Sophie's Adventure Ch. 02

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19 year old Sophie fucking her way through the Supernatural.
13.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/06/2010
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Thanks to CopperSkink for his amazing work on this chapter.

All votes have been counted, so I bring you the reviewer's choice sex scene. You'll have to read to find out who was picked.


Sophie's mouth pulled into her usual closed lip smile, the corners of her large blue eyes' crinkling in happiness, she was always happy to see her concubines; she liked to think they where happy to see her as well.

As Chika came bounding over to her, calling her name and arms flung wide in what was looking like the beginning of a hug, she gave out a snort of deep laughter and prepared herself to be dropped on by her blonde lover's weight. That was before Tobi flung his arm out, catching Chika by the back of his shirt.

"We do not address M'Lady by her first name; we must show her the respect she deserves. You will not shame her with your improper behaviour again, Chika," came the slow, monotone drawl of Tobi, his ever-hard eyes half-cast to enforce his stern words into the younger concubine.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever; Sophie said I could call her whatever I like; she doesn't care," Chika boldly informed Tobi with a roll of his baby-blue eyes, a tight curl of his upper lip showing his distaste for the older concubine. He easily rolled out of Tobi's lack grip to continue his way forwards towards his goal, the delightfully perched female in the silken evening robe. He only hoped it would be he that would be graced to unclothe her this evening.

As Chika approached her, that slight hop in his step belied his true intentions as to pounce on her, she propped her upper body up with the hand that once lay under her chin and smiled up at the blonde just before he leapt, much to the distaste of Tobi.

But all was not lost, for at that moment Sophie was up and off the bed, leaving Chika to flounder around in the ocean of her paperwork all by himself. Hearing Chika's moans of discontent at the situation she chuckled playfully, for not only was he disciplined by Tobi but rebuffed by his mistress.

Sophie's smile grew as she watched the overgrown boy begin to wallow in self despair. He never failed to bring out her playful side. Turning to view the others, she couldn't help but feel another set of chuckles try to escape from her throat.

Tobi was glaring ruthlessly from under his mop of a hair-do and his normally black Dalmatian spots had turned a fetching shade of liver-brown due to his anger. He was normally so well-mannered, but there was no doubt that he was a stickler for protocol.

Riwa had his long, elegant arms crossed over his plum-clad chest. The traditional gold rimmed floor length jacket looked almost out of place; Sophie hardly ever saw Riwa in anything more then a pair of light harem pants, but she was distracted from his unusual clothing by the look on his face.

It simply screamed utter contempt, like he was gazing at something that wouldn't be high enough on the social standings to grace the bottom of his shoes.

'He really is a pompous arsehole. I bet they only reason he's so 'distraught' about this whole affair is because he believes Chika is dirtying the bed he'll be occupying later.' Sophie rolled her eyes; really, sometimes she just wanted to bop him on the nose like a misbehaving puppy just to see his reaction.

'He'd most likely 'deprive' me of his astounding cock as a punishment.' She snorted out loud at the laughable thought; if such a horrible fate was to befall her, she'd go without regrets. Besides, she had three others to pick from in such a dilemma.

Sophie begun to make her way over to a very elegantly perched room divider; it was more Asian in influence then the rest of her room, reminding her of something you might see in a tea house in Tokyo. The thin rice paper panels were larger then ones you would see within the human world, with beautifully decorated cherry blossom trees and graceful red-crowned cranes captured in flight, were all situated around a typical Japanese-esque pond, a magnificent mountain background truly brought it all out.

As the candles flickered just beyond the thin shoji screen, Sophie turned her head to gaze at her last concubine only to find him gazing back. Slightly startled and embarrassed to have been caught peeking, she blinked her doe eyes only to receive a gentle and delicate smile in return. Hui's light forest-green eyes where so incredibly soft as he gazed upon his mistress.

Sophie felt the tight wad of emotions known as anxiousness and embarrassment fade with his look. She let a giggle resound in her throat as she felt her ease return. Lifting a hand up, she crooked her finger towards Hui in a clear "come hither" motion.

"Hui, would you help me get ready for bed, please?" Sophie intoned lightly, more of a plea then a command.

"Of course, M'Lady, I would be honoured to assist you into your night garments." Hui's smile never wavered as he swept into a bow, his right arm crossing his chest to rest over his heart.

Sophie gave a thankful nod as she continued her way behind the shoji. What met her was a wall of mirrors and several steps leading up to a round elevated platform. Knowing what to do from years of practice, Sophie made her way onto the platform, bare feet rubbing against the plush red carpet that covered the dressing section.

Hui made his way over to the side opposite the entrance where large panels of wood sat. Grabbing a small handhold, he proceeded to walk his way down the panels, each wood section following him, exposing to the world all of Sophie's finery.

Rows upon rows of silk, lace, velvet, and only the rarest of textures would be situated within her closet. Not that Sophie cared much. Yes, like any other female, Sophie liked a nice shirt, but when it came down to it she was quite happy slumming around in a pair of track pants without a bra on, especially if her alternative was one of those god-awful gowns filled with bone-ribbing and layers upon layers of fabric as her only other option.

As Hui turned to her, he looked like he was about to pose a question, but unfortunately Chika had beaten him to it.

"Hey, what the-?! Hey! Why does Hui get to undress you!?" Came Chika's indignant cry.

"Because, you blathering twit, she'd rather not be molested whilst changing for bed by your, clumsy, incompetent, novice attempts to try and arouse her," came the vicious hiss of Riwa. It was obvious to Sophie that something had been shoved so far up his arse that it was digging into his "lets find offence in everything" gland.

"Riwa," came Sophie's stern tone; she was simply not in the mood to deal with their argument over something so fickle. "If you two don't shut the fuck up, I will come out there, rip out your intestines, and force feed them back to you, got it?"

Losing all attention that had been focused to the other side of the divider, she once again looked to Hui and the garment he had now picked for her to wear.

"That is god-awful. Why the hell would I have something like that in my closet? Let alone why the hell someone would even make a thing like that to sleep in is beyond me." Sophie said, her face screwing up into a look of pure disgust. "It looks like it will magically come to life under the full moon and strangle me to death while I sleep."

The offending article in question was simply horrid, a pure pink contraption with about seven feet worth of wasted fabric bunched up around the neck and stomach area, let alone the white frills and lace adorning it in random locations would drive a preacher blind with sin.

Looking at the nightgown, Hui gave a wide-eyed blink before once again setting his sights on his mistress. "I thought it was quite fetching; I see nothing wrong with it."

'He cannot be serious,' Sophie thought, shocked. After a second of recuperation, Sophie let her head fall into the palm of her right hand. "Hui, if you weren't so cute, I'd have you fed to the dogs. Now put it back before I light it on fire," was all she gave on that.

With a flash of another of his trademark smiles, Hui moved the pink abomination back into the depths of the closet, where Sophie prayed it would stay. After that, Hui had grabbed another item, this one a lot less offensive with its pale blue motif; he hung it up on a little hook not to far from Sophie's person. It really was a bother that even in her sleep she still had to wear so much clothing.

'I miss the days where I could just drop my pants, fling off my bra, and jump into bed. But alas, I must now be clothed in layers upon layers of clothing, even to sleep. Bloody traditions; they ruin all my fun.' Sophie bemoaned mentally, giving a slightly dramatic sigh.

But at least with this new nightly ritual, it gave her some lovely hand-to-skin contact with such handsome men. It was almost as fantastic as sleeping with them.

Hui silently moved up behind her, a step below the top of the dais, to smooth his hands around her body, flowing easily along the white silk that made up her evening wear. He tickled the sensitive skin beneath her clothing, letting out a series of shudders the coursed down her spine Sophie felt Hui's resonating heat beam against her cold back from his chest a second before she felt him rest against her, his chin laying upon her shoulder.

As his breath tickled her ear, she felt another shiver course down her spine. "Lift your arms, M'Lady," came Hui's soft voice, his mouth tilted just so to cause another gentle gust of air against her neck and ear. As she lifted her arms outwards, she felt more then heard the delicate thank you he murmured, as it brushed along her skin like a docile spring breeze that knocked the blossoms from their resting place among the branches.

As she felt his nimble fingers untie the first of a series of knots that kept the first layer of her garment on her body, she posed a question, "Wouldn't this be easier if you were standing in front of me?"

As soon as she had finished her sentence, she felt his head turn into her neck slightly, though the gentle easing of the fabric knot that lay over her plush belly did not stop; she didn't move as she felt Hui's cheek bunch against her neck as he smiled.

"Yes," was all he gave in response, causing Sophie to puff her cheeks out like an insolent five year old.

As he successfully untied the first knot, he created a slit among the layers of her clothing, easing his hand through the gap. He glided it up the second layer of soft red silk with an air of familiarity, the tips of his fingers pointing inwards. As his hand continued upwards, she felt the top finger of his hand gently bump into the bottom of her ample-sized bosom, though at this point and time they were tightly bound behind several more layers of cotton binding, The Realm's idea of a bra. But none the less it did not deter Hui as he slipped his hand over her lavishly large right breast, his finger eased apart to try and fully cup her teat. The gentle cupping only lasted the span of several quick seconds before his hand continued its trek to the knot that lay delicately above her collarbone.

It was a tease Sophie could have done without, as it did more for her mind than her body. The thick undergarments had blocked all sensation of the passing play upon her breast and had left Sophie slightly morose about the situation.

To try and take her mind off the gentle tugging of another knot as well as the residual feel of the dull play along her breast, she decided to talk to her concubines on the other side of the divider, who by the sounds of it where a few scant second away from erupting into a brawl.

'I thought I'd told them to shut up,' she huffed, but before she could even open her mouth for another violent threat, Chika once again had the skill to interrupt someone before they had even started speaking.

"Sophie, what's with all this work doing on your bed? You never bring work to bed; the only thing you should be working in bed is me." he drawled, and Sophie could just tell that by the way he had said that last comment that he was smirking from ear to ear. There was a heavy snort of amusement from Hui that had a section of her hair flying into her face; at least he seemed to find it funny.

"Chika, that was the single stupidest thing I have ever heard you say. If you try and pick me up with a line like that again, I will deck you in the face." But Chika was laughing far too hard at his little joke to be paying attention to her.

"As much as I hate to say this, Chika is right; you do not bring work into your sleeping quarters, is there a problem, M'Lady?" came Tobi's concerned tone

Sophie gave a heavy sigh, but it turned more into a sigh of relief towards the end as she felt the final knot that tied the first layer of silk to the second layer slip loose. The outer gown was finally pulled back and down her arms, off her body. She felt lighter already, but Hui was right back to work, his hands dipping low over her abdomen, fingering the first knot of the new set, a soft caress to her soft belly had her give a small quiver; she was thoroughly tempted to smack his hand away. Ignoring Hui for the moment, she turned back to her concubines' conversation.

"It's just the preparations for travelling to the other countries within The Realm," she muttered offhandedly, "I've got to make arrangements, plan meetings, respond to invitations, and keep up communication with the heads of the countries to make sure there's no war going on before I visit. Then I have to make sure everything's locked down tight here, make sure there's no uprising or riot while I'm away; you know, that kind of stuff."

"Why do you need to travel to the other countries?" came the slightly-off voice of Riwa, but Sophie hadn't noticed the odd tone; she was more baffled as to why Hui had stopped what he was doing. Blinking she looked over her shoulder at the Nymph.

"Yes, travel; you know, so I can strike up trade and peace agreements, get to see The Realm first hand, show everyone who exactly is running Falhalen; kind of like...a débutante except it's me coming out to the rest of The Realm, kind of like tha - come on, guys! We've been over this, I'm going to the other countries, and that's that," Sophie whined, spinning around to view the concubine behind her, thinking she had found the problem that affected her servants.

"We'll all meet up in Yamma a couple of weeks from now; you can't tell me that you're not looking forward to me leaving, even a little bit? While the cats away, the mice shall play, yes? Just think of all the maids you can fuck while I'm gone," Sophie drawled, rolling her eyes as she turned her back to Hui so he could start untying the last knot on the second layer.

"M'Lady, we would never betray your trust in such a way; we think of nothing other then sleeping next to your warm body at night." Sophie had by now tuned Tobi's reassurances out.

'He's only saying that because he thinks it's what I want to hear; I know as soon as I'm out of the palace they'll be sticking their dicks in any honey pot they can find.' Sophie thought to herself, the corners of her lips tugging down in a depressed frown. Even though they where expected to be faithful to her, she knew that was far off reality. They were men, and to Sophie, that was enough to warrant an affair.

She was broken from her depressing musing by the gentle scrape of knuckles along the soft under-curve of her chin as Hui pulled from her the second layer, all that was now left was a light blue grey cotton fabric wrapped around her form, and once again held on with knots. As she felt Hui's delicate fingers tighten slightly around her left hip, his right hand grazing the top of her shoulder, she felt the need for a distraction; she didn't think her other concubines would like it if she tried to jump Hui in the changing room because of his teasing hands.

"Chika, how is your mother?" Sophie knew the question she asked could have Chika talk for hours on end, but his excited jabbering was always endearing in a way. He may have been substantially older then her but, he still reminded her of a child. She could almost see him, head perking up like a puppy, hearing its master's arriving footsteps outside the door.

"She's doing great! The doctors came today to see how she was doing; they said she was doing fantastic! Though she said she misses talking to you over tea! She said she really wants to see you again, but you should have seen her face, it was glowing today!" came Chika exuberant cries, jumping from one topic to another, jumbling up his sentences; Sophie had to do all she could from laughing. It didn't help that Riwa subtle growing didn't escape her keen hearing ether.

'It's very unlike Riwa to be so aggressive, even if it is Chika,' Sophie thought, her mental voice taking on a hint of worry.

But she was once more distracted as Hui had discreetly managed to undo the final layer without much notice from her, as the cotton peeled back to reveal her pale, supple skin she felt Goosebumps raise along her flesh at the exposure; Chika's zeal and Riwa's anger a distant memory.

As the cotton drew open to bare her front to the empty dressing room, it caught on her delicate, alabaster shoulders. She closed her eyes as Hui's hands rested against each side of her neck, fingers as slim as a willow branch, brushed against the fine hairs of her neck, the soothing rasp of nails gliding against her throat as his fingers curved, sending an exquisite shiver down her spine before the heat of his palms ran it's way down her neck and over her shoulders, his fingers curling over the edge of the final layer, pulling it down her freckle flecked arms, the soft cotton brushing against the pale blonde body hairs, stiff from the slight chill in the air.

Sophie moved her arms in front of her, her right hand holding onto her left forearm, hiding her chubby belly; a self conscious act, that even after all the times she'd been naked in front of Hui, she would still hide her body from him, ashamed of her own larger figure. Her head slightly downcast, eyes fixed on the floor instead of the mirror in front of her.

"M'Lady." Hui called as he returned to her body, the tickle of his silken hair along her hyper-sensitive back was thrill inducing, "I need you to place your arms by your side so I may undo your binding," he cooed. He knew Sophie was always far to shy to bare her body to him no matter how many times he whispered his adoration and lust for her pleasant form.

As Sophie lifted her head, she watched Hui in the reflective glass of her mirror. He was leaning his head over her right shoulder, turned in towards her face, his pleasing lips only a scant few inches away from her ear, and even now she could feel the delicate breath of her sometimes lover ease over and around her ear. Each of his frail and elegant fingers rested against a shoulder. Each calloused pad, hardened by the years of plucking wire strings on instruments, giving a tender graze. His hair, falling like one of the thousands of waterfalls that graced his homeland, swept against her back with a graceful sway, sending jolts straight to her now-weeping pussy.

Her untouched skin was far too sensitive to another's touch. A soft caress was all it took to have her shivering in surprise, and the feel of Hui's gossamer silk shirt was like a faint touch from the man himself every time it brushed against her.

Sophie let her arms be pulled to her side, just so that she could feel the graze of his finger tips descending down her aching back. She revelled in the feeling as a hint of his nails graced the skin of her sides, her body jolting as almost as she was in a throw of an orgasm. Hui pressed his hands flat against her lower abdomen, his pinkie fingers grazing the panties she swore, just before he swept them upwards, he pressed firmly into her creamy stomach, as he adored to feel the give it had. Unlike the ladies of court he could not feel even a single bone as his hot hands swept over her rib cage. He pulled his hands away from his achingly delicate skin to pull her the bone pin that kept her bound breasts prisoner from freedom; curling his fingers around the edge of the start of the fabric wrapping, he slowly begun to unwind the binding, rolling the cotton into a fat, roll so that it would not end on the floor in a mess.