Stormwatch - Thundersnow


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"Or..." said Veronica, with a sideways glance at Josh, "Josh and I could spend Christmas in the cabin, and you two could have the whole house to yourself... snuggling in front of the fireplace with the tree all lit up... it's pretty romantic."

Knowing his father-in-law's love of Veronica's pool table Josh grinned, "I know a score keeping method that makes playing 8 ball an even more interesting game."

Audrey's eyes flew wide open, and Mike sighed in relief. "Are you sure?" Audrey gushed.

"Absolutely," said Josh. He was really starting to look forward to spending Christmas at the cabin with Veronica.

Veronica nodded in agreement. "We've been wanting to spend some private time together also; we've been so tied up with work we hardly see each other except in passing."

"What about Christmas? We want to spend Christmas with you," said Mike.

"Go spend Christmas with your wife," said Josh, "the four of us will spend New Year's together."

Veronica got up and stepped up behind her dad and gave him a hug from behind and kissed his cheek. "Get a menu together and we'll go shopping for your Christmas dinner, unless you want what we're having."

"You still have those special turkeys?" asked Audrey.

"They're in the freezer out in the garage," said Josh, "why don't you have one on Christmas Day and we'll have the other, because I have a menu already made up for New Year's Eve."

"What's for dinner on New Year Eve?" asked Veronica. Josh is a great cook but unfortunately his new responsibilities had pulled him away from cooking and Audrey took over. Audrey isn't a bad cook, but she's nowhere near Josh's level of skill.

"I have clams casino for an amuse bouche, a big standing rib roast, twice baked potatoes, roasted white asparagus with hollandaise, and lobster tail to ring in the New Year," said Josh.

"Le palourdes du casino n'est pas un amuse bouche, ils sont un aperitif!" insisted Macy from the other table.

"What's that?" chuckled Veronica. "She seems worked up."

"She thinks that clams casino is not an amuse bouche, they're an appetizer, but I'm the cook, I get to name them." An amuse bouche is actually a small appetizer that is generally not on the menu, you get what the chef sends you.

Macy heard him and stepped up to the table between Audrey and Mike then leaned over until her nose touched Josh's nose. "Capiche?" said Josh.

Macy chuckled and kissed Josh's nose. "I will be the judge of that, I've been watching Gordon Ramsey."

"I dare you to use his language," Josh chided the pastor.

Mike and Audrey soon left to walk the four blocks home in the pretty snow. "Remember the first time we were here?" said Veronica as the flakes of snow slowly fell past the window.

"Yeah, I remember being terrified over what life had in store for me," said Josh as they kissed.

"You almost lost me that night," said Veronica.

"I could not reconcile over how Miss Ohio, fashion model, business exec could fall for someone like me."

"I know potential when I see it," smiled Veronica as she squeezed his crotch below the table.

As the newlyweds finished their dinner, Andi and Paul Jarecki joined them. Andi was a pulmonologist, and she worked with the VA, Paul was a cardiologist, but he also ran a string of ten very successful car dealerships. That was until Paul had a minor heart attack and knowing that she couldn't get him to quit working altogether, Andi demanded that he quit one job. In the end, Paul kept the job that he could do from home, and he's now the CEO of a string of soon to be 12 car dealerships having a deal to acquire two more. His dad started with one gas station and worked it up to a ramshackle string of used car lots, then to several new car dealerships. Paul took over when his dad died and found he had a skill at running car dealerships.

"What's up?" asked Veronica, "what's with the grins?"

"Anthony let us hijack you," said Andi as she struggled to get a clean t-shirt on Daniel.

Josh shrugged so Veronica thought then asked, "Valentine's Day?"

"Yep, I have some friends from back home that went through a rough patch so we're going to take them out on a little cruise, and we have an open suite..." Andi waggled her eyebrows, she and Paul have a 72-foot yacht docked in Florida.

Josh looked at Paul and asked, "Where are we going?"

Paul pointed at Andi and said, "Don't ask me, she's driving."

"Andi Granatelli?" gasped Josh pretending to be terrified. Even with three children and a thriving practice, Andi had a fondness for very, very fast cars and her nickname fits.

"She's good," said Paul, "She has her coast guard captain's rating, and it is her boat. I gave it to her for a wedding present."

"We heard that you were spending Christmas at your cabin," said Andi, "Grandma and Yi are watching the kids, so we'll be in our cabin too. Would you like to come over and watch the Bills that Sunday?"

"We have a bigger TV in our cabin," said Josh. They had cabins across the road from each other not far from town, they were investments that Josh and Paul made long before Andi and Veronica entered their lives.

"Fine," said Paul, "Have your people call my people."

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It seemed to take forever but the weekend of the Miami game finally arrived. After checking half a dozen times that Mike and Audrey had plenty of food and they had all the emergency numbers they would need Veronica launched into a safety briefing for her father and stepmother. Veronica was doting on her father like a parent dotes on their child, but she worries about him so much, so many health and financial issues and now a child bride with a child on the way? She couldn't let go.

"Let's go," said Josh sternly from the front door.

"I'm almost ready," said Veronica as she started to write emergency information on the notepad on the kitchen table, but Josh came up behind her and gently took the pencil out of her hand.

"Whatever it is, if they have a problem, they'll call." Veronica turned to scold Josh, but he gave her a tender kiss. "Let them figure it out."

If there's one thing about Josh that Veronica can't stand is how he is able to completely prevent her from overreacting. She can feel her Dutch ancestry calling down through the generations to fight! Overpower with sheer stubborn obstinance! Steam rollers have nothing on an angry Dutch girl! And Josh ruins it all by gently soothing her ruffled feathers. She'll get him back, she knows his weak spots, like how he can never say "No" to a naked woman. She turned and gave him a gaze that she hoped said, "This isn't over."

Then his deep southern baritone voice softly intoned, "It's time to stop being his guardian and start being his cheerleader."

He did it again! She melted inside at his soft words. "You're right," she sighed, and saying their goodbyes they stepped out into the gentle snow globe that the village of Springville had become. "So pretty out here!" she gasped. She had been so concerned with making sure that her dad was set for the week that she hadn't thought to look out the window. "But what if they get snowed in?"

"Kenny said he'll come over from the feed store and clear the driveway for them," reminded Josh.

Veronica looked over at Andi and Paul Jarecki's house two blocks away. The huge Victorian was beautifully decorated for Christmas, a huge blue spruce centered in the 15' tall front window. It makes Veronica's Victorian 3-bedroom home look like a cottage, but both houses are incredibly beautiful. "Kenny won't have to come from that far away," she said with a smile. Kenny Johnson is madly in love with Yi-jin Carlson, the governess and executive chef for the Jarecki family. Kenny and Yi have been inseparable since Halloween and show no signs of slowing down.

Even though Veronica is nearly as tall as he is, Josh helped her into his Jeep Gladiator, and they were on their way. They drove slowly through the snowy village, the sidewalks were filled with happy shoppers, three shopping days left till Christmas! And every one of them was wearing some form of Buffalo Bills regalia. Hats, jackets, hoodies, even red, white and blue Buffalo Bills dog sweaters on more than one dog were visible in the crowd. A quick stop at Tim Horton's for a late afternoon cruller and coffee and they were on the road.

The ride out to the cabin is quick, about ten miles west on US 39, when the four lane narrows to a two lane highway you're almost there. A left turn on Travette Road and in one mile you're at the cabin. Soon they were standing on the covered porch of their cabin, a CCC construction from 1940. It was a large, rectangular log cabin, designed like a barracks, and the land they're on once had over a dozen other cabins back in the woods. Josh bought the whole parcel of land with the understanding that the other cabins were demolished, which was only half correct, several were still standing but needed work, others were easily rebuilt. Counting their cabin, there are now five cabins standing.

"I can't get over how different the forest looks without the leaves!" gasped Veronica. Although there were several species of evergreens in the forest, a great many trees stood naked, their leaves were gone in the storms of November.

"We can get the snowshoes out and go for a walk tomorrow after the game," offered Josh. Neither could wait for Christmas; they each have a gift for each other that would make the walk in the woods more fun. "Ok, I'll get the driveway, the walk, and the porch if you want to get the cabin ready."

"I'm on it!" said Veronica and she began unlocking the door.

Josh walked over to the garage and grabbed a 5 gallon can of gasoline out of the back of his truck then opened the garage and there waiting for him was the snow blower. Fuel topped off, oil checked, choke set, throttle open, electric cord plugged in, and with a press of the starter it cranked for a while before it fired up, sputtering and coughing as the ice-cold gasoline sluggishly combusted. After a minute or two the engine warmed up and Josh was able to ease up on the choke. He unplugged the extension cord that provides power for the starter motor and eased the snowblower out of the garage.

Inside the cabin Veronica cheerfully called out, "Hi Randy! I'm back! Did you miss me?" She flicked on the cabin lights and looked up and there in the gloom, sitting on a cross beam was a stuffed racoon that had been up there for decades. It was wearing a tiny Santa Claus hat. "Your hat looks great Randy!" and she set about going down Josh's check list first - unlock the back door. Once the fire escape was unlocked, she set about opening the windows. Each window had a set of outer shutters and a set of inner shutters. She unlatched the inner shutters, the latches were good solid latches that would withstand any assault, then the windows themselves get unlatched and swung inward and up, then she unlatched the outer shutters. They swung out and light streamed into the cabin along with a puff or two of snow. She swung the windows back into place and went to open up the five remaining windows.

As Veronica worked, she heard the drone of the snowblower, muffled by the snow that continued to gently fall over the county. If this keeps up, they may get a snow bowl for the Miami game tomorrow! The fire she built in the fireplace was crackling merrily and the cabin started to warm up when the snow blower stopped and was replaced by the rasp of the snow shovel as Josh cleared the steps and the porch of snow.

When Josh stepped into the cabin the air was warm and smelled of pine needles and birch smoke. Veronica was wearing a bathrobe and warm felt boot liners while she decorated a small Christmas tree that was set up on a table in a corner. She could be wearing a fireman's jacket and she would still look good. Veronica was as tall as Josh at five foot ten with flowing dark blond hair and features that made men thank God for creating women like that. Gleaming hazel eyes, a small sharp nose and warm full lips that look perfect wrapped around a throbbing cock. Her breasts are a full, round 34DD, she has a narrow 24-inch waist and round 36 inch hips making her figure breathtaking.

Josh kicked off his boots at the door and hung up his coat, mittens, and Buffalo Bills hat. "Hey pretty girl, I'm done out there."

"Why do you wear those silly giant mittens out there?" she asked without turning around.

"What... my choppers? I had to search high and low for a surplus store that sells the proper United States Military Arctic Mittens." They are big, insulated mittens worn in the extreme cold, the palm and thumbs are leather, the rest is canvas and wool, and the outer will go over the thickest parka sleeve.

"Why mittens? Don't they make it difficult to do stuff?" She smiled as he came up behind her and opened her robe and began to caress her soft, silky-smooth flesh. She gasped and jerked away at first by reflex because she was expecting his hands to be cold... but they weren't. "Mmmm your hands are nice and warm."

"That's why I wear mittens in the cold instead of gloves," he growled as he began nipping at her earlobe. His hands grasped her breasts and gently hefted them squeezing gently a finger flickered over each nipple setting off sparks in her libido.

"You go shower up before we play, and trim that beard, you're starting to get scruffy."

"You just don't like rednecks."

"What?" Veronica whirled around and put her fists on her hips, her robe was wide open giving Josh a view of her perfect hourglass figure, her breasts were reaching out to him, nipples erect. "I sleep with a redneck every night, it's scruffy hillbillies I don't like."

"I didn't bring my trimmer."

"I packed it for you, now go!"

"Yes ma'am."

Twenty minutes later he emerged from the bathroom, scrubbed clean, his beard trimmed back to the goatee he wore when he proposed to Veronica just 51 weeks ago. While he was showering, she had taken his clothes so when he emerged from the bathroom, he could have worn a towel around his waist, but he chose not and emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but a smile and an erection.

He stepped out to find the table set and dinner heating on the stove, tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. And Veronica greeted him wearing a completely diaphanous white robe. The transparency of the robe made Veronica look more naked than she would without it. She eyed his erection and with a half-smile said, "I didn't know you liked tomato soup so much." He pulled her close for a kiss, but she stopped him with a finger to his mouth. "This is my fantasy."


"Yes, when I was young, this is what I thought early married life was like. My husband would come home from work, clean up, and then we'd have dinner naked."

Josh smiled and pulled out a chair for Veronica, but she shook her head. "No, you sit down, you just came back from a hard day at the factory." She went back to the stove and finished up the sandwiches. The scent of the soup filled the cabin, which before Veronica rarely saw more than the occasional steak or a microwave pizza cooked indoors. "Here you go," she placed the perfect grilled cheese and bowl of tomato soup before him.

"This is perfect, this is exactly what I need after a long day of work," but he wasn't looking at his food, he was drinking in the sight of Veronica in her transparent robe. She's never looked so beautiful!

"Eat!" insisted Veronica as she delicately sipped a spoon of steaming hot tomato soup.

"What's this green stuff?"

"I put in some basil and parmesan."

"So, this is what a young girl thinks marriage is like?"

"Well, it's what I thought marriage is like, and to me it was exciting to think about." She smiled and waggled her eyebrows, "real exciting."

As darkness descended outside, Josh got up and said, "Let me get the lights." Instead of turning the lights on he placed a single candle on the table, the candlelight accentuated Veronica's beauty, her skin glowed in the pure light of the candle. "So, what did young Veronica have planned for dessert?"

She looked a little embarrassed as she reached for her spoon to finish her soup. She was so excited that her hands were shaking, every fiber of her body ached for this to be over and dessert to begin. For some reason all she could think about was when he picked her up and carried her outside in a crowded restaurant last night. She knew that she could fight her way out at any time, and she knew that he wasn't going to hurt her, but it felt so powerfully erotic that he was carrying her outside to the smoking section. Even though he took her out there to have a discussion, he could have pulled down her slacks and taken her bent over the railing in front of a dozen smokers and she would have let him. It was so hot to have her man scoop her up in his arms, not just because he was going to have his way, but because he cared.

"I didn't plan on..."

"I'll come up with something," said Josh and he stood up and collected the dishes and carried them to the sink. Returning he stepped up to Veronica and held out a hand. "Care to dance Nica?" Unsure of what he was up to she took his hand and nervously rose. He led her over to the area in front of the fireplace where the fire crackled and danced merrily. He moved the coffee table out of the way and touched his phone a couple of times until "Can I Have This Dance for the Rest of my Life" came on the stereo.

They started to dance to the beautiful country waltz that they danced a year ago when Josh proposed to her, it seemed so long ago, yet at the same time it felt like just yesterday. They waltzed around the cabin, their hearts beating in time with each other, his cock pressed between them, Veronica was sure he could feel her hard nipples pressing against his chest.

"Now Effi," her voice was shaking with need.


Was he being obtuse? "I need you now Effi," she whispered. She stepped back and with trembling fingers untied the ribbon that held the insubstantial whisp of fog that was her robe.

"That's my job Nica," said Josh as he brushed her trembling hands away and eased the imaginary barrier off her shoulders where it pooled on the wooden floor. The only light in the cabin was the fire which burned lazily and the little Christmas tree that Veronica had set up. As she bathed in his adoring gaze Veronica began to wonder what he had planned, but she should know by now that planning was a sometimes thing with Josh. He preferred to let the mood of the moment lead him, and now he did just that and scooped Veronica up in his arms and carried her to the couch that they inherited from Anthony, the couch where their love first bloomed.

The couch is a bit lower than the average bed and Josh got off balance when trying to gently lay Veronica down on the couch. Their evening of romance ended up in a giggling tangled heap on their couch. "Y'all ain't getting outta this that easy," laughed Veronica as she straddled Josh's waist.

"Y'all is plural, like saying "you guys," who-all are you talking to besides me?"

Veronica grasped Josh's cock and rose up a bit on her knees. "This guy! The one you've been pointing at me all night." She rubbed the head of his cock up and down her pussy lips then slowly sank down, skewering herself on his hard, swollen cock. They swam in each other's eyes for a moment, drinking in the bliss of their intimate connection, his cock stretching her reaching deep into her womb, in return he bathed in her tight warmth.

Now she started to move her hips sliding back and forth, stroking her clit on his pubic mound. She gasped and moaned as they moved together. This wasn't going to take her long; she's been on a hair trigger all evening. Playing out her little fantasy was hotter than expected, she couldn't wait to try the more exotic fantasies!