The Beauty of a Woman


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And all of a sudden, in this most teasingl and tantalizing of all moments, the sexy fireman did the only thing that would make the crowd still their lungs.

He had suddenly released the monumental club that was so swollenly aroused in a way in which you could easily see now, and this small release had stilled the crowd of sexy women to a total silence. Not that the arousing tension in the room was now suddenly gone. It was that the women were all so stunned that the words that had been so loud and so demanding for him to "take it off, take it off!", almost like a chant of some sort that was so desperate and filled with such aching hunger and complete with total thirst, were no longer needed. It was almost as if the prayers had been answered, and now the dream and fantasy of over fifty sexy, passionate women had come true. In fact, there were no words that could even try to describe how delicious this mammoth member was as you saw it released right before your mesmerized eyes.

The head was almost completely swollen, the sensual colors bursting with the bright shaded mix of purple and red that burst forth like an oversized beacon that was almost just ripe for the taking. The shaft was as thick as the most tantalizing truncheon, bulging incredibly ouward along each side. It was so aroused in fact and heavy that you could just scrutinize the sensual veins stretching outward along and around the shaft itself. It was indeed one of the very few lances that could literally make a woman's mouth water in agonizing arousal with thoughts of just tasting the tease of arousal on it's lucky member. A unique shaft that made you lick your lips wishing your mouth and tongue were wrapped all around it as you felt it grow even more heavy inside of your heated lips.

"Oh my dear God Kim, I think I have died and gone to heaven!" whispered an equally aroused Amy right next to her. "I would give anything to have the chance to take a ride on that!"

"I think I would bounce up and down so hard and fast on it he would think I was a cowgirl at the friggin' rodeo!" agreed Jen, the soon bride to be.

"You both have no idea, no idea how long it has been. Good god!" shrieked Amy. "When he was rubbing up against me before , I think I seriously had a small orgasm," she continued. "I can't even remember the last time that I was this wet, it's like almost embarassing in a way!"

That could not be any more true, Kim thought, while reflecting on the puddle of passion that was continuing to pool in between her own congested legs.

"I have honestly been flooding my panties for a half hour now Amy. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be so turned on at a place like this before. But I am so friggin' turned on right now after that, that I may have to go hump the gearshift inside of my car on the way home".

"Is that even possible?" Kim wondered in awe.

"I don't know, but I may have to just spend the rest of the afternoon trying" Jen replied. "I mean, God Kim, look at that thing!"

Oh, I am looking all right, Kim thought to herself.

With all of the lust filled scenes and all of the sexy words flowing all around her, Kim was getting dangerously close to the boiling point. Her husband was going to get the ride of his life when she got home, there was no doubt about that. The dilemma was that she would not be home for a few more hours still, and she did not know if she could last that long without some kind of relief. Kim had heard of women who at times prolonged the pleasure that they were feeling in order to increase the intensity of their orgasms, but it was not something she had ever practiced before. If she found herself becoming seriously aroused , she had the aching need for immediate release and relief.

And I cannot remember now when the last time was that I was this aroused, she thought to herself. If I do not get some relief soon and if this atmosphere does not calm at all, I may have to go to the ladies room and discreetly and vigorously finger myself.

Thankfully in some ways, the performance was coming to a swift and sudden close, and 50 over aroused women started to unanimously chant, trying to get their favorite fireman to appear once again.

"That was the hottest friggin' thing I have ever seen!" Jen admitted.

This specific comment brought a quick smirk like smile to Amy's face.

Even though the best part of the show was now temporarily over, Kim could not any longer contain the intense heat that was burning in between her heavy legs like the sensual whsiper of a wildfire. The flickering flames of intense arousal felt like they were completely crawling all of the way up her inner thighs, and it was all pooled together in the flaming fire of warm honey that was making her swollen peach feel ready to burst with an aching need that she had not felt in such a very long time.

"I'll be right back," Kim announced while heading off toward the ladies room.

I can't believe I am even doing this, but if I don't have at least some sort of release right now, then I am going to literally soak all the way through my panties and may have to ride my gearshift just like Jen, Kim realized.

Proceeding to close the beckoning door, Kim felt so turned on now that it was becoming even more difficult to stand upright. Touching her kitty in the ladies room like this was something she had not done in so many years.

How do you even go about doing something like this in such a confined and small and public space?, Kim wondered.

First she could tell that no one else was inside with her, and this was a very reassuring fact that suddenly brought a sense of calm with it.

I have to be quick and very discreet, Kim knew.

Locking the door and entering the first stall, she hung on to the side with one hand while lifting up her skirt with the other. She was so flooded with moisture that being alone now she realized the panties had almost completely melted right against her sensitized outer lips. She could feel that the swollen and warm honey was all gathered along the edges of her throbbing peach, threatening to overflow with bursting pleasure at a moment's notice.

Sometimes she found it hard to have an acute visual within her mind while she was massaging herself.

Yet today she had no need to worry about any such things.

The picture of the fireman's hard, aching, oversized lance was like a portrait of personal pleasure within her mind that had been painted exclusively for her to view, and it had taken over her every thought, every wish, every emotion, and every feeling.

Kim needed to feel the juices from her flowing peach coat the tip of her finger in order to get a more intimate view of an arousal that had been making her kitty twitch. Thus she finally had the pleasure of feeling what was underneath the barrier of thin and soaking wet silk.

With just a slight brush of this honey coated fingertip against the pulsating underside of her clitoral tip, and with her new favorite landscape portrait still fresh within her mind, Kim found herself having a monumentally strong orgasm that almost threw her off balance with it's suddenly sharp intensity.

Once she was able to gain composure of herself once again, Kim walked over to the marble sink and tried to splash some water against her face to wake her up from the most intense climax she could remember having in quite some years. She almost felt guilty in a way for feeling such intense pleasure without her husband next to her and for fantasizing about someone else. But men fantasized all of the time, even those who were completely in love with their wife who would never even think of cheating on or harming her.

So what is the harm in a little self pleasure and fantasy every once in awhile, Kim thought to herself. It is not something that is even normal for me, I just unexpectedly got incredibly aroused and had to take matters into my own hands because he was not there at the time. It's not like I had sex with someone else or ever would for that matter.

With this analysis out of the way, Kim proceeded to exit the ladies room. She had to gasp with unexpected shock upon seeing her co worker Amy right outside of the door.

"Wow, you have the flushed face of a woman who has just been very satisfied," Amy announced.

Obviously the cool water against Kim's face could not hide what had just happened.

"I was just, um, freshening up," Kim replied.

"Come on now, I think even all of the girls back over at the table could hear you moaning and groaning in there. I was starting to wonder if you had wandered off with my fireman".

Oh my god, I think I forgot to stiffle my moans! Kim realized. I had one hand holding on to the door and the other busy caressing my aching kitty that I did not have a free finger to slide inside of my mouth to lick and suck on when the orgasm reached it's point of threshold.

"I ... I"

"Kim, that was like seriously the hottest man I have ever seen. You have nothing to be ashamed of at all. I think that every woman in this club is going to attack the first lance like object that they see later. I mean you heard what Jen said and all I'm sure," Amy continued. "Besides, most women have had a little fun in the ladies room before at one time or another, and anyone who says otherwise is either a prude or a liar," Amy decided.

"He was just so hot Amy! Oh my god, and that thing between his legs should have it's own zip code!"

"How true," my co worker giggled. "And by the way, speaking of which, I am going to try to find this incredible man to see if he would be willing to come give all of us a private performance for Jen's bachelorette party".

"Seriously?" Kim asked, almost becoming aroused again with just the mere thought.

"Well yeah, we came here looking to find some entertainment for the party and I think we sure as heck have found it!"

"Have you ever seen ... um ... one as ..." Kim stuttered.

"No Kim, I have never seen one even close to that big before. And what is even more amazing is that it was not even fully aroused!"


"Wow girl, we really need to get you out more! They wear a rubber band around and along the shaft to decrease the full arousal during all performances. So, he was maybe half hard at the very most," Amy announced.

My goodness, Kim thought to herself. I think I have died and gone to heaven.

"I can see you getting all flushed again, why don't you just go back and sit for a few so that you can rub your inner thighs together again and let me go find this amazing fireman and offer him the night of his life".

Kim was able to find her step once again as she glided back over to the sitting area. She was not sure exactly what her friend Amy had in mind. Amy happened to have a reputation around the office for being quite a wildcat, and most of her co workers, including Kim herself, had been stunned to hear the news that she was settling down to get married only a few short months ago.

One day in the cafeteria, for example, Amy had bragged about a time in college when she had taken on three different men at once all night long and that the pleasure of the experience of having more than one man inside of you was so sharp and intense that she had not been able to walk for days on end. Yes she was sore, Amy admitted, but it was the best kind of sore there was. "You have not lived until you feel three lips and tongues all over you Kim, one flicking all around and against the tips of your tightened nipples, another tantalizing you with the most lusty and luscious tune all over every single square inch of your aching clitoris, and another tongue so deep inside of you that you feel the tip tickling against the very back walls of your pounding peach, opening you up like never before you have dreamed of," Amy had told her that day. " I think that was the first time that I actually experienced 'orgasm overload'," she had admitted.

Orgasm overload, that is indeed what I wish for and that I have never yet experienced myself, Kim thought, her legs once again crossed as the sexy thoughts of pleasure filled her once again.

The fact was that she simply knew she could never cheat on her other half. Even though the thought that it was possible that this fireman may be within her proximity yet again at her co worker's bachelorette party was overwhelmingly so arousing that she found herself starting the inner thigh rubbing yet again, Kim never would jeopardize the love and admiration she felt for her husband.

But then again, if some other co workers of hers like Amy were planning to get wild and crazy in a more intimate setting with that amazing man, she would have no trouble watching as a sensual voyuer and enjoying the experience to the full and complete effect.

Suddenly Amy was back at the table. She pulled Kim away so that they could talk away from Jen and in hidden privacy.

"I just talked to him, and he said that he would be very eager to help us out at the party," Amy announced.

"Then it's all set then," Kim replied.

"Well I told him that we were a group of very discrete and selective women, and that I wanted and needed to know that all of our extraordinary efforts and finances would not be going to waste"

"Oh my goodness, you didn't!" Kim shrieked.

"Yes I did, and he is going to give me a private preview performance next Friday night Kim, and I really want you to come with me"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
nice one

waiting for the next part...

good job,

thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
nice story

I found this story well written and extremely interesting. Excellent job of creating temptation with us wondering what will happen next. Thank you for writting and sharing it with us.

LarryInSeattleLarryInSeattlealmost 14 years ago
Of course there's more

And I for one can't hardly wait for it. Thanks for getting me so turned on!

RePhilRePhilalmost 14 years ago

Nice job not sure if I missed something but didn't find alot of closure at the end? Maybe another chapter is in the works?

carygrant_69carygrant_69almost 14 years ago
Amazing lines and attention to detail.

I love the way you write and could read your stories all day long just for the talented way you express yourself on paper.

I have been working on three stories of my own and don't believe I can reach your level.

Thanks and keep up the great work.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
What he said!

"Same old stuff. Married wife (women), and even an engaged woman, are going to fuck around on their men and consider it cute. It isn't!

It is boringly consistent with the nature of most American women today. Loyalty and fidelity are not in their character. Self absorbed, narcissistic women are incapable of loving anyone but themselves. I believe it is called feminism."

Although I will add that the same can and does apply to men as well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Really not very interesting!

Same old stuff. Married wife (women), and even an engaged woman, are going to fuck around on their men and consider it cute. It isn't!

It is boringly consistent with the nature of most American women today. Loyalty and fidelity are not in their character. Self absorbed, narcissistic women are incapable of loving anyone but themselves. I believe it is called feminism.

ian37ian37almost 14 years agoAuthor

I appreciate the comments that are flooding in. A few seem to question the intent and actions of the married women so far, and even though I can see why this might cause suspicion, the only thing I can do at this point is to have the readers consider at least remaining patient with their moral judgments until the entire story has been completed. I am just trying to set the scene for the next parts and slowly build up the intensity at this point.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
So Far

So far so good. Looking forward to next installment as I suspect it will be very good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Where is the loving wife in this story?

Even the bride to be is probably going to get fucked by someone other than her husband to be. YIKES! I would be glad to single if it meant having slut/whore wives like these people.

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