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I stretched, I was impressed with how neatly the papers were stacked – everything was ready for the morning! I slipped it all into my bag and stowed it away. So, perhaps I had time to go for a pizza and a beer after all.

Just as I was looking for my other shoe the doorbell rang. Ah well, I didn't mind interruptions now – who could it be? I opened the door and two pizzas stood there, they moved to one side and Donna and Penny's smiles peered around them.

"We were passing Steve and thought we could warm up our Pizzas here – any chance?" Well, who could resist?

"Come in you lovely ladies, the only charge for heating is a goodly slice of each please!" I ushered them into the lounge area. "Can I take the pizzas to the kitchen? What about a drink – wine, beer, soft drinks?"

"Two white wines please Steve, and quick with the heating - we're starving!" Chimed Donna.

"Make yourselves comfortable – put on some music if you can find anything you fancy." I disappeared into the kitchen and set the microwave running with the first pizza. I had a couple of white table wines, either seemed adequate and both were cool enough so I took them both into the lounge. Penny surprised me by selecting my favourite Miles Davis CD; it seemed like an evening for surprises!

"OK, Pizza number one is cooking, wine is here." I opened the bottle and poured three glasses. The girls accepted theirs and we all chinked glasses together.

The microwave pinged. I swapped the hot pizza for the cooler one and set the machine running again. I collected three warmed plates and waltzed the goodies back to the girls.

"Who's going to be mother?" I enquired. They looked at me so I made the first cut, I waved the blade over the pizza and each told me where to stop. I served their slices and cut a similar one for myself.

As I munched I realised how tired I was. It had been a long hard day! The pizza was just what I needed, I wasn't sure I really wanted the wine. The microwave pinged. I brought the pizza and a glass of orange juice for myself. The girls watched my approach; I wondered what they expected from me.

"More food for the troops!" I announced. "Who's for more?"

They each had a similar slice from the second pizza, I hadn't finished my first so I sat down to get on with it.

"Have you really got your own office?" Penny asked. "We hardly saw you at work today, what's going on?" She looked embarrassed to be asking, Donna kept her eyes on her plate.

"Yes, it's only temporary while I make a report about possibly improving out database structure and any potential consequences." I picked up the final piece of my pizza, hoping they wouldn't press to hard about the day's events.

"Grace said your desk would be empty for a while. She seemed reluctant to tell us why . ." Penny tailed off and took another bite of her pizza.

I smiled and began my explanation "Having never really met Ms Clarkson before I think I rather mouthed off about my ideas. She's very sharp; I suppose that's not really a surprise. Before I knew it I was trying to give chapter and verse on how to improve things. She was kind enough to listen and ended up liking the suggestion enough to give me the task of presenting my ideas tomorrow." I looked from one face to the other.

"So that's why you came home early, to work here?" Said Donna over her empty wine glass.

I took the hint and refilled both their glasses. "That's right, I brought home a couple of useful files and worked at it solidly until just before you turned up. How did you know where I lived?"

They looked sheepish. "Sorry Steve we kind of . . well . . pinched it while you and Grace were setting up your office. We wanted to find out about your trip to the top floor, you know, if Clarkson was angry or anything?" Penny stopped, took another gulp of wine and continued. "We missed you and thought we would surprise you!"

My second slice of pizza finished and I was really quite tired. I hoped they would go soon!

"It's great to see you but I will still be around the office. They gave me a separate room so I could do interviews, have meetings and get the job done quickly . . I have to get in early tomorrow to set up my presentation . ."

They took the hint! Struggling up they thanked me for the wine, took the remaining bits of pizza in one box and gave me a quick hug goodnight.

I set the alarm clock for earlier than usual and fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

The alarm radio woke me. I was refreshed and ready to get up. Showered and shaved I applied my new 'after shave' it was incredibly soothing. Putting the little jar back in my zip pocket I thought about Alice and wondered whether I would see her this morning. If she was there I would stop and say hello.

As usual, I made a breakfast of muesli and fresh fruit with a glass of orange juice. I was wearing a clean cotton short-sleeved shirt and dark grey chinos. I still had to replace my damaged jeans. They were in the wash and would serve as 'working' kit.

Teeth cleaned, helmet in hand and I was ready for my big day!

The ride to work was smooth, it was a little easier than usual and the traffic moved freely. The lights by Alice's shop were green but I managed a glance towards her door – no sign of life at all. In the office basement my bike was parked in its usual basement corner and I took the lift straight to the top floor.

When the lift doors opened Mary looked startled but her beaming smile welcomed me. She bustled towards me her arms outstretched and engulfed me in a glorious hug.

"Wow, Mary is that the way all guests to the top floor get greeted?" I jested.

"Not on your life young man, normally they get the cold stare – if they are lucky!" Mary looked over shoulder and called towards the inner office. "June, - an early visitor for you." Mary took my bag. "That's heavy, have you been cycling with that on your back?"

June came through the door, she looked radiant. "Steve!" She cried and engulfed me in her own lovely hug, at least without my bag I could reciprocate.

"Steady up, boss." I whispered in her ear. "We have work to do and if you carry on like that we won't get an early start!"

"Spoilsport." She growled. "Come on through if you insist on business before pleasure."

Mary followed us into June's big office. They sat near the desk while I unpacked my files and papers.

"OK, ladies." I started. "I got on top of the project yesterday afternoon and evening." I waved an arm at the heaps of documentation. "I have a Powerpoint presentation showing the problem, moving on to how I would like to run the survey and build the plan for moving forward. I can give you a dry run of the presentation or perhaps give you a quick run through on the outline of the way it might go . . any preferences?"

June stood. "Yes, I think if we have a coffee and you do the outline we will take on trust that you can deliver to the board. Did I tell you that it's scheduled for ten thirty, everyone will be here." June passed me a list. "Anyone you want to add?"

"If it is possible," I began "and I haven't asked her yet, I would like my supervisor – Grace Smith to attend. She taught me all I know about the database management side and having her around might help if we get into deep detail. Would that be OK?"

"No problem." June nodded to Mary who added Grace's name to the master list.

"I'll get coffee now if you like June." Mary moved over to the machine.

While Mary was still in earshot June asked "So, with all this work did you get any sleep last night Steve?

"Slept like a baby! Most of the work was done by eight-ish so I had a pizza delivery and got to bed in good time for a great night's sleep. Yesterday was quite a heavy day one way and another!" I smiled from one to the other. "How about you did you both sleep well?"

Mary chimed from the coffee machine. "I had amazing erotic dreams! Really gorgeous play-backs of yesterday's fun. It's a good job we sleep separately now I was able to respond to my needs and really enjoyed it too!"

June stood behind me caressing my shoulders. "I went to bed early, slept well until the early hours and then started worrying about the task we laid on you almost by accident. I can see from your output and enthusiasm that I needn't have worried."

Over coffee we were businesslike again talking over the presentation practicalities, potential stumbling blocks or awkward members. As we finished I asked "Before I give you the potted version can I pop down and see if Mrs Smith will be able to come along later?

"Sure." Replied June. "Back in ten minutes please Steve."

On the way down the stairs I dipped a finger in the cream dabbed a bit on my forehead for concentration and wiped the rest around my throat to keep my voice strong.

No hug from Grace as there were too many people around. She almost blushed as she said she was honoured to be asked and would love to be there to support me.

Donna and Penny were as chipper as ever, they always enjoyed their work and put a lot of effort into making sure their work was as perfect as they could achieve. I smiled as I passed their desks.

Reg was beavering away as I approached. He looked up as I pulled a chair alongside him.

"You're busy, Reg. How did it feel after yesterday's long stint at the desk?" I asked.

He sighed and smiled – a very unusual sight! "Steve, I went home feeling great! My wife remarked how happy I looked and I spent the whole evening playing with the kids without a single grumble. Normally I am grumpy or nasty to everyone in range, as you might have noticed around here." He looked at me. "I'm reallysorry Steve for all the daft things I've said to you in the past, and thank you for re-directing me yesterday. I think I actually felt some self-esteem – having done a proper day's work for the first time for ages."

"I think you might be right Reg. The first person you need to respect is yourself; then you might earn the regard of others around you. Talking of which, maybe you need to consider integrating with your colleagues, preferably without the sharp tongue of times past. What do you think?" I paused, looking for a reaction.

"Do you think they will want to talk to me after they way I've treated them all in the past? How do I start? Please help me Steve." Reg looked almost pleadingly as he waited for an answer.

"OK Reg, I can see why you might feel a bit apprehensive but all you need to do is relax and chat. No judging people, and no trying to be more clever than the other person. You can natter about anything – the weather, last night's TV, football or whatever feels appropriate . ." I tailed off as a light seemed to switch on in his eyes.

"Yes, my wife does it all the time. Really inconsequential stuff but it helps to keep communications open I guess. I'll give it a go Steve, thanks a lot." He smiled looking quietly confident again.

As I left I slapped his shoulder. "Good man. I'm sure you can do it, you have a lot to offer." As I walked away I realised how bizarre this situation was! He was I, the office junior, giving a pep talk to someone almost twice my age!

My ten minutes were up. I hurried back to the top floor giving my head and throat a re-assuring quick dab of cream on the way.

June and Mary looked up as I opened the door. June smiled "We have been looking through the notes you gave us, this is very impressive. Did you really do all this last night?"

"Despite or maybe because of the wonderful things that happened to me yesterday I found I was able to concentrate really well. Perhaps we should introduce sex sessions to encourage staff performance!"

They laughed. Mary said "Well my mind's been wandering, perhaps we could just . ."

"Later Mummy, let's look forward to that pleasure after lunch." June suggested, in a more business-like tone she continued. "Right Steve, you promised a potted version. We're ready so please go ahead."

The abridged version I had planned consisted of 'headline' items with brief descriptions of where the talk would expand. I can't remember a word of what I said but when I finished neither woman said a word! They looked straight at me mouths agape.

"You did all that last night?" They asked in unison, shaking their lovely heads.

"Well I went home in the afternoon and got stuck into it . . I tried to cover all the angles but maybe I missed something?"

June moved around the table and took me into her arms and hugged me. "No, if the full version is up to the same standard you will have no problem. Oh, it's so good to hold you!"

Mary put her arms around both of us. "Come along children, let's get the room ready, this show starts in just 15 minutes."

By the time we had re-arranged the tables and chairs the suits started arriving and took their places, chatting inaudibly. June came back into the room after a 'freshening up' break and the suits all stood politely. I saw Grace slip into the back of the room, she gave me a thumbs-up along with a bright smile.

June silenced the room and started. "Good morning everyone. I think we are all here now, can I introduce Steve Brown." I stood and smiled, trying to look confident. June continued. "As you know from the agenda Steve has some ideas about our current database and computer strategies and where we might take them to improve our long term prospects. He will talk than take questions. Over to you Steve."

I moved into position, gazed around the assembled faces and clicked up the first slide.

Almost before I knew it I was closing the presentation with the usual "Well if there no more questions . ."

June got to her feet and moved alongside me, she shook my hand and murmured "Brilliant!".

She hurried away to talk to a group of suits. Mary was busy clearing cups and glasses. Grace managed to find her way across the throng.

"Steve, I want to hug you. No I want to kiss you! No I want to . ." She paused and looked around to make sure no-one was listening. "I want to show you the improved arrangements in the stationery room!" We laughed together and it was all I could do to resist taking her in my arms.

"I look forward to that!" Was all I could manage as I saw June approaching, smiling broadly.

"Well Mrs Smith what did you think of your protégé?"

Grace shook her head. "I knew he was good but I had no idea just how brilliant! That really was an amazing presentation, my mind is buzzing with the possibilities. I understood every word and could see where the plan might lead."

June nodded enthusiastically. "I agree; everyone was impressed. Now Mrs Smith, Grace, I've looked at your job description. Is there anyone 'in house' who could do your job?"

Grace blinked. "Why Ms Clarkson?" Grace was flustered. "Steve would be the obvious choice but . ."

"No, it can't be Steve." Replied June firmly. "As you saw in the presentation one of the factors we must consider in the future is the sound management of our IT activities. I would like you to become that manager. Obviously we will discuss contract details in due course but what do you think?"

Grace had recovered her composure. "I see, yes I would be delighted to take on that challenge but wouldn't Steve be the right person?" She offered looking from June to me.

"Yes, he would, but forgive me putting it this way. Steve is more valuable to the company than that!"

It was my turn to be surprised. This was the job I thought I was talking myself into but June obviously had other plans.

Grace nodded perceptively. "After this morning I can see exactly what you mean, so Steve will become a Director?"

June smiled. "Exactly. We will need a director of IT and all its associated aspects. Steve will have the rare distinction of going from just about the most junior in the company to one of the most senior in a single bound!"

I shook my head in disbelief. Mary who was possibly aware that this might happen brought me a fresh glass of water. I needed that!

June turned back to Grace. "Can I call you Grace?" She didn't wait for an answer. "We would like you to stay – have lunch with us here – can you do that Grace?"

Grace looked hesitant. "Normally it would be no problem but as my mother's car is in the garage today I need to pop out to collect my youngest from his infant school and take him to my mother's – normally she does this."

June took this in her stride. "If we can send the car to pick up your mother to collect your little boy would that be OK?" She asked raising her eyebrows to emphasise the question.

"Yes, if I can call Mum to make sure she's OK with that first?" Grace replied.

"Use my phone." Said Mary. "Then we can set things up. Tell her the driver is called George and the car is a shiny black Mercedes!"

I silently hoped that Grace's mother would get on with George.

A few minutes later Grace reported that her mother was happy with the arrangement, she smiled and Mary set the arrangements in motion for George to go straight to Grace's mother's home.

"Perhaps I could use the bathroom and pop down to let let people know I'll be away for a little while?" Grace suggested.

"Fine, see you back here in about fifteen minutes Grace." Responded June, smiling as she walked Grace to the door.

Chapter Six – Afternoon Delights

The table for four appeared magically and I helped Mary to lay out the cutlery and plates. Mary was sublime; she moved smoothly and efficiently progressing the food preparation magically. In no time she had a smoked salmon with salad starter plated ready with something in the oven giving off mouth-watering smells.

I went off to take a leak and wash my hands. Applying a little cream to my temples I hoped to be able to cope with the company of three delightful women without embarrassing myself in female company. Just for good measure I dabbed a little cream around my cock.

Grace came back smiling. She had a phone call from her mother who was enjoying entertaining George before they did the school run. She had even baked a cake before George arrived!

Lunch was wonderful. The food itself was perfect and the company mesmerising. I joined in occasionally but their ability to chatter seamlessly from work to home life and back again enthralled me. The food was tasty and light enough for lunch, Mary's home-made lemonade was the perfect accompaniment.

While they moved smoothly from one subject to another I found myself watching them in a way I had not observed women before. Their backgrounds and characters were diverse but each was physically attractive in different ways, the calmness of Grace was contrasted by the concentrated energy of June while Mary seemed able to keep control of everything without apparently being in control – it was fascinating. I'd never been in love before but I suddenly realised that I loved them all.

Something of my thoughts must have communicated to them as I discovered that the conversation had ceased and they were all looking at me in a concentrated silence. Mary, as ever, took control.

"Now then Steve, you haven't touched your coffee and we have finished. Didn't you realise that the last to finish has to do the dishes!"

We all laughed but I could see something in their eyes and sense intensity in the atmosphere which surprised me. This time it was June reaching to resolve things, but hers was a more direct approach.

"Steve, I've only known you properly for a day but I think I love you." She said, moving from her chair to stand behind me.

Grace rose. "Me too Steve, I've never loved anyone the way I feel about you." She stood at my other shoulder.

Mary came and took my hands, indicating that I should stand. She wrapped her arms around me and said. "I love you too Steve, you make me so happy just to be near you."

I drew them all into the huddle. "I love you all too. You three mean the world to me you are all amazing." The group hug continued as we all felt dewy-eyed.
