The Aspen Vacation Ch. 02


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The band was decent, mostly playing old country standards with an occasional progressive country song or folk song thrown in for variety. Slowly the place began filling up predominately with couples and small groups, so that by the time the band took their first break all the tables were taken and the bar was crowded too.

Preparations on the stage were just starting for the second set and the waitress had just delivered us a fresh set of drinks when across the room I spotted Dan standing and surveying the crowd. Behind him stood Wayne and just a few seconds later Penny came into my view as well. Great I thought to myself, just what we need.

They moved in a group to the bar as the band started playing and I watched Dan get the attention of the bartender. Erin was watching the stage and hadn't spotted them yet nor had they seen us, as I watched them get their drinks then turn and watch the band.

I was discreetly keeping an eye on them when I saw Wayne elbow Dan and together they looked in our direction. Almost immediately, they headed towards us stopping in an open spot along the wall just behind our table.

"Well looky here," I heard Dan call out from behind me, and his words made Erin turn and look followed by her shooting me a startled glance.

I tried to ignore them but I felt a nudge on my shoulder, and was forced to turn and acknowledge their presence.

"Hey there," I said to Dan, trying my best to look undisturbed.

"Good to see you," he said then nodded behind him, "You remember Wayne and Penny."

I nodded to them and as I was doing so I saw Dan looking past me no doubt to Erin. For about the hundredths time since that night at the springs, I thought about his hand on her leg inches away from her pussy.

"How did your evening end up?" I asked Dan over the music, not wanting to appear intimidated.

"Real good. Course the next morning sucked," he replied, laughing a little.

I just nodded my head in reply and there followed an awkward silence. I turned back to Erin and for the next ten or fifteen minutes we tried to focus on the band. Suddenly, the waitress appeared and she set another beer and glass of wine on our table to go with the ones we had still half full. When I looked at her she just nodded towards Dan, Wayne and Penny.

"Your boyfriend," I said sarcastically to Erin.

"You're complaining about free drinks?" she replied trying to be funny, while I turned and raised the beer towards the group and they smiled and raised their drinks to us.

A few minutes later, I had to hit the restroom. Of course, I was worried about leaving Erin alone, but when I returned and saw that they had let her be I relaxed some and allowed myself to be brought into a conversation with Wayne and Dan. After a few minutes I realized they weren't really bad guys just rough around the edges. Somehow, Penny slipped by me because when I looked to check on Erin I saw that she had settled at the table in my chair.

"You mind if I dance with Erin?" Dan asked, when Wayne had left for the bathroom.

"I don't think that a good idea," I said to him, as my body stiffened, as despite my softening in my appraisal of him, I still didn't want him touching Erin.

"Look man I know we were a bit strong at the springs but that place has a reputation for partying. I thought you and her knew that. We didn't mean nothing," he tried to explain.

"No, we didn't know that," I replied, and with this knowledge, there actions made much more sense.

"Yeah we figured that after you left," Dan continued, "Sorry about that."

Of course he neglected to mention that he had put his hand on Erin's leg. I didn't want to bring it up though so to change the subject I said to him, "We aren't really dancers."

"Hey if its going to bother you I understand. No worries man," he came back.

Wayne returned and brought Dan another beer. We chatted for a bit longer and I found out that both of them were carpenters mostly working on the homes of the wealthy residents of the area. It was the busy time for them as they had to make most of their money during the summer. The rest of the year that would just try to stay busy doing small odd jobs. They explained that Penny was a secretary at the local hospital, and that all three of them had grown up in the area.

"You can ask her if you want," I said quietly to Dan, when Wayne had stepped away.

Dan just nodded and stood there for several minutes until the band finished their song then stepped over the table and leaned down to Erin. She looked at him as he spoke then looked towards me, and when I shrugged, I watched her speak to him some more. At first, I thought she was politely declining, but suddenly she stood and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor.

It really wasn't a dance floor, as the place people were using was just a small empty area between the stage and the front row of tables. Although the place had become crowded, there was just three or four couples dancing. It seemed the bar was more about drinking and listening to the music rather than dancing, so it was easy to watch them and I was pleased to see that Dan was holding her respectfully.

Not planning on going out, Erin had dressed down wearing everyday jeans and a simple blouse, but she still looked very good. In fact, with her natural good looks she was easily the best looking woman in the bar.

Wayne engaged me in a conversation on what Erin and I did and Penny stood and joined in too. Before long, I realized that several songs had been played and Erin and Dan were still dancing. Finally, they came back to the table and I could see that Erin had a light sheen of perspiration on her neck.

"Let's go smoke a joint," Dan suggested, when the conversation had slowed.

"I'm ready," Wayne replied.

I looked at Erin and she shrugged and I was about to decline when Penny spoke, "Come on out with us. I need someone else to talk to besides these two."

Her comments made everyone laugh and I replied, "Okay, what the hell."

Dan called the waitress over and said we would be right back and as we moved towards the door I heard her say to him, "Don't get caught again."

We walked to the back of the parking lot where Dan's old partially rusted pickup was parked, and when we got there he opened the door and pulled out a baggie with several joints already rolled. He lit one and passed it around and when it was gone started another that was also quickly gone. After the effects from the other night, I had intentionally gone easy on it, but I noticed that Erin had not held back and I made a note to myself to keep an eye on her.

Going back inside, while I ordered a round of drinks Wayne found a couple chairs so everyone could sit at the table. The table was positioned against the back wall, so there were three open sides. I was sitting with my back closest to the stage, to my right was Penny and then Wayne, Dan and Erin in a half circle, with Dan having made a point of positioning himself so he could sit next to Erin. We continued chatting although with the effects of the pot kicking in the conversation was becoming more stilted. Also, the place had become packed, and between the band and the crowd noise we had to raise our voices to be heard.

"I wish we were at the springs," Penny blurted out, while the rest of us were discussing local celebrities, and it caught everyone off guard and stopped the conversation.

"Why is that girl?" Wayne asked her, with a snicker.

"I want to get naked and wet," she announced loudly, also laughing.

"You don't have to go to the springs to get naked and wet," he replied, with a suggestive implication.

"You ass," Penny replied, hitting him on the arm as she got his meaning.

I started a conversation with Wayne about their current work project, and soon Dan had joined in and together they were describing it in detail.

"This guy is from New York and only comes out a couple times a year but his place is huge. It's up a secluded road and overlooks a nice valley. He's got six bedrooms, an infinity pool, and big living areas. He's never satisfied with the place though. Wayne and I have been doing projects out there since it was first built. We're doing another big remodeling now that is taking most of the summer. I wish I had money to just play with like he does," Dan told us.

"Does he have a family? Erin asked.

"Don't really know for sure but I've never seen anyone but him. And we rarely see him. Mostly we deal with his architect. I tell you though there's not pictures of anyone, wife or kids, like you normally see in houses," he responded.

"It would be nice to see," Erin replied in a casual way, showing signs of being quite high.

"Well hell, why not?" Dan responded immediately.

I don't think Erin had intended for her comment to be a request. Rather, it was said in a way that I took to just be part of the back and forth of the conversation. However, Dan had taken it as a formal request from Erin.

"I don't think Erin meant that we should really go see it," I stepped in.

"Nah, it's no big deal. We work there late all the time. No one's going to notice. Anyway, there's not another house for half a mile," he answered quickly, with enthusiasm.

"Let's go. I'd like to see it and I'm bored here," Penny stated.

"You guys go ahead. We're going to stay," I told them, as it just didn't feel right to go traipsing through a stranger's house.

"Oh, come on. It's not a big deal and you'll be impressed. Trust me. Plus, it has the best view of the stars in Colorado," Dan said, turning to Erin as he spoke.

"I wouldn't mind having a look," Erin said, looking at me to gauge my reaction.

"Well there you go!" Dan said, attempting to close the debate.

He turned towards the bar and waved at the waitress, signaling to get the bill. As he was doing this I took the opportunity to confirm things with Wayne.

"You sure it's okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah it's fine. We've been working there for two months and seen no one but the architect and the pool man and they only come mornings," he laughed.

Erin's interest had caught me by surprise so now, feeling outnumbered, I just shrugged and decided to go along. We paid our bills and headed out stopping in the parking lot to get rough directions from Dan and Wayne.

"It's off of Terrell Road on the other side of town. Wayne why don't you ride with them so they don't get lost," Dan said.

Wayne got in the front seat and Erin climbed into the back and we followed Dan in his beat up pickup out of the parking lot. I had the odd feeling that something was amiss and that maybe we were being set-up, but had no tangible basis for it. With Wayne in the car, Erin and I couldn't talk about it so we settled for idle chat.

We drove for about fifteen minutes, leaving town and traveling up a canyon road, then turned onto a small lane before pulling into a drive with an expensive gate. Dan must have had the automatic opener because the gate started swinging slowly open and we followed him up the drive to a large two-story home. The outdoor lights were on, illuminating the beautiful property well, and I cringed at the cost it must take to keep a place like this up.

"You sure this is okay?" I asked Wayne again, and he just gave me a firm nod.

There was a long parking apron and we pulled into it and got out of the vehicles looking up at the large edifice rising before us.

"Glad to see someone is doing something right," Penny exclaimed, as she walked up.

Away from town, the temperature seemed even colder, and we quickly followed Dan through a locked gate to the back of the house where we saw the infinity pool that he had mentioned. Around it was a large entertainment area that included an outdoor cooking pavilion and a spa that was attached to the pool. The whole area overlooked a tree covered valley and beyond that we could make out several snowcapped mountains. There was no furniture and I assumed it was all in storage. While we stood there, Dan opened a door to the house, worked the security code and disappeared returning a minute later with five beers.

"Hey this pool is warm!" Penny cried out, after having put her toes in.

"Yeah. No idea why they keep the heater on but they do," Wayne said, shaking his head.

We sipped on our beers and looked at the night sky, which I had to admit, lived up to Dan's comments. The stars were brilliant, stretching across the entire sky, and I had to agree that it was the best night views I had ever seen.

"Ready to look inside?" Dan asked after a few minutes, and we all nodded our assents and followed Dan into the home.

He began by taking us down to the basement where there was a living area, a bar, a pool table and card table along with a utility room that had the washer and dryer. Then back to the level we started on we found a formal dining room with a twenty seat table a gourmet kitchen, a large informal living area with a huge stone fireplace on one end and a bar, a study/library, another less formal dining room and two well appointed bedrooms. The whole back side of the house was sheathed in glass to maximize the view, and going up a floating stair case which provided an outside view, we came to the second floor with three large bedrooms and then a stunning master suite with the largest bed I had ever seen. In addition, the glass in the master bedroom extended partly up the roof line allowing someone to lie in bed and see the stars. Of course, there were amazing bathrooms everywhere too.

Dan and Wayne's project was to rebuild the bookcases in the library using a different type of wood, and as we walked through they described the process and explained that they were about seventy-five percent complete. When we finished the tour, we settled in the couches in the informal living area while Wayne went to grab more beers.

"It's breathtaking," Erin said, sincerely.

"Dude's loaded for sure," Penny added.

Dan reached in his pocket and pulled out another joint and lit it just as Wayne returned, and although Erin declined the beer, she took her turn with the weed as it made the round.

"This is the most I have ever had," Erin said, referring to the weed.

"How is it making you feel?" Wayne asked her.

"Relaxed." she answered, with a silly grin.

"It's making me horny," Penny stated, which made us all laugh.

"Penny do you have children?" Erin asked her, and immediately I sensed it was a bad subject.

"I have three. The live with their dad in Denver. I'm not much of a mom," she replied, tensing for a moment before letting out a forced chuckle to which we joined in.

After that, things got quiet for a spell and with the silence came a certain sexual tension. I knew it would be wise to thank them for the tour and leave, but the tension had a certain narcotic feeling to it that made me want to let it continue. My mind went to the encounter with the truck driver and how incredibly excited that had made me. Then too was my feelings and reactions when I learned that Dan had touched Erin's leg in the hot springs. I had almost assaulted Erin with my lust after she told me. I didn't know where it was all going but I wanted to continue with the feeling for a while.

"Can we get in the pool?" Penny asked Dan and Wayne, breaking the silence.

"Hell, why not?" Dan replied.

"Good now I can get naked and wet like I wanted," Penny said, looking at Wayne.

I stood with Penny having made a snap decision that I wanted to see Erin naked with Dan and Wayne again, and we walked outside with Penny leading the way as everyone started to strip down. Penny and Wayne were the first in the water and I was right behind them. Dan had gone to a cabinet and come back with a stack of towels so he was a bit behind, but was shucking them fast.

Erin was bringing up the rear and was going noticeably slower which at first I thought was reluctance. But, when she was down to her sheer red bra and matching panties she stopped, looked towards me and said. "Honey, I need to lie down for a minute. My head is spinning."

"Do you need some help?" I asked, moving towards the steps.

"No, I'm just going to back to one of the couches," she said, and then put her top back on.

Dan was standing naked next to her and took her arm and started with her towards the door, but she said something to him that I couldn't hear and he slowly let go. As she left, carrying her jeans over her arm, I saw her glance down at his large cock hanging flaccid between his legs.

The narcotic euphoria that I had been feeling quickly evaporated and for a few seconds I felt sorry for myself that it was all over for the evening. Then, my better sense hit me and I became concerned for Erin and hoped it would pass quickly. I decided to stay in the pool for just a few minutes then say my goodbyes, collect Erin and leave.

Dan got in the pool and seemed to have lost energy just like me with Erin's departure. Wayne did some too and only Penny maintained her buoyant attitude. The water was pleasantly warm and we rested our arms on the edge of the pool and looked out over the valley while we chatted about random things. Penny was just to my left and her leg kept coming in contact with mine, a few too many times to be considered accidental.

"How often do you and your wife have sex?" Penny fired the question at me, from out of the blue.

"Excuse me?" I answered her, laughing at the way she had asked.

"Come on. Tell us. Wayne and Dan want to know and I do too," she tried.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked.

I wasn't upset. In fact, for some reason I kind of liked the subject. Whether it was the pot and alcohol or the remnants of the sexual euphoria I had been feeling I didn't know. Still, it would be weird to just answer a question like that so I played dumb.

It was Penny who answered again as Dan and Wayne seemed happy to let her do the heavy lifting. "These two think your wife is hot and they saw her naked the other night and in her undies just now. They're probably going to jackoff later thinking about her. You need to throw them a bone."

All of us got a laugh from her choice of words, and I decided there was no harm in answering the question so I told them, "Three or four times a week."

"Does she like sex?" she asked quickly.

"Yes," I replied.

"She cum every time," the question came as soon as I answered the previous.

"Usually. Not every time," I said.

"She like oral?" and like before, the question came immediately upon my reply.

"Penny, you're out of control," I said, chuckling to ease the tension.

"Does she?" she repeated.

"Enough of the questions Penny," I said, ending the exchange, and as I floated in the warm water wondering what was coming next, I realized I was completely hard.

Minutes later, Wayne moved towards the steps and grabbed a towel.

"Where ya going?" Penny asked.

"Take a leak," he laughed as he gave the crude reply.

"Well check on our beauty queen while your in there," Penny directed him, and a second later her leg once again brushed alongside mine.

I thought about telling him not to bother, and that I would go in and check on her, but I stayed quiet as the narcotic feeling started to build in me again. My body started feeling numb, like I was on a good high, my breathing quickened and it was hard to focus my thoughts, as the visions of her with Merle and naked at the springs came firing back rapidly through my brain.

I think everyone was surprised when I didn't say anything and Wayne no doubt took this as my concurrence with Penny's directive. I heard the door to the house open and close while I continued to look at the stars.

The minutes ticked by in silence while we waited for Wayne to return. Everyone knew what the other was thinking and everyone knew the meaning of time, and it's funny how in times of stress time will play games with your mind. It seemed liked ages since Wayne had left, but when I forced myself to really focus and think it had only been a few minutes. I figured that eight to ten minutes would not be an unreasonable period to hit the bathroom and stop and check on Erin. I had come to that figure by analyzing every step and turn in the process and now was gauging how much time had elapsed.