Texas Dildo Massacre Ep. 06


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Ma had uncorked her sexy plaything; both neon pink plugs on the floor. Now the cheerleader groaned and gargled through her o-ring as Ma pushed a pair of wooden skittles into her holes. The things were like small bowling pins too wide at the base to be possible to penetrate, but they tapered then grew again to bulbous head. These heads were already inside her ass and pussy. Now Ma wanted more and she was tapping on the flat bases of the pin phalluses with a mallet.

The evil woman had removed Michelle's blindfold and now the sweet confident beauty had a grandstand view of her own upturned ass and pussy penetration. Michelle in this trussed position could do nothing but watch in awe as Ma hammered the big wooden cocks deeper and deeper.

The gimped cheerleader still gagged couldn't scream, but Bianca could. The horn was thrusting in and out of her ass Miss Sims hip in a continuous pelvis thrust. The ivory cone slurped and dived up the young fillies' anus making her teeter on tip toe her back arched to keep balance; big bazookas pointing out. Her red head teacher had her talon fingers on the model waist of her student trying to hold her steady.

Bianca was grunting and cussing but what could Natasha do. Rather she took care impaling her with this awful horn than let a crazy ram it home. She glanced down towards Michelle their eyes meeting the young girl expression one of bewilderment Ma slowly tapping the wooden pins like she was fixing tent pegs.

The cop was nodding in satisfaction his red head teacher doing a good job. Miss Sims closed her eyes hearing the yelp feeling her tummy press against Bianca's spine the ivory cock going higher and higher into her rear. She could feel the smack of big family cocks on her thighs the cop and maniac close by. She felt the cop's bell end snake down the crack of her ass and then suddenly push her sphincter. He wanted in!

At the same time the maniac stood in front of Bianca and waved his penetrator. She understood his demands and opened her legs wider allowing him to push up into her pussy. The girl felt his monster open her up and then fill her completely. Her groin pressed down onto the base of his cock and then she felt relief as it slightly lifted her body stopping the need to struggle on tip toes.

Natasha felt Bianca become light as she floated on the Maniacs dick. Then the stinking man mountain pulled back and Bianca dropped; the collar tugging the teen coughing. Then he pushed in again lifting; then withdrew dropping. Her heels began to tap on the tile floor. The teen was grunting from thrust and neck tug as suddenly Natasha's ass felt a thrust and filling sensation as the cop found his entrance. She too was momentarily lifted off her feet the horn ramming deep up her young student.

"Time for us to pick up the pace," grunted the cop and both himself and the maniac began to fuck the women with abandon.

Natasha and Bianca groaned and gasped, but it was Sophie who now filled the air with insane lament. Her tits were crimson the hoops gripping with vengeance on her boobs. The geek had her on her back thundering in her pussy letting off slurping and slapping noises as her juices flowed. She hammered down on his back with her hands her head thrashing her breath becoming laboured.

She bit into his flesh with her claws the geek pressing his blubbery lips onto her cherry ones. She was climaxing her walls tightening her hips pushing up. She felt the geek suddenly explode inside her hole filling her with thick baby making come. Her head flew back and she screamed in anguish and exhilaration her tits wanting to burst her pussy feeling like it would.

On the floor Michelle was bucking to no avail, Ma banging on the wooden bases slowly impossibly nudging the things deeper and deeper. The vibrations of each hit were driving Michelle crazy and she was nearing climax. The constant thud of mallet the constant pushing as the heads went deeper. Michelle felt her clit swollen the shock of each whack like an electric shock over and over and... "oooooooooooH!"

She felt her ass try to squeeze out its big invader her pussy on fire gripping the pin like she was performing so type of internal Chinese wrist burn; wringing the wood like you would a wet towel making her blacked out world danced with kaleidoscopic colours of delirium. The sensation was liberating and Ma could see the young girls tongue stabbing through the o-ring as she gained a moment of numbing pleasure from her constant hell.

At the fuck tree Bianca and Natasha were hammered fuck dolls. The teacher had stopped thrusting herself letting her anal invader ram her body and horn cock up against Bianca. The teen was limp held up only by Miss Sim's grip, the tugging neck collar and the lifting power of the maniacs cock.

Natasha feared they would fuck her student to death and held onto her hips for dear life the cop a cascade of sweat as his big bellied body hammered away up her burning ass. He was stabbing so fast he imagined steam hissing from her furnace like hole ring; his cock like a inquisitionist hot poker of torture up in her gut.

The cop reached up to the rope loosening the knot and suddenly Bianca felt heavy her knees giving way the babe falling in a crumpled mess; the horn sliding from her the maniac's rod doing the same.

The pig man stepped over the girl without a second thought as Natasha thrust her horn aggressively back at him. But it wasn't her doing; the cop in her was firing off giving an almighty roar. He reached around gripping the horn like a hand rail pushing her ass back onto him his pelvis jacking with machine power Miss Sim's legs buckling her mouth open' tongue out as if to retch. His semen oozed like warm toothpaste inside her until his balls felt like shrivelled prunes.

The cop pulled exhausted from Natasha's ass his long snake dripping slime the woman a shimmering mess of sweat. The students were great but this 30's something babe was something else he thought to himself his lips dripping saliva like a drunken fool.

Pa was in the rocking chair "old faithful" hard again, the two geeks were wiping sweat from their awful bodies their cocks limp and still dripping come remnants. Ma was now messing with the strange metal syringe and on the floor were Natasha's three students all bedraggled exhausted and fucked to the limit. Sophie groaned her tits still not free her hands kneading the dirt. Bianca was unconscious a heap of perfect limbs and flowing dirty blonde mane. Michelle was still trussed on her side wooden cock not ejected snorting and panting with exhaustion like the little pony had just run the Kentucky derby.

Miss Sims was stripped of her ivory cock and made to stand in front of her master.

Pa looked up at his prize bitch. So confident earlier, refined and elegant, intelligent too; she had all the attributes. The crazies closed in around her and she was suddenly aware she was the only girl still playing.

Hands pushed her head down the Pa telling her to bend over his chair. She raised her ass heels still on the floor her tummy pressing on his cock, one hand feeling her tits another hand pressing her back down onto him as he remained in the rocking chair.

She gave a groan as the silver speculum pushed into her anus, all the way in cold and unyielding. She'd seen what it could do and gripped the chair as the wheel began to spin opening her tight chute bit by bit. Her pussy was then stuffed full of cock' the big hands of the maniac and his awful stench leering over her. He was pumping hard making her grunt the speculum and cock turning her inside crazy.

She groaned and gasped as the maniac took his mare. His come was by far the strongest and he knew his would impregnate her for sure. The tall blonde teen had milked him to full erection now his spunk hole wanted to shoot. This teachers pussy felt tight considering the wall screwing it had received and he was satisfied her lips would clench close as he withdrew holding his load deep inside.

The speculum had opened her to a dark tunnel entrance her tanned ass like two toasted buns around it. The family could look down into her deep dark hole as her rear bucked from the maniacs pounding. Natasha's long fingers reached back in panic feeling the metal wings she gave a loud moan as her finger crossed over the wide chasm that was her anal entrance.

Natasha felt the maniac hands grip tighter his cock more slippery as he lubricated her chute. Pa had his fingers inside her ass rubbing her open hole and now Ma was waving a strange device in front of her face. It was the long stainless steel syringe from her enema games. It had a big plunger handle the tip a tapered nozzle and now she could get a closer look at it.

The end dripped white fluid and Miss Sims realised it was some sort of pig or cow inseminator. A dirty great steel syringe for injecting come; horse come in this instant.

Ma giggled; "you'd better get used to it; we're not planning on feeding you girls much else."

She shook her head as the tip pressed into her mouth pushing her tongue down. The cylinder was large and she knew she couldn't swallow all this. Hell they must have been storing it up somehow no animal could let off that much. The tip began to spit animal seed as Ma gently pressed down Miss's eyes ablaze her face one of refusal but unable to stop the dirty spunk filling her mouth.

The maniac cocks was a blurring thrusting piston now and as he erupted she felt his juices like yet another syringe squirting direct onto her cervix; her insides filling rapidly at both ends of her body. She coughed at his ejaculation the horse seed spewing from her mouth the maniac pulling his spent log from her watching her pussy lips shut tight with his precious load.

The crazies grabbed her hair making her stand and then straddle the rocking chair. Pas cock pointed straight up and Natasha eased her slime filled snatch onto his rod. The come spewed out around it and she felt his rod packing the rest deep up inside her. She began to ride the old fuck; hands free tits thrusting forward her lips still covered in pony spunk. Her ass remained mechanically open in full view of her slumped students, all still dazed and half unconscious.

"It's feeding time." Pa shouted; the three girls not responding." Come and get it."

Pa grinned at his bouncing beauty slapping her ass as he spoke.

"Like Ma said animal come is all you honeys are going to eat from now on and if your girls want it, well there's only one place they can feed."

Natasha shook her head, Pa nodding as she realised what he meant. They'd have to place their hot lips on their teacher sphincter each night while she expulsed their supper.

Miss Sims didn't care anymore. She didn't notice his hands all over her or the other crazies touching her anal rim then slowly removing her ass spreader. She looked straight ahead at the wall her nose sensing the old bastard's breath, her eyes fixed on more obscene tools and devices that would no doubt be used for future games. She was slowly clinically been stripped of all that she valued; her position, her confidence, her dominance and dignity where all in shreds. She sensed the girls below and behind, a heap of spent nubile bodies no longer her students; but instead her partners in this insane bottomless pit.

She only gasped slightly as the inseminator was punched up her anus the plunger pressed hard her bowels filling like a second bladder with runny whores' food. The old pa was grunting in satisfaction, he was about to spray up inside her. The girls were below her ass, moaning dazed and confused and they spluttered and coughed in surprise as the cop, maniac and two geeks showered them with pent up piss.

Natasha paid little heed to the girls golden shower and as the Pa filled her with his prize seed her exhausted anus began spitting then vomiting a copious amount of animal semen; like a popping champagne bottle over the entwined heavenly bodies of her sprawled, pissed on and fucked senseless students.


Back in the present the sheriff men where collecting the crazies into an ordered row of bodies. The news had reached him that Sandy Michaels wasn't in the house and had apparently been killed trying to escape on that first night. He turned to look at the solemn couple waiting by his car. He gave them a nod as he approached.

The young trucker gripped his hat his pregnant wife next to him looking equally dumb and bemused.

The law man looked at them both without a hint of a smile.

"You did the right thing," he said; the couple shifting their feet heads down.

The trucker mumbled and sniffled. "They were my cousins sheriff you know that, but when I suspected well I couldn't just ignore it. It wouldn't have been right."

The sheriff panted him on the shoulder as he walked past. "You did good son, we're all real proud of you." And then he headed to his car. He turned adding. "You get home now; then come to the station tomorrow so we can wrap this up."

As he pulled away he wound his window down speaking to the trucker's wife. "Just your husband; no need to trouble yourself miss." Then looking at her bump he added. "How far gone are you."

The bucked tooth woman smiled proudly," oh just over three months."

For the first time that day the sheriff gave the slightest of pained smiles as he nodded then drove away. He looked in his mirror as dust billowed around the two unlikely public servants. There was something he'd recalled hearing a year back that was beginning to form a link in his head. He punched a number on his phone that he knew well.

"Hi, put me through to medical records," he said to the hospital receptionist," fertility dept."

Minutes later the Sheriff hit his breaks his car twisting on the dusty road. His wheels spun as his car desperately gripped the surface the head cop hollering on his radio and he sped off to a new destination. He wanted everyone to meet him there in fifteen minutes. And when he said everyone he meant everyone.

The hillbilly couple drove home listening to country and western neither speaking. It had to be done, their family had been getting more and more irrational. How could they explain away four new babies to an old Ma and a crippled grandpa? The trucker had never been back after that first night, well certainly not to that obscene pleasure cellar. He knew they'd told the women that Sandy was dead to keep them more compliant and after so many months of fucking he doubted they could remember anything anyway.

He'd always been the smartest one and well they were his family but this was his wife. He couldn't have anyone ruining his plan.

As they entered their timber shack the building squatting in deep thick woodland, his wife pulled the cushion from under her dress flinging it on the rotten soiled settee.

"I'm gonna need to bigger one of those soon," she said in a matter of fact way.

The trucker wiped his brow it was a hot day and from the corrugated barn on the side of his house he could hear the chug of machinery. As his wife busied herself with supper he opened his back door into a humid courtyard. The metal shed door was padlocked close and he fumbled with the rusty lock. Eventually he opened the door just enough to enter before pulling it tight close again.

Inside the steel oven the temperature was in the hundreds, the noise of machinery louder a compressor rattling pipes flexing. He tapped the two jam jar size canisters the milky contents swishing around. He followed the pipes as they snaked down to his little sow.

Sandy was on all fours shackled to metal railing her body in a leather harness allowing her pregnant belly to rock slightly her knees able to relax from not holding all her weight. She couldn't speak a gag in her mouth which was not permitted to be removed. She also couldn't see pads over her eyes a bandage holding them in place. The suction cups were pressed firmly onto her swollen nipples. As normal she'd been milked all day and the couple knew the more she was milked the more her body would produce. Another few months and each tit would fill a jar each day.

In the kitchen the wife hummed to herself and she cut vegetables. She blotted out the thoughts of her man and the fun he'd had mating with that blonde witch. He visited her less now her belly was growing; but after the birth she'd have to go. Means must but that little bitch wouldn't be replacing her forever.

Unexpectedly there was a tap at the door. She didn't think anything of it. She had many visitors around while her brood mare had wriggled, gagged and desensitised thirty feet away. As she reached the door she paused almost caught out. Shaking her head in annoyance she grabbed the pillow stuffing it under her blouse; then opened the door looking out with an innocent straight-laced face.

The blood emptied from her skin, her ash features now as pale as her blonde captive. The insanity of her actions suddenly focused with awful clarity.

The sound of police radios filled the air as in front of her the stone faces of the sheriff and ten heavily armed deputies looked back.



I hope those that stuck with it enjoyed the final conclusion. This has been great fun to write but I'm glad it's over. Thanks for all your support on this story and a special mention to Curley who dreamt up those five amazing babes. Finc

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abermainabermainalmost 2 years ago

It was far too long and too much of all the rough stuff, should have had the story cut in half

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please have someone who is proficient in English edit!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Your stories are one of the best on here. Wish you could write more. Thanks for the series.

FantasiaRealmsFantasiaRealmsabout 11 years ago
Sinful Perfection Incarnate...

Myself a fair wordsmith in the art of erotic story-telling, I'm nearly beyond words now, having read this entire series. Every fetish worth lovely embrace was entered into deeply and with complete regard for readers of both the genre and aficionados of the more specific aspects of the insanely delightful, delectable debauchery unfolding on every, sinful and scintillating page. In other words, dear Sir or ma'am... you are hereafter thus favourited my this reader with sincere intent to read more. Thank you, for your time and your mind to share such amazing wordsmithing of your own :)

lil_cockteaselil_cockteaseover 11 years ago

Good start, but it eventually turned into more snuff than smut. Couldn't get turned on by it. A bit of NC here and there is fine, but there's just too much of it here.

You're a very good writer, nonetheless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Weird but well written

Nice to see justice in the end, very well written even if it was much to hardcore for my tastes, Goodjob

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Wow...that was very hot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

That had to be one of the hottest stories I have ever read!

Thank you so much for sharing it with us:)

I am sad that it ended.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Great series...isn't it time to start the next one?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

One of the best stories i've ever read, really well written m8, gj.

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