowned. The other girl towered over her, a jet of blue flame pulsing with each exhalation. Her sheathed, cat claws were a strange counterpoint to her wolf's body. The girl's tail whipped behind her and the tip ignited into black flame that filled the room with a powerful stench that made Fatma moan.

"Down," she commanded and her friend whimpered, lowering herself to hands and feet. The hellhound shoved her ass back against the edge of the wall behind her while rocking her hips.

"Can't. Get. Enough," Nora rumbled.

"You'll stay down until I order otherwise," Fatma said. "If you please me."

"Yessss," the hellhound said, licking her wide muzzle. "I- I can please you, Fatma."

"Now, come with me."


Fatma walked ahead of Nora. The other girl fingered the thick black studded collar at her neck before her hand strayed to her crotch.

"P- please," Nora begged. "C-can it- can it stop- when I- I'm human?"

"You're not human," Fatma told her. "You just look it. And, no. It never will. Be thankful for that."

"Yes!" Nora cried out before grabbing her own breast. A large wet patch spread from the girl's crotch. "Yes, I'm thankful! Yes!"

Cars parked around them as they made their way to the school's gym. People followed, glancing at the pair before heading into the school.

"Nora!" a young boy called. "Nora, hey! I've been looking for you!"

"Oh god, no," Nora moaned. "Please, no, no, no."

"Take him," Fatma commanded.

The girl dropped to her hands and feet with a growl and then stood to run on two feet. She tackled the boy, dragging him away from the crowd. Fatma followed.

He was unconscious as Nora licked his face. She kissed him while her fingers pulled at his jeans to expose his cock. The girl groaned and quickly slipped out of her own pants.

"Take him, whore," Fatma said.

"Yes! Yes mistress!" Nora yelled, shoving her sopping wet pussy against the boy's cock. He groaned, clawing at the ground as he grew hard. She didn't wait for him. As soon as he was hard enough, she grabbed him to shove him inside her folded cunt. She frantically bounced on his dick while kissing him, leaning back to growl and pull her shirt off.

Red hairs sprouted from the boy's chest. He coughed and sputtered as a flame erupted from his mouth.

"Join me when you're finished," Fatma said, releasing the girl's true form.

The demoness walked to the entrance of the gym. She spied Duncan standing by the doors and he smiled when he saw her.

"Fatma!" he called out, waving. White shined along his body and she felt a brief stab of pain until she focused on her own power. He walked over to her and she smiled at him.

"Follow me," she purred.

Emotions fled the boy's face until it was a mask. He followed behind her, closing the gym doors as she entered.

Music blared from loudspeakers as seniors danced on the floor. Teachers and parents stood at the sides, talking while watching the kids.

Fatma drank it in until her body roared with power. The lust. The hormones. Everything.

It didn't take much. A push. An exertion of power.

A bearded father slammed his drink before letting the cup fall. He walked into the crowd to shove a boy away from the class president - brunette with long, curly hair. He grabbed the girl's skirt, pulling it free while shoving her to the ground. She screamed until Fatma's power hit her and then she taunted him, raising her bare ass while spreading her pink pussy open for him with two fingers. The father slapped her ass and guided himself into her.

Another boy slammed his date against the wall as she struggled with him. He lifted her dress to shove his fingers inside of her and she rolled her head back with a moan of encouragement.

An Asian girl grabbed a boy's partner and the two girls began to kiss while shedding their clothes.

The wife of the bearded father grabbed at a man next to her. She unzipped him, pulling his cock free before shoving her mouth down on his dick, bobbing up and down while the man's wife kneeled behind the woman, pulling her pants down to suck on her pussy.

The room devolved into an orgy that fed Fatma. She turned to Duncan and he opened his lips to her kiss as her form changed. She wrapped her wings around him.

"No slave to me, Duncan," she purred as she burned his clothes free. "But my mate. I know the spell of summoning and you'll make a beautiful host. Not these lessers. Not these thralls."