Sorority Trouble for Couple


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Dianne cringed more as her mother examined the folds of her vulva and then peered into her anal crack. "Hold yourself open back there" and Dianne was making her anal opening visible to her mom.

"OK, you seem clean enough," Martha stated.

Dennis was glad he hadn't had to go home. He had a brief telephone conversation with his father, which went as well as might have been expected. Both were pleased that they didn't need to meet or even communicate.

He and Dianne filled out the re-admission applications, had them signed by Martha as their temporary guardian, and were allowed to take them to be mailed at the post office.

Dean Griffin received the applications, quickly approved them, and had her aide Jill send them a letter advising them that their applications had been granted. She enclosed instructions as to when they could return. Their first step on arriving at the college was to report to the Dean's office at a specified time.

That couldn't come soon enough for Dianne or Dennis. Barbara was pleasant enough when they showed up in her office.

"I hope you two have benefitted from this interval," she said. "Keep your noses and everything else clean," she went on, "and I'll have your temporary suspension expunged from your records. That means six months of not getting into any trouble. Both of you should stay away from the complainant, definitely during the next six months.

"It's in your interest to stay away from her," Barbara told them. "I don't want to see you back here. Your sorority has been permitted to reoccupy its house as of yesterday. I told the sorority president that you would be coming to see her there today at 3:00 P.M. Do that. I've given her permission to let you move back into the house. If she is agreeable to that, that's the end of it. The complainant won't be living there until next year. I think you'll get permission. They all still like you and know that you weren't directly responsible here."

Turning to Dennis, she told him he was lucky. She told him to stay out of trouble and he'd be fine.

"You two have good academic records so that will help you get past this," Barbara said. "It's always better when we can wrap this up like this. I think I've covered what we need to do at this time."

Dianne felt strange walking over to the sorority house. Everyone had already moved in. She knocked on the president's room.

Sue Hanson's voice invited her in. She seemed to be in a friendly mood.

"Dianne, I'm glad to see you," she began. "I'm sorry all this happened, and I realize you had some responsibility. But you yourself were not part of what happened except that your boyfriend couldn't follow the rules. Under the circumstances, I'm letting you move back in here."

Dianne uttered a sigh of relief.

"We're giving you your old room because it's the easiest way to manage this," Sue continued. "Since pledging is over, you won't miss being pledge mistress. One thing though: we don't want Dennis around here, at all. Just make sure he understands that he's not welcome or allowed here. I assume he can deal with that. He'll have to. Anyway, I'm glad to see you for real." She went to Dianne and hugged her. Dianne hugged her back.

"Thank you so much, Sue," Dianne replied. "I owe you a lot for being generous. I didn't want this to happen, of course. Who knows if I will continue to be with Dennis? I'm just pleased I can rejoin the house, and I promise to be of help in whatever ways you may call on me."

"Since you're in effect rejoining, without initiation, I might add," Sue said with a grin, "I'd like you to give me the standard new arrival greeting."

As Sue raised her short skirt, and slipped her pink panties down, Dianne gritted her teeth but figured that this was the least of the several humiliations she had already experienced. She bent down, held onto Sue's waist, and pressed her face and mouth into Sue's cute little anal crack. Then she stuck out her tongue and pressed it into Sue's tight anal rosette. As she had expected, Sue's hiney hole had a fetid aroma. Dianne tried not to think about Sue's having recently been sitting on a toilet seat.

She had agreed to meet Dennis later that afternoon at a hangout near campus. She changed into her favorite sweater and skirt outfit. She was starting to feel like her old confident self again. Tomorrow, she'd be attending classes. She also had to get through the inevitable tension at the house when the sisters were there. Some of them would still be annoyed with her for forcing them all out for a month.

Dennis was there and all smiles. He had worked everything out with his roommates as if he had never been gone. He walked her to his car, and they took off for a nice restaurant where he had pre-ordered a marvelous meal, without wine. He didn't want them to tempt fate in any way.

"I'm still going to have to see that little bitch at house meetings," Dianne said to her lover. Dennis said coolly that he knew she could handle it but that he was sorry about the whole business.

"Some girls might have told you where to stick it," Dianne told him with some rancor. Then she smiled. "I do love you, sweetie, but you realize what this has put me through. Let's ride it out just like we dealt with my mom and sister.

They went back to Dennis's place after dinner. Dennis's roommates had been nice about giving him the run of the place until midnight. They repaired to Dennis's room, locked the door, and Dennis very romantically undressed Dianne.

"It's nice this isn't the prequel to another spanking," Dianne told him as they held each other tight and she loved feeling Dennis's warm hands on her breasts, teasing her nipples. She knew she was already wet with anticipation. After all, they hadn't made love for over a month.

Soon they were lying together, and Dianne expectantly spread her legs to welcome Dennis inside her. She had not forgotten how good it was to be having sex with him. No way was she going to give him up.

Later that evening, Dennis drove her back to the sorority, and she kissed him good night. It was a deep long kiss and then he drove off. When Dianne walked into the house, several of her fellow juniors had arranged to be there and give her a welcoming hug.

"Thanks," she said with her trademark smile: "I needed that."

"We're sorry that your boyfriend screwed up," one of her friends, Laura Dean, said. "We all admire you so much for getting through this, even if it made life difficult for all of us for this month. But Dianne, all of us juniors have decided that we want you to be house president for next year. We hope you will get beyond what happened, just as we have."

"Yes, Di," another friend, Becky Franklin, chimed in. "With we being united, this will happen."

And it did. Some of the new sisters in Marcie's freshman class were surprised that Dianne had been put up for president, but seeing the juniors united, no one was willing to take her on. They all liked her anyway, because in general, she had been a supportive pledge mistress for them.

There were no other nominations. Laura, conferring with incumbent president Sue, had put together a slate of juniors and a couple of sophomores for the other positions. When the voting was over, Dianne stood and received a hearty round of applause.

Now that Dianne was due to become president in a week, just before the seniors graduated, the freshmen who had gotten to know her well during pledging warmed to her presence. Marcie avoided her and she stayed away from the freshman.

Dianne figured that things had worked out just swimmingly. The freshmen did stick with their fellow frosh, Marcie, but that didn't keep them from bonding with the sophs and juniors, including Dianne, who couldn't have been nicer with all of them.

The next fall, with Dianne installed and resident in the large room assigned to the house president, she was surprised when there was a knock on the door and Marcie came in.

"I've got an apology to make," she said in a breaking voice. "I owe you one. I was turned on by your boyfriend and I was responsible for what happened."

"Of course, it's very good of you to come in here and tell me the truth," Dianne responded coolly. "To say that I was humiliated for something I didn't do was infuriating. And I even have been told to avoid you unless you initiate contact. Since you came in here, I assume you decided to have contact with me."

"Will you accept my apology?" Marcie replied.

"If you want to have a normal relationship, you're going to have to do more," Dianne said coolly. "Dennis shouldn't have done what he did, but you led him on. I want that spelled out by you in writing to me. I don't intend to show it to anyone unless you bring it up or unless I get asked about it by the Dean's office."

"Is that all?" Marcie continued.

"No, it isn't," Dianne said firmly. "You will submit to a spanking and you will follow that by giving me the new arrival greeting."

"In front of the house?" Marcie asked.

"Yes," Dianne responded.

"That's quite severe," Marcie said by way of questioning Dianne's statement.

"It's up to you," Dianne said. "I didn't come to see you. In fact, I was told not to, in no uncertain terms. As I said, it shouldn't have happened, but you were not an innocent party, as I gather the Dean's office decided."

"All right," Marcie conceded. "I like this house and the sisters and even you, Ma'am. Let's get it over with."

"Fine," Dianne said brightly. "I'd like this to end positively. I'll call a house meeting for 7:00 P.M."

That said, Marcie thanked her and left quietly.

The sorority members assembled at the appointed hour. There was an undercurrent of interest in what was going on, but neither Dianne nor Marcie had mentioned anything to anyone. come to order," Dianne announced. "As you know, we have been under strain owing to an incident that occurred during our last initiation. Marcie has prepared a written statement she would like to read to the house now."

Marcie stood and looked warily at the sisters.

"I recognize that I brought dishonor on the house and on Dianne, in particular, by my allegations of assault by her boyfriend during the initiation. The truth is that I invited his sexual contact. My allegations to the contrary were false. I am stating this now for the record. I have apologized to Dianne and have agreed to be disciplined here by her," Marcie concluded her statement.

"Thank you, Marcie," Dianne said. "I'm pleased this has happened because it closes the books on this unfortunate matter. I am asking all of you to keep this to yourselves unless I request you to say anything, to the Dean's office, if necessary. I fully accept your apology, Marcie. Now come up her for your disciplining."

Marcie walked up to the front where Dianne and the other officers were seated. She stood in front of Dianne.

"Lift your skirt, Marcie, and face the sisters," Dianne instructed her.

The freshman did what she was told, revealing that she was wearing a maroon thong. Dianne was now standing behind her, put her thumbs in the waistband of Marcie's thong, and pulled it down to her knees. The sisters saw Marcie's bare pussy as she was shaved.

"Lie across my lap," Dianne ordered. Marcie assumed that ignominious position.

Dianne began to spank her, making the spanks harder as she proceeded. She watched as Marcie's bottom went to pink then rosy then red. She was now crying out as Dianne began to spank using her ebony hairbrush. She had delivered about 100 hand spanks and then 30 with the hairbrush.

She told Marcie to stand. Then Dianne bent over her chair, lifted her own skirt, and lowered her own panties. Then she spread her legs widely, exposing her anal opening.

"You know what to do, Marcie," she said.

Showing the sisters her spanked bottom, Marcie bent over and pushed her mouth into Dianne's anal crack. She twisted her tongue and pushed it into Dianne's anal opening, tasting the fetid smell of Dianne's rectal area. She then kissed Dianne's anus.

When she had removed her tongue, Dianne told her she could stand up.

"The discipline is complete," Dianne announced. She hugged Marcie and kissed her on the lips, tasting the content of her own anus on Marcie's lips.

"You may pull up your panties, let down your skirt, and sit down," Dianne said, as she pulled up her own undies and let down her skirt.

The sisters applauded and asked Dianne and Marcie to join them in a circle hug.

After that occurred, Dianne announced, "We've been through a lot. But now we are a sorority again!" There was more applause.

When Dianne next went out with Dennis, who still was reluctant to enter the sorority house, she told him what had occurred.

"She was a nasty little liar," Dianne admitted, "but this made sense, because in the sorority, it's over now."

"It's not over with me and her," Dennis responded.

"Well, no," Dianne conceded. "But you need to take some punishment from me for fucking her, anyway. You were supposed to be the grown-up."

"OK, Dee," Dennis smilingly agreed. "Do you want to take me over your lap? We did get spanked a lot at your home, you may recall."

"True," Dianne said, "but that wasn't coming from me." She brought him into her room at the house. It was his first time there.

"Wow," Dennis exuded. "You get nice digs as house president."

"The better to discipline you," Dianne responded. "Take down those trousers and your undershorts."

When he did that, she told him to bend over the end of the couch that was on one wall of the large room, and then she locked the door.

When his bottom was poised as he bent over the couch, Dianne picked up her cane and laid it on his bottom cheeks. She laid the cane on his bottom, drew it back, and fired two quick stingers in the middle and above that on his bottom.

It stung enough, so that he cried out. She ignored his cries.

Then she gave him two more strong strokes further down on his bottom, then two more in the crease between his bottom and thigh. He screamed loudly.

"You'd better keep quiet, or some of my sisters will be knocking on that door and I'll let them watch you get it," Dianne warned him.

She now applied her cane crisscross to give him two more strokes on each diagonal. These crossed the other weals and he screeched.

Dianne now gave him two final strokes down the middle. These were hard strokes and he cried out again.

"I told you not to make noise," she said coldly. "You're getting extras."

She snapped the cane on each upper thigh. Somehow, this time, with huge effort, he kept from crying out. Dianne quietly told him to pull up his pants and stand up. Then she took him in her arms and hugged him tightly. The pain in his bottom was eased by his feeling the hard points of her nipples under her bra and blouse.

Dianne then proceeded to unbutton her blouse, unhook, and remove her bra with the blouse, unzip her skirt, and slide down her shiny white panties. Dennis followed her lead by pulling his shirt and tee over his head, then unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. They fell down and he stepped out of them. Then he yanked his undershorts down and off. They both had slipped their shoes off and rolled their hose and socks down and off.

Dianne pulled the covers of her bed open, climbed in, and drew Dennis into her as they hugged under the covers. She felt that he was hard, and she spread her legs, and guided him into her.

Then they began to fuck in earnest, Dennis thrusting in and out of her cunt, and Dianne pressing her vaginal muscles to stimulate his cock. They were hot to trot and needed no foreplay. Dennis's ass was sore but the pleasure of being inside Dianne's warm pussy almost made the pain diminish.

They continued to make love for a good while, all the time kissing each other on their mouths and lips. Dennis withdrew when he felt he might cum too soon and pushed Dianne's legs up into the diaper position. He then began licking her labia and inserting his tongue into her vaginal opening. Then he moved down and started licking her anal rosette.

"Someone else kissed me down there earlier," Dianne cracked as she felt his tongue inside her anal ring. It felt fantastic in there, she thought. She reached for some lube and applied to his cockhead and shaft. Then she took her finger, put more lube on it, and stuck it into her bottom-hole.

"I'm waiting," she told him, "You're the first to have my bottom."

He slowly pressed his cock into the tight opening, anxious to enter but not to cause her pain. Gradually, her anal ring loosened, and he smoothly could enter and fuck her ass. She got used to it and finally wanted him to fuck her hard there, which he did.

He came deep in her bottom and she did too. He shrank and fell out of her rear hole. She helped him get up and they slowly held each other in their arms and walked to her bathroom.

Dennis lay down in the tub on his back and he welcomed Dianne's squatting over his face and letting her pee fly into his mouth. It was salty and strong. His fucking her ass had loosened her in there and soon she excreted a long, light brown bowel movement onto his face. There was something highly erotic, he thought.

He thought now about how he had been caned and peed on and now shit on by his girlfriend. It wasn't exactly what he was hoping for, but yet he then told himself how cute she was and how much he loved her. He was totally turned on by staring up at her pussy and her ass; receiving her bodily products was a complete plus.

It didn't take the sorority sisters long to forgive Marcie for what she had brought upon Dianne and all of them. She had a nice sense of humor and rolled with the punches. When one of Dianne's junior classmates, Sandy Swenson, had misbehaved badly--getting inebriated at a fraternity party and insulting the hosts--and almost got the house in trouble again, Dianne called a house meeting, called the offender up to the front, and told her she had earned some house discipline.

Sandy, a cute, pixyish blonde, walked up and said that she was deeply sorry for being such a fool. She begged Dianne's and the house's forgiveness. Dianne said she would be forgiven but first she would have to submit to discipline.

"You mean like a pledge?" Sandy asked.

"Yes," Dianne answered. "When sisters screw up, they deserve more serious punishment than pledges who are still learning all the rules and traditions."

She then ordered Sandy to remove her skirt and her underpants, which surprised Sandy, but she proceeded to do as Dianne had directed. Then Dianne called Marcie, still a frosh, up and told her she wanted her to spank Sandy.

Marcie didn't flinch at the opportunity to discipline a junior. She sat on the chair Dianne pointed to and patted her lap for Sandy to get across it.

Sandy was still in a state of amazement at the sheer humiliation of being spanked by a freshman but decided to take it in her stride. When she had adjusted Sandy's position, Marcie began spanking. She spanked at a moderate speed and power. Sandy decided this might not be so bad. After about 50 spanks, Dianne handed Marcie a sorority paddle.

Sandy saw this and panicked. She somehow realized she would be totally shamed if she tried to get up or avoid the paddling. Now, she was whimpering in fear.

Marcie took the paddle from Dianne and began applying it to Sandy's pert bottom. It made plenty of noise and Sandy was crushed with embarrassment. She hadn't been paddled since she was pledging two years earlier.

After Marcie gave her 25 strong whacks with the paddle, Dianne told her she could stop. She directed Sandy to stand up and kiss Marcie as well as thank her for disciplining her.

Sandy did what she was told. Dianne then hugged her and told her to pull up her panties and let her skirt down. Then she returned to her seat and Dianne closed the meeting.