Stolen Water Tastes Sweet Ch. 01

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A retired doctor's adventure in China.
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/26/2003
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Chapter 1

This is the story of Dr J, a retired general practitioner whom volunteered to serve in a small province at southern China. He arrived there about two years ago. It was a poor village where non of the local doctors would serve there for fear of being in poverty.

Dr J had made his monies and they were invested in real estates and stocks which generated enough income for him to live more than comfortably. Since his wife passed on, few days before he enlisted himself, his life was meaningless. He needed to feel appreciated again and the chance to travel and do a good deed appealed to him.

Despite objections from his siblings, he determined to make a change. He instructed his brokers and real estate agents to channel his earnings into his new banking account with a branch in Haizgou, China, the place he was heading. Packed all his T-shirts and jeans and some toiletries, he grabbed the next available flight out of Culcatta, India.

When he first landed in China, he truly felt ostracized. Everywhere he went, the locals would stare at him. Being a tall Indian and his dark complexion, he could not help it catching all the attention wherever he went. After traveling a fourteen-hour bus ride, he reach the village of Haizgou. The government allocated a sizable building for his practice and supplied all the required medication.

He had two assistants-cum-nurse-cum-housekeepers. They were a mid-thirty couple and stayed with him. The doctor was glad that they did not discriminate him and they were extremely helpful.

The locals accepted and actually welcome his presence. He was also appointed as one of the town influential committee member. Finally he had what he wanted. Cherished in the lime light for a while but his life was getting bored again.

At fifty six years of age, he was quite active and love to jog one of the numerous jungle treks nearby. The pure country air became a necessity in his life. His boredom started a few nights ago when he decided not to take any more sedatives to help him sleep. He had purchased several novels and he wanted to enjoy them after lay off for quite sometime.

It was on a Tuesday night that he first heard those moaning. Sounds of love that seemed foreign. They were stifled yet distinctive enough for him to catch them. There was no way he could continue to read the novel he held in his hand as those love music chanted his half a century body. There was actually a stirring between his legs that had not happened for a long time. The music lasted about fifteen minutes and it stopped. The tranquility of the night returned.

Still his concentration would not obey him. Feeling frustrated, he decided to have a snack. As he walked to the kitchen, while approaching the common bathroom, Se Yi came out from the toilet wearing a short nightgown. It was not a see through but it stopped at her hips not covering her crotch. And the crotch was exposed. Both of them were stunned. He stared at her wet crotch while she was surprised at huge bulge between his legs. It lasted for about one minute before Se Yi blushed and covered her crotch.

J apologized and walked quickly to the kitchen while she staggered back to her bedroom. There was confusion in his mind. How could he lose his self control just like that. Yet the sight mesmerized him. After gulping down a bottle of milk, he headed straight to his bedroom. That night he masturbated. A practice long neglected. It was special and he felt alive again. He had only a few hours sleep. His mind was thinking how to fulfill his needs. There were plans he definitely liked to try.

Since that night, his behaviour became eccentric. He liked to call Ah Seng to town more often to run idiotic errands. It would create opportunities for him to be alone with Se Yi. He was anxious to get his hands on his first Chinese body.

Normally Se Yi would stand beside him when he treated his patients. She would translate. These few days all of the patients were old folks dampening his prospecting plan. Nevertheless there were some consolations. The first time he made contact was he casually brushed her rounded buttocks while she stood beside him. He “accidentally” dropped his pen. The encounter encouraged him for she did not flinch. He had to find out whether she was cooperating or just playing professional assuming her position.

The next time he dropped the pen, his hand would stroke her lightly on the way down and the way up. There was no reaction except she blushed. He gotten bolder after that. When there were no patient and Ah Seng was not around, he would ask her to stand beside him and pretended to ask certain documents written in Chinese. He would reach down and lay his hand on her calf first. When there was no objection, his lay progressed higher slowly. He could feel she trembled and her face would blush again. Her speech stuttered. However she continued as though nothing happened.

The hand rested at her thigh and the trembling stopped. The speech continued. His hand grasp her thigh lightly. Her breathing increased slightly. After lingering for a while, the hand proceeded to explore higher up till it touched her supple buttocks covered by white cotton panty. The hand continue to touch those fleshy mounds squeezing them gently often. He decided not to stretch his luck further by advancing into the most sensitive zone. His hand was covered by the long black skirt that Se Yi wore that day.

Se Yi tried to concentrate on what she was translating. Yet the fear of not doing her job properly would cost them the jobs at the center and mixture of erotic feelings laced with guilt haunted her mind. She thought the first contact was accidental and she kept repeating that to herself despite the encounter in front of the bathroom. At the moment she had her feelings bridled while she continue to do her job. She just hoped that he would not proceed further for she had not prepared how to react.

When the translation was completed, his hand moved away. He thanked her for the assistance and saw that her face had stopped blushing. And he noticed that her eyes were on his bulge for a few seconds then she quickly averted her glance and strolled out of the consultation room. Dr J knew he had a chance and he needed to advance with great caution with well thought plans. As there was no patient, he took out his Sony personal digital assistant and began jotting down his thoughts. The main ideas were;

1. Keep the other party busy, e.g. buy groceries, repair and paint walls…
2. Had to find out whether she would be interested to continue further. Try to arrange another bathroom encounter.
3. Prospecting among his viable patients, house call, maybe sedatives would help?

These ideas were enough to keep him occupied and thrilled for the whole afternoon. They did not meet again that day till dinner. It was exceptionally quiet. Normally Se Yi would joke with the doctor but that night was different. Dr J thought she might take offence of what happened that afternoon but decided not to ask her for fear of getting things blown out of proportion. He ate his dinner quickly and went to his room.

After cleaning the dishes, Se Yi decided to rest earlier. That afternoon episode left her confused. As the confusion still bound her mind, she would not risk telling Ah Seng what happened. He might cause a scene. While in the state of stupor, she felt her body was aroused just thinking about it. And she was glad that they made love that evening. She found that the extra attention or interest on her body had accentuated her sexuality. The love acts were more intense than before. And for the first time in her eight years of marriage, she took the dominant role that was on the top. She rode Ah Seng real hard and fast. The intense pleasure and pressure were too much for him and he emptied himself into just after five minutes. When he had met his target, his body just gave in to slumber. The combination of his day errands and the extreme lovemaking left him dead tired.

Dr J was quite surprised at what he had just heard. It was unusual moaning mix compared to the few previous nights when he initiated his ‘observation’. He heard Se Yi breathed harder and moaned louder. And this session was fast. While trying to fill in the details for his plan, he listened for more movement. There was no movement for more than fifteen minutes. They must have dozed off, he thought. Covering his waist with a bath towel, he went to have a shower. As he turned the knob of his door, he was surprised by the sound of door opening and closing. He had to wait to see who was coming out.

After resting a while, Se Yi was quite happy with her achievement just now. The intensity of her unrestrained love act had sore her inner thighs. The love juice was flowing gently down her legs. As usual, she would clean herself up before sleep. Before she left her room, she waited to hear any sound in the corridor. She was scared to see the doctor again that night. When her bladder could not withheld any longer, and she heard no sound in the corridor, she donned on her usual pajamas and rushed to the toilet. While she dashed to the bathroom, the love juice in her started to trickle down to the floor.

Dr J caught a glimpse of her rushing past his door. There was no mistake he caught a glimpse of those bare buttocks. Immediately he was turned on. He thought of the next possible course of action for a while. The decision to wait triumphed when he saw drops of liquids on the floor. He knew very well what they were which resembled his own love juice except they were diluted. Definitely she had to clean those. He would wait to see how she tackled this.

After some rinsing and tearing of toilet papers, Se Yi emerged from the bathroom. She walked past his room without noticing him as he had turned off his room light. Once again he saw her crotch. The urge was almost unbearable. It was quite odd that she would return to her room without cleaning the love trail. He was getting disappointed when he heard her door opened again. There was a pause and then sound of tissue rubbing against the wooden floor could be heard.

She was on her knees with one hand holding a tissue box while the other would clean the mess. When she approached his door, she halted. When she felt confident that there was no danger of waking the doctor up, she proceeded her cleaning with great care, slowly to eliminate any sound. She stooped closer to the floor and on her elbows and worked her way up the trail.

Dr J was pleasantly surprised when he saw her again. As she passed his door slowly, the sight of those wonderful moons captured him again. This time the vision was enriched. He saw those hairless pink lips and his manhood experienced a deluge of blood erecting an angle he had not seen for a long time. This was a chance for him to test the water. Quietly he sneaked out of his room and stood at his doorway enjoying what he saw. Though it was only a few seconds, the feelings were eternity.

When Se Yi had come to the end of the trail, she stood up and turned back to return to her room. She was shocked to see the doctor standing facing her with a monstrous bulge building a tent with his bath towel. Instinctively she lower her blushing face and held the tissue box to cover her crotch even though she knew he had seen her most private part. She walked quickly passed him. When she passed him, she was touched. It could not be his hands as she remembered the afternoon sensation. It was quite rude and rough. The rod was hard. When she had entered her room, she slipped into her bed quietly. Her mind was transfixed on what she saw. And the guilt came back to haunt her again. It was a long night for her. She did not sleep well.

Dr J had his cold shower. It helped to calm the fire in him. He did not sleep well either. Not that he required much sleep at his age. He was looking forward to the new day. What he witnessed that night told him he stood a good chance of getting it.

In the morning, they had to take a quick breakfast as there were five patients waiting for treatment. Before Dr J settle down in his consultation room, he instructed Ah Seng to get some fire extinguishers for the clinic. Ah Seng was surprised at the request but thought better than question the good doctor’s order. There was no fire extinguisher in their clinic. It would be more than half day gone traveling down to the nearest town and there was no affirmation of the stock availability. He hopped on his dusty pickup and sped off.

Pleased with his plan, J sat behind his huge wooden desk and started taking in the first patient. It was an old man and his usual body aches. Although he could tell the same symptoms from the last few visits, he purposely waited till Se Yi stood beside him. She wore a black knee high skirt matched with a white blouse. He wondered if there was any special meaning with the dress code. He also noticed there were dark rings round her eyes.

As Se Yi asked the old gentleman, J placed his right hand down. It touched the back of her knee. There was no reaction whether physically nor emotionally. She acted normal. When she translated that the patient complained of joints pain, his hand moved higher slowly. J was confident that the patient would not be able to see his hand movement, as the table was quite high. It was especially designed for him and its height almost reached Se Yi’s ribs.

She looked at J and waited for his prescription. Pretending to think about what to dispense, he studied the patient’s file in front of him. When his hand reached her buttocks, he told her to give him some painkillers and to avoid red meat. It took her a few seconds to recollect herself as his large palm caressed her. She then explained to the patient with a controlled tone of voice. Dr J wrote the prescription in the file and handed her for medication. She tried to move but stopped till he removed his hand.

As she walked out to the medicine cabinets located near the windows, J’s eyes trailed her. Last nights erotic images were still fresh on his mind. The way things moving, his plan was working. As she positioned herself beside him, his hand instinctively slid up her legs and rested on her rear. The gentle caresses were combined with light squeezes. As the next patient approaching, J maneuvered his hand and slid it between her cheeks slowly. Her legs were held tight and he only managed to place his index and middle fingers through. The red zone was warm, a feeling he had not experienced for a long time. His fingers also indicated dampness in the region. He wriggled his two fingers slowly teasing and testing her to see how long the resistance would hold.

An old lady sat down and told Se Yi that she had digestion problem. As she turned her face to J, she shifted her legs wider apart. Almost in an instant his whole palm covered her pubic area. She started to blush. J’s old heart reacted. The bulge began rising between his legs. He was savouring her warmth and smiled at her when he ordered the appropriate medicine for the lady. The contact was lost for a short while.

The rest of the morning advance quickly. His whole palm was wet. When the last patient left, he brought his palm to his nose and smelt it. Such wonderful and distinctive fragrant. Neither of them talked. She excused herself to prepare lunch for them. It was a quiet lunch. She only looked at her plate throughout the meal. When they had finished, she requested a short break. She needed some rest. Quickly she went to her room.

He thought of following her but decided against it. J was contemplating of his next move. His decision was wise because from his experience, a sleep-deprived individual could be ill tempered. There was no patient in the afternoon and she slept till quarter past three. Se Yi apologized fearfully for oversleeping. He assured her no harm done, as there was no patient during the period.

Ah Seng returned about five and told the good doctor that the stock would only be available tomorrow. J told him he should have called before driving all the way. Ah Seng apologized for making such foolish mistake and he made sure that he will call them tomorrow morning before leaving. J went for a jog at five promising to be home before seven. This time he chose the valley trek.

The cool fresh air and the greenery were invigorating. He passed a few orchards along the way. Some villages waved at him when they saw him. He returned the same courtesy. He saw a beautiful young girl working at one of the orchards and he wondered whom might she be. Though she might be a worthy conquest, his mind was still occupied by last night’s images. The thrill of his exploration this morning was extremely motivating.

That dinner was lively. Se Yi talked a lot to both of them. J had to excused himself to take a shower. The couple continued the dinner talk. Although he could not understand all the words spoken, he was sure their secret was safe. He took his time lathering as much liquid soap as possible. He planned to hit big time tonight.

Se Yi’s excitement and energy were more than usual. After the dinner, she whispered to Ah Seng that she wanted him tonight. He was pleasantly surprised by his wife’s enthusiasm. It was not that their love life lacked excitement but lately her desire had increased. They tore at each other’s clothes and kissed madly. Very soon he was penetrating her soaking wet tunnel. It seemed to be quite active massaging his manhood as he maintained the rhythm. The sensation was too fantastic for him and he approached his climax fast. It was only after about two to three minutes he ejaculated in her. As he kept his love rod within her, spewing his seeds, her hips were still writhing yearning for more. He kissed her hard on the lips and lay off beside her. Before Se Yi could talk to him about her feelings, he dozed into his normal baby sleep. She was a bit disappointed. This morning was stimulating. The touching had triggered her desire that was new to her. Formerly she was satisfied with the loving her husband had provided but she longed for more. She touched herself while she remembered Dr J’s caressing this morning. She wondered what it would be like to make love to him. She shook her head a few times trying to dispel the silly fantasies. For all it might probably just a single episode where the good doctor lost his self control. She tried to reason that being an old widower must be hard and if pleased him she would let him continue the touching. However she determined not to let him go beyond the point of touching. Se Yi had not found him to be attractive and she would not risk the chance of jeopardizing their job at the center for offending. The village needed him and they needed the jobs.

She wrapped a towel round her body and went to have a shower. This time she remembered to cup her love nest to prevent any spillage. It was a great embarrassment for her last night. She was sure that the doctor had a good view of her private part. She opened her door quietly and peeked into the corridor. The coast was clear. She hurried to the bathroom. Relief that she did not run into J, she entered the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

J heard the little commotion coming from their room. His timing must be perfect. He will wait till she had showered and make his move. When he heard the lock of the bathroom clicked, he was having second thought. He wanted to believe that she would create another opportunity for him. The circumstance did not favour him. Nevertheless the deprivation had been too long and tonight he had to find a release. The sound of bathroom door opening sent a cue for him to act.

J stepped out of his room and blocked the corridor. Se Yi was surprised. She stalled for a moment not knowing what to do next. As she opened her month, J’s large palm covered it gently with his finger of his other to his month instructing her to remain silent. Sensing that the doctor required her to keep quiet, she nodded her head slowly. The palm shifted from her mouth to held her hand. She was confused and did not know how to resist when he led her into his room. After closing the door, he pulled her towards him. As he stooped his head down, their faces were very close. Too close for her comfort, she turned away from him and tried to push him away. Her mind could not accept his intention of a kiss. J’s wrinkled face was not the kind she would kiss and his huge lips were intimidating.