Sylvia and Holly


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Fortunately, he had been friendly and welcoming, even helping her put the table in the elevator and punching the 5th floor button for her. She hurried down the hall to room 505 and knocked lightly, trying to regain her normal breathing as she waited for the door to open. Brushing the wet hair from her face she nervously knocked again, her sense of anticipation building to a fever pitch.

When the door opened she stepped into the small living area of the suite, noticing immediately that Sylvia seemed even more attractive than she remembered. She felt clumsy and awkward as she set her table up and embarrassed when Sylvia coolly noted that she was late. She was acutely aware of being watched while she worked and could feel Sylvia's eyes roving over her body, especially when she removed her jacket and stood patting her hair dry. But at least she smiled when she offered her the towel to do it.

Holly was grateful when Sylvia offered her wine, just what she needed for her nerves. She poured herself a glass and sipped it greedily as she watched Sylvia walk toward the bathroom, starting to relax for the first time all afternoon. This might turn out to be really fun, she thought to herself.

"I really like the jeans, Holly," she heard Sylvia say.

Holly smiled, pleased that she had decided to wear them. She felt flattered and started to thank her when she heard Sylvia continue.

". . . but lose the sports bra by the time I come back."

Holly's mouth dropped open. She couldn't believe what she just heard—surely she had not understood correctly. She looked at Sylvia questioningly,

Sylvia's voice was so low Holly could barely hear it, but it carried a message of cold finality that left no question as to her message. "I detest sports bras," she said. She turned and stepped into the bathroom and closed the door firmly behind her without looking back.

Holly stood unmoving, shocked and surprised by what she had just heard. She couldn't believe Sylvia would say something so personal, to be so demanding. There was no way she was going to allow her to tell her what to do. She had never resorted to using her sex appeal in her massage business, even though some of the other women in her class joked about it all the time and Jack had encouraged her to try it. Lots of guys hinted that they wanted topless massages or 'the full-deal' when they got on the table, but she had never considered doing it.

And now, here was a woman treating her in a less than professional manner. She took a gulp of her wine and tried to decide what to do. She could pack up and leave or just ignore the demand and carry on as though she hadn't heard her. She hastily finished her glass and poured more into it as she struggled with her instincts. What would it hurt, she thought to herself, if she did take it off. She'd still be fully dressed . . . and it wasn't like anyone else would ever know. She swallowed half of the remaining wine and realized that the idea had her somewhat turned on.

She knew she had really nice breasts. She had never enjoyed flaunting them like other girls she knew, but she was confident they compared well with all that she'd seen. And even if they weren't as big as she might have liked they were firm and nicely shaped, perky and quite sensitive. So . . . if Sylvia wanted to see her bounce a little while she gave her massage, where was the harm?

Besides, the customer is always right—right? she grinned to herself.

She took a deep breath and peeled off her shirt, keeping her back to the bathroom door just in case. She pulled the stretchy bra over her head and stuffed it in her jacket pocket and slipped her tank top back on, glancing down at herself to check for any see-through. She was surprised at how hard her nipples were and how clearly they stood out under the thin material. She rubbed them with the palms of her hands to warm and soften them, to make them less prominent. But the pesky little devils seemed to have a mind of their own and puffed up again, seeming to want even more attention.

The bathroom door opened and Sylvia came back into the room wrapped in a large bath towel. Holly jumped up embarrassedly and watched her as she casually turned down the lights and fiddled with the radio before walking nearer. She felt her cheeks flush hotly as Sylvia stood directly in front of her, deliberately studying her breasts. Finally looking satisfied with what she saw, she smiled and moved toward the table.

Holly hardly heard the complimentary words Sylvia said about her breasts, too distracted by watching her casually drop her towel. The only thing she heard her say was, "Shall we get started?"


Sylvia felt energized, happy at how things were going. Watching Holly's eyes travel hungrily over her nakedness reaffirmed her previous assumption. Holly's unconscious need to be subjugated was becoming more and more obvious, and Sylvia was sure it was a need she probably wasn't even aware of.

The feeling of power and control continued to grow in Sylvia, a feeling of dominance that was making her wet with anticipation. Topping women was a totally different rush from ordering men around. She was used to letting men take charge, or at least think they were in charge, and rarely felt the urge or the need to switch. But watching Holly tremble before her was such an incredible turn-on it felt like a perfectly natural role for her.

Holly watched as Sylvia climbed onto the table and lay face-down, hanging her arms over the sides and snuggling her body against the starched sheet covering its firm surface. She arched her back and took a deep breath, letting out a deep, contented sigh when she found a comfortable position. Holly reached for her bottle of lightly perfumed oil and poured a liberal amount into her palms, her eyes never leaving Sylvia's taut body. As she vigorously rubbed her hands to warm the oil she shook her head in wonder, still amazed at how casual Sylvia was with her nakedness.

All the women Holly had previously massaged maintained a certain level of modesty, even if they seemed totally self-confident and proud of their figures. She always draped them with a towel or sheet to maintain a professional comfort level while she worked, just as she'd been taught in her classes. Even though both she and her clients were aware that personal parts were occasionally exposed as the massage progressed, there was never any overt sexuality involved.

But she had never met a woman who seemed to enjoy flaunting her body quite like Sylvia. Holly was acutely aware of the strong aura of sexuality emanating from the table in front of her and she felt her body respond with a power that scared her. She had always enjoyed looking at women's bodies and had often fantasized about being more intimate with them. She was aware that part of the reason she had gravitated to the massage profession was the allure of regularly touching soft, feminine flesh, and she often found herself fantasizing about some of her clients. Doing more than her therapeutic routine, however, had never become a reality.

Holly began by spreading the warmed oil over Sylvia's neck, shoulders and upper back, touching her lightly with long, soft strokes. She felt her hands trembling slightly and pressed harder to hide her nervousness. She cleared her throat and began to recite her usual litany, asking if she should concentrate on specific muscles or injuries, do deep tissue work or if there were any sensitive or painful areas she should avoid. When Sylvia failed to respond to her inquiries, she continued stroking her way down her spine, gradually increasing pressure and gently manipulating each knot that her fingers found. She stopped talking as she worked, the mellow jazz from the radio the only sound in the room.

"Okay," she thought to herself, "I'll just do the general relaxation routine since she's not telling me what to do. Lots of clients prefer total silence during their session and I guess she's one of them."

Sylvia concentrated on Holly's hands working their way down her body, feeling disappointed by how impersonal they felt. In spite of the intimacy of the setting, this was definitely not what she had in mind. She waited without saying anything until it became obvious that Holly was going to work her way down to her legs without even touching her ass before she said anything.

"Uh, didn't you forget something, Holly?"

Holly's hands stopped in mid-stroke, totally bewildered by Sylvia's question.

"You skipped right past my ass, Sweetie." Sylvia grinned to herself when she heard Holly's quick intake of breath. "I have very sensitive buttocks and I like them worked nice and firmly . . . if you don't mind." Her voice left little doubt that she expected Holly to do exactly what she wanted, and to do it with feeling.

"My god," Holly thought. "She wants a massage like Jack must have given. No wonder he became so popular with his clients."

Her hands went tentatively to Sylvia's buttocks and she began caressing them. She didn't know exactly what was expected so she just started with light strokes, spreading the slippery oil liberally over their taut surface. But as she heard Sylvia softly purring she let her fingers begin to knead slightly harder with each stroke

"Harder," Sylvia whispered. "I like it really hard."

Holly squeezed even harder, her fingers alternating from one buttock to the other and inadvertently slipping deeper into the crease of Sylvia's ass as she did so. She watched Sylvia's body rock back and forth against the hard surface of the table and knew it must have been causing pressure against her cunt. She continued her manipulation, deliberately pressing down harder to increase the pressure and growing more excited as she listened to Sylvia's breath become ragged and expectant. Holly's fingers started to cramp up from her exertion and as she started to back off pressure she suddenly realized she was no longer concentrating on Sylvia's enjoyment, she was doing it for her own.

In all the months she'd been giving massages she had ever touched a woman in a way so overtly sexual. And as sexy as some of her clients had been she had definitely never felt as turned-on as she was feeling right now. Her fingers now cramping so badly she could no longer continue the same pressure, she trailed her fingernails down the back of Sylvia's thighs, leaving bright red trails all the way to her knees.

Sylvia let out a squeal as she involuntarily arched her pelvis in the air, pleasantly shocked by the radically different sensation burning into her skin. "Wow," she thought. "Little Holly knows a few moves after all." She could feel her legs tingling as Holly continued working her way down to Sylvia's feet, oiling her toes and sensually pulling them, one by one, as though she was manipulating 10 miniature penises. Sylvia had never had a 'toe-job' before and was surprised at how erotic it felt.

"Time to push the envelope," she thought to herself. She had noticed Holly's breathing become more ragged while she was caressing Sylvia's ass, and it was obvious she had become turned-on by doing it. Sylvia slowly spread her knees and started to roll over on the rickety table, fully aware of the view she was presenting to Holly standing near her feet.

"Let's do my front now, okay?" she said softly.

She reached out and took Holly's hand, letting her help steady her movements as she shifted onto her back. She wiggled into a comfortable position, stretching her arms over her head and sighing deeply before closing her eyes and smiling contentedly. Holly retrieved the towel from where it lay on the chair and spread it over Sylvia, covering her from chest to knees.

Without opening her eyes Sylvia softly whispered, "We don't really need the towel, Holly."

Holly hesitated, not quite knowing what she should do.

"In fact, I want you to take it off." She opened her eyes and looked directly at Holly. "I like the way you look at me." She smiled, playfully enjoying Holly's look of discomfort.

"And I know you like it, too."

Holly slowly pulled the towel toward her, blushing profusely as she awkwardly folded it and dropped it behind her. She stepped back and tried, but she just couldn't stop herself from staring. She stood transfixed, knowing she should restart the massage again before things got any more out of hand but she felt immobilized, unable to take her eyes off Sylvia's pert breasts and smooth, freshly waxed pussy.

"Do I embarrass you, Holly?" Sylvia purred.

"Uh, no," Holly stammered, unable to say anything more. She swallowed dryly a couple of times. "Uh, no . . . well, yes . . . Oh shit, I don't know."

Sylvia slowly reached her hand out and playfully hooked her finger into the waistband of Holly's snug jeans. Finding no resistance, she pulled her closer until she bumped into the table and stood looking directly down at Sylvia, her hands resting nervously at her side.

"Touch me like this," Sylvia whispered. She slipped her hand under Holly's shirt and brushed her fingers lightly over her stomach, playfully raking her fingernails against the taut skin before sliding slowly upward. When she reached the underside of Holly's naked breast she spread her fingers and cupped it firmly, squeezing and lifting it as if weighing in her mind the pleasure it was about to provide.

Holly closed her eyes, the pleasure she felt from Sylvia's fingers overtaking the pleasure she had from looking down at the sexy, naked body writhing below her. Unconsciously, she reached for Sylvia's breasts, using her nails to rake the already hard, pouty nipples upward with the same rough handling she was feeling on her own.

"Harder," Sylvia gasped. "Like this."

Holly winched as she felt Sylvia's fingers increase their pressure under her shirt, pinching and twisting and pulling until she reached that delicious and confusing point between pleasure and pain. She responded by squeezing Sylvia's nipples harder, almost brutally; harder than she had ever handled a woman's body before. Sylvia moaned with such obvious pleasure Holly could not restrain herself and leaned down, quickly sucking one hard nipple into her mouth and biting down as she continued to torment the other with her fingers.

"Oh yes," Sylvia moaned. "Bite me, suck me. Oh God, I love it!"

All pretense of a professional massage now forgotten, Holly greedily kissed and licked and sucked the pliant breasts beneath her hungry mouth and fingers, searching more for her own pleasure than Sylvia's as she worshiped the body she had desired for so long. As her excitement grew she felt her hand snake its way down Sylvia's quivering stomach, searching as if on its own volition for the ultimate prize it knew lay just below. Sylvia's legs fell open invitingly as Holly's fingers slid down the Brazilian-smooth entryway to the cavern of pleasure awaiting her.


Sylvia suddenly sat up, swinging her legs off the table. She stood quickly and reached for Holly's shirt, pulling it roughly upward. Holly automatically lifted her arms and allowed it to slide over her head, leaving her naked above the waist, her breasts only inches from Sylvia's face. Sylvia planted a quick, wet kiss on both puckered nipples staring so invitingly in front of her before reluctantly turning away. She hurried to the bed and frantically began pulling on the blankets, stripping the bedding down and throwing it to the floor. She flopped herself in the middle of the mattress and held her arms out to Holly.

"Get out of those pants and move your ass over here," she commanded, patting the mattress beside her. "I want you naked."

Holly obediently started to wiggle the tight jeans down her hips, her tiny black thong sliding half-way down her legs and tripping her as she hobbled toward the bed. In an awkward, almost comical struggle to get them off she fell onto the sheet, landing at Sylvia's feet. Sylvia lurched forward and grabbed for the panties, jerking down and ripping the lacy material in her rush to get her naked. She threw the destroyed panties on the floor and pulled her upward, pleased at how quickly Holly crawled into her embrace, her lips hungrily searched for Sylvia's mouth. Sylvia lay back, amazed by Holly's ardor as she forced her tongue franticly between Sylvia's lips and plunged it deep into her mouth. Her hunger was raw and insistent, her arousal nearly out of control as she kissed and probed with her tongue, her breath hard and hot against Sylvia's face.

Holly climbed onto Sylvia, grinding the full length of their nakedness against each other as she continued to kiss and suck and lick her face. Her hand reached for Sylvia's breast squashed under her own, her fingers kneading it roughly as she lifted herself upward to rug their nipples together. Her frantic need became even more evident as she let her lips search out Sylvia's nipple again, a hungry moan coming from deep in her throat.

"Do it, Holly," Sylvia whispered. "We both know why you're here."

Sylvia continued to hold and caress her for moment, her fingers trailing lightly back and forth from her waist to her neck. She felt Holly hesitate, changing her sucking and kissing of Sylvia's nipple to a tentative nibbling, then a harder biting, as though she was searching for what Sylvia meant.

Sylvia put her hands on Holly's head with a slight downward pressure. She leaned closer and whispered again, slightly louder this time. "You know what you really want, Baby. Just do it."

Holly raised her head slightly and looked into Sylvia's face, her lips unwilling to release the nipple locked between her lips. The pleading was unmistakable in her eyes. Yes, she knew what she wanted, but she couldn't bring herself to admit it. She needed to hear Sylvia's order.

"Eat me, Holly."

Sylvia's voice was commanding.


Sylvia was right. They both knew why she was there.

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arsekoarsekoover 3 years ago
Strong Sylvia humbles Holly

Great story building. Very erotic and constructing a sensual situation. Top marks and many thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
So freaking hot!

Omg this story is SO good! God this did things to me lol.

ProfDavrosProfDavrosover 10 years ago
Hot massage!

The Dom theme was unpredicted from the last encounter with Holly - a nice surprise. I'm now wondering what a massage with both Jack and Holly would be like? Good work! Fun!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Return to Portland!

I think that its time for Sylvia to take another trip to see Holly!

BarelyJustBarelyJustover 13 years ago
As always....wonderfully hot!

Wonderful super-patient buildup had me poised and primed. Will it be left to our imaginations to complete the visit or is there a Part Two on the way? Whatever, I love your writing style and embrace of all things erotic.

LarryInSeattleLarryInSeattleover 13 years ago
Oh no!

Don't stop there! I love the build up but need it to go farther.

Thanks, by the way.

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