Sunday and Monday


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The big ones came last. "I think we should use some kind of safeword," said Mindy. This had been a part of what she had read on the Internet. (There had been many nights where she inadvertently stayed up until 3 AM lurking BDSM forums and reading erotic fiction, terrified and intrigued at the same time. She hadn't paid too much attention to safety issues back then, but it had come up.) "Just to avoid situations like last night. Something that means 'no, really, stop'."

Denise nodded. "That sounds good. How about, um... Uncle Bill."

"Uncle Bill?"

Denise smiled. "One thought about my uncle and I'm not going to want anything to do with sex for a while. Great guy, just an unfortunate face... and body..."

Mindy privately wasn't sure if their safeword should be based off Denise's family in-jokes, but she was willing to give and take. "All right. Uncle Bill it is then. If I can't speak then, I'll tap you three times and that means stop. And 'I forgot the safeword' also counts as a safeword, okay?"

Denise laughed. "Deal. As long as you don't judo throw me again. Seriously, I think I twisted my shoulder." She reached around to pat the joint and winced.

"You want me to look at that?" said Mindy, intending a little bit of provocation. "Maybe massage it back into place?"

"That wouldn't be so bad. Anything else we should talk about before we, well, try putting it into practice?"

Mindy breathed deep. She didn't want to share this, but she knew she needed to. It had sat like a hot piece of lead in her gut for a while. "Last time when I flipped on you, it was -- well, it wasn't all because of the spanking, although that did get too hard. It was partly -- mostly, maybe -- because you called me a bitch."

Denise looked confused. "I thought you liked being called names."

"I do, mostly, but..." There was no choice, but it all had to come out. "My dad used to call my mom that all the time. Well, not just my mom -- any woman who disagreed with him or got him mad or just happened to be in his warpath. It wasn't just bitch, of course. He knew all of them. Cunt, whore, slut... but there was something about the way he said 'bitch' that just stood out to me. I can still hear it perfectly, although I haven't seen him in -- god, it's going on twelve years now. He got so much hate into that one word. And he said it so often it was like he thought that was Mom's name."

"Jesus," said Denise. "I-I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"How could you? I don't like to talk about it. There are days when I even manage to forget about him. And then there are times when I wonder if everything I am -- why I like girls, why I like getting hit and degraded, why I'm so desperate to prove I'm the smartest person in my class and not some dumb whore -- is because of him. I mean, I don't know about any of that. But when I heard you say that word -- I'm not saying you're like him, of course -- but my mind just instantly flashed to Dad knocking Mom around the room while I hid in my bedroom closet."

"Jesus," Denise repeated. It seemed like that was all she could say for a little while. In the silence it felt as though it had gotten ten degrees colder in the room. Mindy wondered if she shouldn't have said anything. Maybe it was too much intimate detail.

Denise closed her eyes and began speaking again. "Listen, Mindy... I'm not a psychoanalyst. I don't know what made you who you are -- whether it was your past, or biology, or a little of each. I don't know that about myself. But I don't think it matters. Because what you are now is a strong, beautiful, brilliant woman. And that asshole doesn't define you. You're more than that."

A strange warmth spread through Mindy, and all her resentment and reserve melted like butter in a hot frying pan. Suddenly nothing was more important than taking Denise in her arms. "I... thank you. I know that, really. But sometimes I need to hear it from someone else."

Denise had crossed the distance between them in a flash and had docked her knees between Mindy's and thrown her arms around the butch girl's neck. Mindy grabbed her by the small of her back and pressed close to her. "I won't call you that again," Denise said into her girlfriend's ear. "I never want to hurt you again."

"Well," Mindy said. "A little hurting wouldn't be too bad. Physically speaking, of course."

Denise had a wicked grin on her face. "I think I know what you mean."


Mindy didn't realize how cold it was in here until she was handcuffed naked to the radiator. True, it was giving off a fair amount of heat, but it was an old house and the chill crept in and swirled around her already-hard nipples. Her clothes sat in a tempting pile a few feet away, but she couldn't quite reach them, even when she tried to use her legs and hook them around her toes (leaving her moist pussy fully exposed to the cold air). She was waiting for Denise to come back in, but it seemed as though it would take forever. The anticipation was killing her. She couldn't stop thinking of Denise's hands over her body, that stern tone in her voice she had started to adopt, the raw joy of pleasuring her... god, she was horny.

The scenario seemed simultaneously a bit over-elaborate and not thought through enough. She was supposed to be some kind of sex slave, an idea that turned her on greatly, although she wasn't sure what a sex slave actually did when not, you know, having sex. Denise didn't seem to know either. The answer seemed to be "sit handcuffed to a radiator waiting".

Finally, Mindy heard a key in the door, and her heart (and cunt) leapt. Denise walked in, dressed in her coat and boots, looking for all the world like she was casually returning from a long day at the office. "Honey, I'm home."

"Thank god," Mindy muttered.

Denise wandered into the living room, shrugging off her coat as she did so. She strode over to Mindy and grabbed her by the chin, pressing her cheeks together. "What did you say?"

Mindy managed to speak through the pinch. "I said... welcome home, master."

"That's what I thought. You would not believe the stupid shit I had to put up with today." Denise walked over to the radiator and unshackled Mindy. Mindy desperately wanted to touch herself, but she knew enough to not try it. Denise stepped out of her boots. "I want you to clean these."

That one took Mindy a bit by surprise. No matter how much she protested, Denise really did have the mind for these things. "Of course, master. May I have a cloth to shine them with?"

"You've got a perfectly good tongue."

Of course. Mindy picked up one of the boots -- it was really immaculately dry and clean. She assumed Denise had just spent the last ten minutes pacing on the porch. An experimental lick tasted nothing but shoe leather, like a very overcooked steak.

It was degrading, she knew, and humiliating in the extreme. It would mark her as utterly abject, a piece of trash less respected than a dog. But her master was looking at her expectantly. No -- with even a bit of excitement in her eyes. Her master wanted her to debase herself, to show that she was less than the boots she walked on. And that made Mindy's thighs quiver with excitement. And so she cleaned the boots.

She licked up and down the top of each boot before she took the toes in her mouth,as though she was sucking on them. Her tongue ran along the treads, occasionally picking up a speck of dirt or a pebble, at which point she would have to lean down and spit it out on the floor. She was so wet. Denise was standing there, fixated on her, looking faintly amazed. Mindy looked back up at her with a mixture of defiance and abandon.

"Fuck the boots," said Denise. "I want you to lick me. That's what a good sex slave's for, right?"

"Yes, master." Mindy dropped the boots and inched forward on her knees towards Denise's waiting crotch.

But her master shifted away at the last moment. "Not here on the living room floor. What do you think we are, animals? Come, follow me to the bedroom."

Mindy rose to follow Denise, but the other girl gave her a firm slap as she tried to get up. The slap was surprisingly painful, but at the same time it sent a sweet stinging sensation across her cheek. "What are you doing, trying to walk? You crawl, like the animal you are."

This was a new wrinkle. Mindy wondered whether Denise had planned these new perversions while pacing outside, or if this was always some deeply-held fantasy. Whatever it was, it made Mindy feel cheap, degraded, used, and extremely aroused. She followed the bouncing arch of Denise's feet down the short hall that lead to her bathroom, loping along the carpet on all fours. She felt a drop of her juices fall from her pussy onto the carpet.

Even once in the bedroom, Denise took her sweet time. She shrugged herself out of the blouse she was wearing, folding it neatly and setting on the dresser before doing the same to her shirt. Everything needed to be put in its proper place. Once she was down to her bra and panties Denise tugged at the straps but first decided to slowly, tortuorusly remove her watch, her class ring, her earrings, every single bit of jewelry or personal effect on her body. Mindy waited, kneeling, growing moister. She knew that she had to be patient. She would be rewarded, in time.

Finally, Denise seemed to have finished her endless preparations. She lounged luxuriously across her bed, sinking into the mattress. Between the firm brown nipples poking out of her fleshy breasts and the inviting bush nestled between her legs she looked a bit like an old porno model. "All right, I suppose we can start now. Why don't you start at the toes and work your way up? If you're lucky, slave, I might even let you suck on my tits later."

Mindy felt a rush of euphoria at the permission to even touch her mistress. Already in her thoughts Denise was hallowed, divine, a separate species from herself, a lowly creature stuffed with sinful desire. Mindy lovingly pressed her lips to each of Denise's toes, kissing the soft pink nail, and then began to take a few in her mouth and softly suck on them. Denise sighed with contentment.

Mindy let her tongue wash over the crown of her mistress's feet, then moved up to suck and caress Denise's heels, then her calves, and then her knees, and oh god she was getting so close. She could smell Denise's distinct musk, and she wanted to just dive right in, but she knew somehow that things had to be done in the proper order or else she would be punished. But it was so close, and it would be so easy to just give in...

Shaking her head lose of the notion, she took particular care to slowly love Denise's thighs with her lips, nuzzling her cheek against their soft fuzz. Her wet pussy was so, so close, but Mindy just kept inching towards it. She was working her way up. That was what her master had asked her, and so it was what she would do.

Denise abruptly grabbed her by the hair. "Stop fucking around and just eat me."

And then Mindy's lips were on that soft ripeness and it was worth every moment of the wait. She ran her tongue up and down Denise's slit wildly, lapping up all of her feminine juices, wrapped her lips around her master's fat clit and sucked for all she was worth, and rubbed her face in the messy wetness of that fleshy delta.

A light smack on the back of the head. "Don't get sloppy down there, slave."

And so she changed gears, applying every bit of cunnulingual expertise she had picked up over years of fucking women and every gram of knowledge of the female body acquired through extensive exploration of her own. Her touch was gentle but not too gentle, the wet tip of her tongue striking all of Denise's erogenous zones strategically until the other woman had lost all control.

"Oh, fuck, I'm gonna come," Denise grunted. And then she did, letting out a long cry as her pussy tremored against Mindy's face.

As she watched her master's orgasm, Mindy felt a rush of bodily joy herself. It felt good to make her mistress happy. Whenever she heard one of her mistress's orders, her head got light and her knees weak, like she was about to faint. All she wanted to do was stay in this state of simplicity and obediance.

Denise sat up and beckoned Mindy to her. The two embraced, and Mindy felt her partner's warmth flood into her For a moment Mindy thought the scene was over, but then she heard Denise's soft voice in her ear. "Very good, slave. You know how to munch rug like a pro. You must be a very experienced slut."

"Yes master."

"Now, I think you deserve a reward. But you're going to have to hold still to get it."

Mindy tensed, not knowing exactly what was coming (other than her, of course). Denise continued on. "I want you to get up and lean over the bed, with your hands on the headboard. Bend over as far as you can while still being comfortable. You're going to have to stand there a while."

It was almost automatic for her now, shifting into a posture of supplication without thinking of the consequences, because she didn't need to think about consequences -- she had her master to do it for her. Denise had produced the handcuffs from somewhere and cuffed her to the headboard once again. The steel was tight around her right wrist, and the cold metal gave her a strange erotic thrill.

She felt Denise's hands tugging at her ankles. "Spread them." So Mindy did, using all the flexibility built up from her athletic training, until her legs were spread a little too far and Denise had to tug her feet back in with a firm hand. And then she felt that cold metal clink around her ankles again, and Mindy couldn't spread or contract her legs any more. Of course -- the spreader bar. She knew she wouldn't regret that purchase.

Mindy realized that, save for a left arm that could uselessly flail into space, she was completely helpless. A chill went down her spine, and not an entirely pleasant one. The subdued rational part of her brain wondered what would happen if Denise went too far, like she had last night, or if something else terrible happened. There was a not in her stomach as well as in her groin.

Trust. That was the essence of it. She just had to trust Denise.

"Now then," her master said in an arch, almost campy tone. "I said I wanted to reward you, and I know just the gift for a little pain-slut like you." She could hear Denise lifting something, but she couldn't quite see what it was, and her head was too clouded to think. But as soon as she felt it come down across her back, Mindy knew it like an old friend.

It was the paddle from last night. She winced at the memory as well as the light sting on her back. But this was different from last night. Denise's wrist was gentle, only offering a light smack, and instead of hitting the same place she paddled her slave-girl all over. Mindy felt the hard wood slap her asscheeks, her thighs, her shoulders and even sneak around to her stomach.

"Is that enough pain for you, pervert?"

"A-a little harder," Mindy had to admit. It was just too tantalizing. The solid smack of the paddle seemed to hover near her, just inches away, but always out of reach behind those soft shots.

"Well, if you insist." And then a hard smack across her asscheeks that made Mindy absolutely glow.

The butch girl squirmed against her bombs as her dom struck her across her body again, making her feel like a well-tenderized piece of meat. She wasn't sure how long she could stay on her feet, with her legs little more than a quivering mass of loose but contented muscles. Dimly Mindy became aware that she was letting out little squeaks of pain/pleasure, the kind of soft cooing noises that had always embarrassed her but were inescapable in the bedroom.

Denise struck her across the tits, and she yelled out hard. Mindy felt her cunt quiver -- maybe that had been a little one, right there. With a short flick of her wrist Denise batted one of her tits around with the paddle, smacking it back and forth. It hurt like hell, but it also sent a shockwave of bliss through Mindy, another miniature orgasm. And in the distant realm of sound, she could hear herself screaming.

Her master was saying something, and Mindy struggled to hear it. "Are you going to obey me? Are you going to always be my little fuck-toy, to treat however I want? Are you going to be there for me to take out all my anger on, to take all of the abuse? Can I count on you?"

"Yes, master!" Mindy yelled, and in some way she meant it.

"Good. Now you get a good fuck-toy's treat." And Denise spun the paddle around in her hand and shoved the handle roughly into Mindy's cunt, overflowing with girl-juices. It was a rough and violent fucking, and Mindy felt it like a brushfire overtaking her body. And then Denise lowered herself and kissed her clit just once, and then Mindy was screaming and shaking and thrashing against her metal bonds as the biggest orgasm of her life overtook her.

She couldn't think coherently for at least a couple of minutes. Her reddened and bruised body could barely stand, and every inch of her skin was numb. She began to wonder if she had short-circuited her system, if the massive shock of pleasure had burnt the ends out. Mindy then became aware that she was standing in a sticky puddle.

"Jesus," Denise said in a soft, reverential tone. "You fucking squirted."

"No. I never..." And then she looked over at her girlfriend, her hair matted down and her face drenched in sticky girl-juice, and then down at the translucent puddle she was standing in. "Huh. I guess I did."

Denise giggled. "Come on. I'll get you out of that rig."

Mindy's legs were stiff and unresponsive, but Denise helped her out of the spreader bar and handcuffs and to the bed. They cleaned each other with their tongues, hands, and maybe a towel or two. And they kissed and cuddled and softly slithered against each other until they both reached a more subdued orgasm.

"Was that..." Denise seemed hesitant to ask the question. "Was that okay?"

"Okay?" Mindy said. "That was fucking great."

Denise glowed, and Mindy knew that the trouble between them had healed or at least subsided. Maybe that wasn't a big deal, just a typical spat between a young couple, but it gave her confidence that they would be able to solve other trouble in the future. And she was looking forward to that future, because even at her angriest Mindy had never been able to forget Denise, every word she said and every movement she made. She seemed to stand out so much clearer than everyone else in the world. There was a magical vibrancy to her. The only other times she had felt like this--

Well shit. She was falling in love.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
So good!

Please continue this story it was so great I loved every second of it! You are a really talented writer! So detailed it was just great please keep on writing because I love this story!

JendehJendehabout 11 years ago

I really liked how their first attempts at playing around with bdsm were maybe a little awkward and ultimately not good. I think when reading these stories we see a lot of mistresses who are experts in knowing exactly how to play a sub. It was kind of refreshing to read this and see how important communication really is when attempting these games.

Also it was really hot. I probably should say that too right? Great story. :)

stephenchapmanstephenchapmanabout 11 years ago

A great story of the sweet poignant weirdness of humanity. With hot sex. of course.

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