Sometimes I Wonder...


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She raised her eyebrows and whispered, "You're not ticklish here?"

I glanced at her and shook my head with a shy smile. I was literally shaking I was so nervously excited.

"Hmmmm," Missy's brow wrinkled in a thoughtful kind of way. She looked into my eyes and I realized that I really liked the splash of freckles across the bridge of her nose. I thought they were really cute. She smiled at me and then cast her eyes to look down at her hand and I followed suit. We both watched as she slowly walked her fingers down into the valley of my cleavage and over to my right breast. She stopped with one of her extended fingers gently poking against my nipple.

I heard her ask me in a whisper, "Here?"

I gave my head another quick shake.

"Hmmmm," she said again. My chest was noticeably rising and falling as I watched her hand go back to my arm.

She trailed her fingernails slowly up and back once before stopping. She looked at me again as if she was puzzling a problem and then those two extended finger-legs walked over towards my stomach once more. Her fingers didn't 'tip-toe' or hesitate this time. They marched right up the curve of the underside of my left breast and stopped at the summit. Missy used her index finger to softly circle around the hard nub that was visibly poking up through my shirt and turned her head to look me in the face again.

"Not ticklish at all?" she whispered with a playful smile in her voice.

I had to swallow hard before I could find my voice and managed to croak, "Nope."

I shivered a little as her fingers moved purposefully down into my cleavage again and continued up the next rise to the top of my right breast. Her index finger reached out and poked the bump of my right nipple through my shirt and then began rubbing all around it in a circular pattern before asking, "Not this one either?"

"Huh-uh," I grinned and bit my lip. I have sensitive nipples and what she was doing felt really good.

Missy giggled as she gave my nipple one last rub with her finger and then pulled her hand away. She wiggled her hips and adjusted her position so she could scoot her head just a little closer to mine on the cushion. She continued smiling as she mumbled how curious that was. Her hand went back to lazily tracing those nails up and down my forearm.

I felt a little dizzy as I concentrated on catching my breath and calming myself down. I mentally kept telling myself that she must have still been a little drunk and that she was just being playful. Wasn't she? I counted slowly to ten in my head and then I decided I was going to be bold - probably bolder than I had ever been in my life. I brought my right hand up from where it been resting against the outside of my thigh and leaned a little to my left side towards Missy. I slowly reached out with the intention of walking my fingers up her stomach - in my mind it was time to return the favor.

I was a little surprised when Missy used both of her hands to stop me.

"Uh-uh-uh," she smiled as she held my hand in hers and whispered, "I'm not the one who's ticklish."

I just nodded my head once in understanding and forced a return smile.

My face felt hot with humiliation and my mind was a confused jumble of thoughts as I laid my head back down. My instinct was to roll over and face the other way, but she was still holding on to my hand with both of hers. I closed my eyes. How could I have misread her signals? Ugh, I was so embarrassed and I'm sure I had just totally creeped her out. I was worrying about what she was thinking, but there was no way I was going to mention it or ask...but...I was still so confused. She had been totally flirting with me...hadn't she?

We continued to lay there in the glow of the fire, me with my eyes closed. I let out a sigh as quietly as I could. I hated feeling awkward...and I hated even more that I had misinterpreted our playfulness. I was going back and forth in my head as to whether I should pull my hand away and just roll over. I opened my eyes and Missy smiled at me. I smiled back. She seemed totally content to keep holding my hand in both of hers. Yeah, I was definitely confused. I didn't know what to do.

It was Missy's turn to sigh as she brought her hands up so that she was kind of resting her head on my hand that was sandwiched in between hers. It seemed like an intimate gesture. Okay...that was even more confusing. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out...confused or not, I was just at the point of thinking, whatever. I was just about to say excuse me or sorry or something along those lines so that I could pull my hand away when without a word, Missy released my hand, slipped the blanket off of her legs and got up off of our faux-futon. She walked out of the den and disappeared around the corner in what I knew was the direction of the bathroom.

I rolled over on to my back. I blew out another sigh as I brought my arms up and laced my fingers behind my head. I was busy studying a crack in the plaster ceiling when from the corner of my eye I saw her silhouette reappear in the open doorway of the den. An inexplicable feeling of relief washed over me which surprised me. I hadn't even been aware that I'd been quietly dreading the fact that she might not come back. I tried not to be obvious about it as I watched her put another log on the dwindling fire. She paused near the couch to stretch her arms out to the sides with a little groan and then knelt down beside our "cushion-bed". I still had my arms behind my head so after she fussed around with one of the cushions for a few moments, she laid down and snuggled right into me...yep, Missy just laid her head right on my boob and made herself comfortable.

At first I was a little shocked. I mean she was out and out resting her head directly on my left breast like it was a pillow. Oh, boy...I went right back to feeling nervous all over again. What is going on? I mentally started questioning every little thing again, but firmly stopped my inner voice from going there. Stop...just stop thinking so much, I told myself. Instead of driving myself crazy, I was going to relax and go to I tried to do just that. I let out a long, slow breath that morphed into a yawn and slowly started to feel the tension ease out of my body.

I have no idea how long we laid all snuggled up like that, but eventually the fire started to die down and the room got darker and a little colder. I wasn't sure how she was feeling, but I was really, really comfortable and the thin blanket and our body heat were enough to keep me warm. It would have to be because I don't think either one of use was motivated enough to get up and put another log on the fire. Without a word Missy removed her head from my chest and adjusted her position by scooting up and wiggled around until her head was back up on the cushion that we were using for a pillow. I had my eyes closed when she whispered to me.


"Hmph..." I mumbled a noise without moving my lips.

"Come here."

I slowly rolled over to face her with a small groan and forced my eyes open.

"What's up?"

"I'm glad we ended up in here," she whispered and flashed me that infectious smile.

"Me too," I shrugged the shoulder I wasn't lying on in agreement.

"I mean together," she clarified quietly. "I'm really glad I got to know you better...I think you're really sweet."

"Thanks," my voice lowered. "I'm glad, too."

Missy didn't say anything as she continued looking at me. Her eyes moved down and slowly began traveling all around my face. I watched her taking in my features and then she leaned her head in and pressed her lips against mine. My instinct was to pull back simply out of surprise...but I didn't. I was too tired to move and something stirred deep inside my chest.

The kiss was incredibly gentle...really it was just our lips touching softly. She moved her head slightly until our mouths were more lined up and the kiss deepened almost by instinct. Our mouths were still basically closed, but it still felt very sensual. She ended the kiss by pulling her head back and resting it back down on the cushion. We laid there looking into each other's eyes for a few moments. A big smile slowly spread across her face and I couldn't help but smile back.

"You're a good kisser," she whispered so softly that I could barely hear her.

"You are too," I whispered back just as softly and our smiles grew even bigger.

Missy propped herself up on her elbow so that her head was elevated above mine and gave me another silly grin. I felt my cheeks tighten and I knew my grin was just as big. She leaned over me and hesitated for just a second before bringing our lips back together in another kiss. It started out as another mouth closed, lips pressed together felt so sweet and feminine and her lips were indescribably soft. I felt her take a deeper breath and slowly breathe it out of her nose. I remember thinking how sweet her breath smelled...and then her mouth opened I opened mine back. this kiss? I - this kiss was unlike any other kiss I had ever experienced. Her mouth tasted like cinnamon with just the slightest hint of beer and I remember thinking to myself that I loved the taste of her mouth. That thought shook me for a brief moment. What? Not only was I kissing a girl, but I had literally just had the thought in my brain that I loved the way another girl's mouth tasted.

This was entirely new territory for me. I had never gone through an experimental phase or whatever you want to call it. I'd never even kissed another girl on a dare before or anything like that. I'm sure at some point in my blossoming sexuality I had thought about it and maybe even had the urge to try something along those lines...but this was happening for real and it had my head spinning. This whole situation with the fireplace and the cushions and this Missy chick, who was really nice, but that I barely even all just seemed so surreal, but that kiss...there wasn't anything surreal at all about the way her mouth felt against mine.

My breath caught in my throat as she trailed her tongue along my bottom lip.

Whoa...that was an invitation, wasn't it? My mind was racing...holycrap-holycrap-holycrap, she wanted to French kiss me. A girl wants to French kiss me! I was vaguely aware that a small part of my brain really wanted to go into full-blown panic mode, but fortunately for me the growing dampness in the crotch of my panties had veto I opened my mouth a little wider, inviting her tongue in. if I wasn't clear enough earlier in this little tale of mine about that second kiss - trust me, I was completely blown away. I mean...the sensations of how incredibly supple and luscious her lips felt against mine, the way her long brown hair trailed down and tickled my neck giving me just the faintest scent of strawberry shampoo and the thrilling feel of her thigh pressed firmly against the top of mine as she leaned towards me - it was almost sensory overload. I had never felt this sexually exhilarated before...

Yeah, well, that was all child's play compared to what it felt like the moment her tongue teased itself between my lips.

I felt like I was dreaming as Missy began to softly explore and caress the inside of my mouth with her tongue. I remember I gave her a little groan of approval when she started to gently massage my tongue with hers. I had literally never experienced a kiss like this before...but it was the moment when Missy reached up and delicately placed her hand on the side of my face. Oh, my...that was the moment when a multitude of these other physical sensations seemed to rush in and flood all the synapses in my brain.

Every one of my senses came alive. I became aware of all of these physical how warm and dainty her palm felt on my cheek and how she was just barely brushing the pad of her thumb back and forth on my warm her thigh felt against my leg and that she was just barely moving it a little higher the longer we kissed...and how I had instinctively rested my arm on her waist. I kind of surprised myself a little to realize I was subconsciously running my hand up and down the outside of her ass.

As we continued kissing, I couldn't help but get even more and more turned on. I mean, this was by far the most thrilling sexual experience of my young life. Wow, Missy really knew what she was doing in the kissing department. I was so wrapped up on how her mouth felt that it didn't even register when Missy took her hand off of my cheek. That is until she placed her hand on my breast. Now if I were to consider this in the cold light of day, I think my personal expectations of my own natural reaction would have been to freeze up and panic. Did I?

Yes, I did...for all of two seconds, but then she slid her palm over so that she was fully cupping my right breast through my shirt - well she cupped as much of my large breast as could fit in her hand. I sighed nervously...and then she gave it this subtle squeeze. How did I react to a girl cupping and squeezing my boob you might be asking yourself? Well...I stopped stroking the outside of her ass cheek and basically flung my arm out to the side so that I was lying in more of a flat-on-my-back position. You know, so I could give her better access to encourage her to keep playing with my tits.

I wanted her to keep touching me...yep, that's how I reacted.

Missy took the hint because she moved her hand down for a brief moment and then slid it right back up, her fingers expertly working their way underneath my bra and the reinforced underwire cup. I gasped at the wonderful sensation of her palm on the warm flesh of my tit. The thought flashed across my mind that this couldn't have been the first time she'd done that little maneuver, but it was quickly lost amid the wave of pleasure that suddenly flooded in when she gently pinched my nipple between her finger and thumb. My second gasp turned into a little purring moan as she continued to alternately rub and then apply pressure to my hardened nub.

As I write this, I can't remember if I mentioned that I have sensitive nipples - but not sensitive in the fragile sense of the word if that makes any sense. My nipples are sensitive in that to have them played with in any fashion drives me crazy. I actually love for them to be pinched and sucked and nibbled. I don't really want them treated "roughly", but the hotter I get the more I like it...and the more I like it, I want them played with even harder. I think someday it would be a fantasy come true for me if I eventually have a lover with the patience and enthusiasm to spend enough time on my breasts and nipples to give me an orgasm. It hasn't happened yet, but with enough attention I definitely think it could.

Did I mention Missy was perceptive? I mean she had to be because she read me like a sexual book as she continued to knead my breast and play with my nipple. She was pinching and tugging on my nipple more and more firmly to which my nipple got harder and harder and I just kept getting more and more turned on...but she could really only do so much because of the restrictions of trying to work her hand around inside of my shirt while it was under my bra. I was getting wetter by the I boldly reached down and pulled my sweatshirt up.

Missy stopped kissing me and pulled her head back to look directly into my eyes. I could see in the dim light of the dying fire that she had a playful grin on her face. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine once again as her hand pulled out from under my bra. I felt her fingers pull my bra cup down, pushing it down and tucking it under to the bottom and side parts of my boob. I was panting and almost vibrating in anticipation of her fingers touching my now fully exposed breast.

At that point I obviously couldn't read Missy's mind, so I wasn't sure how she felt...but I for one was heading straight on towards the point of no return. By that I mean I was turned on enough that I had no problem continuing down this path. Don't get me wrong - a part of me was still really nervous (and I confess, a little bit scared), but there in that darkened den of the Old Farmhouse all I could seem to focus on was how good she was making me feel. I tried not to think about just how far she might want to go with this...but I also knew that Missy had me about as turned on as I'd ever been. It was one of those situations where my overwhelming lust had me mentally up for just about anything.

Our make-out session had transitioned to fewer of the deep, tongues dueling sort of kisses into more playful pecks and lip nibbling as her attention was being given to my breast. Missy didn't have a particularly large bust herself - if I had to guess from her appearance I'd say she had very nicely shaped B cups. I couldn't really be sure since I hadn't touched her and I was a little hesitant to try after she blocked my tickling efforts. Now that my shirt was pulled up and my bra pushed out of the way, she seemed very content to focus on my chest. I guess she must have been "a breast girl", so to speak. If you haven't figured it out by now, I have large breasts that tend to attract attention. Missy definitely wasn't the first person who seemed to eagerly enjoy getting their hands on my boobs...she just happened to be the first female.

She was also one of the few people to have understood just how much I enjoyed my breasts being touched. In my mind, her fingers had pushed me past the point of "fooling around" and I wanted more. I wanted to feel those soft, succulent lips of hers that had been so much fun to kiss move down and lock on to my almost painfully hard nipple...I wanted - well, by that point I needed her to suckle me. I pulled out the trusty old "kiss my way over to her jaw and then turn my head to expose my neck to her" move and it worked like a charm.

Missy moved her lips closer to my ear and proceeded to lick and suck on my earlobe a few times before she started to slowly trail kisses down my jawline and then lower onto my neck. Her hand was still alternating between stroking and massaging all around the contour of my right breast and manipulating my nipple with her fingers. I remember letting out this shuddering breath when she had finally kissed her way down my throat and on to the top of my breast...and then reality came crashing into our little cushioned world.

A noise from down the hallway of the Old Farmhouse broke the relative quiet. It was the sound of someone closing a door.

That sound made me physically jump. Missy lifted her head up and turned to look over at the doorway to the den. I craned my own head up so that I could take a quick peek over her shoulder towards the doorway myself. Missy turned back around and laid her head down on our pillow-cushion as she reached down and pulled the blanket up so that it was covering both of us completely. I started to breath a small sigh of relief as I heard footsteps in the hallway, but then she put her hand right back on my breast under the covers. I looked at her fearfully with wide eyes.

Missy just giggled and gave my tit a firm squeeze right before a tall silhouette appeared in the doorway. I closed my eyes and laid still.

"Y'all doing okay in here?" our friend Robbie asked quietly. He was one of the five guys who lived in the Old Farmhouse.

"Uh-huh," Missy nodded sleepily and moved her head to nod in his general direction. "We're fine."

"She asleep?" Robbie asked referring to me.

Missy turned her head to look at me like maybe she had been asleep herself and wasn't sure. She also took that opportunity to give my nipple a squeeze. "Yeah, she's out."