Temple of Eros

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A gift of sexual exhaustion.
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Cushioned on a mountain of downy pillows, Haely watched her lover go about his morning routine. Their plush comforter was pulled up to her waist and she rested with her hands over her smooth belly, breasts bare for him to appreciate with a glance or a kiss every time he saw her through the doorway or approached the bed.

Outside the white, morning light of an approaching winter season hadn't quite surfaced round the curve of the earth which made their warm apartment, glowing with the single yellow candle from last night's adventures, that much more intimate. Minutes stretched like the mischievously held breath of children playing hide and seek with the adult working-world.

Jake chatted intermittently about the day's schedule as he shaved, combed his hair, ate a bowl of cereal but her mind was distant. He pulled on his black slacks and was about to zip them when the sound of her voice stopped him.

"Ah, ah." she smiled and thrust out her hand. Wavy, dark tresses haphazardly framed her angular face. His expression quirked into a grin as he walked over to her placing his crotch right in that lovely palm of hers.

His sexual appetite was ever-active and although he was often the aggressor, it was precisely his insatiable lust which allowed her to command him. Even now as her fingers slipped inside his trousers and freed his anticipating erection, he knew as well as she did that his cock was ultimately helpless to resist the summons of that sweet mouth with which she was now sucking him off.

Somewhere his cell-phone was quietly chiming it's ten-minute alarm, telling him it was almost time to leave for work but he couldn't stop thrusting himself between Haely's succulent lips. Firmly, her hands pressed against his pelvis and she withdrew him from her mouth, giving him a final loving stroke before releasing him to redress himself.

Their eyes met, hers glinting with promise of fulfillment, his burning with contained lust. Taking a breath, he rushed to finish dressing before leaving her with a lingering kiss for the day. This was a single morning in their life.

It was a new life at that, for they had just moved in with one another and as great as the dawn could be, it was their nights together that had been on Haely's mind this morning. Pulling on one of Jake's dress shirts, she leaned against the counter as the Folger's brewed.

Haely wanted to see him happy. He worked, she didn't. She made it a priority to ensure that coming home at the end of the day was well worthwhile for him. Before they had actually moved in together, she hadn't realized just how fitfully Jake slept at night.

There was no amount of relaxation, affections, or soothing techniques that could dissolve the stress within him enough to allow him to rest calmly. Constantly he would wake up, even if briefly, and fall into light sleep again. More often than she thought was average, his body twitched reflexively against some inner agitation.

This displeased her. A man's home is his sanctuary, if he cannot be at complete ease within those walls, then where can he be? Alas, Haely thought with a wry chuckle, men were stubborn; sometimes no matter how much they wanted to relent, the only way to make it happen was to bulldoze the fortress walls and leave them with no other option but to give up.

Sipping her coffee, the familiar wisps of formulating idea swirled within her head. Jake's birthday was next month, and now she knew precisely what give him.


It had taken some convincing, but he had finally agreed to allow Haely to plan whatever she wanted for his birthday and plan she had. Jake couldn't fathom why she had chosen Crete, of all places to spend this mini holiday. He'd expected something far more low-key and personalized and was feeling slightly disappointed as they were taxied further away from Almirida.

Haely had been unusually quiet but he could see the excitement behind those heady, chestnut eyes, her hand tucked firmly between his legs in the back seat. He absolutely loved how sexual she constantly was with him; every chance to grope him, every luring brush by him in public places – they were all her way of demonstrating love through lust and he drank it in.

It wasn't much of a drive as they bounced along a remote dirt road and Jake was finding that he just couldn't focus quite as well on his usual, every-day stresses. When ever he tried to think of home, or bills or work, little shrubberies the likes he'd never seen winked at him from the roadside or the Mediterranean sparkled over the cliff.

As they rounded a bend, a massive compound rose up before them, pristine white with it's Athenian architecture. Haely's palm massaged at his arousal as she leaned in to speak with him quietly. God she had a way of lowering those sultry tones into his ear when she really wanted to entice him.

"That there," she pointed up the hilltop, "is the Temple of Eros. Something of an exotic resort if you will." She smiled at him and he leaned in and took a kiss from her pink lips. Jake was aroused by this, his ever-willing slut, always ready to satiate his hunger.

"Be aware, Jake," she murmured against him, hand rubbing at the erection straining against his blue-jeans, "you promised you would trust me, and so for the next three days we will be legally held within the confines of this retreat and not allowed to leave. Willing prisoners, if you like."

Jake pulled back some, his sharp green eyes searching her for clues, a small crease in his brow. "Alright…" he agreed, though he didn't make an effort to hide his speculation. As they turned through the gates of the property and up the round driveway, the thick doors of the resort opened and out swept an entourage of women who began silently unloading their luggage.

Mouth agape, he looked over at Haely who was obviously pleased by their scantily clad helpers. No doubt they were gorgeous, smooth legs, tanned arms curls of hair falling around their shoulders. Their short white dresses reminded him of Roman ladies at a bathhouse, a look Haely knew he had a penchant for.

Sweeping out of the double-doors then came a tall, elegant woman who ignored him utterly as she flowed over to his girl-friend. Jake was at a total loss for what to do so he simply waited as the women spoke aside quietly. Once or twice, their hostess (for that was what she seemed to be), cast him an appraising glance and then without a word in his direction she smiled and glided back indoors, white robes furling around her ankles.

"What was that about?" he asked finally, slightly irritated with all this mystery.

Haely smiled and stretched up a bit to kiss the corners of his mouth. "Remember, do everything that you are instructed to do by these women." He looked like he was about to interrupt but she spoke on resolutely, "The next three days are by my will and I will see you soon."

"I don't get it." He said irritably.

"Just go with the flow, Jake. And know that I love you."

All too abruptly, she placed an affectionate kiss on his lips and then he was being tugged away by soft hands and a cacophony of feminine voices, urging him inside. Off he was whisked into some of the most plush quarters he'd ever seen. He felt hamstrung between the serenity of the surroundings and his irritation at being separated from Haely.

When the hand-maidens came to undress him, bathe him and put him in clothing appropriate for dinner that evening, he was so stunned by the obviously adult theme, he just let them do their jobs, curious to see just how far this place stretched the meaning of "customer service".

That first night they were sat across the long table from one another, reclined on pillows and hand-fed by an overabundance of well-shaped female servants. Jake tried to pry hints about what was to come from his lover, but she was playing coy and he began to fall in to the game.

Needless to say, as their extravagant meal of garlic hummus and pitas, dolmathes and roast lamb came to a close, Jake was mounting desire was dashed back into irritated disappointment when Haely rose from her cushions, bid him goodnight with that smile in her sultry eyes, and left the room without him!

He wanted to be mad at her but he couldn't quite, he'd promised to trust her and she'd never let him down before. What else were they doing here though if not to spend their time together? Eventually he was led back to his quarters, feeling too drowsy to protest being undressed and put into his own bed. It was like sinking into a sea of clouds and he was out like a light.

I love you…

Haely's voice drifted in his mind, shuttered rays of sunlight filtered into his room. Mmm…finally. Her hands moved down his chest, fingers encircling him firmly as he roused dreamily. Reflexively, he pushed his length into her caressing hands, she always knew how to wake him.

Opening his eyes shot out of bed exclaiming, "What the…?!" or at least he would have if he'd not been secured, tied down to the frame. Looking down on him was some woman he didn't know and his wave of panic would have ensued if just at that moment he wasn't overcome with the sensation of pure pleasure shooting through his body as she stroked his engorged cock.

He pulled at his restraints but this Greco-roman demi-goddess just pushed him back onto the bed gently, "It is the will of your Lady." She said, working his erection to her advantage. He collapsed back, wondering where Haely was. As his eyes roamed down his own body, he realized for the first time just how erect he was and why.

Jake didn't really hunger after other women, he loved his girl-friend, but now he found himself forcibly aroused within the constrictions of a cock-ring, and regardless of whether or not this woman would have normally turned him on, he was so raging hard at the moment that his dick begged for release and pleasure from any source. Against his will or otherwise.

He wanted to protest but every time he opened his mouth is was only to gasp at the sheer need of his ragingly unsatisfied hard-on. Then the woman ceased her handiwork, she moved to the foot of the bed and took up some sandals, strapping them around his feet and up his tight calves.

Untying him from the bed she directed him to stand, his cheeks flushed at having a strange woman seeing him in this state even at the same time as it there was something arousing about the exhibitionism of it all.

Go with the flow he thought to himself and simply let the lady dress him in a scant kilt of sorts before leading him into a portion of the courtyard which looked as though it were being remodeled.

Behind him, the woman who'd pulled him from his slumber instructed that he was to carry the rocks from the crumbled interior wall, over to a wheelbarrow where he would then push them up a winding ramp to the upper terrace of some new suite.

Jake couldn't believe what he was being told and gaped incredulously at the woman. Then, much to his shock, she produced a riding crop and slapped him across the ass with it. He was about to protest when her voice said flatly, "By the will of your Lady."

He couldn't believe it; here he was sandaled and dressed in some small kilt, sporting an erection before god and everyone and about to engage in manual labor? He'd never been so utterly out of control before in his life. Huffing, he sulked over to the stones and picked one up, carting it the wheelbarrow.

Jake looked up at the terrace that he would eventually be pushing this think up and there he saw her, backlit by the golden sun. Haely watched down on him, her soft hair tied up with loose curls, clad in sheer white robes that draped around the golden ropes hugging layers of chiffon to her body.

She was beautiful, like a vision of the goddess Aphrodite herself. Just as he was about to wave to her, that horrible crop snapped across him again. He startled, anger fighting with patience and trust. Above him, Haely nodded to his task-master and disappeared from the balcony.

Glancing at the sky, the Helios sun was hardly even risen. Confused and curious about all this, Jake just set about carrying the rocks. Back and forth, to and fro as the morning wore on. All of this was so surreal whatever opinions he might have had dissipated like steam off the morning grass.

He filled a cart and pushed it up the ramp, skin glistening in the warming light. Rapidly a couple hours of this flew past and his muscles were beginning to feel it. Pausing to catch his breath, a lovely blonde strolled by him, slapping a leather paddle across his backside.

"Work." Was all she said. Exasperated, he hoisted another rock and began moving. Surely he wasn't meant to do this all day but as the hours ticked on, as his calves ached from pushing uphill, arms and shoulders from carrying and lifting, he began to think that it was.

The first time of the voluptuous beauties came around to allow him the chance to rest, he was relieved until she made him sit on a stone bench and proceeded to stroke his forced erection. When adrenaline wasn't coursing through his muscles, hands were pumping his rock-hard cock. This sustained arousal was making him so breathless that he didn't care anymore which of them came to stroke him but the constant buzz that he was riding was wearing him out.

Then, in the heat of the day he was finally led to the shore of a private beach. His drill-masters told him he was to swim from one side of the cove to the other, backstroke. His muscles were burning now and he only did what he was told, diving in to the cool, blue ocean.

Water slipped around his stiff penis like cool satin on smooth skin and he imagined himself plunging into Haely's inviting pussy, his lust was throbbing for her at he merest thought and he just wanted to get out of here and into her arms. Opening his eyes as he rolled onto his back, he thought he saw her on a cliff above the small bay and his cock leapt to attention, waves slapping around him tantalizingly.

Jake pulled through the inlet until he lost count of his laps and any time he thought to rest for too long, he felt himself being sprung to attention at the firm insistence of the leather crop. Never had he experience something like this and he wanted to cum so desperately it was driving him mad.

The day hazed into a delirium of sweat and labor, stroking hands and erections, stinging slaps across his buttocks and breathless sightings of the only thing he really wanted to be with: Haely. She seemed to manifest like a fevered mirage of relief. He was so tired, he couldn't remember ever having worked so laboriously.

A russet sun finally set over the horizon of the island, though Jake didn't notice it much. He simply hoped the day was done, that they would take him to his lover so that he could melt into her arms.

It was not to be. Instead, he was removed back to his quarters and tied up once more to his bed, soreness setting into his muscles. Heavily, he realized he would be too stiff to even move tomorrow, why had Haely done this him?

That night, as he drifted in to sleep, he suddenly felt the hands of a foreign woman upon him, stoking his loins, squeezing his buttocks, pinching a nipple. He couldn't sleep, for every time he nodded off he was awakened by the fount of cum that was being teased toward eruption before being left to simmer.

Finally, in the darkest hours of the night he was roused from his bed, stripped naked and led through a private hall. Overcome by sheer exhaustion, he felt so alone amoung these strangers, then she stepped from behind the thick curtains.

Locks of curly sepia hair tumbled down around her glowing face, in the candle-lit room, her sheer gowns flowing around the curves of her long body as she approached. Jake's heart pounded within, his ethereal goddess.

He'd hungered for her so avidly the past couple days, that even the merest sight of her caused his entire being to burn with obvious desire. Willfully, his legs strode across the room, muscles searing painfully from the previous day's workout.

Grabbing at Haely lustfully, his throbbing erection pressed against the thin veil of robes draped over her slender body. Her hands slinked around his shoulders, pressing delightfully into the sore musculature, fingers slipping through the soft hair at his neck.

Their bodies conformed into one another luxuriously. Regardless of how tired Jake knew he was, the scent of her hair, silken white skin, full breasts pressed against his chest, drove him on. He wanted to tell her that he needed rest, wasn't even thinking clearly, but the heat of her voice urged an animalistic lust he'd never known.

At first he tried to be gentle, hands grazing over pert nipples, tongue dancing about her mouth, but she was coaxing him with honeyed words that trailed into lingering kisses down his neck. Have you missed me, Jake?...Desired me?..Dreamt of putting that strong cock of yours to me?...

God! He couldn't resist…go ahead, that's why I'm here…his hands squeezed her ass, pulling her hips up against him as he sucked ferociously at one plump breast until her breath drew sharply between pleasure and pain.

I am yours…take me, unleash yourself on my body…

Her siren's call was too much, and he obeyed ravenously. Tearing off her sheer robes, they crumpled to the floor beneath the couple. The scent of her pussy was driving him mad and he dragged her down, splaying creamy thighs before him, delving into her moist slit with his tongue. Hips undulated beneath his oral worship, the sighs of her body belying her need for him to fill her.

Bringing her just to the edge, he pulled his body along hers and kissed her with the sweetness of her own vagina still on his lips as he plunged ruthlessly into her warm, wet pussy. Haely's body exploded with orgasm, writhing hard up against him as though she were trying to devour his raging cock.

Knowing that he couldn't hold back he pounded himself into her, following her candy-coated voice…cum for me, Jake, I want to feel you explode inside my body…and he did just that. He cried out against her, unable to stop plunging in and out, and she rode his bestial lust like a pro, wrapping her supple legs around him and rolling him over in one fluid motion, bodies never parting.

Mounted above him, he had full access to her breasts and his strong hands pinched her nipples, sliding down her curves toward her hips as he worked her body, helping impale her again and again on his engorged shaft.

She was fucking him like a Greek goddess of porn, sent down from heaven as his own personal slut. Careless of her own completion she drove their bodies together, filling herself with his thickness, pinning her weight against his sore arms. Oh, that divine oasis of hers pumped him relentlessly and he rose to give it to her, feeling the cum rise within.

"Oh god…Haely…" Jake drove himself up in to her, jaw clenched with feral need.

Yes…one more time…empty yourself inside me…

Waves of cum erupted up in to her, bursting forth from the head of his cock like a molten flow. His breath sucked from his lungs and into her mouth, covering him with kisses, the writhing of her hips slowing pleasurably along his sensitive organ.

Jake's eyes closed, every muscle in his body driven beyond exhaustion. The last thing he hazily remembered was a cacophony of feminine hands lifting him onto a bed, scented oil, every taut and sinuous muscle being massaged thoroughly…and Haely's fingers in his soft, brown hair.

Her amber voice drifted through his dreams, Happy birthday, Jake. Tonight, you will know perfect slumber…she'd done all that, for a good night's sleep…I love you.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Uhmmm Ok . . .

I'm sorry but that was kind of weird. I mean I love the greek setting and all but why the fuck would some lady do that for her man, just so he could sleep? However I really think you have something with the greek god idea. Maybe you could write about some steamy Zeus and Hera action or even some incest, lol! :)

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