Stanley Steamer Ch. 14: Carole Tells


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Indians give him fine art because of what he's done for them. I processed that.

Otherwise it was drive, talk, hear angelic-demonic music, listen to our own thoughts in Heidi's silence, and snuggle on the front seat. Stan had always been a good snuggle. I tried not to cry when I snuggled.


We left our last adobe motel early Wednesday morning. The final stop before the long run to Stan's home, that Rancho Relaxo place, was a plain building near an airbase - a warplane bone yard really, thousands and thousands of aircraft mothballed under the desert sun. Stan's briefcase stayed flat when he emerged. He looked worried.

"Only a small glitch, but I'll be busy awhile after we get home." He grimaced.

"I'm not sure who'll be up when we pull in. Anathea for sure - call her Anny. She'll be welding heavy metal with baby Callista in a papoose pack. Jeri is on another remote studio gig. Pam may be asleep. She still pulls crazy paramedic shifts. They're both three months to delivering. Weekenders won't be there. Ursula might be in. Competitive swim meets are harder for her now - there is no 'pregnant senior' circuit. But Anny will entertain you. Or you can explore, or swim - Anny's new pool is great! - or whatever you want."

He glanced at me fast. "I didn't warn anyone. You'll be a surprise. You haven't told Tanya and Talia yet that you're coming, have you?"

"I'll take my soul-searing shocks one at a time, thank you." I was nervous too.

I worried myself on this. How would they react to their mom following them into a new life? Will I seem creepy? Or hypnotized? Or only crazy? How soon can I face them? They will be here for the weekend, so that is my lead time to prepare. The singers; my girls; and this Megan, my niece! Will I be open with them? I don't want to grow another shell.

Stan let me crack my last shell. That is why I am here. I am cracked.

I worried myself about sex. Will I watch Stan fuck them or any other of his women? And yes, I am one of his women now. I want Stan but I can - no, I must - share him, with some women, yes. But with his own sister and their mother? With his own daughters, my girls? And they all fuck each other. Will I be in there? I was afraid I already knew the answers.

I feared I was joining a sex cult. Did Stan dabble in ritual and dogma? I asked straight-on in our long on-the-road talks, when music did not envelop us.

"I set the thermostat for naked comfort. I like naked residents and visitors. We dunk and swim naked. Rituals? We greet by saying 'hello' and sucking nipples. Dogma? Well, it's my house, my rules. No fights or footwear in the house, and don't bring strange men home to fuck. Otherwise, do or don't what you want."

I had to ask. "How about strange women?"

"As long as they clean up nice, sure." He laughed, and pondered.

"What's dogmatic? Adults visit, reside, fuck and exit voluntarily at Rancho Relaxo. I shelter friends and babies. Those staying are family by blood or implied adoption so I guess I'm the omnipotent paterfamilias. And anyone's secrets stay secret as long as they want. I'm sure we all do stuff we don't want known. Fine. So I guess the Need To Know rule applies, then. Don't say anything nobody else doesn't need to know."

"I need you to know that I'm yours," I said.

"I gathered that." His hand traced my jaw.

We zoomed through the bleak snowbird paradise of Quartzite around noon. I had never been to the desert village's overflowing January gem show. Maybe next year. But I needed something right now.

"The Colorado River is just ahead. My old life will wash away when we cross that bridge. Stan, I want you to fuck-away my old life before California. No - *I* want to fuck-away my old life. Pull off the freeway, at the last rest stop or even the breakdown lane. You can sit across the back seat with your cock out and I can bounce on you while you suck my breasts. The old me needs to go out with a big cum."

"Do you want Heidi's ragtop up or down?"

I slipped my top over my head and aimed my nipples at him. "Down."

He took the last Arizona turnoff and stopped behind a billboard surrounded by the pointing fingers of giant saguaro cacti. A roadrunner ran by. Freeway traffic was loud. So was I when I came on him. Have you ever cowgirl-fucked in the back seat of a VeeDub? It gets intense. And Stan stayed hard inside me. I cried on his shoulder. Then I stopped.

"That's the last time I cry. But you didn't cum!"

Have you ever given a blowjob in the back seat of a VeeDub? It gets crowded. My neck hurt after a bit and he still had not cum.

We drove across the river. I felt new already! But not new enough.

"We're here! Now I want you to fuck me into my new life!"

Have you ever tried a missionary fuck in the back seat of a VeeDub? You must be dwarves. We were not, and the front seat would be worse. A turnout a few miles on lacked a billboard, but a line of mesquites screened us from the road. I blew Stan to super-fullness. I crouched ass-up on the front seat. Stan stood at the passenger door, held my hips, and bull-fucked me for what seemed forever. Watching his pounding must have been funny.

Mesquite branches rustled, wings flapped - creatures fled my screams of joy.

And Stan-O's cum filled me again.

===== [Wednesday afternoon]

"My old trail was too rough for babies so I graveled it. Took the charm away. And the intruder noise alert. Electric sensors warn us now. Is that progress?"

A rusty iron roadrunner cutout marked the turnoff to Stan's compound palisaded by giant boulders. Joshua trees and yuccas dotted the rocky folded landscape. The sinking sun stood just above the rugged mountains towering behind his place; a vast expanse of desert spread below.

The girls had sent me pictures. I recognized the huge rocks; the steel barns and sheds; the dunking tank and the new domed pool beyond; the volcanic tufa extension behind the fieldstone 'cabin' nestled under granite monoliths; the steel floral-vaginal sculptures high on rocks and hills. Talia had sent a map of the compound and the trails around it. And the rough helipad.

Rancho Relaxo was impressive. Stan had done well. I was almost scared.

Stan pressed a button. A barn door remotely rolled up. He parked Heidi beside what I recognized as Angela the boxy minivan and Tilly the weird high-wheeler pickup. The big door stayed open.

"We can unload later. Sorry, but this is important. Come on in, make yourself homely. Everything should be easy to find." Stan WAS worried.

A people door on the next steel barn emitted two women wearing leather moccasins, leather miniskirts, open leather vests, and nothing else except the papoose bundle turning the lean, fully-freckled redhead into a hunchback - Anathea, for sure. The very fit and somewhat pregnant woman with cropped dark hair had to be Ursula.

Anathea, I mean Anny called, "Hey Stan, good to have you back..." Both halted. Anny lifted Ursula's leather mini and sharply swatted her taut, naked ass. "Pay up! I *TOLD* you he would bring her!"

Anny trotted to me, held my head, and kissed my mouth. Our tongues touched. "Welcome to the Rancho. You're doomed now, Carole."

Ursula walked a bit slower. "Hello, mother of my granddaughters." She kissed me. I knew the ritual. "Hello, Ursula. It's been too long." I pushed her leather vest aside and wetly kissed her breasts. She cooed, pulled my knit top off, and kissed mine. Anny and I greeted each other properly.

Stan slurped nipples. Each kissed his mouth and squeezed his cock through his trousers. He smiled and slid fingers into their vaginas. He licked his fingers lewdly and cracked a twisted smile.

"It's great to be back. But ladies, I do need to deal with glitches." He reached into my skirt, pushed fingers into my pussy too, and tasted my juice. "Finest kind! But I really must get inside. It's important. Wash off your dust; I'll seize you all later." We each got another kiss and finger-fuck and then he was gone.

"Good idea," Anny said. She took my hand and led me toward the galvanized tank that was not a horse trough. "C'mon, Ursula, we've sweated enough on that piece. Time to rinse off."

She dropped moccasins and her scanty leathers besides tree-stump steps up the tank's side. Her baby - Callista, sure - was quick-dunked with a baby grin, dried fast, and laid in the high crib beside the tank and table. I had expected this. I got naked; Ursula, too. I dunked, and surfaced between the women.

A house door opened. A fairly pregnant dark-haired woman wearing only sandals and a smile walked to us.

"Stan's back! He told me to get wet, and - oh my - CAROLE!"

She shimmied toward us. I stood in the tank. "PAMELA!"

We had been semi-friends back in school. I was in a higher grade so we shared no classes, but she booked a lot of library time - though not nearly as much as her little brother. I was happy to see her now.

I hugged the wet naked bulging woman in the tank. She flopped us over and down, kissed my mouth underwater, surfaced, and laughed.

"You were right, Anny! Hey Carole, long time since my last overdue book! Look at us now! You came to stay, right? You know what you're getting into?"

I got serious. "I expect tense times, happy times, magic times. I know there'll be group sex, family sex. I know there'll be babies. I don't know what my girls will think, how they'll react. So no, I don't know what's ahead. But it's not what I left behind. I'm not that Carole anymore, I hope. Oh yes - hello, Pam." I suckled her bulgy breasts. "Hello, Carole," she said, and bent to suck mine.

Ursula and Anny came to suckle their greetings.

"Oooh, more of that. And rub my belly. Oh fuck yes," Pam purred.

I asked, "You're due in what, three months?"

"That's about right. Me and Lorna and Jeri. For my twins, I have the med center in Yucca Valley near my ambulance station. Lorna has the clinic at the rez where she works and lives with Mariana. Jeri's studio has her in Antigua Guatemala but she should be back in time. Yes, we're all due together."

"Don't forget my sister Terri," Ursula said, unmouthing her daughter's swollen breast. "And her daughter-in-law Sharli; she's Imani's mother. You know Imani, right? Same time for them. And then Mari and me, mid-year. I'll be in shape to swim again in late summer." She looked wistful. She rubbed Pam's bulgy belly.

"I blame wild parties," Anny said. "Mari has a crazy theory but I can't argue. When a gal on The Pill fucks Stan and some other guy fairly close together, like within a couple hours, BANG! She's pregnant. Mari says Stan's sperm sense their DNA, go hyper-competitive, and shoot past any contraception."

"That's nuts," Pam said. "Biology doesn't work that way. Trust me - I'm a medical professional. But... we all had fuckfests with Stan and other guys, and look at us! And more women - you'll meet some. My brother..."

She shook her head and sighed. Anny and Ursula kept at her belly. I helped. And I thought, oh fuck. Stan and I swapped and four-fucked with a married couple back in Santa Fe. Was I going to have more of Stan's babies? Oh fuck.


Pam had spent the afternoon building a fine lasagna. We ate naked at the kitchen island. Pam took a hot dish and cold beer to Stan's office, crossed the hall to her room, and emerged, still naked, carrying her paramedic uniform.

"Time for my twenty-four hours on and thirty-six off. But I need a send-off. C'mon, Mom."

Pam sat back in a low, soft chair in the greatroom and opened her thighs. Ursula knelt and went down on her daughter. I had heard that Ursula was her children's sex slave. Now I knew. Did she like being a sex slave? Would I?

Pam twisted and came with a throaty groan.

"Thanks, Mom. Well, I'm going in a little early now - a new EMT needs coaching. See you tomorrow." She kissed all breasts and was sucked in return. She dressed and shimmied away.

Anny returned from her room down the hall nursing Callista in a bright woven rebozo shawl slung over her shoulder.

"Dinnertime for everyone," she said. Callista burped.

"Let's give her the house tour," Ursula said. "This way to the egress."

A gang could work in the kitchen space without accidentally bumping butts. Vigas supported the high wood plank ceiling. The girls' photos did not do justice to the lodge-like greatroom. Down the wide hallway, sensuous plant art graced the walls between doors to bedrooms, bath, and Stan's office. The door at the hall's end opened to the new tufa-block addition - a foyer for two parallel hallways with baths between those halls, bedrooms on the outsides, and a kids' dorm at the end with its own team-sized super-bath. Clerestory-type windows provided the as yet unfinished interior with light and privacy.

"Wow," I said. "Is Stan a jack Mormon who drinks and smokes with all his wives? No, those houses have a separate entrance for each wife."

"Stan helped me come into some money," Anny said. Callista burped again. Anny traded breasts.

"I insisted on sharing. He didn't fight much. So I have my barn, and the Rancho has the pool and this extension, enough for at least half-dozen mothers and a dozen kids, both full-time and weekenders. We could add a second story, too. Everyone is gone a lot so I'm the housemother. I'll watch the kids and they can watch me weld."

"Wow," I said. "Just wow."

I looked at Stan's mother and his tenant - or is she a co-owner?

"How do you feel about this? You and all Stan's other women. Fucking family and friends. How can you stand it?"

Anny laughed. "You're here, aren't you?"

"You're here because you can't live without my son no matter who else is with him," Ursula said. "I feel I *MUST* be here. I think we all feel something like that. More would be full-timers if they didn't have obligations, jobs, school. This weekend will be crowded. Good thing Anny's pool is done - we'll fill it."

Anny ticked-off names on her fingers. "It's only the dozen or so. Well, Babs may visit to swim and fuck. My lazy cousin Lazlo too, maybe."

My Stan and a dozen women. Maybe Lazlo to relieve his burden. Oh fuck.

Callista snored. Anny shifted the sling into a backpack and closed her fists. "How do I feel? I feel great! Loved. Protected. And yet free." She pumped her fists. "Not to mention pretty rich." She spread her palms. "Everything."

"I'm not rich," I said. I was unemployed now.

"Doesn't matter," Anny said. "Everyone here is loved and sheltered. Get a job or lay around drunk, it doesn't matter. Well, not too drunk. But all that really matters here is love. The sex is nice, too."

"I love your girls and I love you for them," Ursula said. She sucked my breast.

"I love Stan for knowing how to love and I love you for teaching him," Anny said, and sucked my other breast. Fingers reached my pussy. I almost fainted.

I pulled away. "I love you for being Stan's mother," I told Ursula.

"Me too," Anny said. We both sucked her breasts and fingered her.

Callista emitted sounds. "Woops, it's time for some baby-tending," Anny said. "But follow me in. I'll be right with you."

"Don't mind me," naked Stan said from his open office door.

"We never pay you any mind," Anny said. "Why should we start now?"

"You never minded me much, either," Ursula said. "But you won't mind this."

Stan's naked, fit and somewhat pregnant mother squatted and took her son's cock into her mouth. I guess she had willingly given herself into her sexual slavery. Her long suck ended in a loud slurp.

"Come on," she said, drooling. "I feel like atoning."

"You're just horny again," Anny said.

Ursula asked, "And?"

"So quit stalling," Anny insisted.

Anny ministered to Callista in her bathroom. Stan, Ursula, and I sat as a knee-deep trio on her bed. Stan and I leaned to suck his mother's breasts. I fingered her; Stan fingered me; her hand stroked her son's cock. She sighed and bent to suck my breasts. Stan joined her. My first and best-ever lover and his mother, suckling me!

Anny came to her bed. "Callista is asleep; we can have fun now. Oooh, and that looks like fun." She pushed my suckers away. "But you smell so good! Since you got here, I've wanted... let's do this." She lay on her back and pulled me to straddle her face. My thighs brushed her ears. Her eyes captured mine. Her tongue licked into me.

"Mmmm," she mumbled, "you taste like your girls." I didn't feel like being shocked at the moment.

"Let's get ready, Mom," I heard Stan say. I watched him lie on his back. I watched his mother climb on him in a 69. I watched her suck her son's thick cock into her mouth while he faced his mother's mantrap.

But Anny's hands held my breasts, her tongue was inside me, and my fingers were in her, so I did not care much about the obscene coupling beside us.

I moaned, and shook, and came, and fell off Anny. Ursula climbed off her son. I was on my back. She spread my thighs. I saw Stan kneel behind her. I did not see him slide his hard cock into her motherly pussy but I felt it happen. Her tongue danced on my slit and split my labia. She tasted me deep inside. Her lips circled my clit; her tongue homed in. Her hands teased my nipples, stroked my body, held my butt, and pushed me into her face. I was lost.

We took on a rhythm, the beat of Stan fucking into his mother while she went down on me. This was the 'atonement' Talia had hinted at. She felt guilty for neglecting children and grandchildren for her sports career. To atone, she submitted as Stan and Pam's sex slave. I fantasized the previous night, her going down on vastly pregnant Pam while Stan fucked their mother.

I also visualized the next move, of Anny settling her pussy on my face. I licked eagerly as she had licked me. I held her breasts as she had held mine. Our eyes locked; then hers closed. I stayed buried in her red muff while Stan huffed and puffed and spewed into his mother, and Ursula kept her mouth on me. I know Stan stayed inside her; he kept pushing, a slower rhythm, kinder, gentler.

Stan finally left Ursula but we were not done yet. Anny climbed off me and onto Ursula in a 69 to suck Stan's cum from his mother. Stan touched me. I grinned and rolled onto him in our own 69, to suck his cum off his cock and to feel more of his tongue magic - just to have more of him.

My girls, and the niece I never knew, and their lovers, and more of Stan's psychosexual captives, would be here in a couple of days. Was I anywhere near ready for them?

Were my girls ready for me?

===== [Thursday]

Anny slept (mostly) with baby Callista last night. Ursula slept (mostly) with Stan and me. At some dimly-lit moment I jokingly asked Stan to marry me so I could fuck my mother-in-law. He whispered, "We make our own laws," and rejoined his mother licking my pussy.

This is not how I expected to spend my first night in Stan's home. But I should not have been surprised - only at how few women were here now.

Roadrunners clattering on steel shed roofs at dawn's edge woke me enough to pee. Stan and Ursula followed me, and back to bed, and more actual sleep, all nestled close, with me spooned in the middle. My dreams were not terrifying.

Anny was a traditionalist. Savory kitchen smells dragged we huddled three from bed. Scents of coffee, and frying bacon and herbed potatoes, promised a good day's start. Stan, Ursula, and I slurped each other appropriately and rose to face what passes for reality.

Cream and tequila for the coffee. Chunky salsa roja for the potatoes, and finely-grated sharp cheddar. Bananas, apples, and peaches in a bowl. Naked Anny with papoosed Callista - fixing, serving, and chiding.

"You slugs must have had a rough night," she scowled. "Serves you right."

"Mom can take Callista tonight. We'll take Anny. Serves her right," Stan said.

Do a sex-slave's tasks include babysitting?