Something to Fall Into

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Laural and Hardy never had it better.
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There are times in people's lives that they look back on a situation and wonder how something so wrong could turn out to be so right.

I am going to tell you a story in my own words about something that until this day I cannot fully understand how it is that I lucked out so greatly.

A few weeks ago, I had thrown this party for a friend who was leaving town to join another company across the states and I had been busy all day with setting this party up. I was almost to the point by the time it started to just flop down on the couch and let all around me do as they pleased. I even had vowed to myself to never throw another party again in my life. Of course, you know we say this for just about anything that causes us pain, tiredness and sickness. I cannot TELL you how many times I promised never to drink again while leaning over the porcelain god in the bathroom. Of course, you know the next weekend I would find myself in the same situation. I honestly think that humans have difficulty in realizing a pattern sometimes when something in the beginning feels so fun and great and ends so terribly.

Anyway... seems I am getting away from the story.

So here, I am at the party I am throwing and totally wore out with exhaustion, everyone around me seems to be having a great time and for a moment, I smiled knowing that I had accomplished a great party. Therefore, with that knowledge I walked into my kitchen to see two people almost bent over the island stove I have in a deep passionate kiss. Of course being polite, (no I was not watching for my enjoyment) I stood quietly for a moment letting the people have their moment. It was not until the guy had his hand moving up underneath the girl's shirt to wrap his fingers around her breast that I cleared my throat loudly to let them know I was in the room.

Of course, they quickly moved from each other and looked at me with sheepish grins before walking out the kitchen as fast as they could. I had smiled back at them and walked over to the sink to lay some things that needed to be wash later in it. As I turned around and looked at the surprisingly empty kitchen, I thought back to when I had kissed someone with that much passion. I can tell you it has been a long long time. To be honest I cannot even remember who had kissed me like that. I felt sorry for myself for a moment until someone in the next room laughed loudly. Jolting me out of my pity party, I was having.

I looked down at the island stove in front of me and made a mental note to clean it with bleach for I had no idea how much DNA from their mouth had splattered all over it before I walked in. It was bad enough to worry about everyday germs without other people spreading their own around.

Next thing I know Sam walks in and tells me that he needs to leave. Sam being the guy I was throwing the party for. Of course, I tried to talk him into staying but he was adamant in leaving due to so much work that had to be done with moving. After a minute or two of saying our goodbyes and many hugs, I followed him out the kitchen into the living room.

I noticed by the clock that the party had been going on for about three hours anyway so I was not too insulted in his departure. I also noticed that in all the work of making sure everyone had a good time and my alone time in the kitchen that a majority of guests had left. Believe me I was fine with this. I was so wore out that all I wanted to do was fall down on the couch and pass out. I really did not think that much clean up was going to happen tonight before this happened either. I turned to Sam and he hugged me one last time before grabbing his wife and taking off. For a moment, I felt a little sorrow of him leaving but quickly turned my attention to what guests I had left.

I walked over to a few and began getting into their conversation. I was shocked at what I was hearing. I quickly ran over to the window and sure enough, the topic of the guests was true. We were in some sort of a snowstorm and by the looks of it, it was only getting worse. They had been talking about leaving due to it. I had stared out the window for a moment and looked around finally seeing everyone heading for their coats and walking quickly toward the door. I followed them and found out that they all lived within walking distance and had pretty much been the last to leave due to their non-concern in driving. We all talked a few more minutes and then out they all went too.

When I shut and locked the door after them, I realized how quiet everything was and looking around at all the mess, I had to clean up. Believe me it was a lot. I was too tired to even frown about it, walked over to the couch, and flopped down. The events of the day floating around in my head as my eyes slowly started to close. I considered getting up and walking to the master bedroom of my house but I was so comfortable I just could not get the energy to move. Again, before falling asleep I made the mental note of never throwing a party again.

Now understand this...

I am in my house in the middle of a snowstorm raging outside and very asleep when I am gently nudged awake. Yes my friends... there was someone in my house trying to wake me up.

I literally jumped awake and scooted to the far end of my couch with a wild look I am sure in my eyes. I stared at the intruder with quick thoughts of who the hell was she and where was the nearest weapon I could grab to protect myself. I noticed she moved quickly a few steps away from me in concern of what I might do to her.

"Who are you?" I demanded as I inched my way up from the couch and then moved to get behind it. I needed to get something between this intruder and me as quickly as possible. Luckily, my furniture was arranged to where the sofa was in the middle of the room.

She raised her hands as if to ward me off and started sputtering quickly.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you but I was left by my date and next thing I know I am asleep in one of the rooms of your house." she tried to quickly explain. I know I was looking at her as if she was an alien that had landed in my living room.

"I was so upset I had walked into a room for a few minutes to get some privacy and then I woke up and everyone was gone and it is snowing so bad I didn't know what to do. So I woke you up," she said. Her sentences running almost on top of each other in her hurry to explain.

"What do you mean your date left you?" I rather demanded. My thoughts wild as I wondered if this girl was pulling my leg to distract me from what ever she was planning on doing. I looked around wildly making sure we were the only people in the room. I also noticed that the clock was three hours later then when I fell asleep. I looked back at the girl.

She looked at me with so much concern and I could see that she was clearly sorry and worried. I was pretty sure it was genuine or either this girl needed to receive and Academy award. I honestly did not know if I should believe what she told me or trust in my fellow man.

"We had had an argument and he started talking to this girl here. Next thing I know I am looking for him and then was informed by a friend of his he had left with this girl. I was so upset and angry that I went looking for a room to be alone and I guess with all the crying and anger I felt I had fallen asleep. I promise you I had already thought about asking for a ride with someone else but now...," she told me waving her hand around some to physically show me that there was no one else there.

Now people as silly as it may sound I was starting to believe this girl. One being that she really did seem honest and the other the physical proof around her eyes. You could see that she had been crying and that her hair was somewhat messy as if she had been lying down asleep. I started to relax and also started to get angry at the rudeness of this man of hers.

"Who is this guy?" I asked trying to figure out why I had never seen her before the party. I had seen her a few times in the room but really had not had the chance to go over and introduce myself. I had been so busy with Sam and his wife and trying to get the party started and going with drinks and food. Not including the little clean up I did in between.

"Thomas" she quickly replied.

Oh yea... Thomas.

Thomas was the office flirt that generally thought women were here on earth to carry around the pussy for men's enjoyment. Like we were just a host to the pussy. To say that he was an ass was an understatement. He had no thoughts about a woman's mind or feelings. His only concern was to get as much pussy from as many women as he could. Generally getting what he wanted and tossing the woman aside. It really was such a shame that a man as good looking and as smart as he had thoughts like that. His business mind was excellent to say the least but it ended there.

There had been a time that he had tried with me but that had ended quickly. He had realized that my mind had actual control over the pussy and he had walked away pouting and angry. To this day, I still see some hostility toward me for not succumbing to his seduction. As I said... what an ass.

"How the hell you end up with Thomas?' I asked her a bit shocked that any woman would actually go on a date with him. I also noticed that I had walked back around the couch toward her. She too had physically relaxed and moved closer to me. I motioned for her to sit down and sat down myself.

After she was comfortable on the couch, she turned to me and told me the short story.

Evidently, she has just moved into town and had met someone who knew someone and they had set her up on a date with Thomas. She told me although she had found him attractive she had noticed right off he had a serious problem with how he acted toward her. When they had arrived at the party, she also noticed he hardly talked to her and was so busy looking at other females that finally when she was fed up she had demanded for him to take her home. This being the argument she had mentioned before. Seems Thomas flat out refused and walked away. She had been so upset that she walked away and had entered a bedroom trying to figure out what to do. She did not have the money for a cab and did not know really anyone else to call. This bringing on the crying that had worn her out and having her passing out asleep. She informed me also she had had a really bad day at work and had been somewhat tired when Thomas had picked her up for their date in the first place.'

I sat quietly as she told me looking at her and realized just what a pretty woman she was.

She was about five foot six inches tall and had blond hair just passed her shoulders, all one length. Her eyes were blue and very pretty even if a bit swollen from her crying. She seemed to have a really great body and I noticed that her breasts were probably about a C cup. I shook my head mentally at how stupid Thomas was and returned my attention back to what she was saying.

" even if I could call a cab I cannot cause of the weather and I live all the way across town." she was saying. I could tell her voice was getting shaky as if she was about to cry again. I quickly moved to put her at ease.

"Look it's not your fault you got stuck here. It's Thomas and his inconsiderate nature. I know I can't take you home cause of the snow but you are more then welcome to stay here if you want till I can get you home." I informed her.

I saw the relief fall over her face and worried quickly she would still cry. Of course, I understand her emotions with the situation she found herself into tonight. All of a sudden, it seemed she got herself together and then she smiled brightly at me. I was struck I remember, by just how beautiful she was. I was also aware that for some reason it made me feel really good to make her happy. I quickly got up from the couch confused at this feeling and literally fell into the floor.

Now looking back I know I would have seen my shoe if I had been paying attention but at the time I had no clue. When I gotten up my foot had been tangled up and there I went, face first almost in the floor. Now let me tell you that the wind being knocked out of you is not great feeling but to have a witness is even worse. I know my face was bright red and in a flash, she was beside me on the floor asking repeatedly if I was okay. To say it made it worse is an understatement. I was too embarrassed to even answer her at first.

She had reached down and moved her hands to put them under my arms to help lift me up. I don't even think that she knew she had brushed one of her hands over my breast making it tingle. I was about to die with humiliation and confusion of all that was happening in a matter of seconds.

"Here... let me help you get up." she told me and jerked me up so hard that the top of my head connected with the bottom of her chin. You could hear the crack of our heads meeting in the whole room.

All of a sudden in her pain, she let go of me quickly to grab the bottom of her chin and let out a cry of pain.

Now.... here I was only half-way up on my feet and suddenly let go to fall to the floor again with a pain on the top of my head and no way to break my fall again.

I landed on my arm and squealed out in pain as my arm bent under me in my fall. I could hear her moaning and groaning in pain very unaware of what is happening to me. I felt a sudden pain in my hip and realized I had not only fallen on my arm but on my hipbone on the same side. I turned over quickly on my back with one hand on the top of my head and the other holding my hip as I rocked back and forth with pain. The arm I landed on pulsing with pain also. I could still hear her and opened my glazed eyes to see her holding her chin with both hands and moving around like a monkey on her feet in front of the couch. Her eyes were completely closed. I had a feeling she may have bit her tongue and before I could ask her if, she was okay the next thing I know the spike of her heel landed on one of my toes. I sat straight up in the floor and screamed in pure agony.

Upon hearing me over her own moans she jerked open her own eyes and jumped back, losing her balance and falling into the couch with her long hobo skirt coming over her face. Her whole body covered by the skirt except her legs. I even noticed through all the agony my body was going through that evidently she did not believe in panties and with her legs apart, I saw all that she was born with in full view. To say I had pussy in my face was an understatement. I was more aware of her then of my own body.

I think she realized what had happened because she jerked up moving her hands and jerked her skirt down. In this process of moving she hit, me with her hand that still had her skirt on the top of my head again and I went down. I could not stop myself and landed on my back.

I did not move. I honestly was too scared to due to the fact I thought this girl was going to kill me. My concern for her did not exist at the time as my head throbbed, my arm was swelling, my hip felt like a knife was being plunged in it and my toe felt broken. I honestly didn't know which part of my body to soothe first.

"Oh my god...oh my god...I am so sorry." she said coming down from the couch to help me. Her concern for me was making her forget her own pain and embarrassment.

I jerked when I saw her coming toward me. I was literally scared and got myself in a fetal position.

"PLEASE...DON'T touch me," I said slowly and firmly.

She stopped quickly and looked at me with concern and humiliation. I just looked back with some fear and pain.

Now I know to an outside person watching that this was definitely something out of a comedy that would make them roar with laughter but being in the situation is was far from it.

She moved back quickly on the couch and left me alone not saying a word while I laid still and tried to put mind over matter with dealing with the pain. I know I must have laid there for a few minutes.

Finally, I moved to sit up groaning at the pain I felt and looked down at my toe. It was throbbing and had already started to turn an ugly color of red and black. It had swelled too in the few minutes since the accident. To say that it was ugly as hell is an understatement. It was the size of a thumb in between four other toes being pushed out of the way. I swear I thought the damn thing was going to fall off. What was bad was that it was my middle toe and with the coloring looked like a miniature eggplant growing in between my toes. If I had not in so much pain I would have laughed at the image it was.

I slowly looked up at her and saw her cheeks were bright red and she was looking at anything but me. I could not help again feeling sorry for her and then as the whole thing went through my mind I actually started to smile and giggle some. I think she was surprised to hear my reaction because her head jerked around and looked at me in surprise. For some reason this made me laugh even more and the more I thought about what we must have looked like the more I laughed.

She also must have realized the humor in it because she started laughing too and before long, we were both bent over at the stomach, laughing silly. I really do not know how long this latest but in the end it helped with the pain and I was able to start to get up. I noticed quickly that she went to move and I moved my finger to point at her and told her firmly to stay. She stopped giggling and jerked still right then.

I got up, limped over to the table next to the sofa, and looked down at her with a slow smile.

"It's okay. I will be fine. I am just heading to the kitchen to get some pain reliever. "I told her." Do you need any?" she shook her head no but did not speak. I could tell she was worried I might throw her out on the street. I quickly assured her everything was okay and moved limping toward the kitchen.

After awhile when the pain reliever was taken and I had her assured, again it was okay I limped down the hall to the second bedroom to show her where she would sleep. I could tell she felt awful and I made sure I smiled alto at her. I know she did not mean for all this to happen.

"Okay... here is your room while you stay here." I told her as I opened the door and turned on the light. I moved into the room and back some to allow her in to it also.

"Through there..." I pointed to the left " the bathroom. I just made the bed the other day and there are towels and things for guest. Feel free to use whatever you need and I will bring you some cloths in a minute to change into. I think we are the same size." I informed her as she moved deeper in the room.

It was quiet for a moment and I could tell she had something going through her head as she wrung her fingers together in anxiety.

"I really want to thank you for all you are doing and also for understanding about the accident earlier. Alto of people would have tossed me out on my butt.," she said softly as she looked down at the floor then slowly up at me.

I smiled at her and knew that she was genuine with her thanks.

"Not a problem really. If I had been watching what I was doing I wouldn't have fell in the first place" I assured her.

"Now let me go and get those cloths. Go ahead and get in the shower. It will make you feel so much better." I told her as I walked to get out of the room.

"Okay" she said and I closed the door.

Heading down to my room I thought about how things have happened and believe me I really honestly did not know how I couldn't compare this whole situation to a comedy. I giggled once more and headed in my room to get her some things and to also get a quick shower.

I quickly jumped in the shower to wash the party and the day off of me and noticed that eggplant was still noticeable but not as painful. The top of my head was only sore when I touched it and my arm had calmed down. The only thing that really somewhat hurt was my hip. I think it added to my limping with the eggplant.