Stanley Steamer Ch. 09: Ellise & Anny


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"It's a miracle," they chorused.

Stan rubbed nearby shoulders. "I have no better explanation."

"I'd like to hear more miracles before I go," I said.

Instead of the nook, we took our bare butts and sweet mochas out the kitchen door to the water tank, already sun-warmed. Stan sang a spare baritone line. The girls' voices swirled around it. And I felt like I was ovulating. Holy fuck, what is this?

Somehow I ended up in Stan's lap, facing away from him, his thick cock deep inside me, my hands at my clit, his hands at my breasts, his voice patterning past my ear, a calm demon supporting soaring angels.

I stood in the water. I dripped. My pussy would have dripped anyway. I cried. "No more, no more." I bent over the tank's rim. My ass was in Stan's face. "Go ahead, you MUST!" And he did. A slow fuck; a faster fuck; the girls' hands on Stan, not on me. And then an eruption inside me. I felt filled - with cock, with cum, with celestial glory. Not only filled. I felt fulfilled.

I stood again, turned and kissed Stan, then made for the steps.

"I've gotta go now. I fucking well MUST! I'll see you Saturday. Oh god, oh god."

I dressed fast and drove away even faster. Midday traffic was light and I was in a hurry. Arno was home when I got there. I took him to bed and fucked him to death. Then I blew him back to life and fucked him to death again. He did not complain.


I got up early the next Saturday. It was a long drive and I wanted to be there early. I fucked Arno to death, ate a quick microwaved omelet and drank coffee, fucked Arno to death again, dressed (without wiping off) as lightly as before or maybe lighter, hopped in my Audi, and sped east into sunrise with a towel under me and the CD on repeat. I knew what it would do to me. That is what I wanted, why I left early, to beat Dov and Vlad by at least an hour.

Flow of traffic was good but seemed endless until I saw the rusty roadrunner silhouette marking the turn to Rancho Relaxo. I did not drive slow and quiet on the rough track. I did not care if I was heard. I needed Stan awake.

I left my sandals and sundress at the front door, taking only my bare-ass self into Stan's bedroom. His door was not quite closed. His bed was not quite empty. Not when occupied by Stan and three women I had not seen before.

A very freckled, very red-haired woman nestled between tan legs, going down on a curvy Latina. Beside them, Stan was locked in a throbbing 69 with a woman even blonder than me. Too bad.

"Stanley," I called. "Stanley Kamehameha Ovshinsky." (Yes, I had looked him up.) "Stop what you are doing, Stan. I need you. Right now."

The red woman looked over her shoulder. The Latina's eyes slitted for a moment; she pulled red's head back into her pussy. "Don't stop. Oh yeah..."

The blonde rolled off Stan. Damn, she was beautiful! And what boobs! Her blue eyes watched me upside-down while she fisted his cock.

Stan, up on his elbows, regarded me. "Morning, Ellise. What's up?"

"Don't waste a cumload in her mouth or hand. I need you. Now. I need you to fuck me. Now. I've been listening to that damn CD for hours and I can't help myself. Fuck me now or I'll die."

"We certainly don't want to have to dispose of corpses. But Lorna and I were close. I think you owe her something.?"

"I'll give her anything. Just fuck me. Don't wait."

It was like my first time here just days ago but faster and with this bouncy blonde bombshell instead of the rangy brunette Jeri. My mouth was deep in Lorna's pussy while Stan held my hair and doggy-fucked me. He fucked me faster. And faster. And groaned, And came in me. A big load in me. He stayed in me for quite a while but eventually fell out and lay beside us. I stayed with Lorna and was happy for her groaning, squirming, twitching cum.

I looked at Stan. "Damn, that was good, but it's not enough. I need to be fucked again. I already fucked my husband twice this morning but it's not enough. What will it take for you to fuck me again?"

I moved between his legs, put my face into his wet thatch, and sucked his limpish but thick cock into my mouth. My hands held him steady there.

Lorna said, "Keep at him. He'll take a few minutes to reload but he'll stay stiff once you get him there."

The other couple paid us no heed. Red's mouth and fingers were busy. The Latina twisted her own nipples. Her back arched. Her yell was not too loud.

The redhead shimmied up to kiss her target's face. She looked back at me after a long minute. "You could have been a few minutes later."




My mouth and fingers had Mari right at the edge when a woman stomped in calling for Stan. I tried to see her but Mari insisted on cumming, which is only right. I kept at Mari until that happy sound, more than a groan but not quite a shout. I kept kissing. She calmed and pushed at my head. I moved to kiss her face. It was a long, happy kiss.

I looked at the naked intruder. "You could have been a few minutes later."

Her blue eyes burned into me but she never released Stan's cock. She mumbled "unh uh" around his reviving manhood and shook her head NO. She kept sucking and pumping intently.

Lorna said reasonably, "Everyone just got off except you and maybe her, whoever she is. And she wants more, Anny. Look at her suck! I say, let let her have it, but she has to pay."

She got a lot for her payment: me. Most of me, anyway. She rubbed my just-bulging belly and slurped my just-bursting boobs. When she lay back with me straddling her head, she gave me a lot of well-done tongue. Stan gave her a lot of cock for a long time, and gave me kisses and fondles for just as long. It took awhile but he came into her again. I could tell he was straining.

Stan and I had made love. This slim, intense woman on her back, whoever she was, was only the go-between, a conduit of flesh between our souls. Maybe it was not really love - but it felt good and solid.

All good things must end. And five free, naked adults in a bed, even this big a bed, makes for overcrowding. Nikki and Kaylee noticed when they strolled in from the hall, naked of course. NAKED is the dress code at Rancho Relaxo.

"Wow, you all fit in there?" Nikki said. "No room left for us! Not unless you gals scoot to the side and let us do a triangle with Stan." A triangle is what Stan and I just did on top of this woman, whoever she was.

"He's a bit wasted for that right now," I said. "Try again in an hour. By the way, does everybody know everybody? I sure don't."

"That's Ellise, our new agent," Kaylee said. "She set up the recording session today, and the sound crew will be here before long. Ellise, the Celtic beauty who left juice on your face is Anathea, call her Anny, the newest refugee here."

I patted her head. "It's a story. Tell you later. But there's Mariana, call her Mari." Mari reached to pat Ellise's head too. "And here's Lorna."

Lorna leaned over Ellise. "It's polite to kiss my tits HELLO." Ellise sucked each, and again, and then Mari. So Ellise could be polite. Good.

Stan crawled from the bed and stood.

"Now that introductions are over, we can indeed expect the sound crew soon, and we don't want to scare them, so everyone should wear clothes. Suitable clothes, not just loincloths, even if they're usually good enough. Cover all juicy bits for the day. Breakfast is imminent. You have been warned."

The bedroom emptied after hugs and kisses. Ellise found her scrap of dress wadded by the front door. I took pity and offered her some decent wear - she was about my size. We all hit the kitchen in various sorts of shirts and shorts.

Pam emerged from her room naked, looked at the clothed people, and said, "Oh, that's right, civilians coming today. Save me a burrito." She vanished and soon reappeared dressed. And hungry.

Noise outside told of a car on the rough access track. Jeri must have had a tough all-nighter at her studio. She had started to discard her op-art blouse as she came through the front door but stopped when she saw all of us dressed. "Oh, right. Breakfast first, then." She did not re-button over her mothwing bra.

"Huevos Mexicanos and all the sides," Mariana announced.

"Al pastor burritos for you carnivores," Stan proclaimed.

"Coffee, tea, LSD, or me," Lorna offered. "YOU!" we all shouted. She set out pots of coffee, cocoa, and mezcal tequila. We poured our own poisons.

Ellise seemed stunned by the crowd. Stan and Mari cooked and Lorna dished foods and liquids, and then joined Jeri, Pam, Nikki, Kaylee, and me at the table's long sides. I think I counted everyone there - breakfast for eight adults in varied states of wakefulness.

Ellise asked Stan, "These are all your live-in girlfriends?" He laughed.

"Pam and Jeri live here. We're family. Lorna and Mari are friends of Jeri's who think they love me and visit on weekends. Anny is a refugee till things shake out. I guess you're a fuck-buddy now, too. But with Kaylee and Nikki here, the guest rooms are full. You can sleep on the couch."

"Right," I laughed, "if she's not crouching at your feet, lewdly offering herself to passersby. As for my refugee status, we had some fun a few months ago. Now I'm pregnant. My husband got hold of blood and DNA reports showing he couldn't be the father, so he kicked me out. I'm working on what's next."

"Wait," Mari said to Ellise, "you fucked your husband twice this morning, and then Stan fucked you twice? Check back with me in a month or two and I'll tell you my theory." Oh fuck, not the fighting-sperm! Or should I believe in magic?

We chittered and chattered and finished about the time more dirt-road noise signaled another vehicle.

"Probably Dov and Vlad, the sound crew," Ellise said. "Will they have to go through your bedroom to reach that nook?"

"No, there's a secret back passage," Stan said. "Let's show them the way." They headed toward the front door but were intercepted.

Jeri hugged her cousin. "I've had it. Good thing they pay me well for that shit. Anyway, I'm crawling in. Keep it down to a dull roar." She kissed him hard and stumbled down the hall. Her blouse was off before she reached her door.

Lorna stood. "You all will be busy here today. Mari and I have some girl stuff to do in town. And we've heard this; we're horny enough already. We'll try to be back before moonrise." Goodbye kisses, and then they were gone.


An unmarked cargo van parked out front. I saw Stan and Ellise talk to two blond men, one wiry, the other bigger, both in khaki shirts and denim jeans. I stepped out to eavesdrop.

"What the fuck are you trying to do to me?" the wiry one asked Ellise. "I could barely keep Vlad from blowing me all the way from Azusa to here. Or me from blowing him. That CD must be cursed or something."

"Potent, isn't it, Dov? That's what happens when they play and sing. That's why you're here - to bottle the magic. So Vlad and I can sell it."

"You could clean that demo a little and I'd have execs from a dozen labels bidding on it," said the taller man - Vlad, I guess. The indy producer.

"So keep that as a backup - but we'll record something better today," Stan said. "Outside noise should be minimal now. Our nook is back here. You want to watch this, Anny?"

"I'll stay out of your way." Quiet as a mouse, I am.

I followed them around a boulder bigger than the house, through a stony gap, and into the twenty-foot nook walled by more towering rocks. The space was closely inspected by the wiry man - Dov, I guess.

"Okay, lots of solid faces, good stone table and benches, no creaky chairs."

He pushed on surfaces. He pulled a tuning fork from a pocket, struck it, and slowly walked and waved it around. Listening for resonances, maybe.

"What's the other side of this space like?" Stan led him out.

"In this kind of place, Dov mounts mikes around the perimeter for tracks of outside and ambient sounds," Vlad told me. "Invert the signal in the mix for noise cancellation. That makes for a nice clean non-studio product."

Nikki and Kaylee came through the stony nook's bedroom door. Nikki asked, "Are you the sound crew?"

He offered a hand. "I'm Vlad and my card says PRODUCER. Dov over there is the sound crew himself. I usually oversee putting a product together but if this session sings like that rough CD, I'll only have to package it to sell to a high bidder. Are you the singers?"

"We sing," Kaylee said, "but we're like a building's decorative walls. Stan is our foundation. He pushes us to the heights. And we don't talk about it, don't plan anything. Stan sounds a line from something we recognize in the canon, we hit our notes, and it just happens."

"It just happens? When do you rehearse?"

"We don't. We just sing. No rehearsals, no playlists, and no hesitation, except maybe for drinks in between."

Vlad shook his head. "I'll believe it when it happens."

"You already heard it happen on that CD," I said. "It happens whenever they're together. It'll happen again today. You WILL believe. By the way, I'm Anny. I don't sing, and I play with welding gear. That's my piece up there."

I waved at a rockpile far higher than the house. Near its crown, a giant metal flower shimmered like oil on water. "Cholla cactus blossom, one hundred times life-size, ten meters across. Formerly a wrecked milk tanker."

Vlad looked up and whistled. I took his offered hand.

"Mucho gusto, Anny. Very pleased to meet you." He peered into my face. "Do you other pieces I can see? Have you sold anything?"

"Funny you should ask," I said. "You'll find my signature inside and outside some corporate offices around San Diego. I just left there; I haven't started much new. I'm noodling around here, trying on space and materials. I've some partly finished stuff in my shed out back. Guided tours anytime, free."

"I'll take you up on that later. Corporate commissions, huh? But now it looks like time for me to schlep gear for Dov."

Stan and the wiry man had finished circling the area. Dov moved his van close to the nook's access. He and Vlad unspooled cables and arranged devices. Dov planted odd-shaped mikes all over, hooked into a recording console.

"Everything is juiced from batteries in my van," Dov said. "No AC power hum."

Pam and I set refreshments on the stone table and joined Vlad and Ellise to be inconspicuous on a side bench.

Stan brought out his bigger and smaller mandolas. "Harmonium next time," he said. Dov took sound levels, tapped his tuning fork again, and tweaked some microphones. Stan, Kaylee, and Nikki all stood in their shaded spot. Dov fingered his console. He waved at them.

"Anytime, folks."

Stan played a line on the baritone mandola. The girls hit their notes. Stan played the intro again. The girls sang. And magic filled the air.

Piece after piece, a steady flow interrupted only by swigs of iced drinks or Dov changing discs. A steady flow of magic. Erotic magic. I was wet. Pam was wet. Vlad was wet, and he was queer as a blue gnu or a Trump promise. Were Jeri and her friends here, I'm sure someone would be raped. They were excitable.

Three hours of magic, and then a lunch break Thrown-together sandwiches, simmered chowder, cheese and veggie-fruit nibbles, cold beer, cheap wine. Quiet small talk. I overheard Vlad and Dov chatting with Ellise.

"THAT Krishnon? And THOSE Nakamuras? Jesus fuck, these girls are hot properties on their own," Vlad said. "I don't recognize Ovshinsky but he's no slouch there."

"Ovionic Devices," Dov said. "That's his father. Very special electronics."

"What the fuck is he doing out here? And these girls are still in school?" Vlad shook his head.

"Still training as singers," I cut in. "And Stan mostly does computer work - data-massaging, he says - but he can't talk much about it. His clients like to stay quiet. Except he sometimes runs expeditions for Indian tribal councils."

"Indians," Vlad said. "Mandolas. Computers. Spook stuff. Anything else?"

"Well," I said, "his cars and truck all run on advanced steam engines. And his back-country goes-anywhere pickup is the weirdest thing you've ever seen. It's on five-foot bicycle wheels."

"Stanley," Vlad said. "Steam. Stanley and steam. And music and Indians and spooks. I can't take it. Fuck me with a frying pan." He held his head.

"Steam engines?" Ellise said. "Like old locomotives? Choo-choo?"

"No, they're silent, clean, and efficient. Cutting-edge German engineering. Rather costly but a guy in Stuttgart owes Stan big-time. Maybe he'll show-"

"No, no," Vlad said. "I'm on overload. Let's do the afternoon session. And we're on for tomorrow, too? Damn, Dov, I'll have to fuck you so bad... oops, sorry."

"If the next hours go anything like this morning, I think we can skip tomorrow and make the long drive home tonight. We can cancel the motel. But keep your pecker packed here, boy."

We re-assembled. Stan played tenor mandola and sang a scant baritone. The girls' voices swirled and subverted. Magic continued. The afternoon was transcendent. And everyone was horny.

"This will be trouble," Vlad said. "People hear this, they'll only want to fuck, and that will be the downfall of civilization. If an asteroid doesn't hit first."

"Arthur C. Clarke invented geostationary satellites in a story where the nefarious Chinese orbited birds that beamed porn on Europe and America to collapse Western civilization," Stan said. "Now we have Internet porn and the world keeps turning. I don't expect chaos. Just lots of money."


Dov and Vlad packed up and left well before sundown. Pam took Kaylee and Nikki to soak in the water tank. Ellise had changed back into her thin dress. She accosted Stan before he could join them.

"I heard steam cars mentioned," she said. "Can I take a ride in one?"

"I need to get something in town," I said. "How about we ride in Angela?"

Ellise was stunned by the barn's contents. Beautiful Heidi, the Karmann Ghia with secrets. Blocky Angela the uncrunchable minivan. And spindly Waltzing Matilda, way up there. Ellise was relieved by the normality of Angela's interior and dazzled by her near-silent running.

The only noise came from tires on the rough track. Stan went to turn south to Yucca Valley when we reached the paved byway but I stopped him.

"I lied. I don't need anything in town. I just wanted to get you guys alone. Let's take the loop out to Giant Rock." I eased from the back seat and kissed Stan's neck. then Ellise's. Stan smiled.

"Only if their UFO beacon is turned off. We don't need ETs watching us."

Flying saucer nuts still convene at Giant Rock, hoping to be raped by Martians or something. Go figure.

Stan drove the twisty, dippy byway north, then off east on gravel. Angela was solid. Giant Rock's beacon was turned off. Stan turned south and then off on a side track.

"Get back here and get naked," I said. I was already bare-ass and I'd set the bed in back.

"I want you both. I want tongues and tits, and cunt and cock and kisses. I'm so hot I'm about to melt down. You are too, Ellise." I slurped her boobs when her still-wadded dress peeled off.

"And Stan..." I kissed his mouth. "Both of you. Down. Now."

I sucked cock. I ate pussy. I 69ed with Stan and then with Ellise. I watched them 69. I pulled her into another 69 with me on top.

I did not need to ask. He got behind my ass and fucked me monstrously while she licked my clit. I came before they did.

"Me now!" she said. We re-arranged with her on top. His balls bounced off my forehead as he pounded in and I slurped away. Her tongue kept me orgasmic.

Stan's scrotum stabilized on my eyelids when he delivered a fat, hot load of live sperm into her vacuuming vagina. They both howled beautifully.

Ellise was not in a snuggling, post-coital glow sort of mood.