Swarnima Ch. 01

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A resort trip turns out more fun than anticipated.
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It was a pleasant February afternoon as I drove into the gates of the Taj property. With Covid dissipating, my wife and I had decided to splurge and spend a few days at the beach resort not far from where we lived in Chennai. Having lived through lockdowns, movement restrictions, restaurant closures and all the other tensions that went with the Covid first wave, we decided it would be good to take a break and just chill out for a few days away from the city.

Thanks to the downturn in the hotel business, many 5-star hotels and resorts were offering specials with massive discounts in an effort to woo customers back in. We got a great deal for a private cottage with a small private pool. At less than 50% the usual price and with breakfast thrown in, the discount offer was too good to resist. The only catch was full payment upfront with no refunds for cancellations.

It was therefore a bit of a bummer when my father-in-law had a fall in the bathroom of his house and ended up with a minor fracture in his ankle. As far as medical emergencies go, it really shouldn't have counted at top of any list. There was no threat to life, but a lot of pain, complaints and inconvenience to my poor f-i-l and consequently upon my mother-in-law who had to be the prime caregiver. This occurred on the Wednesday and we were due at the resort on Friday of the same week.

My wife and I had some animated discussions about whether to cancel the resort expedition completely. The fact that we had paid upfront a non-refundable amount also weighed on the mind. I was eventually coaxed into going to the resort alone so that at least we could say the money was not wasted. I have to say that I was quite reluctant about going by myself. Resorts stays were fun fun but if you are an older male, staying all alone, the fun factor could go down rapidly. I was partially mollified by the fact that I could get away from the city and spend some time by the beach. The private pool sounded appealing and at least I would come back relaxed, albeit bored.

As I suspected, the resort was not really brimming with guests. I could see only a handful of cars in the parking lot. There was an attendant waiting to take the keys and park the car while another was there to take care of my luggage. The reception area was pleasant and cool, the afternoon sea breeze had begun to set in. As I went up to the check-in counter, I noticed just one other couple waiting for their checkin process to complete. The receptionist attending to me was a pretty young thing and looking highly fuckable in her saree uniform. I smiled at her wondering if it was worth it to flirt and see how far I could get.

"A cottage with a private pool, sir - your reservation?"


"The reservation has your wife's name as well sir. She is joining later?"

"No. Unfortunately she had an emergency to take care off. So I'll be by myself."

"Sorry to hear that sir. if you can show me a photo ID and please wait, I'll just print out these forms for you to sign."

On a sudden intuition, I glanced to my left. The couple was still there but the wife was obviously intently following my conversation with the receptionist. As soon as my eyes caught hers, her face flushed and she turned her head the other side. The couple looked to be in their thirties. The wife was wearing a black one-piece dress that came up to just above her knees. Her nearly waist long hair hung loose. Of medium height, average build and wearing light-rimmed glasses she was certainly a very well kept and attractive woman. My eyes immediately went down to peek at her legs and there was no trace of hair - very smooth - either shaved or waxed. Her forearms were smooth as well. The husband was tall and looked quite fit himself. I felt a twinge of disappointment when I scanned my eyes over him. It was a bit unlikely that I would catch her attention in anyway with someone like him around.

"Sorry sir, if you can just wait a few more minutes. We are having trouble with our network - we can't seem to connect to the printer." This was the PYT receptionist talking to me.

I had more than enough time to kill.

"Is the bar open?"

"No sir. It is closed. But we could serve you a drink here in the reception, if you wouldn't mind?"

"Oh, lovely."

"What would you like sir?"

"Any house wine - red wine please?"

"Let me check sir."

After a few minutes of back and forth I eventually went with local Indian wine from Sula. I could see the couple standing there, also seemingly interested in our conversation. The receptionist was sharp. She saw the movement of my eyes to the couple and immediately asked them if they'd like something to drink as well.

It was the wife who responded and she asked for wine too. This surprised me a little. Not that it was uncommon any longer to see Indian women consume any kind of alcohol especially in luxury hotels. It was something in her voice and also possibly the fact that she made the request first before her hubby did. There was a comfortable seating area in front of the reception and I plonked myself on one of the chairs waiting for my drink to come. I noticed the couple make their way and take a seat not too far away from where I was seated. I nodded my head in a smile at both of them and they nodded back in return.

A few minutes of silence ensued. A waiter arrived carrying three glasses of red wine and handed one over to each of us. The lady took the first sip and then said a "Cheers" to me and then to her husband. I responded back to both of them, raising my glass as I did so. Friendly relations established, I said a cheery "Hello" to them. We then had the usual introductory banter.

"Hi, I am Sri."

"Hi, I am Swarnima. And this is Sid".

They had of course overheard my initial conversation with the receptionist and knew all about my being alone. Swarnima was the more talkative of the too. She had a nice sounding voice which I liked. They were staying in a room in the main hotel building. The couple had been married for over a year with no kids yet. Swarnima was a doctor (a damn good looking doctor I thought) while Sid was into banking. Both were into fitness activities and tone of their bodies were proof of this. Much like myself and my wife, they had decided to take a break from all the Covid related tension and had booked a holiday at the resort. They had indeed come a long way as they lived in Coimbatore and had driven all the way from there.

"I overheard that you have a private cottage with a pool. How does that work? The pool is only for your use?"

"Yes. That is correct. But it is a small pool though, not great for doing laps and exercising. But good for relaxing in privacy."

"Is it covered? Can people see you?"

"Well there is basically just a wooden fence so there are small gaps. But usually in these resorts, people are quite conscious about privacy and you don't find people peeking in."

As our conversation continued, I was more and more drawn to Swarnima. As a doctor, she must have been brainy to get into a medical college. A combination of beauty and brains is always dangerous (at least for me it is). Her dress made her look incredibly attractive and the smooth skin of her legs was looking yummy and lickable now that we were at a closer distance. She was wearing sandals with heels and the curve of her feet had a really sexy look. Once again I felt those familiar feelings of arousal - what a delicious woman this was. Suddenly I caught Sid's eye - i realized he had been watching me and had probably been observing how I was checking his wife out. This flustered me a bit and I did a poor job of trying to act normal while moving the conversation to the view of the distant sea shore that we had. Swarnima continued to talk in a friendly manner. But I felt Sid was not that amiable anymore - couldn't really blame him.

It was an opportune time for one of the hotel employees to come up and tell us that we could sign our check in papers and go to our rooms. I was escorted to my cottage room in a buggy cart. It was set up much like a large one bedroom apartment. The pool was compact and nice. The cottage was at the border of the resort property and the pool was as private as it could be. I called the wife to let her know I had arrived safely, unpacked and then spent half-an-hour or so in the private pool.

After some time, it got a bit boring - me there by myself. There was a bigger, main swimming pool next to the main resort building. I decided to head over there. Perhaps I could meet someone for conversation - maybe Swarnima. And more importantly, there was likely to be a waiter hovering around so I could order drinks and snacks as I lazed by the pool. When I got there, I realized it was going to be a lonely afternoon. There was not a single person in sight. I dumped my towel on a lounge chair and headed to do some slow laps in the pool. I am not a fantastic swimmer by any means and after ten minutes of going up and down the pool, it was time for me to huff and puff the last few meters to the pool wall and take a break.

That was when I noticed that I now had company. A few feet away were Swarnima and Sid. Sid was in a t-shirt and shorts - not looking like someone about to head into the pool. Swarnima on the other hand looked svelte and lovely. She was wearing a leopard spot swimming dress and the green color certainly suited her. Hers was a one piece swim suit which ended at the bottom like a frock around the lower thighs. Her legs were bare which allowed me to see a good bit of skin. I suspected the swim dress was a bit old as it was obviously a size too small and fit in snugly around her body. I could now get a good glimpse of the swell of a pair of full and firm breasts, well rounded and struggling against the fabric of the swimsuit that confined them.

I gave them a friendly wave. Swarnima waved back while Sid raised his hand half-heartedly in acknowledgement. A few minutes later Swarnima was in the pool starting to do her own laps. It was a quite a while later before Swarnima and I found ourselves both taking a rest break at the same time. Sid was seated fairly close on a beach chair observing us. I sensed that he wasn't too comfortable with me being in the water with his wife but I had kept a safe distance all this while.

"Sid - how come you are not in the water?"

I asked this question to Sid awaiting a response. But it was Swarnima who popped in with a reply.

"Oh - he doesn't know how to swim. We have been meaning for him to learn but now with Covid this last year and pool closures that has not happened."

I thought Sid would pipe with something from his side but he maintained silence.

"You swim very well Swarnima - very good form. Your breast stroke is really good."

"Thank you. I used to swim a lot when i was younger but haven't done so for a while."

A waiter appeared from inside the main building. I hailed him and ordered a drink for myself. I looked to Swarnima and she asked for the same for herself and Sid. We stood there in the water for a few minutes chit-chatting about stuff. I tried to draw Sid into the conversation but he stubbornly refused replying with an occasional one word answer. We did a few more laps in the pool before the drinks appeared and we got out of the pool. After a few sips were in and some of the snacks consumed, we decided to get back into the pool. I could see Sid was getting a bit bored just lying there and watching Swarnima and I in the pool.

There was a small area to the side where one showered down before jumping into the pool. Swarnima walked ahead of me and I had ample time to observe her from the back - her shapely figure, well rounded buttocks and lovely calves were having an arousing effect on me. A tentpole was forming in my shorts and that was going to be difficult to hide. I let her shower first. I think she sensed my eyes boring into her as she stood beneath the water. When she moved out, I turned around to see Sid staring at me - no doubt he had been observing the two of us closely but especially observing me. I doubt if he liked what he had seen so far.

"Race you three laps up and down - free style." That was Swarnima to me. We immediately started at the end further from Sid and swam towards his end to take the turn for the first lap. She really was a very good swimmer and had taken a short lead by the time we were into the third lap heading back to the finish. We must have been around 5 meters away from the pool end when my left arm accidentally brushed against side of her right leg. That was enough to unbalance her and cause her to dive down and come up. The same happened to me and we both came out gasping for air with our bodies brushing against each other.

"Sorry - I didn't realize we were so close."

She laughed and teased me. "I think you realized I was going to beat you and decided to bring me down."

I laughed back and once again complimented her on her super swimming skills. My left eye caught a movement - it was Sid. I wondered whether he was feeling uncomfortable with the friendly conversation and laughter from the two of us. Was he jealous? I had no idea whatsoever. He walked down the side of pool towards where Swarnima and I were, treading in the water.

"How much longer do you think you are going to be in the pool?"

This question was asked rather matter-of-factly. I could detect no impatience or anger in the voice. By all account it was him just being bored and wanting to see if the two of them could something else.

"At least another 20-30 minutes dear. Its been such a long time since I've been in the water."

Sid stood there a few seconds, unsure what his response should be.

"If you are bored, why don't you just go on back to the room and watch some TV. I'll be up soon."

He thought about this for a brief while and then decided to go along with her suggestion. We both watched him trudge away from the pool and towards the entrance to the hotel. The main hotel building was adjacent to the pool we were in.

"Our room is right up there on the 4th floor". Swarnima pointed a finger up towards the building.

"Ah, you have a poolside view."

"Yes, and a good view of the beach too."

"Lets do another race".

She beat me hollow this time around. I was panting as I reached the pool end and came to a resting position with my hands on the pool side.

"You are in quite good shape for your age."

"Thank you. But you beat me majorly right now."

She gave a small laugh. "I used to swim competitively in college."

We were both standing fairly close to each other and chatting away with a few laughs in between. A waiter suddenly appeared nearby.

"Sir, would you and madam like another drink?"

"Sure. The same that we had before."

"Should I charge it to your room?"

"Yes please."

"Your room number?"

Both Swarnima and I spoke simultaneously giving a different room number. The waiter was confused, looking at us oddly. He had obviously assumed that we were a couple staying together. Before he could say anything further, I repeated my room number and dismissed him curtly before his mind could start thinking about what had just happened.

"Oh, no. You shouldn't. Its not fair that you pay the bill."

"Its ok Swarnima. You can pay up another time. I'll be here for till Tuesday."

"You too? We are also here. We took a package they had on offer."

"Same here."

"A pity your wife couldn't make it."

"Yes, can get a bit boring alone. But today has been a good day as I met up with you and Sid and managed to get through it easily."

"How's the private pool?"

"Very nice. But boring when alone."


"Feel free to come by anytime if you'd like to check it out."

"Oh - thank you. I'll do that."

I noticed the emphasis on the "I" and not the "We" in her last sentence.

"I'm going to practice my breathing and kicks for a few minutes. I haven't swum in a while."

"Me too, lets do that together then."

Both of us went into a face down position in the water, our arms extended to the edge of pool and blew bubbles in while kicking our legs up and down - a pretty basic beginners position. As we took a break after a few minutes, she commented on my kicking.

"You're splashing out way too much water. I can feel the water against my body."


"Try kicking again. Let me see."

I went back to the the float position and started kicking again. I felt her hand on the back of my calf.

"You need straighten your lower leg more - its a bit bent now. And same with your ankles."

She kept her hand on my feet guiding me to a proper kicking action. I could feel the difference instantly.

"That was great. Thank you Swarnima."

As I took a break, she went back to practicing her kicks. I could see the hem of her swimming frock rise up and down exposing her thighs each time she kicked. They looked so invitingly lovely and smooth. I walked a few steps towards her feet as she continued kicking. I noticed that her kicking action, while better than mine, was not at its best either.

"Hey, let me hold your legs. I think you have the same kicking action issue."

I placed on hand just below her knees to support kicks. Her skin felt smooth and lovely. The tentpole in my shorts had now grown significantly. It was best that my hips remained underwater for a while. As she continued practicing her kicks, I moved on hand to the lower portion of her thighs.

"You are bending your upper leg. Keep it straight."

I left one hand as support on her lower thighs and the other on the lower shin. Her kicks significantly improved after that. I was enjoying the closeness of her body and being able to cop a feel of her legs. On an instinct I looked up at the hotel building. What if Sid was up there looking out the window at us? Anyhow, as long as Swarnima wasn't objecting, who was I to stop. A few more minutes of this and we finished up our swimming session.

"Thank you Sri. That was great fun. I didn't realize I missed swimming so much."

"Me too."

"I must be going. Sid will be waiting for me."

We both got out of the pool and headed towards the beach chairs where our towels lay. As she turned around saying a bye, she suddenly came to a halt. I realized why. Her eye had caught on to my erection which was clearly visible through my swim shorts - no way that was going to be hidden. She let out a slight gasp and then turned around immediately and continued walking away. I was quite embarrassed to say the least. Here I was, just starting to strike a friendly acquaintanceship and I had likely blown it in a matter of seconds. Anyways, there was nothing more to be done just then. I headed back to my room, took a shower and then watched some television. Swarnima's lovely fuckable body was etched in my mind and I was wondering how wonderful it would be to take her in the pool and ravish her body right there in the middle, with everyone watching.

It was with a start that i realized I was famished. Swimming tends to make one hungry pretty rapidly. The effect of Swarnima had been to make forget my growling stomach for a while. But I need to ingest something inside quite quickly. I headed to the main diner restaurant in the resort. There were only a handful of folk in there. It was still early for dinner. I took a spot by the window where one could get a good view of beach. I had yet to step out there. Perhaps I would take a walk there after dinner.

I had barely finished my first order of soup when I noticed Swarnima and Sid walk in. Sid was walking towards another empty table when Swarnima spotted me and waved a hello. She pulled at Sid's hand and started walking towards me. Sid didn't seem to happy about this.

"Hi, may we join you?"

"Sure. A pleasure. It can be boring to be dining alone"

That was a nice surprise. I wouldn't have to have dinner alone that night and that was a big plus. Beyond that it meant that Swarnima hadn't really taken umbrage at spotting my huge hard-on a few hours ago - and that was an even bigger relief.