The Aphrodite Wendslydale School for Girls Ch. 03-04

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Alan's sexy job interview.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/06/2015
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Chapter 3: No School

Alan awoke on Monday morning with a lot on his mind. This particular Monday held no promise to be any different from any other. He would go to the ludicrous factory that called itself a school to prepare all of the human auto parts for assembly as he always did. That wasn't worrying him as much as usual. It was mundane compared to the other things occupying his thoughts.

Alan's primary concern was the events of the weekend. It had started with the job offer from the Aphrodite School. He felt pretty good about that.

What concerned him was his afternoon with Katy. That had been downright strange. She had arrived at more or less her regular time for their more or less regular afternoon of sex. That was the last regular thing about it.

He and Katy had never had any particular ties or designs on each other. The sex was largely used as stress relief from their highly stressful jobs at the school. It was a way for them both to steam-valve their mutual frustration with the process. They had been "friends with benefits" for about two years. The kids would have called them "fuck buddies", a term which, until Saturday afternoon, Katy would have found appalling.

That was part of what had been so strange. She had charged into his apartment, evidently hornier that any woman he had ever seen, and begged him to fuck her every which way but loose. She had actually used the word "fuck". That was only the beginning of the obscenities that poured out of her mouth that day.

Her exact words at the start were, "I want you to fuck me until I'm bowlegged, blind, and brainless! I want you to fuck my mouth, my tits, and my ass! I want you to fill my pussy so full of cum that I'll walk out of here looking bloated."

At first he had thought that is was a sort of extreme example of one of her sexual role playing games. As the day and their fucking continued it became pretty clear that she wasn't playing any kind of a role. She meant it and was getting off on every word.

The part that genuinely worried him was the shift in the power dynamic. Normally they had sex based on a sharing ethic within mutually agreed upon guidelines. The only guidelines on Saturday had been whatever Alan wanted to do. She was absolutely obedient to his every whim. If he told her to suck his cock she devoured his schlong like she was a condemned prisoner on her last meal. If he wanted to fuck her in the ass she would waggle that gorgeous backside in the air, spread her cheeks and beg for it. If he demanded a tit-fuck she would wrap her huge funbags around his dong and plead for him to, "cum on my slutty, little face and big, nympho jugs".

He had no idea why Katy had acted like that, but he knew why he had responded to it so readily. He knew that he was different from most people. He had always been able, at some level or another, to intuit other people's feelings. He wasn't an Empath exactly. He'd read about that ability. He had never actually met anyone who had it, but he knew that such people existed. The power of an Empath wasn't quite what was going on with him, though. Unless he knew someone particularly well or the feelings were particularly strong he couldn't actually feel what another person felt. He could only sense it on a slightly less impactful level. He had long found the ability useful. It's part of what made him a good teacher. He could sense some of his students' anxieties, which gave him the knowledge he needed to gauge his own actions in order to help the kids to overcome the fears and succeed.

He hadn't been perfect by any means. He had used the ability, on occasion, to help him get laid. That was, in fact, how he had landed Katy in the first place. She was just too beautiful to resist.

He also had no ability to project any kind of emotion into anyone. He was grateful for that. Given the way he was already abusing what he had, he wasn't sure that he could be strong enough to handle the responsibility of the extra power.

However, Alan had come to the realization that some variation on the latter phenomenon was what had happened with Katy on Saturday. Her emotions were strong enough and he had known her long enough that her feelings had taken over. The only question that he hadn't been able to satisfactorily answer was whether or not he had been possessed by them or taken control of them. Either way it scared him because he couldn't deny the incredible rush that having that kind of control had given him. He also couldn't deny that he wouldn't mind feeling it again.

He was making coffee as he mulled all of this over. He glanced at the clock and realized that he had better hurry. It was getting late. He walked into the living room to turn on the TV. He wanted to get the weather and traffic reports from the morning news. When he switched it on what he saw almost made him drop the coffee pot.

There was his boss, Arnold Nittling, being led away in handcuffs by police.

"What the fuck?" he exclaimed.

He quickly turned up the sound.

"...arrested yesterday on charges of embezzling and four counts of fraud. Police officials say that more charges may be added at a later time pending future investigation," said the voice-over, "Officials from EduCorp America, the company which owns the charter school, have announced the indefinite closing of the campus to help police to complete their inquiries."

The report suddenly switched to show a balding, heavy set, middle aged man standing in front of a bank of microphones. The graphic identified him as the CEO of EduCorp America.

"We will, of course do everything in our power to aid the authorities in their investigation. Mr. Nittling's actions represent not only a criminal act, but a severe breach of trust. We at Educorp America, along with the faculty and staff of the school feel that we have been violated."

"Cute!" Alan yelled sarcastically at the screen, "and the student didn't? What about the kids, you smug bastard?"

"We will give everyone full advance notice," the CEO continued, "when and if the school will reopen."

"If?" Alan shouted incredulously, "You son of a bitch! Shit!"

He suddenly realized that he didn't have much choice but to accept that job offer.

Wilton Hargrane was already in his office. He was watching the morning news on a flat screen monitor which was mounted to the office wall opposite his desk.

"...when and if the school will reopen," droned from the speakers.

Wilton smiled.

"If," he thought, "That's a nice touch. It should keep everyone off balance for a while."

He put his hand on the back of Helena's head and stroked her soft, brown hair as she sucked him. He sighed as he slumped back in his office chair to bask in the delightful sensations created by her soft, wet, talented mouth. Helena was a graduate of the Aphrodite School and had learned her lessons well. Her pillow-like lips glided up and down Wilton's pole in a steady, caressing rhythm. Wilton moaned as his secretary tickled his bloated, cum-filled balls with her fingertips.

Wilton reflexively began bucking his hips. He had both hands on her bobbing head, no longer caressing her hair, but forcing her face farther down on his cock. The big titted fellatrix moaned at the increased pressure.

Abandoning his balls, Helena started to clutch one of her giant boobs with one hand while fingering her dripping pussy with the other. Despite getting hotter by the minute her tongue never stopped moving. She never slowed down her effort to bring Wilton maximum pleasure. It wasn't just her job. It was her purpose. It was the reason she existed. She loved the feel and taste of him. She loved the pressure on the back of her head. She loved the hot pole's invasion into her throat. Although she was dangerously close to climax, she knew the rules. She mustered every ounce of her self-control to ensure that she didn't cum until he did.

Wilton clutched her head tightly as he impaled her face with his raging harpoon. The pressure in his balls was rapidly building to critical mass. He needed to cum soon. He needed to fill her mouth with his boiling jizz.

Suddenly his body stiffened as his nuts erupted. He groaned savagely as he shot rope after rope of his juice down the hot woman's throat. As Helena writhed through her own orgasm she managed to pull her mouth back so that just the head of the masterful cock was in her mouth. She wanted to taste his power fuel. She wanted to savor it. She wanted the swirl that hot liquid around in her mouth. But, she couldn't keep up with his discharge. It dribbled out the sides of her lips and down onto her generous cleavage. She whimpered with joy as it overwhelmed her.

When Wilton had finally emptied himself he slumped down into his chair with a satisfied sigh.

Releasing his grip on her head he said, "That was very good, Helena. You may return to your work."

Helena sat up, swished the love juice around in her mouth a few more times, then swallowed and said, "Thank you, sir."

She carefully put Wilton's dick back into his underwear and zipped up his trousers. She scooped the last of his jizz off her big tits. As she licked her fingers clean she rose to leave.

Just before reaching the door she turned around and said, "Oh, I almost forgot why I came in here in the first place. Just before you arrived Dr. Memser called. He wanted to know if you were still going to have a meeting today on the Sloan matter."

"Tell him yes, but I'm not certain exactly when," Wilton answered, "I'm expecting Sloan to call any time, now. We'll set an actual time for the meeting after I've talked to him."

"Yes, sir," Helena said.

"By the way," the dean added, "Did I remember to include Zachary Byczek in this meeting?"

"Yes, sir. He's on the list," the stacked secretary responded, "I've already let him know and arranged for someone to teach his classes while he's at the meeting."

"Good girl," said Wilton.

The compliment sent ripples of pleasure shooting through her curvy body. Wilton loved watching the ripples.

"Alright then," said Wilton, "back to work."

"Yes, sir," said Helena as she left.

Almost as soon as she closed the office door behind her Wilton's phone rang.

Chapter 4: Arrival

The long drive north to the school gave Alan a lot of time to think things through. The only thing he was sure about was that his life had already changed in a way he couldn't yet define. That would remain true whether he took this new job or not.

That was another thing that bothered him. When he had talked to Wilton Hargrane on the phone that morning the administrator had again reminded him of the need for secrecy. Alan was getting a sinking feeling that turning down the job might not be an option.

Then there was the Saturday afternoon with Katy. The power rush still scared the hell out of him. The absolute control he had had over the woman had turned him on like nothing he had ever experienced. That was what he found disturbing. It wasn't the power rush in and of itself. It was how much he had enjoyed it. The only thing that was keeping him from freaking out was his confidence that it was a fluke. It would never happen again.

He was yanked out of his thoughts by the sight of the first landmark he was told to expect. It was an ornate, wrought-iron sign which said, "Private Drive Ahead".

"I'm getting close," he thought.

He pulled his car over to the side of the road. He stared at the sign for several minutes. After several minutes he put his car back in gear and drove on to look for the second landmark.

He had been told that the second one was a good deal more subtle, that he might drive by it a couple of times before he noticed it. Given that he was on a narrow road in the middle of a very thick forest, he was certain that he could recognize just about anything that wasn't another tree.

What he was supposed to look for was a three foot high rock which was supposed to resemble a sitting elephant seen from behind. He saw a rock ahead that could have been it. But that didn't have as much impact on him as the sudden, very strong feeling to turn left at the formation. He couldn't explain it logically. From his vantage point there didn't appear to be anything to turn into. There didn't seem to even be a space between the trees. When he got up to the rock he turned anyway.

Driving through a narrow gap in the trees, barely wider than his car, he found himself on a gravel road.

His brain was screaming that he had taken a wrong turn. His gut was quietly telling him that he was right where he needed to be.

After about two miles the gravel became well maintained pavement. In the distance loomed what appeared to be a palatial estate. As he got closer he saw a long, high iron fence which stretched out in either direction until it disappeared into the forest. At the end of the road was a ten foot high oaken gate. On either side of it were identical, stone statues of a nymph frolicking with a satyr. He drove up to the gate and saw, by his driver's side window, a call box. It was that sort of security intercom that one sees at the entrance of gated community-style apartment complexes.

As he stopped the car a soft, sultry, female voice said from the box, "Please, state your name."

"Alan Sloan," he answered.

"Welcome, Mr. Sloan," said the voice cheerfully, "to the Aphrodite Wendslydale School for Girls. When the gates open, please, follow this road straight on. It will lead you to our main school building. As you drive you will see, on your right side across the main knoll our faculty and staff housing. On you left you will see our splendid indoor and outdoor sporting facilities.

We hope that you will decide to join us, Mr. Sloan."

With that the wide oaken gates slowly opened.

Almost immediately, as Alan drove through the gates, he saw a small side road with a sign that said "Faculty Row". He looked down the road and across the main knoll. There was a long row of small, but very well appointed houses of various vintages. Some were of the designs popular in the late 1940's. There were some that seemed to be of a more pre-WWII style. There were even a few stone manses, the type of houses built in that region by lumber barons in the late nineteenth century.

On the knoll was a particularly well-endowed young lady on a riding mower. She wore jeans which hugged her curvy form snugly and a halter top which could barely contain her copious breast flesh. Her tits bounced and vibrated enticingly with vibrations of the mower.

On his left were several young girls playing volleyball. Each was built similarly to the woman on the mower. The sight of that many huge, bouncing breasts in one place was a bit startling, not to mention one hell of a turn-on.

Meanwhile, three staff members, Amos Memser, Olivia DeMonde, and Zachary Byczek, were entering Wilton Hargrane's office to prepare for their meeting with Sloan.

"Please, everyone, be seated," the Dean, "We have no time to waste. Mr. Sloan has just entered the grounds. We've placed some distractions to slow his pace, but he will be here any minute."

"What sort of distractions?" Olivia asked.

"We asked Shirley, the head grounds keeper, to delay mowing the main knoll until today, for a start," Hargrane answered.

"I assume she's doing it herself," said Zachary with a smirk.

"Of course," Hargrane said with a big grin, "We also had Ms.Clensern take her Physical Education class out to play volleyball."

"Are you sure that's safe?" Amos asked, "The last guest you pulled that stunt on almost wrecked his car driving past them."

With a chuckle Wilton answered, "That's very true. But, I think our Mr. Sloan has a bit more self-control than that. It's one of the reasons that we want to hire him."

"Fair enough," Amos said, smiling.

"Zachary," Wilton said in a much more business-like tone, "have you chosen a possible candidate for Sloan's administrative assistant?"

"Yes and no," said Zachary, his brow furrowed, "There really isn't anyone on our current candidate list who matches well with Sloan's profile. There are one or two strong 'maybes', but that's as close as I could get."

"Well, this is a damned fine time to tell us that!" the Dean said sternly, "He'll be here within five minutes or so."

"I know," said Zachary contritely, "But, this list..."

Amos interrupted him saying, "In Zach's defense I have to say that he's right. I spent an afternoon going through the list with him and there didn't seem to be anyone completely suitable."

With a frustrated sigh Wilton said, "Well, that leaves us in a bit of a lurch. Doesn't it? If he still needs further convincing we'll have nothing to show him. The administrative assistant is one of our best arguments."

"Don't panic, Wilton," said Amos, "I think I may have an alternative."

"Such as?" Wilton asked.

"Well," said Amos, taking a deep breath, as though to steel himself for opposition, "Do you recall that young lady that you sent with me for the weekend? Reiko?"

"Are you suggesting that we match young Ms. Tanaka with Sloan?" said Wilton, "I actually thought that you might want her for yourself on a more permanent basis."

"Don't think that I wasn't tempted," said Amos.

"Wait a minute, Amos," Olivia interjected, "She's even further from Sloan's profile than anyone on the list. The profile shows a clear preference for tall, blonde women."

"I know," said Dr. Memser, "please, bear with me."

Everyone nodded.

"Reiko will graduate this year. We're in a bit of quandary as to where to send her thereafter," he continued, "given that her patron passed away last year.

She would be difficult to place as a covert operative anywhere in the U.S., and we've had some trouble, of late, trying to place girls with foreign branches."

"That's true enough," said Wilton thoughtfully, "Everyone has been getting damnably territorial lately."

"I took a look at her record," said Amos, "She has excellent clerical, administrative, and organizational skills. She should be on our candidate list anyway."

"All well and good," said Olivia, "But, she still doesn't match Sloan's profiled preference."

"Well, at worst," Amos continued, "we can use her to help convince Mr. Sloan to accept our offer. You must admit that any man would find her hard to resist."

"Point taken," Olivia said with a nod and a sly smile, "I wouldn't mind an hour or so with her myself."

"Further," Amos concluded, chuckling, "she's quite capable of filling the post as Mr. Sloan's administrative assistant for the time being. If Sloan joins us we'll have plenty of time to replace her if needed."

"There would seem to be no realistic choice than to send Reiko Tanaka into the breech, in that case" Olivia said.

"Are we agreed then?" Wilton asked.

All nodded.

The intercom on Walton's desk phone buzzed.

"Mr. Sloan has arrived," said Helena's voice through the speaker, "He's parking his car right now."

"Good," said the Dean, "After you have escorted Mr. Sloan here prepare Ms. Tanaka to present herself as a potential administrative assistant."

"Yes, sir," said Helena.

After parking, Alan got out of his car and gazed up at the vast expanse of the school's main building. He wasn't entirely sure what he had been expecting, but it wasn't what he saw. The main building didn't seem to fit where it was, in the middle of a forest in the Upper Midwest. It looked more like the type of mansion that might have been built in the 18th century for East Coast, old money families in New England, only much bigger.

He walked, awestruck, up the grand front steps to a massive oaken door. On it were carved the same sort of nymph and satyr figures that he had seen by the front gate.

Just as he was about to reach up to the huge brass door knocker, the door opened. Standing in the doorway was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.