The Ballad of Jaimie and Vera


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At first, it was just teasing. Running up the side of my labia, down the other. Up and down the outer lips. She coaxed my legs just a hair further apart, and I felt myself open before her. The rush of cool air over the wet spots was a surge, followed by a slow dragging of her tongue from somewhere just above my anus on up. Ungodly slow. Agonizing, but with each centimeter, each millimeter, there was a growing anticipation in my clit.

When she finally reached it, she moved so slow I swear I could feel the individual taste buds as they rumbled past. Her tongue felt like it was 8 inches long for the time it took from top to tip. With barely a pause, she started from the bottom again, although this time a hair quicker and a bit stiffer. Her tongue lingered for a moment over the opening, exploring just enough to make me shiver. By the time she reached my clit again, my back had arched up, and a long, low moan escaped.

This time, when she went back down, she only went as far as the opening. Her tongue went in deep, scooping up and out. Each time out, she slurped just a little. My eyes crossed when it hit me what she was doing, and my moan dropped an octave. She was drinking me! She spent a long minute there, sampling me. My fingers had clamped down on my tits. Unconsciously, my hands started massaging them, sliding them apart and together in time with her tongue.

After she was done there, she moved on to the main event. Another minor adjustment to my legs to open me just a bit more. Her arms slid around, and as her hands viced down on the insides of my thighs, she pulled her face into me. Her whole mouth closed over my clit. My head arched straight back, and I stared at the wall upside down as she set in on me. Her tongue alternated between stiff, finger-like stroking, and a soft rubbing. A gentle nudging. A sharp flicking.


"Not yet," she said, pulling back just far enough and just long enough to get it out before latching back on. I knew it was fast, but she'd been working on me for a while now. My vocal contributions to the music of the room degenerated back to moans and whimpers. I didn't know how long I could hold it back. The way it was building, the way she was going...My hands flung out and gripped the bedsheets.


"Not yet!"

This time, when she went back, she had moved back down to the opening, and one of her hands had spidered over to furiously rub my clit. Her tongue felt like it was two or more inches inside me, and I felt the all clear as she mumbled into my cunt.

I came like a freight train, warbling and arching. My legs wrapped around her head, interlocking at the ankles and pinning her there. Her tongue kept right on, blessedly sustaining what was already a world-shattering orgasm. Her tongue only slowed as I settled back down to the bed and released her from the leg lock. My legs splayed out on either side of her, and now my breathing well and truly was ragged. Vera sat up, peering at me with a cheshire grin. She ran a finger over her lip, and paused to suck it. Then along the underside of her lip, and paused to suck it. Then along her chin, and paused. As I lay there panting, she crawled over me again, keeping that one, white stained finger in front of me.

"Have you ever tasted yourself?" she asked. I shook my head, and she grinned. Her finger sank into my mouth, covered in a sticky, salty distillation of my lust for her.

"What do you think?" she said, not removing her finger. I nodded slowly, my tongue caressing her finger.

"I hope you were taking notes," she said, her grin growing impossibly wide. I had just enough time to arch an eyebrow as she got back up on her knees, scooted forward quick as lightning, and planted herself right on my face!

I had opened my mouth just in time to get a deep breath before she settled. I saw the pillow rising in my peripheral vision as my head was driven down. At first, she stayed upright and looked straight down at me. I kept eye contact with her.

Vera was so wet at this point that, open like it was, she was dripping into my mouth. I blinked away my shock, though I was still recovering from my own orgasm. She continued to look down at me as her hands ran through my hair. Suddenly, they balled into fists as she said,


Like an obedient puppy, I pushed my tongue out, finding her pussy directly above me. I let my tongue work a long circle around the edge, feeling her tighten and loosen in anticipation. I worked inward, spiraling towards the center. She was squeezed shut, giving me something to work against.

Her arms drew up, grabbing at her tits and pulling on her nipples. I couldn't help but watch as she tugged, and I salivated watching how long her nipples got when erect. It was fascinating. I heard her giggle, and I realized she'd been watching me the whole time.

I slipped my hands beneath her, just below my chin. My fingers worked up between her cheeks, and just as I spread her and went for it, she opened herself and pushed down. My mouth opened wider than I had thought I could, straining as my tongue dove inside her. She finally broke our staring contest, closing her eyes and throwing her head back. My eyes followed her hands as they slid up her shoulders and neck to run through her hair.

It was so lovely to watch what upraised arms did to her chest. Not even just her tits, mind you. The way her pale skin stretched over her collarbone, the way her breasts raised from her armpits, the way her abdomen curved just slightly inward at the edge of her ribs. I could literally go on for hours.

After a long while of slow in and out, probing in every direction, she began to grind on my face ever so slightly. I don't think she knew she knew she was doing it at first, but it became hard to keep my tongue positioned. My hands slipped out from beneath her, and I reached up to grab her sides. As soon as my hands clamped down, she stopped and looked down at me.

I pushed and nudged just slightly, tilting her forward. She looked confused until, from this new angle, my tongue pressed up against her clit for the first time. I let go of her and, as I kept my tongue as stiff and flat as I could, she resumed grinding. One hand planted below her on the bed, and the other reaching forward to grip the headboard. Back and forth over my tongue, she pushed her clit. I was in love with the idea of being used like this. So much so that my hands found their way to my tits and clit all on their own.

At first, she maintained that grin while we stared at each other. Hungry is probably the best way to describe my face, but hers was still mischievous. It took a few minutes to soften her. Slowly, ever so slowly, her grin slipped. Her eyebrows turned down at the edges, and her mouth opened just slightly, almost pouting. She began taking on that faint look of pain and agony we get. I maintained. Her tits hung like tiny upside down pyramids, but the way they swung in little circles was mesmerizing.

Her grind was a rolling of the hip, efficient and slow but plodding and ceaseless. Eventually, I began to see her lower lip tremble just slightly. Then again. After a few more seconds, she was opening and closing her mouth with each trip up. I didn't make sense of it at first and upside down it didn't look like anything, but then I began to hear her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," and on and on. Each time just a hair louder. I pulled my hands up, poised along the sides of her legs. When I felt the tremor I knew was coming, my arms wrapped around her muscular thighs, gripping for everything I was worth. I set in on her clit like a woman possessed. She immediately groaned. Her legs strained against my arms, at first pushing down, and then pulling up. She tried to rock back on her hips to get away from me, but I wrenched myself upwards after her.

Her groan became a full fledged stream of fucks, a tapestry of profanity. After the fucks slowed down, I dropped myself a bit, and slid down to put my lips over her cunthole. As my tongue teased out a tremendous amount of fluid, Vera began walking up and down the musical scales with her obscene tirade. Low pitch to high, high down to mid, and then back up to high. Sometimes low to high and back again within the same fuck.

I unwound my arms from her legs, and immediately began fingering myself. I was so turned on by the way she orgasmed. It was unreal. Vera just sat there with her pussy planted over my mouth, breathing deep and, for the first time I'd ever seen, just smiling. Vera never smiled! It was kind of shocking to see! When she started to come back to the world, she turned and looked over her shoulder. Her hand immediately shot back and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't get ahead of me now," she said as she turned back to me, all cool smirks again. "I've got one more thing I want to try." She turned around but didn't move, pussy still hovering over me. I lifted my head up and gave her a quick lick while she paused. I got a light smack to the side of my boob for it. I cooed. When she bent down over me, I bit my lip in anticipation. We were gonna 69! In the back of my mind, I'd been thinking about thisthe whole time.When she finally got right down over me though, she paused again.

"For this to work, you've gotta be on top." She tucked herself tight to me, and we rolled to my left. It was smooth, and just like that, I was hovering over her. She fussed with my legs, tucking them up in a tight kneel. I started while she was busy with that. I was excited to have a real chance to eat her clit. I also noticed for the first time the smell of her. It had all been so fast, and so focused on taste before. Vera's smell was so lovely, and completely indescribable. I know how hard that might be to read, but it was like sweat, determination, and purple. If your head is spinning trying to understand that, then you're right where I was.

I started slow on her. I thought back to the amount of time she had spent working around the clit before she got to it when she went down on me. Although my angle was more restricted and the clit was the obvious target, I spent a long time trying things I'd always wished someone would do to me. I sucked part of her labia into my mouth, tugging and nibbling. I think I gave her an inner lip hickey at one point. My tongue explored every fold I could reach, peeling and separating. After I had exhausted the right side, I moved over to the left.

By then, Vera had finally stopped fussing. I felt her tongue go straight for the kill, parting my lips and gently teasing my clit. I also felt her hands sliding around my hips. Exploring every fold. Sucking. Nibbling. Two of her fingers had reached my pussy, and were working in and out. I didn't think I had the angle to match what she was doing, but it seemed like this was all part of her plan. Sucking. Nibbling. Exploring.

Eventually, I exhausted my appetizer menu and, with slight hesitation, I finally began to make love to her clit. Her reaction was electric. She pulsed beneath me. As I worked in x's and o's, pluses and minuses, her fingers pulled out of me. At first, I didn't feel her drag them up from my pussy, but when she began to push them in on my anus, I squeaked.

"Relax, babe. You have to relax."

"No one's ever gone there before," I said fearfully, my voice a tiny fraction of it's normal pitch and tone. I almost got up right then...

"No pressure. Just tell me if it's uncomfortable. I promise I'll stop."

I felt so exposed. Part of me felt like I was suddenly in way,way over my head. I was treading in the deep end of the pool. Had I given her some kind of sign? Did I come across as some kind of slut? Who was even into that kind of...

...and then her fingers started again. It was just a light, circling push. With her fingers all wet like they were, it felt nice. Fuck nice, it felt good. Vera licked tentatively at my clit again, and there was a... a resonance. Like two tuning forks humming in harmony. I had been holding my upper body up with my arms, but they gave out. My whole body slumped to rest on her as, for the first time in my life, I felt something gointomy ass. It was only one finger, and she only pushed it in as far as the first knuckle, but it floored me. The licking stopped..

"Do you want me to stop?"

I didn't say anything. It was weird. This was way more troubling for me than that I was with a girl for the first time.I liked anal play?!It had never even crossed my mind. Only whores did that... but God Damnit it felt good. Vera pulled out her finger, and went back for more of my pussy juice. Once wet, she pressed both fingers against me again.

"Do it..." I mumbled. Vera's tongue started again, delicately coaxing my clit out from her hiding place. Her two fingers sat poised against me, pressing slightly.

"Deep breath," she said in a momentary pause, and after I gulped down as much air as I thought my lungs could hold, I felt her two fingers plunge in. It felt like she was reaching my intestines! Logically, I knew she couldn't be more than a tiny bit inside me. Her fingers just weren't that long, butoh. my. god.

With a fire in me I didn't know was dormant, I began to attack her clit. No beating around the bush now, no pun intended. My tongue flicked back and forth quickly. Vera's tongue set a slow pace. Her fingers, working in and out of my ass, nearly quadrupled that speed. My tongue, in turn, doubled her fingers.

I don't think I lasted thirty seconds. With a fury I have rarely matched in my life, I came.

"Don't you dare stop down there!" Vera said as I hit the down side of the climax. "Don't you dare fucking stop!" My arms wrapped tight around her legs again. "Fuck!FUCK!" I kept at it, although my tongue was on fire. "FUCK!FUUUCK!" As she began the thrashing, my tongue gave out. I sucked up on her clit and gave it just the tiniest bite.

Vera bucked like a horse. I tensed my arms around her thighs, holding her tightly. My teeth held her beautiful little bundle of nerves like a newborn kitten. My legs squeezed down, but I was barely able to stay on top of her while she bellowed and arched.

"Fuckin shit.Fuckinshit!!! OOOooooh Fuckin....fuckin....fuckin....." That went on for a solid minute.

After she settled down I flopped over onto my back, really taking a moment to breath and relax. For the first time in my entire life, I had had truly fulfilling sex. Sure, I'd had good sex, but it never scratched every itch. Never worked every nerve. This time was different somehow. I wondered if this meant that I was a full on lesbo, but long term thinking like that was fully beyond me as I bathed in the post-sex stew of emotions, hormones, and comfortably tired muscles.

"How....How did you know?" I panted.

"Know what?"

"That I would like that?" It was troubling.

"What?" Her confusion was totally understandable. Both of us were pretty out of it

"You said you planned that. Why did you go... you know... back there?"

"Oh!" she laughed. A short, bursting laugh. "Sweetie, you have been staring at my ass since the day we met."

"I have not!"

"It's true!"


"Yeah. It was really flattering, actually. It's... ah... what convinced me to try anything at all."

Maybe 15 minutes went by in silence before I felt Vera prop herself up on her elbows. I followed suit after another minute, although I was having trouble opening my eyes again. When I finally did, I saw Vera's ever-present smirk. At almost exactly the same moment, we rolled into a sideways 69. Vera would always claim, to the few we shared this story with anyway, that I moved first, but I maintain it was simultaneous.

We finally wound to a stop some time just before the sun came out; sore, raw, and all dried up on both ends. We did nothing strenuous for the rest of the weekend beyond some light kissing and extreme hydration, but I don't think I stopped smiling for a week. Even when the smiling hurt. Especially when the smiling hurt. My world had changed.

"So I want to talk about us," Vera said sometime Sunday night. "I know you, and you're probably worried that I'm diving into something way too soon."

"I am," I said hesitantly, "but I wasn't going to say anything. Being a bit selfish, I guess."

She laughed. "I just feel like the reason that Donald hurt me so much was because, even though I tried not to put too much stock in his... fidelity," she said, dripping with sarcasm, "I did. Even though I was fully intent on breaking his heart, it... hurt to get beaten to the punch." She paused for a moment before continuing. "I don't want us to think about ourselves as an 'us' " My heart sank just a tiny bit, but I totally understood what she was saying. "I want to keep seeing you, Jaimie. I want to be with you, but I can't get hurt like that again. Not for a long time."

"Vera, I would never-"

"No, don't say words like never. We're just gonna let this be more open. You are free to see people, and I'm free to see people. You're even free to bring people to me, and if you're cool with it I'll bring people to you. I bet we could have a grand old time," she said with a laugh. After that stopped, she went on more quietly. "I know you would never." I nodded.

Ever uncomfortable with her own vulnerability, Vera put the cool mask back on. "Anyway, this can go on for as long as you like. Even if you want to put this on hold. Think you've met the right guy, or girl, and you want to see where it goes? That's ok. I wouldn't recommend it in your freshman year, " she chuckled, "but I'll be around."

She didn't say it, but I felt like she had to force herself to not say 'I'll be waiting'

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 year ago

Open up front Open conversation open mind open understanding open fun ….. yeah this could work

BwiththegoodhairBwiththegoodhairabout 3 years ago

Well written as ALL of your stories are. One point and it hardly matters but thought you'd appreciate the detail. Victoria's Secret bras only go up to a DD. Trust me on this.... keep up the great work.

AwkwardMDAwkwardMDalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Oh By The Way

I have, over the years, collected a lot of art (for this story and others). Be sure to check to see these characters and more!

iTabooiTabooabout 10 years ago
Very good

Beautifully written. I didn't think the sex was rushed, or too clinical. The descriptions were nicely done when, let's be honest, there are only so many ways to describe the act of making love. Looking forward to more. Thank you.

LindaSapphicaLindaSapphicaabout 10 years ago

5 out of 5 for me, love the build up and the sex. I demand more! Lol

LarryInSeattleLarryInSeattleabout 10 years ago

It shoulda been "yep."

LarryInSeattleLarryInSeattleabout 10 years ago

Just about the best on this site...or any're good, girl.

Latent_IntentLatent_Intentabout 10 years ago
Potential aplenty

Hmm. Not quite sure what I think about this one. The story (both the current day and flashback) is superbly written and Jaimie and Vera are both likeable and believable characters. I'd be pretty damn happy to have either of them in my bed! It's when it gets to the sex that the wheels fall off a bit. For such a good build up, it happens a bit too quickly and is too clinical in description. Descriptions of feelings, thoughts, emotions, etc. would make it so much hotter. Also, perhaps some of the different 'varieties' of sex they have could have been left out - to be an anticipated thrill in subsequent chapters? However, overall a pleasurable read ;-)

Arago007Arago007about 10 years ago
Sweet beginning

Great intro to Jaimie, it's always nice to start a story with a smile, and she was immediately relatable. I didn't find the flashback abrupt, but I am looking forward to getting back to the present. It's hard to do full character development from first person, but I thought you did a really good job... I don't know Vera as well as Jaimie, but have a pretty clear vision of her motivations and emotions. The sex scene was really well done, super hot.

I didn't love the end of this part. It may have been better to leave Vera's proposition till the next chapter. I like a love story and monogamy... I am not a fan of multiple partner sex in any genre, so the foreshadowing was a little off putting. I am guessing you didn't write this story specifically for me, and I do think you will have a good audience for the format you've chosen :)

Awesome first submission!

AwkwardMDAwkwardMDabout 10 years agoAuthor
Totally fair criticism

When I first started writing this story, the beginning wasn't supposed to be this long, and this is slightly less than half of the "beginning". I didn't plan it out as well as I could have, and so it makes for a somewhat discordant chapter break. However, that problem will really only exist for another 24-48 hours until Chapter 2 posts (assuming it's not rejected for any reason). After that point, anyone who wanted to know how these two time periods link back up would just keep reading.

I sincerely hope you stick around for some of the wild developments to come!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great so far

The transition between the present day and the college flashback was a little abrupt, but not so much that it didn't work. Still, I think it would have been a good reminder that the story takes place in two time periods if you had ended the chapter with a very quick flash forward to reveal who is standing in front of Jaimie at the reception desk. But of course this is your story so if you have more plans to take place in their college years, then by all means ignore what I'm saying except that I love what's happening so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
oh god

This has got to be one of the best stories I ever read here.

The language, the scenes, the imagery.

Cool. Beyond Cool. Magnificent.

Thanks for the talent and the effort. May your stories multiply :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Very well done!

Terrific start and I look forward to following the tale of these two ladies. I truly hope there is a happy ending because they obviously love each other and can, without a doubt, satisfy each other. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
So well done

I really hope there is more to come.

AwkwardMDAwkwardMDabout 10 years agoAuthor
if you're thinking to yourself...

My god... That took a long time to get there...

Well, it's true. It is long. But there are ten chapters, and the rest build on the relationship that starts here. So please, don't judge it too harshly!

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