Teresa Scalia: Barbara and Michelle


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"Oh my God Becky, look at her butt!" One woman could be heard to say to her friend.

"It's so big." Becky replied. "And it looks like it's all scratched up."

The two combatants tussled back and forth, neither gaining an advantage. It was surprising that Michelle could maintain such good footing given that she was wearing heels and that Barbara had excellent traction with her sneakers. Barbara made a strategic move. Rather than pulling back against Michelle's grip on her hair, Barbara suddenly reversed field and pushed forward against her opponent. Michelle was caught off-guard and off balance and began tottering in reverse. The engaged pair stumbled about 10 feet until they were stopped by a low counter. Michelle struck the countertop with the back of her thighs, just below her butt. The momentum caused Michelle to fall back on the countertop, legs apart and straight with her feet pointing skyward. Barbara had no choice but to follow Michelle onto the counter. Flat on her back and refusing to relinquish her hold on Barbara, Michelle was in a situation with Barbara lying on top of her. Michelle bent her knees and dropped her feet to the countertop. To the casual observer it would look as though these two women were having sex in the missionary position. The pair rolled precariously back and forth. And it looked as though they may take a fall to the floor. With her legs positioned at Barbara sides, Michelle tried to gain an advantage with kicks. Finding that ineffective, she tried digging into Barbara with the heels of her shoes. After three or four attempts at scratching Barbara's hips with her heels, Michelle felt the heel of her right shoe catch on something. Thinking this could be an advantage Michelle began pushing with her right leg as hard as she could. At the same moment, Barbara felt a force pulling on her stretch pants. What had happened was that, purely by accident, Michelle had got her heel under the waist band of Barbara's pants. After three or four powerful leg extensions by Michelle, Barbara's pants were heading south. She could feel the waistband slipping over her hips. To try and save some of her modesty, Barbara released Michelle's wrists and made a grab to hold up her pants. Michelle took advantage of this and pushed Barbara off of her. Simultaneously, both women moved to a standing position Unfortunately for Barbara, Michelle's heel remained inside her stretch pants. As Michelle's feet reached the floor, so did Barbara's stretch pants. Barbara was now reduced to her pink bra and her overstretched pink panties. The satin panties looked to be uncomfortably lodged in Barbara's crotch. Deciding to kick things up a notch, Michelle released Barbara's ponytail. Winding up, she gave Barbara a resounding slap on the left cheek. Barbara reeled backward stunned by the slap. Her stretch pants crumpled at her ankles and Michelle anchoring them prevented Barbara from moving her feet to maintain balance. Barbara waved her arms to try and stay upright to no avail. She fell backward landing on her bottom first and then her back.

"Looks like Mrs. Anderson is going to lose more than her pants." The onlookers were now postulating on a possible victor in this contest.

Seizing the advantage of a stunned Barbara, Michelle swiftly grabbed the stretch pants and yanked them completely off and over Barbara's shoes. She then roughly pulled Barbara to her feet by the hair. At this moment Roxanne stepped out from a rear door and made an announcement.

"Thank you all, ladies. The show is over for now. Please see yourselves out. Thank you again."

Michelle, realizing for the first time there were spectators in the store look towards Roxanne.

"I thought you cleared the store." Michelle said vehemently. "What are those other women doing in here? And who said anything about this being over?"

"Honey this was just round one. I told you I'd give you some privacy when you needed it and I think we're about to that point." replied Roxanne.

Barbara cleared her head and was aware of what was being said. She also gave up trying to break Michelle's grip on her ponytail. Instead she used her hands to rearrange her panties to more usual position.

"What do you mean end of round one" asked Barbara? "Let go of me. I want to get out of here."

"Oh no, not yet Barbie. We still have a couple of things to finish up." said Michele.

Now Barbara's mind began racing. "Finish up? Oh God, she's going to spank me again. Please not that."

Barbara was not so much in dread of the pain a spanking would cause. She was fearful of the urges that said spanking would bring forth in her.

"Bring Mrs. Anderson back here." Roxanne said as she walked to the rear of the store and opened the door. "I think you'll find this room accommodating and there will be no interruptions."

Viewing the open door, Michelle led Barbara by the hair into the room. It was the break room and there was a large couch Michelle spotted which would suit her purposes.

"I'll leave you ladies to your business" said Roxanne. "And Principal Smithson I must say you are a most fetching sight in your thong, hose, and heels."

Now it was Michelle's turn to feel some embarrassment as she had completely forgotten the position of her skirt. "Oh, oh my!" Michelle said in reaction. Releasing Barbara's hair again she hurriedly pulled her skirt down with her left hand. Having a little difficulty getting the fabric to stretch over her round derrière.

Relieved at having her hair released Barbara tried to compose herself. Somewhat resigned to the fate that awaited her, Barbara had to make a comment about Michelle.

"Having trouble covering up that big butt of yours?" Barbara said sarcastically.

"You're in no position to make wise cracks Mrs. Barbara Anderson. And speaking of positions I think it's time you assumed one." Michelle commanded.

Grabbing the convenient ponytail once again and leading her by the hair, Michelle forcefully led Barbara over to the right side of the well cushioned leather sofa. Michelle roughly pushed Barbara face first over the arm of the sofa. Legs slightly bent at the knees with her belly on the armrest and elbows on the seat portion of the sofa, Barbara's derrière was most vulnerable. Now Barbara was beginning to have a serious crisis of conscience.

"She's going to spank me I know it. And I'm gonna like it. I'm going to more than like it." thought Barbara.

Michelle was beginning to have some different thoughts of her own. "I've got her right where I want her now. But good God when I look at that tush and those legs..."

Leaving the two ladies to their own devices, Roxanne repaired to her office. Flipping through the computer software, Roxanne brought up video from the 5 cameras in the break room. Yes, the control obsessed Ms. Starr had surveillance even in the break room. And she was about to get quite a show. Roxanne made sure that all the subsequent activities were recorded for posterity and possible leverage on the participants.

Michelle put her left hand on the small of Barbara's back as a token symbol to maintain control. She was quite sure that Barbara was done resisting. And she was quite correct. Sliding the fingers of her right hand under the waistband, Michelle began lowering Barbara's panties. Barbara sighed loudly but did not move. Michelle slipped the panties down to Barbara's upper thighs and paused. She wanted to savor the moment. Michelle gazed at the roundness of Barbara's derrière and the wonderful tan lines. Barbara's well tanned back and upper thighs framed the creamy white flawless skin of Barbara's derrière. Now using both hands, Michelle dropped the panties below Barbara's knees and left them crumpled around her ankles. Returning her left hand to the small of Barbara's back, Michelle leaned over the prostate housewife and whispered in her ear.

"Shall we get started Mrs. Anderson?"

Michelle's right hand traveled lightly over the hemisphere of Barbara's right butt cheek. Giving a light caress here and there. Her hand traveled over the cheek to Barbara's upper thigh and then crossed over to her left thigh. Michelle's hand traveled up and paused at the gluteal fold to give that area a slight jiggle. Again, Barbara sighed loudly. Michelle looked at the whiteness of her target and look forward to the change in skin tone she was about to initiate. Michelle gave each of Barbara's butt cheeks a sharp spank.

"No, no, it's beginning." Barbara thought as she felt the heat on her ass.

Michelle delivered two more spanks and then stopped. She took time to rub the affected area and give it soft caresses. Then she delivered more spanks interrupted by more caresses. The effect on Barbara was profound.

"What is she doing to me? She spanks me and then rubs my bottom. Oh Lord she's getting me so hot!"

Barbara's mind was spinning and her desires were beginning to rage. She began to moan and changed her posture. Barbara straightened her legs, pushed her butt up, and arched her back. She looked back at Michelle with dewy eyes. Michelle continued her alternating technique. Michelle was beginning to smolder as well as she watched Barbara's cute derrière turn cherry red.

"She's totally giving into me. This is so much better than the last time. Her butt is so perfect and feels so good. And I have to admit I'm getting really horny." Michelle honestly admitted to herself.

Michelle gave Barbara a final smack, putting as much force as she could into the blow.

As she watched the video feed from the break room, Roxanne was beginning to experience some stirrings of her own. Ever since the Main Street encounter Roxanne had some unfulfilled desires concerning Principal Michelle Smithson.

"Oh!" Barbara yelped and jumped forward over the sofa arm, her feet leaving the floor. Michelle pulled Barbara's panties from her ankles and over her sneaker clad feet. Nonchalantly she tossed the panties over her shoulder. Michelle was feeling overly warm given her physical exertion and the fact that she was still wearing her suit coat and skirt. She slipped off the coat and tossed it to a convenient chair. Her blouse already open, Michelle reached behind her to the closure on her skirt. Opening the tab she lowered the zipper. With a seductive wiggle of the hips, Michelle tugged the skirt down over her bottom and let it fall to the floor. Barbara watched Michelle disrobe with great fascination and then turned her face down on the sofa. Michelle slipped off her open blouse. She stepped out of the skirt, that was crumpled around her ankles, and walked around the end of the couch closer to Barbara's head. Reaching down she cupped Barbara's face in her hands and guided her to a sitting position. Michelle stood back and put her hands on her hips. Barbara audibly gasped when she looked at the middle school administrator. There before her was her nemesis, standing before her in bra, thong, hose, and heels. Standing there in her lingerie, Michelle exuded confidence. Principal Smithson knew full well what she was doing. Which was, in fact, posing in front of her conquest. Her head and shoulders were back and she pushed her chest forward. Michelle even placed one foot slightly in front of the other in a typical model pose with one knee slightly bent.

In her office, Roxanne reclined in her desk chair and unbuttoned and unzipped her black slacks. Her right hand slipped inside the front of her slacks.

Barbara's mind again was spinning with randy thoughts. "Her boobs are so big and her legs and thighs are so strong. I want to get my hands on her."

Michelle sat on the sofa next to Barbara, their thighs touching.

"What shall we do now Mrs. Anderson?" said Michelle seductively.

Barbara said nothing in response, but started to crawl across Michelle's lap to offer herself again. Michelle stopped her and had her remain seated.

"No Mrs. Anderson I think your bottom has had enough attention for right now. But there is something else I'd like to see."

With a hand on either side, Michelle reached behind Barbara for the clasps of her bra. With just a little difficulty, one hook was refusing to release, Michelle opened the hooks. Gently she pulled the two sides of the bra forward and slipped her hands up the straps. Peeling the straps down Barbara's arms, Michelle looked deep into Barbara's eyes. What she saw was a woman, although defeated, she was not subjugated. And there was still a hint of defiance. The straps came down Barbara's arms and the pink cups fell away from her breasts. Barbara took a quick breath and squared her shoulders. She pushed her boobs forward for Michelle's view. Now was Michelle's turn to utter an audible gasp. Barbara's breasts were not in the large category, but were very perky. And to match her derrière, Barbara's boobs were complemented by triangular tan lines. Her rose pink nipples rose and fell with her breaths. Giving into temptation, Michelle gave each of Barbara's nipples the slightest tweak. Predictably, Barbara's areolas wrinkled and shrunk in diameter with the nipples becoming quite hard. Michelle's eyes followed Barbara's body below her breasts and over her flat tummy and stopping at the tan line on her lower torso. Michelle thought she saw something a little unusual. Taking Barbara's hands in hers Michelle guided Barbara to stand up from her seat. Barbara stood directly in front of Michelle with Michelle staying seated on the sofa.

"Oh, my goodness Mrs. Anderson you are very naughty." Michelle scolded. "You're as bare as a newborn baby's bottom." What Michelle had discovered was that Barbara maintained a smoothly shaven pussy. A trait she acquired from her session with Roxanne. Liking the feeling of smooth pubis Barbara continued grooming that area. Her face already flushed from the arousal she was experiencing, Barbara blushed an even deeper red when Michelle discovered her lack of pubic hair. Michelle took Barbara by the wrist.

"Over my lap now Mrs. Anderson."

Barbara complied and placed herself over the middle school administrators lap. As she did so she took the opportunity to slide her hands over the soft skin of Michelle's strong thighs and brushed her left shoulder against the lace of the busty principal's bra. Barbara looked back at Michelle.

"Are you going to spank me again?" Barbara asked softly, looking back at Michelle.

"Well we'll have to see about that." Michelle replied as she rested her right hand on the round cheek could Barbara's butt.

Barbara sighed loudly and dropped her head when she felt the caresses. Michelle would squeeze one cheek and then alternate to the other. As she did Barbara once again arched her back, pushing her bottom against Michelle's hand. Barbara's knees came apart in a nonverbal invitation. This was not lost on Michelle. Her hand moved from Barbara's bottom to her inner thigh of the left leg. Softly caressing in a circular motion, Michelle's fingers found Barbara's pussy. Barbara moaned loudly and pushed her bottom even further. Michelle rested her lower left arm across the small of Barbara's back, her fingers gripping the hip. Her right hand was busy exploring between Barbara's labia. A gush of moisture quickly lubricated Michelle's fingers. Spreading the lips, Michelle found Barbara's clit. Barbara was grinding her hips with growing fervor as she started building to an orgasm. Sensing she was close, Michelle made a move to send her over the top. Dipping her thumb in the abundant natural lubricant, Michelle began an assault on Barbara's ass hole. Drawing circles with the tip of her thumb at first, she then fell for and found the opening. While vigorously rubbing Barbara's clit, Michelle plunged her thumb into her anus.

"Oh sweet Jesus what are you doing!" Barbara yelped as she felt the back door intrusion. Bucking her hips against Michelle's dexterous ministrations, Barbara was closing in on a volcanic orgasm.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh fuck!" Barbara cried out as she reached her orgasm. She collapsed over Michelle's lap panting for breath. Across Barbara's back was the slightest sheen of perspiration. And she gently continued to move her hips. For a moment Michelle left her digits in Barbara's private openings. She was enjoying the moment. Slowly withdrawing her hand, she rested it on Barbara's rump. Sticking with moisture, Michelle wiped her hand on Barbara's thigh. Barbara was gradually coming back to reality and having some randy thoughts of her own.

"Whew, that was wonderful. Now I think it's my turn to do a little exploring." Barbara thought. Michelle had something planned as well, but it was not what Barbara had in mind. Barbara raised herself on all fours and looked at Michelle. For some reason Michelle was raising her right hand.

"Oh Michelle, I..."

She was about to make a suggestion of further carnal activity when... Crack!! Barbara suffered the most forceful spank, to her already abused derrière, she had ever experienced in her life. Given that she was already in a heightened sensory state, the sting on her ass traveled like an electric jolt to her pussy.

"Ow!" Barbara screamed. Michelle used both hands to abruptly push Barbara off her lap and unceremoniously onto the floor. Barbara landed on the floor with a thud and look to Michelle incredulously.

"Now Mrs. Anderson there's no doubt what a wanton tramp you are. So no more visits to my office on your high horse complaining about some perceived injustice to your son. And no more hijinks when I'm conducting school business." Michelle declared. Michelle stood from the couch and retrieved Barbara's bra and panties. "Here get your things and get out of here." Michelle said as she threw the lingerie at Barbara.

Thoroughly humiliated, Barbara rose from the floor and donned her underwear. Looking around the room she searched in vain for outer clothing.

"Where are my clothes?" said Barbara rather meekly.

"I believe they are lying around out in the store somewhere. Where I stripped you of them." Michelle responded.

Barbara walked to the door that led into the showroom. Her head down and her hands and arms attempting to cover herself. She opened the door slightly and peaked through to see if anyone was in the store. Seeing that the coast was clear, she walked out onto the floor and quickly found her items. Barbara wasted no time in getting dressed. She walked to the exit, turned and gave the room a final look, then went through the door and out into the parking lot.

Hands on hips, head back and chest out Michelle watched the completely defeated Barbara Anderson exit the room.

Thinking to herself "Am I woman enough to handle Barbara Anderson? I'd say that questions been answered."

Michelle looked about the room for her clothes. Finding her blouse she slipped it on. Seeing that the buttons had all been lost in her fight with Barbara, Michelle pulled the fabric together and knotted it at the waist. Retrieving her skirt, she stepped into it and began to pull it up her legs when she heard the break room door open and a voice.

"Principal Smithson, that was most entertaining." said Roxanne Starr as she entered the room clad in a black satin robe.

Michelle paused at the sight of Roxanne. Still gripping her skirt which was only halfway up her thighs.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Michelle said somewhat sarcastically. "How would you know what went on in here?"

"Oh my dear, I have my ways. You'd be surprised at what I know."

"Well that's fine for you, but I'm leaving." Michelle said with a wiggle of her hips as she finished pulling on the snug skirt. "And aren't you dressed a little casually for retail?" Michelle said taking note of Roxanne's dressing gown.

"Perhaps, I think you'll find out. You're not leaving just yet Michelle. Accounts must be balanced and it's time for you to pay the piper."

"Pay the piper? I don't think so." Michelle answered as she zipped her skirt. She didn't bother to hook the closure or tuck in her blouse wanting to make a quick exit. Michelle then retrieved her suit coat from the floor and took a step towards the exit. Roxanne blocked the door and grabbed her by the upper arm.