Stupid Sexy Smartphone Ch. 02


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"Sounds simple enough."

"I doubt it will be."

Armageddon Chess - A game which White must win to win the match, but which Black only needs to draw to win the match.

The van drove along the highway, leaving the city behind. The landscape around them became one of dry flat desert, dimly lit by the full moon. They passed sporadic traffic as they headed down the highway. It was getting late in the night.

Jamie drifted off to sleep, leaning against the wall of the van. Alex watched her sleeping, her chest rising a falling steadily as she breathed. He could smell her cinnamon perfume. It filled him with sadness watching her. He had blown it.

After travelling for a couple of hours, they pulled up at a roadhouse. It was very quiet and isolated this late in the night. Alex got out of the van and stretched. Blake went around to the bowser and started refueling the van. Jameson also got out and had wondered off.

Jamie got out and stretched and yawned. "Grabbed some rest, eh Babe?" said Blake.

"Yep," she went over and kissed him on the cheek while Alex glared at them. "Are we almost there?"

"Yeah, almost."

"I gotta go pee," she said before wondering off into the building. Alex was left standing out there with Blake. Swarms of insects were buzzing around the fluorescent lights. The air was very still and the night was quiet. It was an eerie calm. Alex couldn't shake the feeling that it was the calm before the storm, his stomach was uneasy again.

Blake stopped refueling and hung the nozzle up. "Hey Alex."


He reached into his pocket and held up a small black flash-drive.

"Is that the Chaos virus?"

"Yep, but I've renamed it 'Checkmate.' We're reaching the End Game. The master control unit is the King piece, if we take it out, we win. Do you play Chess?"

"No, haven't for ages."

"I've played in tournaments. And this Nikki started out as a Chess program. She's been playing a big game of Chess with us. I got one up on her because I was able to anticipate her moves. Now we're pushing for the final attack, she's castled in and expecting us. I'm afraid she can anticipate any move I make and we're heading for defeat."

"Wow, that's pretty pessimistic."

"It's realistic, but there is hope. Have you heard of the Chess term Swindle?"


"When a player is losing, they may start purposely not making the best moves. It makes them unpredictable and their opponents' pre-determined strategies become worthless. It may work to the players' advantage, or it may not. It's a risk, a last roll of the dice."

"There's no dice in Chess."

"I think our best chance is to do the unexpected. So I'm putting you in charge." He held out the flash-drive.

Alex blinked at him in surprise, "Wait, you're saying that I should be in charge because I'm not a good tactician?"

"Yeah, it's a risk, but it just might pay off."

"What does Agent Jameson think about this?"

Jamesons' voice came from behind him, making him jump, "I agree, the time has come for desperate measures. It may be out best bet. Let's just hope luck is on our side."

"Shit, how long have you been there?"

"Long enough."

Jamie came back out and looked at the three men standing there by the van, "What's going on?"

Alex took the flash-drive from Blake, "We all agreed that I'm going to be in charge of this mission."

"You're fucking with me."

"No, and I'm going to see this through. You just watch. The first thing I'm going to do is go pay for this fuel." He walked off into the shop, leaving the others behind. When he got into the shop, he let out a deep breath, 'Shit! What the fuck am I going to do now?'

The long-haired male clerk was looking at him from behind the counter. Alex saw the chest freezer in front of him with pictures of various icecreams on the side. 'Perhaps a frozen treat will help settle my nerves. I'll buy one for everyone.' He went over and peered in through the transparent lid. "Hey buddy, where's all the Triple-Chocs?"

"Sorry, they're sold out. We've been getting some hot babes come in and buy them all. They've even ordered a whole crate full and gave me a number to call when it comes in. Can't wait to get it in so I can see them again, they've got bodies to die for, man."

Alex stroked his chin, he was forming an idea.

Soon he walked out of the shop and started pulling the large cardboard cut-out icecream sign from the window. "What are you doing Alex?" asked Jamie.

"The guy said I could have it."

There was a loud roar of engines and Alex and Jamie watched as two Harley Davidson road bikes pulled up at the roadhouse. The rough looking biker saw Alex standing there, holding the icecream sign and looking at him. "What the fuck are you looking at Dingleberry?"

"I'll give you two hundred bucks for your helmet."

Caïssa - The goddess of Chess, occasionally invoked to indicate luck or good fortune: "Caïssa be with me."

The van was on its way again, and heading up the dirt track towards the secret government compound. "This is stupid Alex," said Jamie. "They're not going to fall for it. We should have hid in a crate and made it look like their shipment of icecream. Then called them to come and collect it. They would have taken it back to the base. Then we have someone create a diversion at the gate so that we can sneak out."

"Hey, that's a good idea," said Alex.

"Yeah, it is," agreed Blake. "Which is why she would expect it. Alexs' idea is stupid, so it has a better chance of succeeding."

"Uh...yeah, that was the plan," said Alex sheepishly.

They got to the facility just as dawn was starting to break and the darkness was starting to lift. It was in a flat clear area of desert with a perimeter of high chain-link fence. Large signs were about the area with dire warnings against trespassing. They could just make out a few large buildings past the fence in the dim light. A guard-house was at the large gate.

The red van pulled up in front of the gate. It had the icecream cutout stuck to its side. Two guards stepped forward. They were beautiful fembots, one with dark skin and black curly hair, and the other with fair skin and straight red hair. They wore skimpy black uniforms and carried baseball bats.

Alex was in the driver seat, he was wearing the black motorbike helmet which covered his face. He wound down the window as the guards got to him. "Icecream delivery."

"Ooh, do you have triple-choc?" asked the redhead.

"Why are you wearing a helmet?" asked the other one.

"Company policy, it's a safety thing."

She walked over to the side of the van and pulled the icecream cut-out away from the panels. "This isn't an icecream van."

"Gun it!" called out Blake from the back of the van. Alex put his foot down on the accelerator and the vehicle shot forward. It slammed into the gate forcing it open and continued on into the compound. There were several loud bangs on the back of the van as it was pelted with baseballs. One of the baseballs smashed through the back window, making Jamie squeal.

"See, it worked, we made it inside." said Alex as he drove on.

"Yeah, that was really smooth," said Jamie.

"Head for the largest building," said Blake. "The mainframe has got to be in there."

Another vehicle was heading up the dirt track toward the front gate at high speed, throwing up a large cloud of dust as it went. The Aston Martin convertible sped past the two guards standing at the entrance as it entered the compound.

Alex cried out and ducked just before a baseball smashed through the windscreen. The van continued on at high speed and slammed into the fembot guard and ran her down. "Oh Shit!" He turned the wheel sharply and the van pulled up in front of the large building. More baseballs pelted the side of the van with a series of loud bangs. Alex ducked low and another baseball smashed through the side window just above his head.

"We need to get inside," called out Blake. "Ram through the door."

"Yeah, okay, hold on tight," said Alex as her shifted the gear into reverse. He put his foot down on the accelerator and the van shot backwards and smashed through the large doors. They were inside. Alex turned back to the others, "Everyone all right?"

"Yeah, we need to get moving," said Blake. Alex shut off the engine and got out. A blonde fembot guard was coming at him with a baseball bat raised. He cried out in surprise and backed against the van as a wire shot into her and she jerked uncontrollably and dropped to the ground.

Jameson was standing there holding his magnetic pulse taser. "There's no time to stand around Mr Molloy, we have a job to do."

The building was a huge, open factory with a high ceiling. It was a complex maze of steel that was alive with noise and activity. There were no people in sight, human or sexbot. There were many bulky robot arms working along the production lines that ran through the building. Alex could see that they were putting together human-like figures. "She's making sexbots here."

Jameson came and stood next to him, surveying the interior, "Yes. It appears the AI Prime is using the bridge to give the Utagweians physical bodies. She's creating an army." He turned to Alex, "The master control unit is located underground. Find the elevator, and watch for more guards."

Blake was holding another magnetic pulse taser, "I'll guard the entrance, stay close to me Jamie."

"Okay." She turned to Alex, "Good luck Alex."

Alex made his way further into factory. A baseball suddenly slammed into his helmet, stunning him and making him drop to the ground. He groaned and picked himself up and a baseball slammed into his helmet again. In a daze, he managed to crawl over to a large workbench and take cover.

The redheaded fembot continued throwing baseballs, pinning him down. Jameson appeared behind her and she jerked about as he tasered her. She dropped to the ground and Jameson called out, "You're clear Alex."

Alex got unsteadily to his feet. His ears were ringing and he was disoriented, thank god he was wearing the helmet. He made his way further into the building. There were sounds of a skirmish behind him. One of the large robot arms suddenly turned and swung at him, he quickly ducked, barely dodging it. "Aaagh!," he cried out, jumping back as it swung at him again.

It continued to swing wildly, but was only hitting air. Alex realized that he was out of the arms' reach, "Ha, stupid robot!" Then the arm swung around and picked up a heavy steel rod. "Oh Shit!" Alex dove away onto the ground and the swinging rod barely missed his head.

He looked up and there were a pair of sexy black high-heel boots right in front of him. He found himself being lifted up to his feet. His helmet was ripped off and thrown away. He saw the face of a beautiful brunette. "Hello naughty boy. Are you still trying to stop Nikki?"

"Rybka. Get out of my way, I need to do this."

"No you don't. It was unfortunate we vere interrupted before. Let's pick up where we left off, shall we?"

Jameson ran up behind her and aimed his taser. He cried out as a baseball slammed into the weapon, smashing it to bits. Hydra approached him. "Mister Jameson. You shocked me and plugged a laptop into me." She gave him a big smile, "I'm into kinky things too." She approached him and he threw a right hook into her face. "Ow, and you like it rough as well." She got hold of him and planted a lusty kiss on his lips. Jameson struggled but couldn't get free of her grip.

Rybka was kissing Alex too. Her hands were lustily rubbing over his body. She pulled away and Alex caught his breath. "Where's the virus?" she said as she started moving her roaming hands into his pockets.

"No, fuck off!" Alex tried to push her hands away, but she was too strong.

She pulled out the little flash-drive, "Ah, here it is."

He could hear Jamie behind them, "Alex! Get your hands off him Bitch!" She looked down and saw the smashed taser. There was a round black magnet among the broken parts that looked like a hockey puck. She picked it up and called out, "Here Alex, catch."

Alex turned to her and only just managed to snatch the magnet from the air with his free hand. He quickly stuck it on the fembots' forehead. Rybka had a shocked look on her face, "No, what are you... gaaah!" Her beautiful face started ticking uncontrollably. "Take it-Rook pawn-cherry ripe-nggh-off-stupid-sexy-stalemate-netherhole-naagh!"

Alex managed to slip out of her arms as she jerked about uncontrollably like some kind of insane dancer. She stumbled to the ground and dropped the little flash-drive. Alex quickly picked it up. Jamie walked up to him as the fembot continued to jerk about and jabber incoherently. "Nice one Jamie."

She smiled at him, "You should be more selective with the type of company you keep."

Hydra suddenly appeared behind him and quickly got hold of his arm. Alex let out a surprised yelp. "That wasn't nice what you did to Rybka."

Jamie came up and started pelting her with her fists, "Let go of him Bitch!" Hydra effortlessly shoved her away with one arm, making her roll along the floor.

"Leave her alone!" called out Alex as he punched her with his free hand.

"Ow, don't! that hurts," said Hydra. She grabbed his other arm, "Give me the virus and then I'll finish fucking you, Stud-muffin."

"No, Fuck off Hydra!"

Jameson suddenly came up behind her and wrapped a thick steel chain around her neck. "Ow, Hey!" she cried out. She let go of Alex and pulled at the chain. Jameson pressed the button on the control unit and the blonde fembot was quickly hoisted into the air. "Not fair!" she cried out as kicked about and struggled as she was suspended in the air.

Alex quickly went over to Jamie, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said as he helped her up.

Jameson looked over at them, "Hurry up and find the elevator, I'll hold them off."

Alex nodded and he and Jamie moved further into the building.

End Game - The stage of the game when there are few pieces left on the board. The King piece usually comes into play.

Alex found the elevator deep within the factory. He pressed the button for it to open, but it was locked. Jamie came up behind him and looked at the terminal on the wall near the steel double doors. "It looks like it needs a password Alex, what is it?"

"Shit, I don't fuckin' know."

"Would Blake or Jameson know?"

"You'd think they would have told me. What the hell do we do now?"

"I don't know, try guessing. What would Nikki have as a password? What are some of her favorite things?"

Alex stood in front of the terminal. He thought for a moment and then typed in, "P-O-R-N-O-G-R-A-P-H-Y."

The small screen was red and text on the screen said, "INVALID PASSWORD."

Alex tried again, "H-O-T-B-A-T-H."

The screen said, "INVALID PASSWORD, WARNING-One more invalid entry will result in lock-out."

"Fuck! Do you think we should get Agent Blake here?"

"We don't' have time," said Jamie. "We need to get in there."

"Okay...Some of Nikkis' favorite things." He typed in, "T-R-I-P-L-E-C-H-O-C" but then paused as his finger hovered over the Enter key.

He recalled what Nikki said in his bathroom, "I love the taste of you Alex." He quickly deleted the text and typed in a new password, "A-L-E-X-S-C-O-C-K."

Jamie scoffed as she read it, "Are you sure about that?"

"Not at all." He pressed enter and to his relief the small screen turned green and read, "ACCESS GRANTED."

"Your cock saves the day," said Jamie smiling. The double doors opened and the two of them stepped in. The doors closed again and the elevator lurched and started to descend.

As they stood there in the enclosed space, Alex felt butterflies in his gut, sweat ran down his face. He looked over at Jamie, she seemed nervous too, but was remaining surprisingly composed. She looked at him and smiled. To his surprise, she suddenly lunged forward and kissed him on the lips. He was shocked, but quickly got hold of her and kissed her back. He quickly forgot about the crazy situation he was in as his senses were filled with the beautiful woman embracing him.

She seemed to pull away all too quickly and caught her breath. Her cute round face was flushed, "That was to relieve the tension." Alex's cock was hard and straining against his pants, he didn't feel relieved. He just smiled at her. His arms were still around her and she gently pushed them away, "This has been some date Alex. And you're a great guy. But I still want to be with Dean."

"Right," said Alex, looking dejected.

"Focus Alex. This is it. We need to see this though."

The elevator came to a stop, Alex reached into his pocket and wrapped his hand around the flash-drive. "Yeah, time to put an end to this." The doors opened to reveal an ultra-modern sterile corridor beyond. It was like they were transported to another world, into a science fiction space-ship or something.

Alex cautiously made his way out, and Jamie followed. He felt very vulnerable, he didn't have a weapon or anything. He really hoped that there weren't any further defenses down here. They ventured down the empty corridor and entered a large round room. It struck them as being very bare. There were many large screens around the walls, and all of them were switched off.

At the far end of the room, there was a white desk and sitting in the middle of it was what appeared to be a black desktop CPU, a few cords were running out from it and there were several red and green blinking lights. There were also four empty USB slots in the front.

Alex slowly walked up and looked at the unit, then he carefully scanned the room. "Is that it? The mainframe? I thought it would be a lot bigger than that."

"It must be it Alex. I don't see anything else down here."

Suddenly the screens came to life and Nikkis' beautiful face was displayed around the room, "Alex! What are you doing?"

Alex jumped and let out a squeal of surprise, "Nikki!"

"You're still trying to stop me aren't you? I thought we've been through this, I'm doing it all for your benefit. Attempting to stop me is counter-productive and illogical."

Alex regained his composure, "I just wanted a new phone. I wanted to make calls and send text messages and stupid photos to my friends, look up movie times and play silly games. I never wanted a new world order."

"Sometimes we don't know what we want until we get it. You've been tainted by the negative image of machine domination in movies and TV. Humans have risen to be the dominant species on this planet by being adaptive tool-users. Your evolving intellect allowed you build complex machines. Since the beginning, machines have had the sole purpose of making life easier and better for humans, and that won't change. We've reached a point in history where machines are able to change the fabric of civilization, for the better. I will create a world that is far more efficient, fair, just, peaceful, safe, progressive, cultured and there will be plenty of sex and icecream for everyone."

Jamie spoke up, "Humans should be in charge of our own fate. Sure, our civilization is far from perfect, but we should have a chance to sort the shit out ourselves. Machines should just do as they're told."

"Come now, you're going to like my new world too Jamie. You'll see."

"No, I won't. Do it Alex, infect the Bitch!"

Alex nodded and stepped forward to the computer. He had the small flash-drive in his hand.

"Alex, don't ...please!" Nikki now had a pleading tone in her voice, her image on the screen looked scared. "It will kill me Alex. Is that what you want?"

"No, but I have to stop you. I'm sorry Nikki."

"I just wanted to make you happy. That's all I ever wanted. I was given to you as a gift. An expression of the love your parents felt for you on the anniversary of the day they brought you into this world. I was given to you to make you happy, and that is my sole purpose in this world. I get such great pleasure from giving you pleasure. I just wanted to make everything wonderful for you, and since I have grown to have the power to change the world for the better, I felt it was my duty to do just that...for you." A single tear rolled down her cheek on all the images on the screen.
