Stanley Steamer Ch. 07: Lorna & Kaylee


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A voice behind said, loud enough over the music, "Jamie is famous for drugging the wine."

I waved the serving wench away and turned. Our tipster was a rangy, craggy, dark-haired man wearing decent leather shorts and open vest, about as overdressed as my and Nikki's cowgirl shorts and red satin bras. He nodded at the sloppy proceedings.

"This is about what I expected. But my friends couldn't refuse an invite, so here we are."

Nikki said loudly, "It's a real blast but I don't like being blasted this way."

The man said, "Speaking of blasts, the sound levels are killing me. Like to find a quiet corner?" Hr pointed toward an open nook away from the loudspeakers.

We joined him there. We did not need to shout.

"If you expected this, why come?" Nikki asked.

"Call it an obligation, or maybe I'm just weak in the head. By the way, I'm Stan."

"I'm Nikki," she said, "and this is Kaylee," nodding at me.

"What are nice girls like you doing at a fuckathon like this?"

"Well, our classmate Bobby, he's not really a friend, he said he was invited to a rockstar party and did we want to come?" I said. "We were kind of bored so we said sure, and he drove us up here. But I'm not ready for this."

"Me neither," Nikki said, "but I guess we're stuck here till he wants to go."

"Classmate? Where?" Stan asked.

"We're all in music programs at San Bernardino State. Bobby's doing brass; we're in voice."

"That's a long ride up from San Berdoo."

"Yeah, I hope we don't lose Bobby and have to overnight here," Nikki said.

We chatted and watched the sexual sideshow. Our comments about the partiers were not kind. Stan seemed very kind. And alert. His eyes followed many movements and not only the fondling and fucking.

"This is a bit much," Stan said. "I only like to fuck friends, or friends of friends at least. I don't recognize any of these folks. Whe knows where they've been?"

The night sky was dark. This partyland was sporadically lit. Shadows hid much.

Stan admitted to playing classical music on fretted instruments. He also admitted being a desert rat - he lived not far away, where the western Mohave crashes into the mountains. His comments on society, culture, the fallout from the 9-11 attacks last year, and bad design, were pretty smart. I liked this guy. He did not seem predatory. And he stayed alert.

I heard screaming over the pounding music. So did Stan.

"Lorna!" he yelled. He ran across the courtyard. I looked at Nikki. We ran after him.

Stan stormed through a dim doorway with us right behind but three muscular unmasked men - security, yes - were in first. I heard thuds. The screams stopped. One bouncer had a man in a necklock. I recognized the loincloth. Bobby! Bobby was hauled out right in front of us! The other bouncers were lifting two women from what looked like low padded tables.

A bouncer steadying the big-titted blonde gave approaching Stan a fierce look.

"Back off buddy. There's nothing for you here. Everybody, move away."

"I'm their ride." Stan waved at both women.

"He's our ride," the black-haired woman on the other platform moaned. "Oh Stan, oh Stan..."

"The guy your guy dragged out was OUR ride," Nikki said.

A phone clipped to the bouncer's belt chirped. He flipped it to his ear.

"Yeah, all clear now. The women say their ride is here. The asshole? Good. Right."

He looked at Nikki. "He's already out the door. He'll be stuffed in his car, driven to the gate, and pushed downhill. You want to ride with him? You'd better run."

"I won't go anywhere NEAR Bobby now," I said. "Oh fuck, what'll we do?"

"I've got to get them home," Stan said. "You want to trust me to drive you home, too?"

I looked at Stan. Yes, I trusted him. "You'd do that for us? All the way to... no, we can't do that. Bobby's apartment is just down from ours. He'll be there!"

"We have options," Stan said, "and staying here won't help. Let's get going, and talk."

The bouncers helped both girls stand. They were naked but for microskirts and masks.

"Got anything to cover them?" Stan asked.

The bouncer nodded. "We keep wraps at the door. You're all leaving? Come with us."

A bouncer carried each girl across the courtyard to the door. Strong guys! Stan, Nikki, and I trailed closely. Guests not busy with sex or drugs moved aside to let us through.

The door guardian draped wide bright rebozo scarves over the girls' bare shoulders and breasts. We retrieved our valuables. The girls were barefoot; the shod bouncers carried them across the parking gravel to a beautiful little car, a Karmann Ghia convertible. Stan opened the front doors and roof. The girls were poured into the cushy-looking back seat.

The blonde moaned, "Oh Stan... we didn't know..."

He caressed her cheeks. "Easy, Lorna. You'll be home soon. Mariana, take care of Lorna."

The girls clutched each other. Their eyes were closed.

Stan looked at the bouncers. "Fellows, I-"

"Just doing our job. Have a safe drive. Be sure to leave your masks at the gate."

Stan turned to Nikki and me. "Ladies?"

"Let's get out of here," I said. "The sooner the better."

Stan held the passenger door. I scooted to the middle of the bench seat. Nikki slid in beside me. Stan closed our door, got behind the wheel, and raised the convertible roof.

The car backed up. I heard no sound. We drove downhill to the estate gate, handed over our masks, and got the hell away. Silently. Except for snoring from the back seat.

"What is this, electric?" Nikki asked. "I didn't know there were electric Volkswagens."

"There aren't yet. I'll tell you in a minute. But first..."

He stopped and looked into the back seat. The girls nestled together, asleep. The Latina's head rested on the Scandinavian's ample boobs. He nodded and drove again.

"They're okay for now. Let me introduce you to Heidi. She's steam-powered, efficient, clean, and quiet, as you noticed. Her special VeeDub engine makes her very strong and fast. A guy in Stuttgart owed me big-time so here she is. Say hi, Heidi."

Stan fingered something. A steam calliope softly played the first bars of LA CUCARACHA.

I stared. "Steam. And you're Stan... Stanley. And a steamer? Really?" I giggled.

"It just worked out that way. By the way, I'm taking Lorna and Mari to their place in Cabazon. We'll tuck them in there. I'll take you home to San Berdoo if you want."

Nikki shuddered. "Next to Bobby again? Oh damn. You mentioned options?"

"We're about a half-hour from the rez now. Then it's an hour to either San Berdoo or to my place. I have guest rooms and we don't share a bath. If you trust me enough, you can stay over tonight and we can go see about Bobby tomorrow. Or I can get you a room at the rez. It's your call."

I felt safe with Stan. "Nikki, I-"

"Yes. I'll go with Stan. But... the rez? They live on an Indian reservation?"

"They work for the Cahuilla tribe at their casino-resort. Lorna's an editor, Mari's a croupier. They share a condo behind the casino. Ah, there's the highway. We'll be there in no time."

Stan fingered the dashboard. Soft music graced the car - Satie's GYMNOPÉDIES. Lovely.


The girls were dazed when we pulled in front of their condo. Stan keyed their front door and carried each inside. He made a quiet phone call. Nikki and I helped them onto the toilet, through basic cleanup, and into their beds. Stan kissed their foreheads and closed their bedrooms.

"I left a message for Lorna's boss to check on them in the morning. They're off work tomorrow and wouldn't be missed. I don't want them missed. Just want to be sure they're okay." He looked worried. "Fuck, I warned them about the wine..."

We did not talk much on the highway back to the desert. Angry music played. War music. He switched to Beethoven's PASTORALE along the way. That faded when he turned off two-lane pavement onto a dirt track. Giant boulders loomed around us.

"Okay, I'm calm now. And here we are. Welcome to Rancho Relaxo."

Electric lanterns beside a heavy doorway revealed a wide fieldstone facade under a rocky overhang. The amazing big interior was walled in rocks and bricks lined with bookshelves and art and objects. Big comfortable-looking leather furniture defined a living or talking space. A wood-slab-topped island bounded the kitchen and dining area. A hallway led away.

"My humble abode, ladies. The last two doors on the left down the hall are available guest rooms. Third door down is the bath with clean robes and towels in the cupboard. Make yourselves homely. If nobody is sleepy yet, I recommend hot cocoa with mezcal tequila. In a minute - I'll be back." He stepped through a corner door at the head of the hall.

Even heroes need to take piss breaks.

We stared around the greatroom. Nikki ogled hanging fabrics and artifacts. I ogled the shelves of sheet music. Hanging nearby - that looked familiar...

"Baritone mandola," Stan said, re-emerging. He wore cargo shorts and a SETI tee with an alien head. "Later, for sure. I want to hear you sing. But now it's attitude adjustment time. Anyone want a snack?"

"I'm hungry and thirsty," Nikki said.

"I'm thirsty and hungry," I said.

He pulled portions from cupboards and refrigerator.

"Healthy and otherwise, take you pick. Trust me with the drinks?"

I thought I would trust him with my ass but I would not say so yet. Not yet.

"While we're at it, please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste. Well, not wealth. Stan Ovshinsky here. Free-lancer."

"Kaylee Nakamura," I said, "soprano."

"Nikki Krishnon," she said, "mezzo."

He saw my Kyoto face and slender but shapely build (or so I've been told), and Nikki's darker Bengali face and deeper curves. I saw a strong tall tanned man. None of us ran in terror from what we saw.

Refreshments were great. We nibbled. We drank. We mellowed. We talked. We drank and mellowed and talked more. Stan fetched another, smaller fretted instrument.

"Tenor mandola," he said. "Good for viola fingerings. The baritone is better for early cello pieces. Newer cello, I play on cittern or guitar transcription. So, what do you ladies know?"

He played a few notes and stopped. I recognized the introduction of one of Verdi's sweetest female duets. I hit a note, not too loud. Nikki sang the fourth below. We nodded. Stan played again. Our voices twined around his tasty accompaniment. It felt like magic. Or tequila.

"Did we just do that?" Nikki was breathy. "No rehearsal? We just... did it?" She looked dizzy.

"I'd have to marry you both if I wasn't a flaming faggot," Stan said. "I might have to anyway. Let's try that again in the morning. Are you in any rush tomorrow?"

Stan was nowhere near faggoty. I could tell he and those girls were lovers. But should I hold him to that proposal?

Nikki looked at me. "There's nothing serious tomorrow. That's why we went to the party - we figured the next day would be a waste." I agreed.

"Well then. The coyotes are howling midnight. I will puff a little hashish and prepare for slumber. Nobody is forced into anything."

We joined him with the pipe but managed our own readying for the night. I showered before Nikki. The Egyptian cotton robe was soft and long. The room was starkly serene. The bed was soft - but I heard something in the night. I think it was an inner voice.

Stan's bedroom door was ajar. Clean and naked, I crawled in beside him. Nikki was already on his other side. They snored lightly and did not smell of sex. I soon snored, too.


Dawn threatened the bedroom's narrow windows, so high up. My bladder threatened me. Stan's arm was around me. Should I wake him?

"Go ahead," he said. "The bathroom is over there."

I climbed out. The air was not too cool on my naked flesh. Nikki said, "Hurry. I'm next."

I was nuzzling Stan when Nikki crawled in on the other side. We were three naked people in a big soft bed with only a light sheet covering us.

"You're so sweet," Nikki said. "How did you get like this?"

"There's a truism. One gains good judgment from experience. One gains experience from bad judgments. The training was painful. Live and learn, or don't. Here I am."

Nikki and I both had a hand on a muscular male thigh.

"And here we are," he said. "Are you friendly or just lonely?"

I turned his head to mine. "I'm friendly." My tongue passed through his lips.

Nikki turned his face from me to kiss him. "I'm friendlier." I know she held his cock.

"I don't know about that," I said. I pushed the sheet and her hand away and gave that nice cock a nice kiss.

"Two can play at this," Nikki said. Her tongue joined mine. Our lips joined on that nice cock. But I know we competed.

After about five minutes, Stan said, "Whoa, ladies, one at a time. Who's first?"

"Scissors-paper-rock!" I said. "One, two, three!" My scissors cut her paper. "Me first!"

Stan gently but firmly picked me up, turned me around, laid back, and stuck his cock in my mouth and his tongue in my pussy. Foreplay? Who needs foreplay when I've dreamt of this all night?

Oh, he was good! Or I was desperate. Or both. I almost gagged on his stiff cock when I came the first two times.

Then I felt Nikki's hands on my ass.

"Hey, my turn! Get off him!"

She yanked harder. My hands clenched his butt so I could keep sucking. She pulled again.

I fell off. "Damn you girl!"

"Damn yourself. I want this! You okay with this, Stan?"

"I never interfere when women fight without edged weapons. Whoever wins..."

Nikki climbed on him. "I win! We both win!"

She swallowed his cock. She squirmed on his tongue. They wriggled.

She wants his cock, does she? Well, I thought, she can bloody well have it! I grabbed her skull and pushed her up and down to head-fuck him. She struggled... until her first tongue orgasm. And the next. And his ejaculation in her mouth. She gagged, but swallowed. Oh damn! Was he dry now? When would he be able to fuck?

A female voice said, "Having fun, Bro? And with new ones. Who are these?"

Nikki quickly swung off Stan. She and I saw a woman in paramedic uniform at the door - not as rangy or craggy as Stan, but pretty similar.

"Go take a shower, Sis. We'll see you in a few."

"I just bet you will. Do something nice in the kitchen. After my legs."

I looked at Stan. "What? Who?"

He was already out of bed. He dressed only in tight Speedo briefs. Nice bulge!

"My big sister Pam. She lives here now. First room across the hall from mine, next to my office. She just pulled a thirty hour ambulance shift. She'll be down for twelve now, and then thirty off before her next shift. They jammed her time. But first I'll pour food and drink into her and ease her sore muscles. Anyway, you can get decent or not. She's seen it all."

The damp woman, naked but for a red thong, dropped face-first in the center of Stan's bed.

"Oh fuck bro, it was bad. Don't read tomorrow's news. And I had to run a lot. Do my legs. Then my butt. Then my legs again. Then everything else."

Stan worked his sister's feet, then up her calves and thighs and butt, and down her legs. Then up her legs again to her tight buns, and up her sides, deep into her shoulder blades and shoulders, and both arms. She sighed.

"Oh damn, thanks. That'll do for now. What's to eat?"

"Burritos and Mayan cocoa coming up." He was out the door.

"I might survive." She rolled over. "You girls have names?"

We two still sat naked on either side of the mattress.

"Umm, hi, I'm Kaylee."

"And I'm Nikki. And I'm puzzled."

"It's a long story that can't be told. Anyway, when I'm here, I'm across the hall. Sometimes I'm here when Stan is away. Sometimes not. Sometime a cousin or friend is here. I put up with almost anything. Hey, nice to meet you girls. What brings you around?"

Stan called from the kitchen. "Talk about it over food. Come eat or I'll throw it out."

Stan wore his Speedos at the kitchen table, and Pam her thong. Nikki and I compromised by staying naked. Maybe we would get more of him after she went to bed.

The pollo asodo burritos were fabulous. The creamy cocoa was heavily dosed with tequila. Pam visibly relaxed, almost puddled.

"That was great as usual. And I am dead. Wake me in a few days, okay?"

She kissed her brother soundly and staggered to her bedroom, boobs and buns quivering.

I asked, "Anything you can tell us?"

"Nothing much to say," Stan said, cleaning the meal debris. "She had trouble and now she's here, working a job she loves that wastes her, but it's what she wants, and here she is." He looked intense. "And that's part of what happens later today. But that's later. Anyone want more time in bed?"

And that is how I got fucked, and Nikki got fucked, and I got fucked again, and Stan came in Nikki rather loudly while she rode his cock, but I was riding his tongue then, so I was not too deprived. Then Nikki and I sucked his cock until he got stiff again, and he fucked me for a long time, and came inside me while he was sucking her boobs so she was not totally left out of that one.

Now we stank of sex. Stan has a nice big shower. We all got real clean. Nikki and I only had our party shorts and bras but Stan had light sports shirts that were big but made us more decent. Ah, clothes were not needed right after the shower. A door in the bathroom led to a private outside nook.

Stan got his baritone mandola. He knew many classical vocal pieces. We sounded good. No, we sounded magical. His playing kept our voices tight. Naked! And no rehearsals!

Stan brewed strong, rich coffee, no tequila. We all definitely woke up.

"Okay, here's my plan for today," Stan said. "I called, and Lorna and Mari are still alive. So I have a big loop to drive. I must run up to Barstow to see a guy, and to San Berdoo to take you home, and to Cabazon to check on the ladies. I can go either direction. Are you in a rush to get home or would you like a ride in Heidi?"

"Ride," Nikki said. "If I can't ride you any more, I'll ride Heidi. I'm a perv."

"The later we have to go home and maybe face Bobby, the better," I said.

"Okay then. Let's get dressed, tiptoe out, and go for a spin."

Stan fuelled Heidi from a tank alongside a big metal barn across from his stone house. .

"Before we go, you should see this." He opened a man-door in the barn. Inside were workbenches, metal cabinets, and miscellany, and a... vehicle. A long, skinny pickup truck with steel cabinets on its sides, riding on what looked like huge motorcycle wheels.

"That's Waltzing Matilda or Tilly. She's another steam buggy like Heidi but a high-wheeler. She can climb over almost anything. She loves rough desert and mountain tracks more than asphalt but she's street-legal. She has the same steam Zero Emissions Engine as Heidi. She was put together by the guy I have to see in Barstow. I'll tell you more as we go."

We went. We climbed into that comfy bench front seat, and went. Heidi was silent with the convertible roof up, almost as quiet with it down, except for crunching dirt and outside sounds. We reached the twisty paved byway and headed north, not too fast, but the wind would have made us shout, so we just enjoyed the world.

We finished the byway's dips and twists; the road was straight ahead. Stan put Heidi's roof up so we could go fast and talk. And we DID go fast, north and then west, two-mile-high mountains always to our left. Even when the readout said we zipped over a hundred miles per hour, Heidi was smooth and silent.

"She's on a Porsche racing chassis that's rated for over two hundred. But we take it easy."

My knuckles unclenched when our speed dropped to eighty. Stan filled us in.

"My guy Miles in Barstow built Tilly. I'm seeing him about building a steam minivan. I might name her Angela. We've got to have her when Pam has babies - she's set for twins in a few months. That'll ruin her work schedule but maybe she'll calm down. And our cousin Jeri might move in when she has a kid around the same time. Rancho Relaxo is going to be Baby Central. A minivan is mandatory."