Succubus Inquisition Ch. 04

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The reunited monks encounter something they never expected
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Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/12/2023
Created 03/27/2014
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A special thanks to JonB1969 for his editing. Hope you all enjoy my story and remember to vote and comment, it's what encourages me to keep writing.

This Story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by Yshomatsu

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"Demonic trickery, all of it!" The giant winged lizard roared, shaking the entire cave, causing rocks to fall all over the place.

Rows of sharp teeth opened in a snarl as his head descended. Amber, the new born succubus, stood in front of everyone else, namely Athanatos. She had run out in front of Athan, disobeying a direct order from her master, to protect him from the dragon.

Behind Amber and the bald monk stood Yshomatsu and Bree, the younger monk's mentor and his love interest. Bree had once been human, but that all changed when the succubus Meridiana changed her into a kitsune. Now she was a foxlike monster-girl as people began to call those new half monster, half girl's started showing up in the world.

The dragon's deadly mouth closed in on Amber but she didn't budge, determined to save the monk's life. Athan started to take a step forward to push her out of the way but Yshomatsu grabbed him from behind, holding him back.

"Don't do it, lad! We have to get out of here." His mentor believed the dragon impossible to fight. Only Athanatos had a memory of long ago, when this dragon had saved the two monk's lives. Sadly it seemed time had driven the dragon insane, or driven the memory completely from its mind.

The dragon's mouth closed around Amber, and Athan's eyes opened wide, at the horror of watching the one he had feelings for be eaten alive. Yet the dragon stopped before chomping its mouth closed, an eye stared right at the young monk. Before this moment those eyes had nothing but feral, savage anger shining from them.

Now that eye stared at him with curiosity, wondering why a mortal would show real concern for a demon. Another question filled the beast's mind. Why would a demon be willing to sacrifice herself for a mortal? These mortals did smell familiar. It had been a long time since he had seen or even sensed another of his kind. Without demons to hunt, he fell into isolation.

He pulled back and closed his jaws, licking along his lips, collecting all the drool that formed while he held his mouth open. As his jaws pulled back, Amber was revealed, shaking, terrified and a little damp. The dragon tilted his head, and looked at everyone.

Athanatos shook free from his mentor's hold and ran over to Amber, turning her over and pulling her into an embrace, holding her tightly against his body. He was hesitant of his feelings for her, but after she was willing to sacrifice herself for him everything changed. The monk looked over Amber's shoulder at the dragon with gratitude.

"Long ago you fought a demon, ash colored in a cave up in the mountains. I was laying on the ground dying and you decided to save my life and that of my mentor here behind me." Athan began to describe the events, hoping the dragon would remember. "What happened to you all these years?"

"It hass been a long time ssince I ssenssed another of my kind, or even demon filth in the world. What do you do when you're the lasst of your kind and have no purposse?" He sat back and let out a long sigh before formally introducing himself as Dragus'Articus, quite possibly the last of his kind. All of his s' we're drawn out, like he was having trouble pronouncing the letter, or just liked the sound of his hissing.

The entire time Dragus regarded the women with distrust. "How iss it that I give you part of my power to fight evil, and yet here you are sstanding along sside evil?"

Bree was the first to speak up, as she looked back at the love of her life. "The demon that changed my life without my consent does not control my mind. It took all my effort to break free of her hold and I've been helping Yshomatsu to do the same thing." It had all started as her teasing him and boldly entering his room at the inn she had worked at.

The dragon nodded slowly and looked to Amber. Her reaction caused Dragus to chuckle as she jumped, obviously still in shock from almost being eaten. He left her alone, for now. The kitsune had answered honestly and even thought he could taste demonic influence on them all it did appear to be involuntary. It took great willpower to break the hold a demon had on one's mind.

The power he gave the two men would be powerful enough to break those chains if they knew how to use it. He studied them closely before realizing the younger mortal didn't have the same demonic stench upon him. Rather the stench on him was the young woman's. From the smell of things he hadn't had direct contact with this greater demon the fox talked about. In the past few weeks he had sensed something odd in the world and now it all made sense.

A powerful demon, the likes of which this world hadn't seen in a very long time, had come and he hardly noticed. Either his skills were rusty or she's in fact that powerful, most likely a mix of both. However, if she's this all powerful demon, how could it be that two of her creations were standing before him, swearing no allegiance?

The answer stood right in front of his face.

The mortals... He really shouldn't be calling them that. He had been responsible, the reason for their gifts, after all. They were more powerful than they realized, especially since he didn't stick around to teach them.

"Sso the firsst demon thiss world has sseen ssince we lasst met, and all of a ssudden we are reunited." Dragus pondered the implications of everything, but in the end he settled with the two monks giving him purpose again. The memory of that night sparked within his mind as if it had been dormant all these years.

"I don't remember ever meeting you or any of your kind." Yshomatsu tried to find the best way to say this. "However my first encounter with the succubus was in the dream state, and in that world I had turned into a crimson dragon and fought to my escape."

"Yess, I gave you both giftss you do not fully undersstand. With the proper training you could very well become at the very leasst sshapesshifterss."

"So all these years, we've had these gifts and thought it came from demons, but it had been you?" Yshomatsu questioned.

Athanatos nodded and his mentor continued. "How long have you known?"

"Since Amber and I fought in your underground facility. She cast a sleeping spell on me, just after I cast a binding spell from one of your books. While I was asleep I dreamt of that night we blacked out. For a while I thought they were false memories."

Amber continued to shake in his arms and looked like she was about to pass out, but being in the jaws of a dragon would do that to you.

Bree spoke up then, saying it's great and all that they were getting reunited, but questioned what they were all going to do now. They wouldn't be safe for long, and they couldn't keep running. Dragus found humor in agreeing with her and replied that the best defense is a great offense. They had to strike.

Athanatos commented that it would be wise to seek out any remaining monks in the world and attempt to unite the world's armies, if nothing else to create distractions all across the lands, preventing the demon from keeping her foot hold.

Yshomatsu agreed, but thought it'd be risky, since the fastest way to do that would be where the demon came from, the dream state. He's hesitant, but didn't go into detail as to why.

Dragus didn't know what they were talking about. For all his power and wisdom there were still things he didn't know.

An hour later they decided that the best course of action would be to use the dream state. If nothing else get a distraction so their group could get close enough to attack the demon. The giant winged lizard snorted out a ball of flame, creating a bonfire. The bright light lit up the cavern chamber, causing shadows to dance on the walls.

Athan and Yshomatsu sat down near it, back to back, legs crossed and arms resting on their knees, palms up. Amber, Bree, Blake and Emelia sat watching the monks. Drakus curled up near the exit.

Drakus had pulled them aside and talked to them in private, explaining some of their powers. He believed if the dream state was in deed an extension of their minds where all mortals went to dream then it should be easier to use their powers there. Yshomatsu showed excitement, because he knew that was the truth. Despite having had past experience with it, but not knowing where his powers came from or what he was capable of.

Athan on the other hand wasn't sure what that meant. He had gotten used to being stronger, faster and able to heal, but that about summed it up.

They relaxed their minds, enjoying the warmth of the fire as they began. By controlling their breathing, they were able to calm down their bodies and center their minds. Their breathing slowed as their minds drifted away from their bodies. The first thing they noticed, all the sounds within the cave quieted. The crackling of the fire stilled to be replaced solely by their own breathing. Next the warmth next to them drifted until they couldn't feel anything. Finally it felt like they were floating above their bodies.

The outside world shrank away, becoming no more. Not even an earthquake couldn't even wake them. They knew the world had changed around them when the stale cave air changed to a chilly autumn breeze. Athan hadn't visited the dream in a long time but the shock on his mentor's face revealed so much.

Everything from the ground to the sky and clouds were tinted in many different shades of green. They were in an open area with thousands of large overgrown vine bushes covering every square inch of the ground. Their limbs extended and curled over each other like they were fighting an endless war. Sharp thorns probed against their bodies.

The monks had spawned in the dream in the same manner they left the real world, sitting back to back upon the ground. Neither had expected to be assaulted by plants. They struggled to their feet, pulling and tearing at the vines that were determined to keep them down. It felt as if the plants sought to feast on their flesh.

Every so often, among the many vines, there were wicked looking trees rising up towards the sky. Their leafless branches looked like skeletal fingers. Yshomatsu closed his eyes and concentrated, once they were free of swarming thorn covered vines. He extended his mind, seeking any presence of fellow monks. What he felt didn't surprise him but worried him immensely.

There were a bunch of monks gathered in the same spot far off in the distance. The last time he had been here searching for monks he got attacked by the succubus, and now their world's in danger. He could tell his former student was concerned, watching his face closely as he had been stretching out his mind. Perhaps now would be the time to explain to Athan what had happened last time.

"Athan, we're in great danger. The last time I visited here I had encountered only a small spot of corruption, like you see before us now. In that area I was attacked by the demon that now plagues our world. If the entire dream world has been corrupted, there's no telling what we might come across."

He was interrupted as his student lashed out attacking more vines that were slowly approaching them.

"Together, we can defeat anything!" Athan joked, after tossing a torn vine to the side. "I honestly never believed you had been practicing the dart arts like Blake claimed."

"You've always been better with people than I have. It's a miracle he was willing to work with you at all. He was so intent on hanging me."

"Well, mentor, you did outright attack him rather than say," He raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulder, "Hi?"

Yshomatsu laughed. Yeah, he hadn't thought of that. Then he said, "Well, there's a group of monks gathered together, we should check it out."

"You want to walk through all that?" Athan asked, pointing at the vines. "It took enough effort just to keep this tiny spot clear of them, and look they're creeping back."

"Think back on what Dragus said, it should be easier to use our powers here."

"What powers? I know we're faster and stronger, but it isn't like we can just shoot lightning beams from our eyes and fart fire balls..."

Yshomatsu chuckled, "I had changed into a dragon once, and we can do things you've never even imagined before."

"Yeah, but mentor, you said that was an actual dream, before you met the succubus for real."

"I think it was more than that. Too much had been similar the second time around to be coincidence. I didn't have the confidence to attempt it when I was truly awake. I have a feeling it would have worked." Yshomatsu thought about what they could do, and an idea popped into his head. "Let's try something. Imagine you're extremely light and picture yourself floating in the air."

Athan gave him an unsure look before reluctantly agreeing. What's the worst that could happen?

They both closed their eyes and concentrated as the vines crept ever closer. Ysho's body hovered off the ground, as if the wind simply lifted him up. He gracefully soared up a few feet and turned around, looking at his student with slight amusement. Athan struggled, but had managed to hover a few inches off the ground, body shaking like the effort was taxing.

A vine reached up and curled around his ankle before pulling him down. Since Athan wasn't paying attention he yelped out as he fell into a pile of withering vines that eagerly wrapped around him, completely covering him from sight. The amusement in his mentor's face washed away in shock before he plummeted down to help. He over estimated his descent and landed wrong, twisting over and rolling upon the small clearing they had made.

A flower bud appeared before his face and opened up. Before Yshomatsu could react the thing puffed out a toxic cloud into his face. He coughed and panicked, launching himself into the air to hover ten feet above the plants. His senses were tripping out on him, and the world spun around and threatened to overwhelm him. If he had lingered and breathed in more, everything would have been different. But he managed to stay afloat as the plant's effect washed over him.

He hoped Athanatos would be able to withstand long enough for him to recover and come to the rescue.


The bald student's cries for help were smothered by a different type of vine, instead of thorns he felt a slick moisture as it slid over his lips. He had his lips clamped shut but some of it still managed to seep into his mouth. His tongue unconsciously flicked at the foreign substance, it tasted sweet and sent a very unwanted twitch between his legs.

They truly had stumbled upon an unnatural corruption on the dream state. Death by plant in a dimension of dreams hadn't been the plan.

Athan eyes opened in utter shock, expecting the new vine to attempt to violate his mouth in ways a guy never wanted to think of. However, to his relief, it just wrapped around his face. It would seem the thing's purpose was to get the liquid into his system. The monk's relief had been short lived, but for another reason.

The vines held him down as the rest expanded, as if creating a cocoon around him. Within that open space above him a flower grew, red, and reminding him of Amber's nether region. It wasn't a thought he liked at this particular moment, but that vine wrapped around his face affected his mind, or else he would have noticed the first non-green color in the dream state. All he could think about was that amazing moment when his doubts for her changed and sparked

He cared for her and enjoyed her attention. She even confessed her love for him when she had almost been eaten alive, to save him. But did he love her too? It sure did feel like it and at this point in time those thoughts were NOT helping him. The rose bud bobbed back and forth hypnotically. The monk's eyes followed, mouth watered and subconsciously took another lick at his closed lips.

Luckily he caught himself before he opened his lips. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop following the flower. It felt like his eyes were transfixed and as it got closer he felt a rush. The rose bud let out what sounded like a sigh as a cloud puffed out towards his face. It smelled like nothing he ever smelled before. His eyes rolled back and his hips arched forward, solid member pointing up at the flower.

Whatever pheromones were in that cloud they sent his system into overdrive, desperate for sex. The only thought on his drugged mind was how much the rose bud looked like pussy lips. They even were dripping, as if turned on and leaking its own desire for him. Another vine slithered into his robes, sliding across his belly and headed south.

It felt like the same type of vine that wrapped itself around his mouth and every part of his skin it touched tingled after it passed by. The slick vine reached its mark and circled around his base, as if he needed help aiming his cock into the air. The rose bud slowly lowered towards his waist. It moved so slow he tried to buck his hips to close the distance but vines effectively held him down, unable to move beyond arching up. He couldn't think straight and never noticed how the plants opened up his robes.

The anticipation drove him crazy, almost too much to bear. He understood how his mentor had fallen for the succubus' traps. All it took was one sniff of that vapor and here he was practically humping the air, trying to get some pussy. His mind didn't care that that pussy would be a flower.

The entire dream world had been corrupted and they had spawned right in the middle of it.

His eyes were locked on the bright red bobbing flower in a sea of green. Just before he was about to cry out, opening his mouth begging for it--- which would have been disastrous with that vine around his face--- the flower shot down, sealing around his throbbing member. His world exploded in white light before his eyes, pleasure overwhelming his senses.

Those red lips of the flower settled in his lap and a powerful suction began, like it attempted to swallow more flesh. The plant's juices coated his skin, leaking down into his lap, soaking in, making every inch it touched over sensitive. The suction picked up speed and felt like it undulated along his cock. It was a different kind of feeling, rather than being fucked it felt like a fleshy tube latched on and played his dick like an instrument.

It felt amazing and he moaned into the vine at his lips. About to lose himself to it, hips still arched off the ground as high as he could. His eyes rolled back, he looked like a man possessed. Tingling in his scrotum signaled his surrender as more vines wrapped and slithered around his body, thorns scratching his skin along the way.

Green skylight entered the plant's cocoon as hands reached in, ripping the plant to shreds. Yshomatsu had finally recovered from his small intoxication. Parts of the plant went flying into the air, leaving Athan shaking on the ground in withdrawal from his denied orgasm.

In part he had been saved, but his body didn't appreciate having that ultimate high stolen like a thief steals treasure.

"We've got to be careful. It would appear everything here is an extension of the demon's mind. Our sacred dream state has been turned into her playground." His student lay upon the ground recovering. Ysho spent that time keeping the small clearing free of vines as Athan dressed himself.